I've implemented an application based off of the BlackJackRemote in the google-tv-samples (https://code.google.com/p/googletv-android-samples/source/browse/) and am having to pair the application to the GTV with every session. I've looked through the open source Google TV Remote application but it looks like it requires pairing each session as well. Is there something built into the AnymoteLibrary to retain paired sessions, or some pointers on implementing something like that myself?
My intuition is that I'll need to modify the AnymoteLibrary directly to get this functionality, but maybe it's already available and I've overlooked it.
Yes. It is possible. Infact The Google TV remote app does not make you pair everytime you open the app. Its only when the connection is lost that you need to pair again. The same can be replicated in the AnymoteLibrary. I am planning to release an update to the library for it soon.
The creator of Able Remote made a very nice library to handle this sort of thing:
https://github.com/entertailion/Anymote-for-Java (pure Java implementation of Anymote)
https://github.com/entertailion/Android-Anymote (Android project that uses said implementation)
I've been working on an app which displays a list of websites when click on it will be redirected to webview in the app itself, I'm unable to find a way how to update the links dynamically without updating the app. So, If I want users to interact with new links the new links should automatically be updated in the app without update and in the webview too. Is it possible to do that?
You should use firebase remote config feature, which best fits in your case.
Firebase Remote Config is a cloud service that lets you change the
behavior and appearance of your app without requiring users to
download an app update.
Well to do that you first need to create a project in firebase console
In remote config feature you can add data in key-value pair. Like in this image:
I have added two key-value pair, as can add as much as you want. Now in the app side you have to add dependency:
implementation ‘com.google.firebase:firebase-config:11.8.0’
And to fetch the values which you have added in firebase, you can easily get those url but first you need to follow some steps to do that. You can check this simple tutorial.
Note: To get the values from firebase remote config you must need to click on publish changes button(Which you can see in above image top right corner).
You can store that link to a server and return that link when the app hits a certain API of that server. But for doing that, you need to setup a server, build a server application if you haven't already. Which is a lot of work for just storing a website link.
Another option could be, you can use services like http://bit . ly and create a custom link from that service, like http://bit . ly/my_specific_domain and use this link in your app. When you need to point to a different website, you can just update where http://bit . ly/my_specific_domain redirects to.
But you best bet would be to use Firebase Remote Config, which is both reliable and easy to implement, but that is already described in previous answer.
I am creating one Google Fit compatible App. My objective is to store Google Fit data using HistoryApi, and provide kind of Back Up- Restore functionality to user. If user buys new Android devices then he/she should be able to BackUp(sync) old data using his/her account.
I need to use Custom Data Type, as Public Data Types doesn't meet my requirements.
Everything works perfect, I am able to insert data and read data using History Api.
But When I try to read data from Another Android device using same Google Account then data is not available to read there.
My problem seems similar to this Custom DataTypes not synching between devices
This statement from Google Fit Document is not clear to me.
Custom data types are not available to use in other apps. Only the app
that creates a custom fitness data type can use it
source : CustomDataType
Q-1) What does it really means ? If I have an app GoogleFitDemo installed on multiple Android devices, then is it possible to sync data between this same app between multiple Android devices ?
Q-2)Is it improper way to store and backup data using Google fit ?
Finally, I found that Custom Data Type can also be synced normally, same as other Public Data Types. I had the sync issue as mentioned by #Ifor. Sync functionality is still buggy. In some scenarios sync stops working, and sometimes synced data is inconsistent across multiple devices.
1). My understanding is that same app same account but different devices it should work. Having said that sync is notoriously slow (hours days...) and has been buggy so it may be hard to tell if you have it right or not.
2) There are better backup methods... But if the data fits in with the rest of the stuff Google Fit is about and is not too big then it's probably ok.
I'm making a chess game,playable from both, an android device as well as a web browser.I will take input from user in a UI, & processing of that input-updating gamestate should happen at backend/application server.The response from server goes back to UI which displays the new gamestate.
Now my question is, what are possible options for application server I can explore to actually do this ?I'm not asking which is best or likewise....I just want to know what application servers are there which I can use to make my game.
