Bringing the activity to front - I am losing the data - android

When I get a message I need to bring the activity to front. I use the following code:
public void BringToFront()
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setClass(getApplicationContext(), getClass());
When I get the activity on top the previous data is lost, even though the activity was not killed by the OS. Is there a way to get the activity back without losing the data or I need to recover the data anyway?

Your code doesn't work. Your Activity is only active when it's in front. If it's not in front, it can't process so your method will never be called. An Activity should always save the data it wants to keep, either in onSaveInstanceState or when the data is changed. There's many ways to save data between activities.
If you want your activity to be in front, you'll have to close all activities that are on top of it. If you need these activities again, you should have them save their data, and start them again with the new data.
I suggest you read the documentation on how Activities work....

Just use this method in your activity as per your situation. it will work.
protected void moveToFront() {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) { // honeycomb
final ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
final List<RunningTaskInfo> recentTasks = activityManager.getRunningTasks(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
for (int i = 0; i < recentTasks.size(); i++)
Log.d("Executed app", "Application executed : "
+ "\t\t ID: "+recentTasks.get(i).id+"");
// bring to front
if (recentTasks.get(i).baseActivity.toShortString().indexOf("Your app pckg name") > -1) {
activityManager.moveTaskToFront(recentTasks.get(i).id, ActivityManager.MOVE_TASK_WITH_HOME);
Also you need to add below permission in manifest.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REORDER_TASKS" />


Android: How to move activity to front when it is not found in ActivityManager.getRunningTasks

I periodically bring activity to the foreground. Code is below
public void moveToFront( ) {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
final List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> recentTasks = activityManager.getRunningTasks(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
Log.e(TAG,"moveToFront ..recentTasks.size = "+recentTasks.size());
for (int i = 0; i < recentTasks.size(); i++)
Log.e( TAG, "Application executed : "
+ "\t\t ID: "+recentTasks.get(i).id+"");
// bring to front
if (recentTasks.get(i).baseActivity.toShortString().indexOf("MainActivity") > -1) {
Log.e(TAG, "Moving to front");
activityManager.moveTaskToFront(recentTasks.get(i).id, ActivityManager.MOVE_TASK_WITH_HOME);
There are several scenarios where 'activityManager.getRunningTasks' method doesn't return taskinfo of my activity (this method is also deprecated), hence my code doesn't push activity to foreground.
1) I reviewed ActivityManager.getRunningTasks is deprecated android but I could not understand how to embed it in my above code (or how to map its fields to parameters of'activitymanager.moveTaskToFront so that I can push my activity to foreground)
2)Also, how to address the situation if above code is called from outside activity (say service) and Android has killed my activity (for low memory)
Set android:launchMode="singleTop" for the activity you need to bring to foreground in AndroidManifest.xml file. singleTop means, there will be only one instance of activity running at any time. So when your activity is in backgroud or killed, it will be brought to front and if it is in foreground, it will be left as such.
In moveToFront() method just open the activity with Intent as
Intent intent = new Intent(context, activity.class)

