What Android phones run Android 2.3.3? [closed] - android

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to buy a couple of the most commonly used Android phones to test my app on. This is surprisingly hard to figure out.
The Android Dashboard states that 2.3.3 is the most commonly used OS, but I can't seem to find any phones that run it... Wikipedia seems to say that only the HTC Flyer has it.
What Android phones could I get with Android 2.3.3?

All devices running Android 2.3.x use the same public application framework (Gingerbread, API level 10) so there is no difference between the different revisions from a developer's point of view (other than bug fixes and optimizations). Any cheap Gingerbread device should be fine as long as you keep it updated.

I have a little over a year old LG-P500 (Optimus) which runs 2.3.3. I don't suppose you'll be able to find one in the market and most of the new ones have moved on to >= 3.0. I suppose, you could try your luck in the seconds market.


How come most people are on Android 4.1 and not 4.2 or 4.3? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am seeing some errors on Android 4.3 which by numbers is the highest version, but then I see most of my installs are on 4.1, 4.0.3-4.0.4, 4.2 is the 3rd by installs.
So what is wrong with 4.3 (Jellybean)? I have some crashes that happen on it, but not other versions. Was Jellybean some buggy Android verison? Or what is wrong with it?
Unless you're a power user who installs your own ROMs, you are at the whim of the manufacturer to get OS updates. In many cases they have not been prompt to update (or even want to update at all).
This chart gives a good layout of what versions people are using in general on Android: http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html
Without a nexus you dont get vanilla stock android over the air OS or updates.
Some manufactures take a long time to update their phones and some phones from same manufacturer dont get updated. So so phones cant actually get the latest OS without custom rom etc. Even some top phones released today are not 4.3, and probably never will.

Android target-version advantages [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I first wrote an Android app targeted to version 2.2. Later I got an Android 4.1.2 device.
I then upgraded target and minimum to 4.1.2. One advantage is the new runtime exception NetworkOnMainThreadException, which causes the app to crash instead of having a non-responsive GUI. This is an advantages when developing.
However, are there other advantages, besides those at developement time? For instance, can the 4.1.2 device run 4.1.2 app faster than a 2.2 app?
The main advantage is when you target the newer version of android you will be able to access all the new goodies such as new APIs and services that your app can make use of. Some functionality may be improved to improve performance or to fix bugs.
Regarding will the app run faster as 4.1.2 than 2.2 app, not necessarily, this is completely dependant on the android OS itself and not your app. For example, for 4.3 is now release and has many speed improvements to 4.2. If you target your app to be 4.2 but run it on 4.3, the app will likely run faster due to 4.3 having the speed improvements. If you then targeted your app for 4.3 there would be little difference in performance.
Hope this helps.

Android ADK Supported Device List [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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While searching for Android ADK supported devices, I came across developers expressing the concern that although their device (smartphone or tablet) runs either Android 2.3.4 or 3.1, however, the ADK does not work.
So I would like to know the list of devices which support Android ADK.
I request the readers to add to the devices which they found works fine with Android ADK.
Note: I have seen another question which is meant only for Android ADK tablets, where as my question is about generic devices.
Let me start with a link which I found lists few Android ADK supported devices:

Android check rom version [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I want to unlock (s-off) my HTC Desire HD. After reading some tutorials I learned that I should downgrade temporarily my rom to 1.32. But there is a catch, you must have rom 1.72 or higher.
On my phone I have Android 2.3.2 with CyanogenMod7 I bought the phone second-hand and that's why I have no idea what version was flashed.
Compilation number is: GRH78C
I'm not quite sure what this 'rom version' means and how to check what varsion I have. I suppose it's not the same as Android version because I can't see anything like 1.32 or 1.72 on Wikipedia's list of versions.
Can you help me?
if you have 2.3.x then it is gingerbread. Higher version than 1.72 (froyo).
However, if you have a custom rom your phone might be already rooted.

The cheapest Android 1.5 device [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I am searching for the cheapest Android 1.5 device suitable for developing on it. As the emulator is too sluggish for my needs, I want a real device.
Can you recommend any source where to get such an old device? I looked at eBay, but do not know which device to search for. Maybe you can recommend a list of Android 1.5 devices still available?
The HTC Dream/G1 should be the cheapest option. I got mine for 88 bucks shipped from eBay... works perfectly.
Actually, the OS may be Android 1.6 (I can't remember as I eventually installed CyanogenMod) but it shouldn't matter since you can still write and test 1.5 applications on it.
Update: According to the phone's Wikipedia page, the official OS version is 1.6.
The most recent (and probably powerful) 1.5 device was probably the Dell Blaze, but it won't be easy to find. The G2 also came with 1.5.
The G1 and MyTouch are the original android devices, and they shouldn't be too expensive on craigslist or ebay.
Huawei devices are cheaper too, and suitable for development in most cases http://www.huaweidevice.com/worldwide/productFamily.do?method=index&directoryId=2037&treeId=37
pd: check android models :p

