how to make html5 working with android - android

is the html5 working on android 2.2 and above?
i was tried a youtube link, but it is working with js.
they just adding <!DOCTYPE html> that all then say is support html5?
and i tried to put other html5 coding as below
<form action="/newaccount" method=post
oninput="up2.setCustomValidity(up2.value != up.value ? 'Passwords do not match.' : '')">
<label for="username">E-mail address:</label>
<input id="username" type=email required name=un>
<label for="password1">Password:</label>
<input id="password1" type=password required name=up>
<label for="password2">Confirm password:</label>
<input id="password2" type=password name=up2>
<input type=submit value="Create account" />
is it html5 must with jquery or javascript then will working at my android device 2.3.6?
is it now html5 full support with android 4.0 only?

You want to explore Phone Gap. Its a platform-independent development environment which converts apps written with HTML5, CSS and JS into publish-ready Android, IPhone, Windows etc apps.

yes html5 is working on android 2.2 and above.
html5 support with android browser
its possible that your emulator does not support some feature.
try to run your app in device.

No browser currently fully support HTML5, but some support most of the specifications.
The built-in browser of Android 2.2 does support the type=email specification.

<!DOCTYPE html> only applies when making a webpage.
It converts basic html to html5.
Html5 on Android 2.2 only supports:
<!DOCTYPE html>
2D Context
Selection of elements - embedding custom non visible data
Dynamic mark up insertion
Base64 encoding and decoding
Cross document messaging
One field type- input type=text
HOWEVER, it doesnt support:
html5 tokenizer, html tree building, svg in text/html, mathML in text/html,video element, subtitle support, poster image support, MPEG-4, Audio, MP3
Nearly all field types:
input type=search
input type=tel
input type=url
input type=email
input type=datetime
input type=date
input type=month
input type=week
input type=time
input type=datetime-local
input type=range
input type=color
input type=checkbox
input type=image
field validation
form validation
Spellcheck attribute
Session history
Device Orientation
FileReader API
Local Storage
Access the camera
Full Screen
But Google say it does well in SandWich Ice Cream


Pasting an image from Gboard to a PWA on Android

Has anyone found a way to paste an image from Gboard to a PWA (Progressive Web App) in Google Chrome on Android? I have tried using <input type="text"> and <span contenteditable>paste image here</span>.
On MS Windows (10) both these two types of input fields can be used to paste a copied image from the clipboard (and capture an image Blob). But maybe not on Android (13).

How to allow <input type=“file”> to accept only image files for image upload

I am trying to show only those files whose extensions are jpg,png or jpeg .
my html of form is this
<input data-max-size="246k" accept="image/*" class="hidden" onchange="readURL(this);" type="file" name="entry[paperclip_infos_attributes][new_paperclip_infos][picture]" id="entry_paperclip_infos_attributes_new_paperclip_infos_picture" />
it is working fine which i want but in android phone it asking for some more options for image upload like kingsoft office and wps office.
There is no issue in iphone.
how can i control this options..??

Form field file input doesn't open file browser on Android. Only camera available

I built a simple web app that allows users to upload a picture. It is just a basic Ruby on Rails app, so frontend is HTML5 and some jQuery.
It all works very well, but on Android only the Camera is available when the user clicks on the file input field. How do I get the file picker to show up?
<form class="new_person" id="new_person" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/people" accept-charset="UTF-8" data-remote="true" method="post"><input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓" />
<input accept="image/*" capture="true" type="file" name="person[picture]" id="person_picture" />
The correct input tag should be
<input type="file" accept="image/*;capture=camera">
Try it out on your phone at
When i click on Choose File my Galaxy S4 suggests to either open the camera or the file browser

How to restrict <input type=”file” /> to get images only from phone gallery android

I am developing an IOS/Android app using cordova,php jquery and phonegap.
In android phone versions above lolypop,when uploading images/videos using <input type=”file” /> instead of showing options like gallery and capture, it shows additional options like gallery,recent,capture, dropbox, and other cloud app storages. I want to restrict this feature and point the file input only to gallery
I want the solution exactly like below screenshot? Is there any options for restricting dropbox/other app feature?
add this attribute to your input tag
<input type="file" accept="image/*"/>

PDF Viewer support in mobile browser (iPhone & Android)

Does <object> tag widely supported in mobile browser?! I'm trying to embed a PDF file but it seems that it is not supported.
I'm using the following html for viewing PDF
<object data="pdf/sample.pdf#view=Fit" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="400px">
<p>It appears you don't have Adobe Reader or PDF support in this web browser. <a rel="external" href="pdf/sample.pdf">Click here to download the PDF</a></p>
and using the PDFObject but both of them are not working in mobile browsers!
No browsers can support native rendering of PDF files without a plugin (except Google Chrome as claimed here).
But you can use Google Docs Viewer to display PDF files inside a webpage like explained here.
If embedding isn't important to you you could just link to the PDF on a seperate page.
Safari (and UIWebViews) supports the rendering of PDFs, im not a 100% sure about Android but I suspect its a similar story.
Load your url inside iframe using google docs
<iframe id="pdfviewer" src="" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>