How to find whether activity is last activity in stack

I am opening a link in my app and once back is pressed I want to show HomePage to retain user for some more time. I have been trying to acheive this but unable to do so. I get homeLauncher activity as my top as well as baseActivity.
DeepLink Tap > Open desired Activity > user presses back button > Check if its last activity but not homeActivity > If yes, Navigate user to homeActivity.
Tried following code:
public void onBackPressed() {
ActivityManager mngr = (ActivityManager) getSystemService( ACTIVITY_SERVICE );
List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> taskList = mngr.getRunningTasks(10);
if(taskList.get(0).numActivities == 1 && taskList.get(0).topActivity.getClassName().equals(this.getClass().getName())){
//// This is last activity
//// There are more activities in stack
I have also tried isTaskRoot but result is same. It doesn't give right answer.Please help
Use isTaskRoot() method. (From a h9kdroid comment - here)
public void onBackPressed() {
ActivityManager mngr = (ActivityManager) getSystemService( ACTIVITY_SERVICE );
List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> taskList = mngr.getRunningTasks(10);
//// This is last activity
} else{
//// There are more activities in stack
You could simply use the ActivityManager it keeps track of which activity is and is not here is a piece of code I stumbled on that I use always:
ActivityManager mngr = (ActivityManager) getSystemService( ACTIVITY_SERVICE );
List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> taskList = mngr.getRunningTasks(10);
if(taskList.get(0).numActivities == 1 &&
taskList.get(0).topActivity.getClassName().equals(this.getClass().getName())) {
Log.i(TAG, "This is last activity in the stack");
Quoting From ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo
Information you can retrieve about a particular task that is currently
"running" in the system. Note that a running task does not mean the
given task actually has a process it is actively running in; it simply
means that the user has gone to it and never closed it, but currently
the system may have killed its process and is only holding on to its
last state in order to restart it when the user returns.
String getLastOpenClass ;// Global
ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) this.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List< ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo > taskInfo = am.getRunningTasks(1);
ComponentName componentInfo = taskInfo.get(0).topActivity;
Give permission
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />
The ActivityManager keeps a record of the runnings task and the topmost task .
ActivityManager mngr = (ActivityManager) getSystemService( ACTIVITY_SERVICE );
List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> taskList = mngr.getRunningTasks(10);
if(taskList.get(0).numActivities == 1 && taskList.get(0).topActivity.getClassName().equals(this.getClass().getName()))
Log.i(TAG, "This is Last activity in the stack");
Courtesy How to check if an activity is the last one in the activity stack for an application?
Please Check How can I get the current foreground activity package name
Please note that the below solution will only work on API14+.
Create a custom application class;
public class App extends Application {
private int created;
public void onCreate() {
registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new Callbacks());
public int getCreated() {
return created;
private class Callbacks implements ActivityLifecycleCallbacks {
public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) {
Register it in your AndroidManifest.xml in the application element;
<application name=".App"/>
And in your activity opened through a deep link use the following piece of code;
public void onBackPressed() {
if (((App) getApplicationContext()).getCreated() == 1) {
// start your home activity
I wrote this off the top of my head so I haven't had a chance to test it, but theoretically it should work.
Specify parent activity for desired Activity, like :
android:parentActivityName="com.packagename.HomePage" >
<!-- The meta-data element is needed for versions lower than 4.1 -->
android:value="com.packagename.HomePage" />
With the parent activity declared, you can use the NavUtils APIs to
synthesize a new back stack by identifying which activity is the
appropriate parent for each activity.
override onBackPressed as :
public void onBackPressed() {
Intent intent = NavUtils.getParentActivityIntent(this);
Android developer's site has a very good resource for same problem. Please refer to link

Closing Android Recent Apps via Intent call

I'm trying to write a UI Automation test and I'm trying to speed it up. At one point of the test, I need to close all recent apps on a device. I can do this via UiAutomator (currently doing it that way) but this isnt the part of the test I'm focusing on so I was wondering if this is doable via an intent call?
Based on the file structure, I would prefer not to add new classes, change activity code (b/c only needed for testing), or change permissions too badly.
I want to doing something along the line of:
Intent closeIntent = new Intent(context, null);
Android isnt okay with the null class parameter.
I've looked at the following but none of them are what I really want:
Finish all activities at a time
Intent data not clearing when user presses back button then recent apps button
Thanks in advance!
ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<RunningTaskInfo> tasks = activityManager.getRunningTasks(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
for (int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++) {
Log.d("Running task", "Running task: " + tasks.get(i).baseActivity.toShortString() + "\t\t ID: " + tasks.get(i).id);
String packageName = processus.processName.split(":")[0];
if (!getPackageName().equals(packageName) && !tasks.contains(packageName)) {
Hope this will help you out.....

