error: jni.h: No such file or directory - android

I am getting error while trying to build android ndk project:
error: jni.h: No such file or directory
But: locate jni.h command show me:
locate jni.h
What is wrong in my actions?
If I hardcode it in the source code it work but I have a lot of files that are using this header. What I need to do that all my files can see /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386/include/jni.h

Try setting the installation location of your NDK in PATH in your rc file, let's say ~/.bashrc:
export PATH=$PATH:$NDK
Source the rc file by running source ~/.bashrc.
Now when you run ndk-build, it will setup the whole build environment for you by running make command against a bunch of make files under $NDK/build/core, it will setup correct header file search path for your project depending on the android:targetSdkVersion setting in AndroidManifest.xml.
The jni.h needed by your NDK project is located under $NDK/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/include.
Android NDK projects will not use any JNI header files under your JDK installation, files under /usr/lib/jvm/.... will never be touched.


Intellij Idea not supporting cpp files

I am trying to create an NDK application to test. I have already downloaded NDK and included in the application but there is no option to create a new C++ file, even the headed files like jni.h are not found. I have also added an image of Intellij Idea.
I have also tried to add NDK path in the file but it did not work.
Please help.

Unable to make and compile my NDK project on eclipse with Ubuntu

I have followed tutorials to implement NDK functionality in a test project. Created jni folder and added .mk and .c file. NDK is linked and the C++ make file has link to ndk-build file in NDK folder.
On building project i am getting this error :-
Build of configuration Default for project HomeTestingNDK **
/home/falooka/adt-bundle-linux-x86-20130917/ndk/ndk-build all
Compile thumb : HomeTestingNDK <= native.c
make: /home/falooka/adt-bundle-linux-x86-20130917/ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: Command not found
make: * [obj/local/armeabi/objs/HomeTestingNDK/native.o] Error 127
Build Finished **
Now the issue is that 'make' is going for arm-linux-androideabi-gcc while this file doesn't exist in the folder and instead there is arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.6. Now I am totally struck how to solve this issue after googling for a while now.
Thanks in advance.
I was able to resolve my issue by following these multiple steps :
1) For some stupid reason, arm-linux-androideabi-gcc was missing in the ndk directory. So i tried re-installing the zip and extracted it inside the home folder instead of my drive to avoid ownership errors. Now file was there and this error was gone !
2) Then i was getting "Android NDK java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: findLibrary returned null" error which had something to do with libraries missing. After reading some posts, it was prominent that the libs/ folder in project directory should have .so files which were not there. I am using OpenCv with my project so i updated the environment links and put explicit path to ndk-build file in 'make' to make sure it finds ndk-build.
3) I also did this :
So finally its compiling and shows building of .so files before installing and runs perfectly.

Android JNI won't compile without a file

I transitioned from using Eclipse to Android Studio. I discovered after hours of battle that the file that used to be generated by Eclipse was necessary for me to build the JNI component of my app.
I'm just looking for someone to explain:
Why is this file necessary?
Is there a way I can tweak my so I don't need it?
The file that I need has 1 line:
I am doing native window API calls in my JNI code.
I just wanted to add...without this properties file my symptoms include not being able to locate header files and libraries, such as this sample output:
Compile++ thumb : videolibs <= video_codec_jni.cpp
/Users/spartygw/vpdsec/src/applications/VideoSend/jni/video_codec_jni.cpp:11:35: error: android/native_window.h: No such file or directory
/Users/spartygw/vpdsec/src/applications/VideoSend/jni/video_codec_jni.cpp:12:39: error: android/native_window_jni.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /Users/spartygw/vpdsec/src/applications/VideoSend/jni/../../../libraries/VideoCodec/H263.h:13,
The easiest workaround would be to put this one-line file in jni/.. directory manually.
You can also add APP_PLATFORM=android-10 to your ndk-build command line.
You can also set it in your Unfortunately, you cannot set this in

Error 1 File format not recognized Android GL Live Wallpaper

I am trying to make a Live Wallpaper for android that plays an .mp4 video located on the device in android-asset (with the example I am using, it actually copies the file to the sdcard at runtime/doesn't matter)
I found this example
And using this post I was able to get my eclipse set up with NDK and building the project.
When building in eclipse using the NDK plugin I get this error in my problems window:
Description Resource Path Location Type
make: *** [libs/armeabi/] Error 1 GLWallpaperVideoDemo-master C/C++ Problem
make: *** Deleting file `libs/armeabi/' GLWallpaperVideoDemo-master C/C++ Problem
I get the same error if I try to run ndk-build from command prompt.
I downloaded the project from the link above and then imported into eclipse. I added the lib GLWallpaperService to the build path, and made sure my NDK was setup. Knowing that the lib folder changed to libs I also tried moving the GLWallpaperService to the libs folder, which didn't help.
The project builds without NDK just fine in eclipse but obviously errors when trying to run the wallpaper because the native libraries were not built.
How can I resolve this error?
The package you get by git clone is Linux oriented. The file jni\ffmpeg-android\build\ffmpeg\armeabi\lib\ and many others are simply symbolic links to actual files.
To make this all work easily on Windows, I suggest to go to the jni\ffmpeg-android\build\ffmpeg\armeabi\lib folder, and run
del *.so
The issue might be because of a corrupted so file. Try to build the ffmpeg library again or find another version. Because I have a different error in eclipse when I try to compile the project:
C:/Android/android-ndk-r8c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-strip:./libs/armeabi/ File format not recognized
And when I search for this error it seems like the error is because of a corrupted file: NDK prebuilt shared library file format not recognized
Or the library is not in a format that Android can use:
Error in linking C++ static library with android ndk(Error: file format not recognized)

Fatal Error: openssl/evp.h No such file or directory

I successfully compiled openssl using android ndk build and .so files are built successfully.
I am trying to 'include' built .so files in an android project.
Getting an error in below line:
#include "openssl/evp.h"
fatal error: openssl/evp.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: * [obj/local/armeabi/objs/iedemo/anotherdemo.o] Error 1
However, I am include stdio.h and string.h files.
I am explore /usr/include/openssl directory, I am able find all openssl related .h files here. And, stdio.h and string.h files are present in /usr/include directory.
I have installed libssl-dev package too. Command (sudo apt-get install libssl-dev)
Please help me!!
When encountering this problem on Debian or Ubuntu, it can be solved with the following command:
apt-get install libssl-dev
For people like me, that uses windows OS and they accidently came to this page and the above solutions did not solve their problem, can try the following solution:
I downloaded the OpenSSL executable from the official website, and selected the file with the description that contanins the following line (Recommended for software developers by the creators of OpenSSL).
At the time of writing this solution, the file version is (Win64 OpenSSL v3.0.0), and it can be directly downloaded from the following link.
Here is an Image for more declaration:
After that, I did the following steps:
Install the OpenSSL form the .exe file.
Copy the bin folder directory path (in my case it was C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin) and add it to the system enviroment variables.
Copy the include folder directory path (in my case it was C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\include) and add it to the system enviroment variables.
Then compile the source code that used the openssl library and header files, they should be compiled with no errors.
Your should specify the openssl include directory (not /usr/include/openssl, but the one that goes with the files that you built for Android using NDK. Something similar to
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += /home/Charan/openssl/include
But you will also need to specify the path for .so files that you have built, and make sure they are correctly deployed with your app. The things can go messy, but luckily there is a working example: openSSL using Android's NDK problems.
I ran into this when building a PHP package using PECL and was able to install the header file as part of openssl-devel
On CentOS/RHEL: yum install openssl-devel
On Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install openssl-devel

