In Android how can I design a view like the attached image? - android

I am new in android and I have a view which is in the attach image. I have to open this view after clicking on list item, but I am not finding any proper way to solve this please suggest me how can i open a dialog like in Image.

Check PopupWindow control in android developers, does exactly what you want. There are numerous tutorials on the web on how to customize, animate, have functionality etc. It has an onCreate method and in simple words it works just like an Activity with specific bounds. It can be attached and shown anywhere and anytime. It's actually quite useful. When you don't want to use dialogs this is the best option.


How to make this layout (photo)

I am trying to make similar layout to this one.
I achieved everything except that pop up window (saying "Perfect"). How to make this? Will pop up windows? Dialog or somehow else?
The screenshoted layout look like a WebView to me. Thus you could try to take all advantage of the WebView to create any html-based layout.
The pop-up could also be a custom dialog, or just a div on top the main layout or whatever. For example, check this.
There are 2 ways you can approach this.
If you want a view above another one you can use FramLayout. Tutorial here.
If you want it to be a dialog you can follow this tutorial Tutorial here

Android - Show more information on a popup

I'm developing an app that includes reviews of items and due to my design, I want to only show all the reviews in a popup window like in Google Play Store:
What should I use to create that white panel that appears over the current window and contains the necessary information? This should be simple but I'm a newbie and I can't seem to figure out what this "widget" is. Please help me if you are familiar with this so I can use this cool design pattern. Thanks.
It seems you want to display a layout as a popup in another activity.
If you want to do this using an Activity instead of a Dialog, you can do this by setting the activity's theme to android:theme="#android:style/Theme.Dialog" in the manifest - this will make the activity appear like a dialog (floating on top of whatever was underneath it).
A better way to do it would be using a DialogFragment. You can display information in the form of a popup and it will have its own lifecycle. That will be much better than displaying an activity like a dialog
Ram kiran's answer is a good one and one which I like to give also. But just so you have another option to look at you can consider PopupWindow
As stated in the docs, it is
A popup window that can be used to display an arbitrary view. The popup window is a floating container that appears on top of the current activity.
I've used this and it works out nicely in some situations. It really depends on what your exact needs are as to which will work best for you.

Android Wheel concept

I am developing an application in android. I have an Activity where I have a couple of buttons. Among them when I click on one button, I want to get dropdown like iPhone default picker.
To achieve that, I am using Android wheel concept. I have implemented like this, when I click on the button, it is calling another activity where my required custom layout is shown. Problem is custom layout should come from bottom of the screen in the same activity where the button I am clicking exists.
I have attached a screenshot. I want to achieve as shown in the screenshot (missing).
Please help me providing the required solution. Pardon me if there any mistakes in my question. This is the first time to ask a question.
Since the lack of a screenshot that helps to understand your issue, this is more some kind of guess: Are you known to the concept of Spinners in Android? They provide a dropdown mechanism and are easily implemented.

android 4.0 spinner usage

I want to be able to do what is on the picture, provided by this link, under the "Allow cutting through hierarchies" section. I thought that I could do that using a spinner, but from the android documentation I realized that a spinner can show one child at a time and lets the user pick among them. In my case, (and from the example I provided), you have some other text displayed, and then you can choose from some other options provided in sth that looks like a popup, list that contains the things that i want to choose from. I don't know how this is implemented, but it's used in the google music app for android 4.0. If someone has an idea, have implemented sth like this, please give me some advice.
It is not a spinner. Its just a view (in the Mail app a relative layout) See here
On click this View opens a popupmenu.
Therefore it is looking like a spinner but you can add you custom behaviour.

Small Popup for Instructions, like foursquare ones

After seeing the last screenshots of new foursquare application and their balloon like cartoon instructions, I'd like to create some of these in my application.
I found a similar question for iPhone
Small popup for instructions... How?
Here is another screenshot of foursquare app:
I'd like to know how I could achieve that with Android.
Thanks in advance for any help.
UPDATE: This is what I could get so far but adding some buttons with a custom drawn background and layering them with a FrameLayout:
But I still couldn't get the triangle effect. Maybe there is something I can do with my custom background shape?
After checking your suggestions, I decided to go with Aaron C idea and added an image with an arrow on it. This is my current result:
Thank you Snailer, QuickAction API project seems very much promissing. I'll check it out when implementing more features in my app.
Now, I just need to get the right color or maybe I could just let it this way. It seems nice too.
And, so, to summarize what I did:
Got my initial xml layout inside a FrameView.
As I'm using a frameview, everything I put in here will be piled one over the other. That's how I could add things to the layout.
In that framelayout, I put 2 relativelayouts whith an image with the triangle and a button to create the two upper popups. In the bottom I put a button only.
That's it. I hope it helps somebody.
Thank you very much again for all your help!
That sounds like a neat thing to implement. There might be a built-in Android variation on AlertDialog that achieves this, but if not here is how I would go about implementing it:
Create a new Activity whose background is black with a very high (low?) alpha color value. This will allow you to see through it to the previous Activity in the stack. Then, add your alert at whatever coordinates you like using a relative layout with padding values.
You might also want to add a touch listener that exits the Activity if the user touches the balloon (or maybe anywhere in the screen).
If you want to be fancy with coordinate placement of the balloon, you can pass this information into the new Activity using the Activity's launch Intent with the putExtra() methods.
It's probably achieved through skinning a toast.
The developer documentation shows a skinned toast in "Creating a custom toast view" at
You may want to look at the QuickAction API. It acheives this by using PopupWindow, skinned, positioned, and animated.