How to get the class name that fired an Activity? [duplicate]

Is there a way for an Activity to find out who (i.e. class name) has sent an Intent? I'm looking for a generic way for my Activity to respond to a received intent by sending one back to the sender, whoever that may be.
There may be another way, but the only solution I know of is having Activity A invoke Activity B via startActivityForResult(). Then Activity B can use getCallingActivity() to retrieve Activity A's identity.
Is it an external app you receive the intent from? You could use the getReferrer() method of the activity class
A simple example: I opened google map app to share some location with my app by using the share option of google maps. Then my app opens and this method call in the Activity:
will return:
see documentation here:
Note that this requires API 22. For older Android versions see answer from ajwillliams
A technique I use is to require the application sending the relevant Intent to add a PendingIntent as a Parcelable extra; the PendingIntent can be of any type (service, broadcast, etc.). The only thing my service does is call PendingIntent.getCreatorUid() and getCreatorPackage(); this information is populated when the PendingIntent is created and cannot be forged by the app so I can get the info about an Intent's sender.
Only caveat is that solution only works from Jellybean and later which is my case.
Hope this helps,
This isn't incredibly direct but you can get a list of the recent tasks from ActivityManager. So the caller would essentially be the task before yours and you can fetch info on that task.
Example usage:
ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) this.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> recentTasks = am.getRecentTasks(10000,ActivityManager.RECENT_WITH_EXCLUDED);
The above will return a list of all the tasks from most recent (yours) to the limit specified. See docs here for the type of info you can get from a RecentTaskInfo object.
Generally you don't need to know this. If the calling activity uses startActivityForResult(Intent, int), the callee can use setResult(int, Intent) to specify an Intent to send back to the caller. The caller will receive this Intent in its onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) method.
Based on your question, since you want to send an intent back to the sender startActivityForResult is a better choice than what I am going to suggest. But I needed to start activity B when a notification is clicked by the user and execute some code in activity B only if the sender activity is activity A. This is how I did it quite simply.
Inside Activity A:
String senderName = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
Intent clickIntent = new Intent(ActivityA.this, ActivityB.class);
clickIntent.putExtra("SENDER_CLASS_NAME", senderName);
//I use PendingIntent to start Activity B but you can use what you like such as this.startActivity(clickIntent);
PendingIntent.getActivity(ActivityA.this, NOTIFICATION_ID, clickIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);
Inside Activity B:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
if (bundle != null) {
String senderName = bundle.getString("SENDER_CLASS_NAME");
//Execute some code
Log.d("GCM", "Notifications clicked");
In my case, neither the accepted here and another most voted answer works perfectly.
Activity.getCallerActivity() works only for the sender which starts your activity by startActivityForResult, meaning that if the sender is also in your app and you have full control, it works, but not every external app starts others in that way.
Another most voted answer provides the solution for external app, but it too has issue. First I would prefer getAuthority() instead of getHost(), secondly, if the sender is a browser kind of app, like Chrome, both host and authority will give you the browsing web page's address host, such as, instead of the app itself. So it depends on how you define 'sender', if you need to find out which web page starts you, the authority/host is good enough, but if you need to find out which app starts you, I am afraid authority/host can be trusted only when getScheme() gives you android-app instead of http.
Use UsageStatsManager and the old RecentTaskInfo to get the intent sender for OnCreate or onNewIntent:
public static String getTopMostThirdPartyPackage(Context context) {
String thisPak = null, tmp, top = null;
try {
thisPak = context.getPackageName();
UsageStatsManager man = (UsageStatsManager) context.getSystemService(Context.USAGE_STATS_SERVICE);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
UsageEvents uEvts = man.queryEvents(now - 5000,now); // query in 5 sec
UsageEvents.Event e = new UsageEvents.Event();
while (uEvts.getNextEvent(e)){
tmp = e.getPackageName();
if (!thisPak.equals(tmp)) {
top = tmp;
} else {
ActivityManager man = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> tasks = man.getRecentTasks(3, 0);
for(ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo info:tasks) {
tmp = info.baseIntent.getComponent().getPackageName();
if (!thisPak.equals(tmp)) {
top = tmp;
} catch (Exception e) {
return top;
permissions :
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />
intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_USAGE_ACCESS_SETTINGS);

How to get the sender of an Intent?

