Facebook style button in Android (selector.xml) - android

Right now, I'm coding an OAuth/Facebook login in my app, and I'd like to add a native button (not a ImageButton with some kind of image on it as src/bg) with the Facebook color and font styles. Does anyone knows the combination of settings to create a selector xml file that appears like facebook styles?
I know that it sounds to be lazy from my part... but I'm tired on trying to reach the correct settings by experimenting through empirical trial-and-error. So, I hope that someone already knows this settings. It should be something like the bellow image:
Thanks in advance!


Android static buttons tabs with options on click

Hello I want to do something like the picture below:
There you can see the "static tab" what I mean where said: "Comida, Refinar, Ordenar" This is what I want to make. I'm sure that somewhere is a theme where I can download example but I don't know where.
Then, when you click I need to open another windows like this:
How can I do something like this?
A TabHost would work well with that, there are a lot of tutorials to help with the set up. Very simple in comparison to making that through a custom approach, which is necessary.

How would you implement this tutorial screen in Android app?

I saw this when I first started and opened my emulator and wanted to include something like in my application.
Does anyone know how you implement this tutorial? Do you basically have a layout file with a TextView, ImageView, and a Button? And inflate it with some kind of dialog fragment? Is there a way to account for the transparency as well?
I experimented with a dialog fragment but mine looks nothing like the screenshot above. (no transparency, position at center, etc...)
I have never used it so I can not give you a code example. However it is documented in the Help Section of the developer documentation.
This library can help you too.

How to customize android widgets

Hi I am a beginner in android and I want to know how to customize buttons,check box etc., I searched in web but found many ways and got confused...
Can you please tell me what are the ways to customize android widgets, can we do that using css, like we do for the HTML?
Thanks in advance...
There are a few ways. You can use 9patch to edit the files inside the SDK(which will typically be C:\Android\SDK\platforms\android-19\data\res\drawable-hdpi) - Android-19 is the api level, and then set them in your xml layout under the widget you want with
android:background="#drawable/your file"
Another way is to create a selector(Recommended because it can handle stuff like when clicked and more), shape(Simple creation with corners and stuff), layer list(Advanced selector) or solid(just a color) in /drawable and then set them in your xml under the widget you want with
android:background="#drawable/your file"
An example of the second solution can be found here android button selector

Styled Toggle Buttons in Android

I was reading the tutorial on Styling the Android toggle button here. The author asks us to create the 9patch drawable for both. I have trying to do this all morning, but have not been able to. Could anyone share the images with me, or tell me where i can get them ?
Kind Regards
You can find the 9patch drawable tool in the SDK folder in the tools folder.
It's a very useful tool for creating 9patch images, and you should be able to make your toggle button with it
There are links to 9-patches here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15640365/2066079
The ones provided will style your togglebuttons to look like switches (which are only available in v14+)

How to accomplish Facebook like home screen using Android API?

i am looking to add a home screen to my app sort of like facebook app has with little icons and labels under them (Pictures, Chat, Wall, etd). I would like to go this route as opposed to adding bunch of tabs on top.
My question is how i can get it done with Android API? I know i could probably make these icons with labels within but perhaps there is a way to make it in a native way.
Thanks! :)
Use regular Button/ImageButtons, but with android:background="#null". If you want the icons to change while they're being pressed or selected, use StateList Drawables.
Have you considered looking at the Facebook API and SDK for Android? They also provide functionality to create Facebook style dialogs aswell. Read-up more about the Facebook SDK here
I would suggest using a RelativeLayout and defining the looks of the home screen in XML. I would use ImageButtons like mentioned by gngr44 and then make the text labels from TextViews. You can align them beneath the buttons in XML and RelativeLayout is probably best.
The Android Developers site has a lot of useful info to get started. Like this link: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/index.html

