how to remove dynamically inflated views? - android

In a simple card game that i want to develop, I have three buttons: button1,button2 and button3. button1 creates two imageviews in a tablerow and displays the image. When button2 and/or button3 is clicked, it dynamically adds imageview on the tablerow through layout inflater. When game is over, I want user to click button1 and start things all over again. I am able to do that but the problem is, the imageviews that were previously displayed by clicking button2 and button3 also displays. I want them to be removed when button1 is clicked. How can I remove them on click of button1?
Please help me!

Just like you added views, you can remove them. Just call removeViewAt(int index) or removeView(View view) on the parent container to remove the view(s) you want.
Alternatively, if you foresee reusing them, you can just set their visibility to GONE. Then you could bring them back without the expense of inflating them again.
If you're letting the inflater automatically attach the inflated imageviews to the parent, then you'll have to keep track of the position of the added views. You can use getChildCount on the parent just before inflating to find the index of the next view that will be added.

you can use ViewGroup.removeView(View v);
something like this:

here is how I add then remove a View 5 seconds later (in another context)
final LinearLayout linearLayout = context.getResources().getLayout(R.layout.activity_main)
LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(linearLayout.getContext());
final View details = inflater.inflate(R.layout.extra_details, linearLayout, false);
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (linearLayout.findViewById( != null){
}, 5000);
the same use scenario is in the context of onClickListener.
Check more here

//add view
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)this.getSystemService( Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE );
final View buttons = inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity, null );
addContentView(buttons, new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
//remove view


findViewById() returns null for an inflated layout

I have an Activity and its layout. Now I need to add a LinearLayout from another layout, menu_layout.xml.
LayoutInflater inflater;
inflater = (LayoutInflater) this.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.menu_layout, null);
After this, findViewById() returns null. Is there is any solution for that?
Note: I can't put both XML in one place, and using <include> also is not working.
When you inflate a layout, the layout is not in the UI yet, meaning the user will not be able to see it until it's been added. To do this, you must get a hold of a ViewGroup (LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,etc) and add the inflated View to it. Once they're added, you can work on them as you would with any other views including the findViewById method, adding listeners, changing properties, etc
//Inside onCreate for example
setContentView(R.layout.main); //Sets the content of your activity
View otherLayout = LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.other,null);
//You can access them here, before adding `otherLayout` to your activity
TextView example = (TextView) otherLayout.findViewById(;
//This container needs to be inside main.xml
LinearLayout container = (LinearLayout)findViewById(;
//Add the inflated view to the container
//Or access them once they're added
TextView example2 = (TextView) findViewById(;
//For example, adding a listener to the new layout
otherLayout.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
//Your thing
main.xml contains a LinearLayout with the id container
other.xml is a layout file in your project
other.xml contains a TextView with the id exampleTextView
Try using

