I have made a digital clock as a widget using appWidgetManager in android. Now i want to move that clock on the homescreen. Please Help
Do following steps:
Long press on home screen
Select "widget" from list
Select the widget you want to add from the list
The selected widget will be added to your home screen.
What Clean Master app does is that it put a widget on home screen and when user tap it , it cleans RAM and show an animation like this on homescreen(on top of homescreen) -
and i also want to do this ....
What i have done till now is that i have created a widget on homescreen and when user taps i received it inside an AppWidgetProvider class . shown here
I also think it shows this animation by using this feature - WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT , like what messenger did by overlaying chatheads on top of screen. This can be done like this - here.
But i am still confused on what would be the best approach for doing this.
Any help would be appreciated ! Thanks in advance.
It is possible to create Activities with transparent backgrounds. These activities will appear over the homescreen but will still show the homescreen behind it. When the App Widget receives a broadcast, it can create a PendingIntent to start this transparent activity, which will then be displayed over the fullscreen.
I must make something like that.
I run my application and press button "Create widget" and the widget is created on Home screen.
I don't know how to do it, Just i know how to take widget to home screen when i choose my widget in widgets menu and write text what i want in this widget
And I know how to run ConfigureActivity on my application but when i writte some text and press add "widget" it don't create. I think i don't have any id's to create widget but how to get that? Random or something.
I used in Android Studio New > Widget > App Widget.
I run my application and press button "Create widget" and the widget is created on Home screen.
This is not possible. The only app that can add an app widget to the home screen is the home screen itself.
I want to create a custom launcher so that, I'll have list of app icons on the right side of the screen, and when the user clicks on an app icon, it'll open the application on the left side of the home screen (this is the part that I still miss).
Is that doable? if so, where should I start? any links or resources of suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
I have found examples here: Android - Intent that open widget context menu and here: http://coderender.blogspot.com/.
The first one launches the widget picker, but goes it goes away when you select anything. The second one lets you pick a widget, but it shows it in the application view. Is there a way to call the widget selection from a button in an app but still have the main screen on the phone be the AppWidgetHost?
It may be me misinterpreting things, but it looks to me like the AppWidgetHost has to be the application where you are calling the widget selection menu.
Is there a way to call the widget selection from a button in an app but still have the main screen on the phone be the AppWidgetHost?
Only if you are the home screen.
It may be me misinterpreting things, but it looks to me like the AppWidgetHost has to be the application where you are calling the widget selection menu.
More importantly, it is the AppWidgetHost that must do the work to make use of the selection.
Am trying to show a popup dialog or custom view on clicking of the widget (Something similar to quick contact badge). Am able to launch the Quick Contact badge on click of the widget but am not able to display this right next to the widget :(
Could you anyone give me any example source code to display a pop up dialog right next to the widget?
I found the answer for this...
The quick contact badge can be displayed right next to the widget by getting the source bounds of the widget from intent that is used to launch the widget.
The method to be used for this is :-