How to customize the tab in Android like this? - android

I am new in android development and I am working on the TabHost, I need to customize the tabs following is the screen shot link how i want to show my tabs.
text in starting should be dynamic and can change based on the tabs click
In screen shot i have selected chat if I select home the text should change to Home etc.
please help me to solve this out thanks...

That's called an ActionBar. If you're developing under 3.0 or higher it's standard. If you want to support earlier versious, you can check Greendroid or ActionBar Sherlock libraries ;-)

This is an ActionBar if I am not wrong, you can use ActionBarSherlock for your app it's located here


Make Tabbed Layout with Custom ActionBar?

I am trying to make custom profile page , Tabbed layout is embed within ActionBar , and Tabs can change both with sliding and click on other tab.
I just started playing with ActionBar , and didn't understood what are major differences between Sherlock / simple ActionBar.
Here is what i am trying to make right now:
Any Help in any form appreciated , There is no similar Github lib or helper code at net/SO , so i can't figure out how i should get started
You will need to use a TabLayout along with a ViewPager. These are standard controls. Google it or see here for an example of how to use it. ActionBarSherlock isn't used anymore. Instead we use a Toolbar.

How to change selected tab background colour in a swipeable tabs in android

I am new bee to android using swipe able tabs in my application I was downloaded from here I want to change the back ground colour of the selected tab can any one help me how to do this in android.Thanks in advance
check my answer here and use the methods in the library you downloaded or you can use the code from Android example

How to create menus like the attached image in Android

I want to create an android application in which each menu should seen like the attached image. Is there any possible way to create this types of menus in android..
I am a beginner in android ..if anyone knows how to make this types of menus.. please give me an example code, it will very helpful for me.
Check out TabActivity. Or this is what you need to go through
For adding menu for an tab you can use ActionBar instead of TabActivity. This will give you an option to add Spinner to the Tab.
But actionBar is available for API level 11 and above.

How to create Android tabs like this (screenshot)?

Any idea how to implement tabs like these (the one on top with home image, star, etc)
Using tabs in an action bar on Ice Cream Sandwich.
Or ActionBarSherlock tabs for a full on backward compatibility.
Those are so-called "swipey tabs", probably on top of a ViewPager. ViewPagerIndicator has an implementation of such tabs.
if you wish to use the same tabs-pager like on the android market app (aka google play) , you can get the android support library from the sdk manager and see their sample on ".../extras/android/support/samples/Support4Demos" .
there , find the fragment example called "tabs and pager" . i think you will like it ... :)
Try this. The solution there is to use the setDividerDrawable(...) method of the TabWidget class. Then you can define the looks of the tabs with XML.

Create grid-style layout for Options Menu in Android 4.0.3

I've just met some troubles in Android 4.0.3 with menu because it displays menu item in a list. But I can't a way to set it displaying in a grid-like layout.
Appreciate help.
My friend, I found the main reason why you couldn't display option menu as grid-style in Android 4.0.3.
Because you used #android:style/Theme.Holo for your application.
Menu of Theme.Holo was set for displaying in list-style.
The solutions are:
1, Try to use another theme such as #android:style/Theme.Wallpaper.NoTitleBar instead of #android:style/Theme.Holo.Wallpaper.NoTitleBar
2, Or if you still want to use Theme.Holo, so try to create a style for menu in values/style.xml. References: see styles in Android Framework. (Sr, I don't have Android framework here, so I can't show you what to do exactly now)
Hope this help!