Dynamically add a button to a view from a listview Adapter GetView method

As a little eperiment, I'm trying to do the following.
I have an AXML describing a vertical linear layout which contains a listview (only filling 200dp of the vertical linear layout ). The AXML is inflated when the activity starts with SetContentView. Then the listview is correctly populated with values using its Adapter.
In the GetView method of the listview Adapter, I am trying to also dynamically create a button and add it to the linear layout, but for some reason the button is not added.
If I try to add the button in the constructor method of the Adapter instead, it is correctly added.
Can you tell me what could be possibly going wrong?
Let me add some code:
class TracksAdapter : BaseAdapter<string> {
Activity context;
List<Dictionary<string,string>> trackList;
// constructor
public TracksAdapter (Activity context, List<Dictionary<string,string>> trackList) {
this.context = context;
this.trackList = trackList;
// Just as a little test, if I create the button from here it will be correctly added to linear layout:
var ll = context.FindViewById<LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.linLayForResultsActivity);
Button b1 = new Button(context);
b1.Text = "Btn";
public override View GetView(int position, View oldView, ViewGroup parent) {
// if I create the button from here it will not be added to the layout
var ll = context.FindViewById<LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.linLayForResultsActivity);
Button b1 = new Button(context);
b1.Text = "Btn";
// this other code is working
View view = context.LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.ResultItem, null);
var artistLabel = view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.resultArtistNameTextView);
artistLabel.Text = trackList[position]["trackArtistName"];
return view;
Update: adding some more context information because I know this can be a bit weird to understand without it:
In GetView, I don't need to return the new button I am trying to create there. GetView only need to return a listview view item, but, along its execution, GetView also has to create and add a button to the linear layout containing the listview.
The real code is much more complex than that. I have simplified it in the question. In the real code, the listview items are made of text and a button. The GetView also attaches event handlers to the buttons. Then what I need is, when a user clicks a button in any of the listview items, another button is added below the listview. So I need the code for adding another button to be in GetView, and the button needs to be added outside of the listview, ie. to the linear layout containing the listview.
Use the LayoutInflator to create a view based on your layout template, and then inject it into the view where you need it.
LayoutInflater vi = (LayoutInflater) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
View v = vi.inflate(R.layout.your_layout, null);
// fill in any details dynamically here
TextView textView = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
textView.setText("your text");
// insert into main view
ViewGroup insertPoint = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;
insertPoint.addView(v, 0, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT));
I looked in you code, you are returning view, while you add the button to ll, you should return ll
what you return in getView() is what you see in the list item layout, since you're adding the button to ll and returning view, the button won't appear.
you can add the button to view as you implementation
Also check this:
Try using boolean addViewInLayout (View child, int index, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params), int, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams)
It's working... Without making any changes now it's working as it should... ! Ugh!
I really don't know what I was doing wrong here... probably it was because of some sort of caching of older version of the installed APK.. ? I know this sort of stuff can happen, and that's why I've always been uninstalling the app before deplyoing the new version to the device... but still...!

Android, set visibility within list item layout

I am trying to display a delete button on every list item in my list view when the edit button is clicked. I am using setVisibility elsewhere in the app, so I tried to copy that code, but the issue in that the layout elements in the list items are not part of the layout xml file that the fragment implements, they are in a special one used by my CursorAdapter. I can find the desired hide-able elements using a layout inflator so I no longer get a nullPonterException, however the visibility does not change on button click like it should.
// Onclick method for Edit button
final Button buttonE = (Button) rootView.findViewById(;
//cannot use rootView as that points to fragment_main
final LayoutInflater factory = getLayoutInflater(savedInstanceState);
final View noteItemView = factory.inflate(R.layout.note_list_view_item, null);
final LinearLayout deleteButton = (LinearLayout) noteItemView.findViewById(;
final LinearLayout circleButton = (LinearLayout) noteItemView.findViewById(;
buttonE.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {public void onClick(View v) {
final int status =(Integer) v.getTag();
if(status == 1) {
v.setTag(0); //pause
} else {
v.setTag(1); //pause
Firstly,I will figure out why your code doesn't work.You inflate noteItemView,but it doesn't bind to view in the screen,that is your 'noteitemview' won't show forever,so your delete button in that view will not visiable.
Then I will show my solution.
As you say,every list item has a delete button,what you should do is to control their visibility,so first make sure in your View binded to listview item has such a button as a childView of listview item view.In your getView of custom CursorAdapter,add logic to handle the delete button's visibility,for example,every list item data has a boolean variable named isDeleteButtonShow,then by control the variable's value to control the delete button's visibility,once visibility should change,update the data bind to listview and call adapter.notifyDataSetChanged.Hope that could help you.

