I am trying to load a TGA file in Android NDK.
I open the file using AssetManager, read in the entire contents of the TGA file into a memory buffer, and then I try to extract the pixel data from it.
I can read the TGA header part of the file without any problems, but when I try to advance the memory pointer past the TGA header, the app crashes. If I don't try to advance the memory pointer, it does not crash.
Is there some sort of limitation in Android NDK for pointer arithmetic?
Here is the code:
This function opens the asset file:
char* GEAndroid::OpenAssetFile( const char* pFileName )
char* pBuffer = NULL;
AAssetManager* assetManager = m_pState->activity->assetManager;
AAsset* assetFile = AAssetManager_open(assetManager, pFileName, AASSET_MODE_UNKNOWN);
if (!assetFile) {
// Log error as 'error in opening the input file from apk'
LOGD( "Error opening file %s", pFileName );
LOGD( "File opened successfully %s", pFileName );
const void* pData = AAsset_getBuffer(assetFile);
off_t fileLength = AAsset_getLength(assetFile);
LOGD("fileLength=%d", fileLength);
pBuffer = new char[fileLength];
memcpy( pBuffer, pData, fileLength * sizeof( char ) );
return pBuffer;
And down here in my texture class I try to load it:
char* pBuffer = g_pGEAndroid->OpenAssetFile( fileNameWithPath );
TGA_HEADER textureHeader;
char *pImageData = NULL;
unsigned int bytesPerPixel = 4;
textureHeader = *reinterpret_cast<TGA_HEADER*>(pBuffer);
// I double check that the textureHeader is valid and it is.
bytesPerPixel = textureHeader.bits/8; // Divide By 8 To Get The Bytes Per Pixel
m_imageSize = textureHeader.width*textureHeader.height*bytesPerPixel; // Calculate The Memory Required For The TGA Data
pImageData = new char[m_imageSize];
// the line below causes the crash
pImageData = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pBuffer + sizeof( TGA_HEADER)); // <-- causes a crash
If I replace the line above with the following line (even though it is incorrect), the app runs, although obviously the texture is messed up.
pImageData = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pBuffer); // <-- does not crash, but obviously texture is messed up.
Anyone have any ideas?
Why reinterpret_cast? You're adding an integer to a char*; that operation produces a char*. No typecast necessary.
One caveat for pointer juggling on Android (and on ARM devices in general): ARM cannot read/write unaligned data from memory. If you read/write an int-sized variable, it needs to be at an address that's a multiple of 4; for short, a multiple of 2. Bytes can be at any address. This does not, as far as I can see, apply to the presented snippet. But do keep in mind. It does throw off binary format parsing occasionally, especially when ported from Intel PCs.
Simply assigning an unaligned value to a pointer does not crash. Dereferencing it might.
Sigh, I just realized the mistake. I allocate memory for pImageData, then set the point to the buffer. This does not sit well when I try to create an OpenGL texture with the pixel data. Modifying it so I memcpy the pixel data from (pBuffer + sizeof( TGA_HEADER) ) to pImageData fixes the problem.
Uncompress the file in the existing cpp file and create a file with a different extension.
For that reason, I call and use the cpp source with JNI. On android 11 it works fine, but on android 12 the problem occurs.
The problem is that the return of malloc in the c++ file called by JNI is null. Is there a way to use malloc in android 12?
This is part of my code.
String myFile = //cache memory path;
String copyFile = //cache memory path;
int res = GetFileData(myFile, copyFile);
const char* szMyFile= env->GetStringUTFChars(myFile, nullptr); //jstring -> const char*
const char* szCopyFile = env->GetStringUTFChars(copyFile, nullptr); //jstring -> const char*
ptr_entry_info = (st_entrymodel_info *)malloc(entry_cnt * sizeof(st_entrymodel_info)); //return NULL
In the part of allocating malloc, entry_cnt indicates the number of files. entry_cnt is 1.
entry_cnt = 1;
ptr_entry_info = (st_entrymodel_info *)malloc(entry_cnt * sizeof(st_entrymodel_info)); //Not NULL
The problem is that if I initialize entry_cnt back to 1, it doesn't give me an error. But entry_cnt is already 1.
I'm working on an Android app that plays back audio. To minimize latency I'm using C++ via JNI to play the app using the C++ library oboe.
