Working with Korean characters in eclipse - android

I am attempting to make a Korean version of my app using eclipse. If I cut and paste the Korean text into eclipse's view of my strings.xml all the characters appear as little squares. But when I change to the Graphical view of my layouts, the Korean characters are displayed correctly... I could limp along in this way and get the program made, but would be much happier if I could see the characters appear properly when looking at strings.xml. Any idea how I can do this?

Try Changing your text encoding in your editor to UTF-8.
Right click --> properties -->resources -->text file encoding.


how to convert ascii fonts to unicode for translation

I am developing an android and ios app which will be translated in multiple languages including english, hindi and gurmukhi. We have some pdf files in Gurmukhi that use ASCII fonts instead of unicode and we need to translate them to other languages so that when we try to copy the text we end up with some weird text. Is there a way to do it?
Thanks in advance.
Every symbol font has its own repertoire, so you need a custom lookup table from the ‘wrong’ character to the real character corresponding to what the glyph looks like in the particular font you are using. You can work out this table by installing the font in question and opening it in the Character Map (charmap.exe), noting down which symbol appears in each of the boxes normally occupied by A, B, C...
There is a converter tool here which knows about some common symbol fonts. If the font you want is in that list, you could try to extract the lookup table by pasting in all the characters in the range 32–126;128–255 (!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_``abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ) and grabbing what comes out when converted to ‘Unicode’.
Do you need to do the conversion in the application itself? If so you will typically need to write a character-by-character lookup loop. If not, best to use a tool like this manually to convert the material you want into standard Unicode, because dealing with text encoded in arbitrary symbol fonts is a pain in the neck.

Android special characters converted to images in WebView?

Special characters such as
📂 ★ ✉
Are being replaced with images in the Android OS. As you can see, this seems to affect native TextViews (see screenshot).
My problem is they are also affecting the HTML I am loading through my app via WebView. The main problem is stars of different colors are all showing up as the same gray star. And other than that, you can imagine the visual inconsistency problems that arise.
If you load this page on Chrome for Android, the characters don't load at all. But if you copy the question and paste it into a plain text program such as ColorNote, you will see what I'm experiencing.
Is there a way to get my own WebView or even my entire app to use the font-family, rather than an image?
A wild guess, since I've only heard about this happening on iOS now.
How can I disable the unicode black telephone from being rendered as a red phone on iOS Mail app?
I need help getting a normal looking unicode down arrow in a UILabel like this ⬇
Unicode has this nifty thing that's called "Variation selectors", which can be used, among others, to select a variant shape of a letter, or to select whether a glyph is to be rendered as a black-and-white standard glyph, or as a colourful picture.
This variants are characters \uFE00 to \uFE0F. In case of emoji, \uFE0E means "render the previous character as a black-and-white glyph", and \uFE0F means "try to draw the previous character as a colourful picture".
So in your case, add \uFE0E after the character.

Android: Display Special Characters

I would like to display special characters such as: ṁ ṭ m ē. In case they don't display here as well, this is how the four characters should look like:
In Android, these will display in squares. For other scripts, I am able to come over this problem with using a different font. But in this case setting the font (TextView.setTypeFace) will not solve this issue. These characters display correctly in for example OpenOffice (using Arial or Courier New), but inside Android it doesn't even when using the same fonts).
I also tried having the string saved as a unicode encoded string (e.g. in strings.xml: \u1E41 \u1E6D) getting the same result (in the logs they appear as they should). Any ideas?
If these characters are representable in Unicode, then you should be able to use Html.fromHtml() to get the glyph into a TextView, e.g.
textView.setText(Html.fromHtml("Ӓ"), TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);
It was really only a font issue. It was just hard to find a font that supports all characters I need.
Seeing that Google Translate has no problems with transliteration characters motivated me to make a more thorough search for fonts. Below is a list of useful fonts for this purpose: (extensive but non-free)

How to display Thai diactirics properly on Android?

A short preface. Thai script has vowel signs that may appear above the consonants, and also there are diacritic signs (DS) that also appear above the consonants; when both vowel and DS present, they appear one above other, so the vowel is set above the consonant and the DS is set above the vowel.
I am writing an application that will display text in Thai. Everything looks perfect in the emulator (API 10) but not on the real device (Samsung GT-I9001 with Gingerbread 2.3.6).
I've prepared two pictures to illustrate the problem. I have a simple layout that has the only TextView at the top; two words พี่สาว and ไม้ are displayed in that view.
This is how it should look like (a screenshot from the emulator):
The first character has a vowel and a DS above the vowel, and the last character has the DS only.
And here is a screenshot from my phone:
Both DS have slid down and now the vowel and the DS overlap each other above the first character. Note that the last by one character appears lower than it should (it should be whole line tall like you may see on the first screenshot).
I've found that the problem is system-wide: I've copied these Thai words to a simple web page and loaded it in the web browser in my phone, and got the same problem. It seems like the font rendering is broken.
So the question: how to bypass this? Do I need to install fonts (how?) or maybe some language pack (again, how?), or the only way is upgrading the Android?
PS: no problem on Android 4.0.4. Perhaps only old versions are affected.
Update: WarrenFaith has given a promising advice about setting the custom font. However this appeared to be not as simple as it looks. I've tried several different fonts including Roboto (introduced in ICS), Verdana from the msttf Linux package, and some others. To see that the font is really loaded and applied, I've added some Latin and Cyrillic characters to my text.
The result is funny. Only the Latin and Cyrillic characters change, but not Thai ones. Looks like the fonts don't have the required glyphs and Android replaces them with ones rendered using some default font.
(I don't understand why Roboto didn't work; it's the official Android font—shouldn't it have full support for the whole Unicode?)
So it seems like I have to find the font that has Thai glyphs.
And I'm still wondering what font is used by default in Android 4.0.4.
Happy end: thanks to WarrenFaith's advice, Google, and this blog article.
If the default text/font is broken, you should provide a font you know that will work. To implement the font, you can use the following answers:
Android - Using Custom Font
Using a custom typeface in Android

Using hebrew with the android emulator

I want to be able to run a "Hello World" application on my android emulator in hebrew
How can I do that? is it supported?
Though android does not have complete support for Hebrew if you are just displaying text, then it turns out to be pretty easy to do.
First you want to add a Hebrew font to your app. For this you simply put a true type font file (with Hebrew characters) in your assets directory. Then you load the font and use it on your view. For any view that inherits from TextView (which includes just about any view that displays text), you do the following:
AssetManager assets = getAssets();
Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(assets, "hebrewfont.ttf");
This will cause Hebrew characters to be visible. You may need to use the RTL mode character (\u200F) to force your text to display in the correct order. You may also need to set the gravity to right in order to right align the text.
I've found no way to get the scrollbar to appear on the left side. :( Cantilation marks to however display properly starting in android 2.2. I've tested Nequdot in all versions since 1.5, and they work as well. You may want to use some of the precombined characters, such as shuruq (\ufb35) instead of vav+dagesh (\u05d5\u05bc), as this isn't necessarily handled properly.
I have had good results with the DejaVu font, which is freely available.
Although this has been asked a long time ago, there is a native Hebrew support in later versions. The avd with API15 (Android 4.0.3) can display Hebrew nicely out of the box. I'm not sure which version is the earliest with this capability.