Gallery: Effect in item selected

I need to have an scroll with items together, and the selected item should expand a part down.
I am currently using a Gallery (I tried with viewflow and viewpager, but the items have much space between them), but I need to know how can I do this effect.
I have 2 ideas, but i don't know how can I implement it.
1) The expandable part is a LinearLayout with visibility=gone, and when the item is selected, this layout should be visible. (Gallery do not have "onItemSelectedListener")
2) Treat each element as a fragment (once I use a Viewpager that use this,
It does not necessarily have to be a gallery, any idea is welcome
I am working on an Activity.
Depends on the behavior that you want. Some questions can more than one item be expanded at a time? Do you want the views to be paged (snap into place) or smooth scroll them?
One Suggestion I have is to make a custom view for the individual cells. Then add them programmatically to a HorizontalScrollView Object.
HorizontalScrollView hsv = new HorizontalScrollView(activity);
LinearLayout hll = new LinearLayout(activity);
for(int i=0;i<items.length();i++){
hsv.addView(new CustomExpandView(item));
The CustomExpandView would be used for your cells and could be something like this...
public class CustomExpandView extends RelativeLayout implements OnClickListener {
MyActivity mActivity = null;
ImageView ivImage, ivOverImage;
RelativeLayout rlView;
public CustomExpandView(Context context) {
public CustomExpandView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public void initialize() {
mActivity = (MyActivity) this.getContext();
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) mActivity.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
inflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_cell_expand, this, true);
//you can initialize subviews here
rlView = (RelativeLayout) getChildAt(0);
ivImage = (ImageView) rlView.getChildAt(0);
ivOverImage = (ImageView) rlView.getChildAt(1);
rlView.setOnFocusChangeListener(new OnFocusChangeListener(){
public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
LinearLayout expand = v.findViewById(;
You gave the answer yourself. You can use a ViewPager, with fragments, and have an animation to extend the lower part of the window. Depends on whether you want the windows to be full screen or not. A viewpager doesn't necessarily need fragments, you can use ordinary views, and an appropriate adapter. Just play with it and see which solution you like most.
Next time, just create the code and the app, and ask a much more specific question, with code to illustrate the issue you're experiencing.
You could simply define a TableView with just one TableRow (or as many as you need) and set a onClickListener for each of those Views inside the TableRow, which would make that on any click, the selected View would expand itself.
I don't know whether you'll have a static number of Views inside that row or you'll construct them dynamically, but this should work for any of them, the real "work" here about populating that row.
Once you have your row of Views, simply declare an onClickListener() on each of them. For example, this should be enough:
OnClickListener myListener = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(final View v) {
And as the onClick event for all of your items inside the TableRow:
for (View v : myTableRowViews)
This has a disadvantage: You can know which View has been clicked for selection, but natively you cannot know which has been deselected, so you'll need to keep track of the last selected tab declaring a class-wide variable and setting it each time onClick() is fired, so your listener will become something like this:
// In your class declare a variable like this
View lastSelected = null;
OnClickListener myListener = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(final View v) {
if (lastSelected != null)
lastSelected = v;
Additionally, you can set an animation to the effect to make it more attractive, but mainly this is the idea.
One last thing: To make it work this way you'll need to set the layout_height of both your TableRow and the View items inside, so it may expand afterwards when you set the additional part as visible. Also, to make it look good all of your Views will have to be the same height (both in the reduced and extended state).

Accessing a UI component (Button) inside several other UI components (ExpandableListView - GridView) in Android

In a xml, I am having LinearLayout.
Inside that I am using an ExpandableListView.
Every expand item contain just one view which is a GridView.
A GridView cell compose with three UI components which are ImageView, TextView and a Button.
How I have got control about those three UI components is as follow,
public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) imageAdapterContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
if (convertView == null) {
convertView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.single_grid_item, null);
viewHolder = new ViewHolder();
viewHolder.singleImageView = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(;
viewHolder.singleTextView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
viewHolder.singleDownloadButton = (Button) convertView.findViewById(;
// ViewHolder is a static nested inner class
Things are working prety fine. That means each cell identify as different cells.
They have different images, and appropriate TextView labels and also Button click event also working fine.
For the button click I have used a downloading with a ProgressDialog. That also working fine.
What I want is disable the Button when the downloading in progress.
Downloading happening in a seperate AsyncTask class.
Please tell me how can I disable the button which user has clicked for downloading.
set the click able property of the button to false in the on click method and enable it on post execute -- (view v)
then set the property of v
Most of the time I have to wrte the answer for my own question.
This one also the same.
I have figure out the way.
I have override the button click event in the getView() method as follow.
viewHolder.singleDownloadButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
// Some code goes here...
new DownloadZipAsyncTask(imageAdapterContext, view).execute(zipFileUrl);
By the time I click the Download button, I am passing the button view to the DownloadZipAsyncTask class.
In that class, I am again creating Button instance and set the view invisible as follow in onProgressUpdate()
Button mybutton = (Button) view.findViewById(;
For button, it is working. But I can't change the ImageView or the TextView like that.
Because in the click event, we only pass the Button view only.
Therefore I am again in a problem with how to update a progress bar like that.
Again, ProgressDialog is not a problem, only the ProgressBar UI component give the problem.