Currently, before playback, the app has to decode the given file (e.g. an mp3), and then plays back the decoded raw audio stream. This leads to waiting time before playback starts if the file is bigger.
So I would like to do the decoding beforehand, save it, and when playback is requested just play thre decoded data from the saved file.
I have next to no knowledge of how to do proper file i/o in C++ and have a hard time wrapping my head around it. It is possible that my problem can be solved just with the right library, I'm not sure.
So currently I am saving my file like this:
bool Converter::doConversion(const std::string& fullPath, const std::string& name) {
// here I'm setting up the extractor and necessary inputs. Omitted since not relevant
// this is where the decoder is called to decode a file to raw audio
constexpr int kMaxCompressionRatio{12};
const long maximumDataSizeInBytes = kMaxCompressionRatio * (size) * sizeof(int16_t);
auto decodedData = new uint8_t[maximumDataSizeInBytes];
int64_t bytesDecoded = NDKExtractor::decode(*extractor, decodedData);
auto numSamples = bytesDecoded / sizeof(int16_t);
auto outputBuffer = std::make_unique<float[]>(numSamples);
// This block is necessary to get the correct format for oboe.
// The NDK decoder can only decode to int16, we need to convert to floats
reinterpret_cast<int16_t *>(decodedData),
bytesDecoded / sizeof(int16_t));
// This is how I currently save my outputBuffer to a file. This produces a file on the disc.
std::string outputSuffix = ".pcm";
std::string outputName = std::string(mFolder) + name + outputSuffix;
std::ofstream outfile(outputName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
outfile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&outputBuffer), sizeof outputBuffer);
return true;
So I believe I take my float array, convert it to a char array and save it. I am not certain this correct, but that is my best understanding of it.
There is a file afterwards, anyway.
Edit: As I found out when analyzing my saved file I only store 8 bytes.
Now how do I load this file again and restore the contents of my outputBuffer?
Currently I have this bit, which is clearly incomplete:
StorageDataSource *StorageDataSource::openPCM(const char *fileName, AudioProperties targetProperties) {
long bufferSize;
char * buffer;
std::ifstream stream(fileName, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
stream.seekg (0, std::ios::beg);
bufferSize = stream.tellg();
buffer = new char [bufferSize];
stream.read(buffer, bufferSize);
If this is correct, what do I have to do to restore the data as the original type? If I am doing it wrong, how does it work the right way?
I figured out how to do it thanks to #Michael's comments.
This is how I save my data now:
bool Converter::doConversion(const std::string& fullPath, const std::string& name) {
// here I'm setting up the extractor and necessary inputs. Omitted since not relevant
// this is where the decoder is called to decode a file to raw audio
constexpr int kMaxCompressionRatio{12};
const long maximumDataSizeInBytes = kMaxCompressionRatio * (size) * sizeof(int16_t);
auto decodedData = new uint8_t[maximumDataSizeInBytes];
int64_t bytesDecoded = NDKExtractor::decode(*extractor, decodedData);
auto numSamples = bytesDecoded / sizeof(int16_t);
// converting to float has moved to the reading function, so now i save decodedData directly.
std::string outputSuffix = ".pcm";
std::string outputName = std::string(mFolder) + name + outputSuffix;
std::ofstream outfile(outputName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
outfile.write((char*)decodedData, numSamples * sizeof (int16_t));
return true;
And this is how I read the stored file again:
long bufferSize;
char * inputBuffer;
std::ifstream stream;
stream.open(fileName, std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
if (!stream.is_open()) {
// handle error
stream.seekg (0, std::ios::end); // seek to the end
bufferSize = stream.tellg(); // get size info, will be 0 without seeking to the end
stream.seekg (0, std::ios::beg); // seek to beginning
inputBuffer = new char [bufferSize];
stream.read(inputBuffer, bufferSize); // the actual reading into the buffer. would be null without seeking back to the beginning
// done reading the file.
auto numSamples = bufferSize / sizeof(int16_t); // calculate my number of samples, so the audio is correctly interpreted
auto outputBuffer = std::make_unique<float[]>(numSamples);
// the decoding bit now happens after the file is open. This avoids confusion
// The NDK decoder can only decode to int16, we need to convert to floats
reinterpret_cast<int16_t *>(inputBuffer),
bufferSize / sizeof(int16_t));
// here I continue working with my outputBuffer
The important bits of information/understanding C++ I didn't have or get were
a) the size of a pointer is not the same as the size of the data it
points to and
b) how seeking a stream works. I needed to put the
needle back to the start before I would find any data in my buffer.