I've made a similar application in netbeans using glassfish,but this time, I want an android device to be able to communicate with server too, so I'm confused how to approach this.
I've already tried google play services,but additional data about player,his statistics,etc needs to be stored client side,which I dont want.
Please suggest some alternatives.
I want to do data analytics for my android application using Piwik.
In Piwik's documentation, they suggest using GitHub.
I got the Piwik API and download the following file:
which I don't know how to use.
What are the steps needed to get the data analysis using the Piwik working?
What should I do next?
I also would like to implement piwik tracking in my android app.
This is what I understood so far:
Unlike for iOS/MacOS applications, there is currently no SDK to help us out.
Piwik developers have a ticket opened in their bugtracker about this, which shows they're aware of the issue and willing to improve the situation, but it will take some time before this android tracking SDK is released.
At the moment, the Piwik team encourages android and Java developers to use the piwik-java-tracking library you mentioned. This is basically just a java wrapper for the web tracking API reference, which helps you to generate Tracking Request URLs to send to your Piwik instance.
This piwik-java-tracking project lacks documentation (there is none that I know of in Github), but there is javadoc in the java files.
Basically what you need to do to track an action is to:
Create a new instance of SimplePiwikTracker
Feed it with whatever values and parameters you wish to track using the various setters available
When you're done, get the URL using one of the methods defined in the PiwikTracker interface, depending of the type of "event" you want to track
Send a request to that URL to actually track your action into you Piwik instance.
This has several drawbacks:
If you need bulk tracking, you'll have to figure out a way of doing so. The web tracking API reference states you can use use a HTTP POST request containing a JSON object to do it.
It doesn't provide any help to handle the case where user is offline. If you need to, you'll have to find a way to cache your tracking request (in an sqlite database for example) and bulk send them when the user is back online.
You'll need to handle possible exceptions raised by network error for the tracking request, to make tat tracking does not interfere with your app normal behavior.
Be sure to read this article too. It gives you an overview of what you need to do to get up & running.
This is what I understood so far. I may update this answer as I progress in implementing piwik tracking in my own app.
Good luck.
Edit: I just noticed that Piwik released "Piwik SDK Android". There are some instruction on how to get this working in the project's wiki.
I was creating an android app (actually a game) with customised Cocos2d and I was planning to add in a chat feature. kind of like a counter-strike where other players can send short IM to each other (I think the clash of clan's clan chat comes closest to what i want to make, you can get an idea from that)
I was trying to use AppWarp API to do this, but am finding it hard to do so. I liked appwarp because it handles server management on its own. I don't wanna get into implementing a XMPP/Smack customised code where scalability becomes an issue later on, because i dont know server management at all! (although i would love the freedom it gives me). Did i mention that its a two man team? Me and a friend :).
In my game in I need one global room (a static room) and an another special-group room (this will be dynamic, since its only created if the user selects to create the room).
But the problem with creating a dynamic group room in Appwarp is that it doesnt stay alive (remain persistent) after all the users in it have disconnected. According to the current implementation in the API, the dynamic group gets deleted if the last member logs out.
Q1) Is there a way for me to create a persistent/static room from client side? Q2) and if that isnt possible is there some way i can make the dynamic rooms persistent? Basically i'm asking anyone who has experience with Appwarp, If it requires some tweaking with the code can you please point me out in the right direction?, or is it not possible at all?
Q3) Also, i wanted to implement a chat history feature on the chat rooms. Is that already available via Appwarp API? or would I have to write a listener, so that each time a room receives a message it maintains a history file? Again this is only possible if the user can re-connect to the room.. Please guide me for this too.
Also,supposing i have to drop Appwarp idea (Gulp!) Q4) Can you please point me in the right direction to create a group-based chat with a similar api that can be integrated with an android app with cocos2D.
Currently creating static rooms through the API is not possible. However providing such flexibility is part of AppWarp's plan.
AppWarp doesn't maintain chat history on the server side currently. This is again something we are looking in to as it has been requested by other developers as well. Keep an eye on our blogs (http://blogs.shephertz.com) where we announce our updates.
We expect to release these features by early October.