How to load asset asynchronously? - android

I'm creating a 2d game and i'm using a class with static Texture elements for accessing them from everywhere.Now i want to load my assets asynchronously because i want to show a progress bar with a loading screen.How can i perform this?

Take a look at AsyncTask.
In fact, Google published an article almost exactly what you are trying to do: loading an image in background and display a progress bar while the image is being loaded. The different is, while your code will load stuffs from app resource, the code in google article loads images from network. However, it should point you to the right direction.
See the article at
Note that the code in that article doesn't handle screen rotation well. The problem is, by default, when the screen is rotated, the original is destroyed and the new one is created. If your AsyncTask keeps the any reference to the original one (for example, the one that point to the progress bar object), then it becomes dangling. However, since your app is a game I assume its orientation is fixed, so you might not have to worry about it.


Asynchronous bitmap buffering with GridView in Android

I am bulding up a grid of images for an app I'm building. It works like so:
Build up a list of Image IDs, which I must query using a different content provider each (these are images from MMS threads)
Create new activity, which hosts an ImageGridFragment. This fragment has a custom adapter that takes the grid of images, and loads each one as a bitmap asynchronously.
After images are loaded, they are cached in an LRU cache so I don't need to run unnecessary computation
So far, everything works quite well. However, I would like to pre-buffer images so that when the user scrolls down, s/he doesn't have to wait for images to load. They should already be loaded. The stock Android Gallery accomplishes. I've had a look at the source, but think there must be a more straightforward way.
To answer members' questions
Images are loaded one by one using the content://mms/part/xxx, where xxx is the ID of an image. These are MMS images, and to my knowledge, cannot be loaded as a batch process (though, maybe I'm wrong). I use a content provider in an AsyncTask to load each image
I've tried the following:
Pre buffer 30 images or so right when the fragment is created. This is not ideal because the massive I/O request, actually prevents the on-screen images from loading quickly (but the buffering does work well!)
Detect when the requested view to load is at the very bottom-right hand corner of the screen, which could work, but then would fail in the case that the GridView takes up only part of the screen. It also seems like there should be a cleaner way to do this
Thought about, but did not try, an OnScrollListener, but this will not pre-buffer images until I start scrolling, which is not ideal
So, my questions are:
Is there a good way to detect when the last GridView item is requested to load? I found that the GridView.getlastvisibleposition() method is not useful here, because it is actually returning the last element for which Adapter.getView() has been called for. If I can do this accurately, I can launch the buffer request at that time
Is there a better way to do this?
you can do right this
if(GridView.getlastvisibleposition() = mAdapter.count()-1)
how you load the images?
is it from URL or from sdcard?
are you using a image loader library?

Thread assistance

I need some help,
I am creating an app, and want it to run faster I mean when the app is started first it shows a blank white screen for o 1-2 seconds and then loads images. I have a layout background image, and 4 imageviews which are clickable and take you to the next activity. I read somewhere i should use threads to load images and it will load them on a separate thread faster, but i have some problem using it.
So here are the problems and android studio explanations:
Thread thread=new Thread(
public void run(){
ImageView tipka=(ImageView)findViewById(;
LinearLayout asd=(LinearLayout)findViewById(;
Now the android studio says: 
"Thread(" )expected
"public void run(){"
; expected
On ").start();"
Invalid method declaration; return type required, Missing method body, or declare abstract.
Now i would like to know:
Does this speed up loading images, ( if not how to do it then)
How to fix my errors.
Thanks anyway !
Do all images fit in the screen?! If users need to scroll to view other images why load all of them at once? Use a grid view with adapter to load the image. In this way when the app start only images on the screen will be loaded and then when the user scrolls other images show up!
another thing you can do is to have 2 version of each image. one low quality with small size that loads first and one for high quality image. that will load latter. You can also calculate the base color for each image (use open source code or do it manually). then set the background image of iamgeview to this color. So when the image finally loads on the screen. The difference is not as dramatic as it was before.
If you want to use thread try AsyncTask first. Using AsyncTask is simpler than defining thread yourself.
Try to decrease the size of your images! If you be able to do this. it works better than any other trick! It's mobile, you don't have to show supper high quality images. users don't even notice most of the time
You probably took care of this but it worth mentioning that you need to provide different images for different screen densities and it's critical for performance as well as quality.

set android animation list programmatically

I am trying to achieve adding the animated gifs into my application.
1- I am able to download the animated gif from server. 2- I am able to decode the animated gif (using my custom decoder) and have a separate Bitmap corresponding to its frames.
Now I want to animate it using the frame by frame animation. As i read, to perform the frame by frame animation the first thing that is required is "animation-list".
I want to know how i can create the required "animation-list" programatically containing each Bitmap as a separate frame.
You can use AnimationDrawable similiar to but use your own files instead of taken from resources.
Note that you have to be careful about density of screen and bitmaps which are downloaded rather than taken from resources otherwise it might look differently on different screen sizes/resolutions. More about it here: see particularly "Scaling Bitmap Objects created at runtime" chapter
It's important to note that the start() method called on the AnimationDrawable cannot be called during the onCreate() method of your Activity, because the AnimationDrawable is not yet fully attached to the window. If you want to play the animation immediately, without requiring interaction, then you might want to call it from the onWindowFocusChanged() method in your Activity, which will get called when Android brings your window into focus

Selecting thumbnail and viewing full screen

I have my app working where it comes to a screen with 6 thumbnails. The user will select one and the next screen is a full image. I've accomplished this through an OnClickListener to call a new activity/xml (I'm new at this, sorry if my terminology is a little off).
My question is: is there a way to avoid creating 6 activty/xml (one for each thumbnail)? ultimately, my app will have about 40 thumbnails that can be selected for full screen view.
I've been trying to follow examples online where it appears that the code is presenting the full image within java instead of referencing an xml file. I've also seen use of Bitmap and BitmapFactory. Is this the way to go?
If the full screen image can be created dynamically within java, will the Back button still work to the user back to the screen with 6 thumbnails?
thanks, J
The simplest approach to take is to pass a reference to the image in the intent you use to launch the full-screen activity.
You can use the BitmapFactory to create a Bitmap, and then update the ImageView (or however you're displaying the image) from the loaded bitmap.
Using this approach, the back button will still work normally, but you'll only need one activity to display the full-screen image.

android: fastest way to display loading screen

i have a gles based game that takes quite some time to load because of the huge amount of textures.
now i want to display a loading-text or loading-bar as soon as possible as the application is starting up.
what is the fastest way to display a text like this? should i do it in gles as well or should i use an alert or view?
I made a separate loading screen activity in my game that uses the standard Android UI. It has a text view saying "Loading" and a ProgressBar that gets incremented as it loads in images, sounds, etc. from disk into memory (I put all filenames into a stack and then pop them off one at a time and increment the ProgressBar after I pop something off the stack). When the loading is done, it takes the user to a main menu activity, and from there they can start my game.