In Android Neural Network API docs says: Creates a shared memory object from a file descriptor.
But I can't find any place that specifies how is the format of this file, on TFL source code:
MMAPAllocation::MMAPAllocation(const char* filename,
ErrorReporter* error_reporter)
: Allocation(error_reporter), mmapped_buffer_(MAP_FAILED) {
mmap_fd_ = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
if (mmap_fd_ == -1) {
error_reporter_->Report("Could not open '%s'.", filename);
struct stat sb;
fstat(mmap_fd_, &sb);
buffer_size_bytes_ = sb.st_size;
mmapped_buffer_ =
mmap(nullptr, buffer_size_bytes_, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, mmap_fd_, 0);
if (mmapped_buffer_ == MAP_FAILED) {
error_reporter_->Report("Mmap of '%s' failed.", filename);
NNAPIAllocation::NNAPIAllocation(const char* filename,
ErrorReporter* error_reporter)
: MMAPAllocation(filename, error_reporter) {
if (mmapped_buffer_ != MAP_FAILED)
CHECK_NN(ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromFd(buffer_size_bytes_, PROT_READ,
mmap_fd_, 0, &handle_));
It means, TFL opens the file, and give this file to NNAPI. What I need is what is the format of this file that store the tensors, is it a flatbuffers file like TFL format?
This is a sample from NNAPI doc:
ANeuralNetworksMemory* mem1 = NULL;
int fd = open("training_data", O_RDONLY);
ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromFd(file_size, PROT_READ, fd, 0, &mem1);
This file training_data, how must its content be structured to NNAPI understand?
ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromFd(file_size, PROT_READ, fd, 0, &mem1) - This API maps the model file in to ANeuralNetworksMemory.
The mapped address is stored in mem1 (pass by reference!)
Further, trained values that are stored in mem1 (ANeuralNetworksMemory object) is read by pointing to the appropriate offset value and copied in to the tensors of NeuralNetwork model.
ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValueFromMemory(model_, tensor0, mem1, offset, size);
ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValueFromMemory(model_, tensor1, mem1, offset+size, size);
tensor0 - pointing at offset
tensor1 - pointing at offset+size
The loading of the model file and the parsing of it are done separately. This makes it easier to mix-and-match between different memory models and different file formats. It also makes it possible to use these building blocks for other functions, like loading inputs from a file.
ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromFd() is just used to load the model file into memory.
FlatBufferModel::BuildFromFile() gets an allocation (memory block) that represents the model. This is where ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromFd() gets called. Then it news up a FlatBufferModel object. This calls tflite::GetModel() which is in the schema subdirectory. The schema subdirectory deserializes the flat-buffer-model from the .tflite model loaded into memory.
When NNAPIDelegate::Invoke() is called, the schema Model object is used to build the model in the Android-NN layer using calls like ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand().
I am building a forensic tool, that shall read and write from file slacks. At the moment I use JNI to call the C functions read() and write() to write a buffer to the FAT SD card (also EXT4 internal memory would be nice). I use those because you can pass the length to read/write thus ignoring EOF.
I already tried writing by using a standard write and then truncate it in order to write in the file slack, which works on ubuntu 14.04 but not on Android (API 21).
Reading more from a file than the actuall file size does not reflect the flie slack on the SD-card.
There are tools e.g. "bmap" or "slacker.exe" (for NTFS) that manage to access file slacks. I am in need of a way to ignore EOF or handle it myself. I would prefere not to change existing file system drivers.
I appreciate any suggestions.
here is some sample code (that does not work yet):
Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_write(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jstring path)
char *cpath = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, path, NULL);
int raw_file_descriptor = open(cpath,O_WRONLY,0);
char block_buffer [4096] = "hidden";
int buffer_length = 6;
int wret = write(raw_file_descriptor,block_buffer,buffer_length); // increases file size and moves EOF - I don't want that
LOGD(" char written: %d", wret);
return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "write ok ");
Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_read2(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jstring path) {
char *cpath = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, path, NULL);
LOGD("open %s with ", cpath);
int raw_file_descriptor = open(cpath,O_RDONLY,0);
char buffer [4096];
int readretval = read(raw_file_descriptor, buffer, 50); // stops at EOF - I want it to continue reading all 50 bytes from the SD-card - This gives me the file content until EOF and then I get some random characters from the uninitialized buffer.