Is there a way for an Activity to find out who (i.e. class name) has sent an Intent? I'm looking for a generic way for my Activity to respond to a received intent by sending one back to the sender, whoever that may be.
There may be another way, but the only solution I know of is having Activity A invoke Activity B via startActivityForResult(). Then Activity B can use getCallingActivity() to retrieve Activity A's identity.
Is it an external app you receive the intent from? You could use the getReferrer() method of the activity class
A simple example: I opened google map app to share some location with my app by using the share option of google maps. Then my app opens and this method call in the Activity:
will return:
see documentation here:
Note that this requires API 22. For older Android versions see answer from ajwillliams
A technique I use is to require the application sending the relevant Intent to add a PendingIntent as a Parcelable extra; the PendingIntent can be of any type (service, broadcast, etc.). The only thing my service does is call PendingIntent.getCreatorUid() and getCreatorPackage(); this information is populated when the PendingIntent is created and cannot be forged by the app so I can get the info about an Intent's sender.
Only caveat is that solution only works from Jellybean and later which is my case.
Hope this helps,
This isn't incredibly direct but you can get a list of the recent tasks from ActivityManager. So the caller would essentially be the task before yours and you can fetch info on that task.
Example usage:
ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) this.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> recentTasks = am.getRecentTasks(10000,ActivityManager.RECENT_WITH_EXCLUDED);
The above will return a list of all the tasks from most recent (yours) to the limit specified. See docs here for the type of info you can get from a RecentTaskInfo object.
Generally you don't need to know this. If the calling activity uses startActivityForResult(Intent, int), the callee can use setResult(int, Intent) to specify an Intent to send back to the caller. The caller will receive this Intent in its onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) method.
Based on your question, since you want to send an intent back to the sender startActivityForResult is a better choice than what I am going to suggest. But I needed to start activity B when a notification is clicked by the user and execute some code in activity B only if the sender activity is activity A. This is how I did it quite simply.
Inside Activity A:
String senderName = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
Intent clickIntent = new Intent(ActivityA.this, ActivityB.class);
clickIntent.putExtra("SENDER_CLASS_NAME", senderName);
//I use PendingIntent to start Activity B but you can use what you like such as this.startActivity(clickIntent);
PendingIntent.getActivity(ActivityA.this, NOTIFICATION_ID, clickIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);
Inside Activity B:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
if (bundle != null) {
String senderName = bundle.getString("SENDER_CLASS_NAME");
//Execute some code
Log.d("GCM", "Notifications clicked");
In my case, neither the accepted here and another most voted answer works perfectly.
Activity.getCallerActivity() works only for the sender which starts your activity by startActivityForResult, meaning that if the sender is also in your app and you have full control, it works, but not every external app starts others in that way.
Another most voted answer provides the solution for external app, but it too has issue. First I would prefer getAuthority() instead of getHost(), secondly, if the sender is a browser kind of app, like Chrome, both host and authority will give you the browsing web page's address host, such as, instead of the app itself. So it depends on how you define 'sender', if you need to find out which web page starts you, the authority/host is good enough, but if you need to find out which app starts you, I am afraid authority/host can be trusted only when getScheme() gives you android-app instead of http.
Use UsageStatsManager and the old RecentTaskInfo to get the intent sender for OnCreate or onNewIntent:
public static String getTopMostThirdPartyPackage(Context context) {
String thisPak = null, tmp, top = null;
try {
thisPak = context.getPackageName();
UsageStatsManager man = (UsageStatsManager) context.getSystemService(Context.USAGE_STATS_SERVICE);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
UsageEvents uEvts = man.queryEvents(now - 5000,now); // query in 5 sec
UsageEvents.Event e = new UsageEvents.Event();
while (uEvts.getNextEvent(e)){
tmp = e.getPackageName();
if (!thisPak.equals(tmp)) {
top = tmp;
} else {
ActivityManager man = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> tasks = man.getRecentTasks(3, 0);
for(ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo info:tasks) {
tmp = info.baseIntent.getComponent().getPackageName();
if (!thisPak.equals(tmp)) {
top = tmp;
} catch (Exception e) {
return top;
permissions :
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />
intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_USAGE_ACCESS_SETTINGS);