LOGD("read (%d) buffer with length %d: %s", readretval, sizeof(buffer), buffer);
int i; // Debug code
for (i=0; i < 49; ++i) {
return NULL;
Apparently this way is impossible. But with root it is possible to write file slack via mounting a loop back device. Still, ignoring EOF is not possible without changing the driver or implementing your own kernel module.
I'm trying to load a TTF file directly from a ZIP archive, using libzip and FreeType.
In particular, I'm using the FT_Open_Face function which can read from custom read/close functions (ft_zip_read and ft_zip_close). But although the file is apparently fully read, FT_Open_Face returns FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format. Opening the same file directly from the disk works fine.
I really don't know how to debug this, can anybody help?
The only thing I can imagine to be the issue right now is that my ft_zip_read function does not support seeking, the documentation says:
This function might be called to perform a seek or skip operation with
a ‘count’ of 0. A non-zero return value then indicates an error.
And it is indeed called with count 0 a couple of times, but I can't see any way to do a seek with libzip.
unsigned long ft_zip_read(FT_Stream stream, unsigned long offset,
unsigned char* buffer, unsigned long count)
zip_file* file = static_cast<zip_file*>(stream->descriptor.pointer);
return zip_fread(file, buffer + offset, count);
void ft_zip_close(FT_Stream stream)
zip_file* file = static_cast<zip_file*>(stream->descriptor.pointer);
FT_Face load_zipped_face(const std::string& name, unsigned int size,
const std::string& zip_path)
FT_Library library;
FT_Error error = FT_Init_FreeType(&library);
if (error)
throw freetype_error_string("Failed to initialise FreeType", error);
int zip_error;
zip* zip = zip_open(zip_path.c_str(), 0, &zip_error);
if (!zip) {
std::ostringstream message_stream;
message_stream << "Error loading ZIP (" << zip_path << "): "
<< zip_error;
throw message_stream.str();
std::string face_path = name + ".ttf";
struct zip_stat stat;
if (zip_stat(zip, face_path.c_str(), 0, &stat))
throw std::string("zip_stat failed");
zip_file* file = zip_fopen(zip, face_path.c_str(), 0);
if (file == 0)
throw face_path + ": " + strerror(errno);
FT_StreamDesc descriptor;
descriptor.pointer = file;
FT_StreamRec* stream = new FT_StreamRec;
stream->base = 0;
stream->size = stat.size;
stream->descriptor = descriptor;
stream->read = &ft_zip_read;
stream->close = &ft_zip_close;
FT_Open_Args open_args;
open_args.flags = FT_OPEN_STREAM;
open_args.stream = stream;
FT_Face face;
error = FT_Open_Face(library, &open_args, 0, &face);
if (error == FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format)
throw std::string("Unsupported format");
else if (error)
throw freetype_error_string("Unknown error loading font", error);
error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, size);
if (error)
throw freetype_error_string("Unable to set pixel sizes", error);
return face;
Seeking the truth
To be able to seek in a compressed datastream you need to decompress the stream up until the point you wish to seek to (some exceptions exist like streams that have reset markers and indexes only have to decompress since the previous marker). This is just plain inefficient if done often (not to mention that you need to write code for it yourself).
Now thinking about it, the only reason you'd want to not load the entire face into memory and have a custom IO for a font file is if it is too big to keep in memory; so that makes seeking mandatory for the stream IO interface of FT.
What can you do?
If the file is small enough: Read it all into memory and use FT_New_Memory_Face to load the face from memory.
If the file is too big so that you don't want the entire face in memory at once, extract the font file to a temporary file and read from that. (Use windows/unix/cstdio temp file API to have a well behaved temporary file)
If neither of the above suits you then you can implement your own caching and seekable zip stream on top of libzip and pass that to FT. This is probably cumbersome and involves some work so I'd go with one of the other two personally :)