How can I switch authorized facebook user with Facebook Android SDK? - android

I have successfully implemented authorization with facebook in my native android app.
Now I have following problem:
User logout from my app and I call facebook sdk logout method. But when user presses login button it automatically redirects back to my app without showing "Already authorized" window, so he cannot switch to another user.
Is that normal behavior or I've made something wrong? How can I solve this issue?

If you would like to switch to another user, you can refer to the "SwitchUserSample" in Facebook SDK for Android.
Here is some example code fyi.
Session currentSession = Session.getActiveSession();
newSession = new Session.Builder(LoginActivity.this).build();
newSession.openForRead(new Session.OpenRequest(LoginActivity.this)

No that's not default we can switch user. While you are doing Logout you are not clearing credentials properly so such problems arise , so you need to remove credentials perfectly.
You should got through the HackBook code given by Facebook for all features , where you have to save you Facebook object in SessionStore class and handle it accordingly :
private class SessionListener implements AuthListener, LogoutListener {
public void onAuthSucceed() {
setImageResource(R.drawable.logout_button);, getContext());
public void onAuthFail(String error) {
public void onLogoutBegin() {
public void onLogoutFinish() {


android snapchat login kit's LoginResultCallback doesn't work normally

I implemented the snapchat login in my Android app by referring to the snapchat login kit sdk guide.
I refer to the below code that uses a custom button.
// Get the login API
SnapLogin snapLogin = SnapLoginProvider.get(getContext());
View yourButtonView = findViewById(...);
yourButtonView.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// Start token grant
snapLogin.startTokenGrant(new LoginResultCallback() {
public void onStart() {
// Here you could update the UI to show login start
public void onSuccess(#NonNull String accessToken) {
// Here you could update the UI to show login success
public void onFailure(#NonNull LoginException exception) {
// Here you could update the UI to show login failure
Call startTokenGrant api to complete authentication in snapchat.
After authentication, callback is called when returning to my app.
Step 1 goes well.
But intermittently, the callback is not called.
I thought this was an error in the sdk, but I saw that it works normally in other apps.
Has anyone had an experience where the callback never gets called?
If yes, please help how to solve it.
(I'm developing using dev clientId right now, will this have any effect?)

Facebook logout does not work Android [Facebook sdk 4]

I'm developing a game for Android that has Facebook login and I faced the following weird behaviour when trying to logout:
if user press Facebook logout button, closes the app and then reopens again, the user is still logged in (= access token still valid).
As a test, I checked the access token after logout and it is null as it should be, but if I close and reopen the app then the access token is again not null.
It seems that Facebook caches the access token and takes it from cache even after logout.
I tried using native Facebook button and also LoginManager.getInstance.logout(); I have initialized Facebook sdk on the top of the onCreate, before setContent() and I followed the procedure on Facebook docs, but same result.
I'm using Facebook sdk 4.6.0 and I faced this problem on Android 4.2.2 and 4.4.2.
Here's the code:
- Facebook button:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
btnFacebookLogout.registerCallback(callbackManager, new FacebookCallback<LoginResult>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginResult loginResult) {
public void onCancel() {
public void onError(FacebookException e) {
- normal button:
btnNormalLogout.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance
Well, i`ve been fighting that damn sdk for about an hour and discovered a simple workaround for that logout issue.
Just try to do the following:
Pros: LoginManager.getInstance().logOut() works fine in this case.
Cons: the authentication will always appear in a webview dialog.

Facebook Login on Android App

I have seen numerous stackoverflow posts but none of them seem to be helping me in this problem.
When I try to login using facebook, the facebook app opens, asks for permissions and then when I click OK, everything goes into background. There is nothing in the logs.
Things that I have already tried:
I have created app on Facebook developer console
Added Android as platform on Settings page, added package name, class name and generated key hash. Then i also added the key hash from the logcat error with = at the end.
I have added my email address in contact, and made my app go live in Status & Review.
I have installed and logged in to Facebook app on my android device.
I have tried deleting my debug.keystore, and generating new hash
I have tried deleting Facebook developer app and creating it from scratch
I am using LoginManager to sign-in to facebook from my android app.
Here is my code for login:
private void loginWithFacebook() {
final LoginManager loginManager = LoginManager.getInstance();
CallbackManager callbackManager = CallbackManager.Factory.create();
new FacebookCallback<LoginResult>() {
public void onSuccess(final LoginResult loginResult) {
Log.e("WelcomeScreen", "onSuccess");
public void onCancel() {
Log.e("WelcomeScreen", "onCancel");
public void onError(FacebookException e) {
Log.e("WelcomeScreen", "onError");
loginManager.logInWithReadPermissions(this, Arrays.asList("public_profile"));
I have already done this in onCreate:
I figured out the problem. In my manifest, I had specified noHistory to true for the activity where I was expecting the activity result back from Facebook activity, but since the activity is destroyed once it launches another activity, the app was shutting down. Removing the hoHistory resolved the issue.

logging in to facebook from my app works on emulator but not on device

This is my code for logging in to facebook.
mLoginButton = (LoginButton) findViewById(;
// restore session if one exists
SessionStore.restore(Utility.mFacebook, this);
SessionEvents.addAuthListener(new FbAPIsAuthListener());
SessionEvents.addLogoutListener(new FbAPIsLogoutListener());
* Source Tag: login_tag
mLoginButton.init(this, AUTHORIZE_ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE, Utility.mFacebook, permissions);
if (Utility.mFacebook.isSessionValid()) {
public class FbAPIsAuthListener implements AuthListener {
public void onAuthSucceed() {
public void onAuthFail(String error) {
mText.setText("Login Failed: " + error);
* The Callback for notifying the application when log out starts and
* finishes.
public class FbAPIsLogoutListener implements LogoutListener {
public void onLogoutBegin() {
mText.setText("Logging out...");
public void onLogoutFinish() {
mText.setText("You have logged out! ");
On emulator it works perfect. I have tried in ton 3 devices, that have already facebook installed and here is the problem.
it just spinning aroun on loading and it does nothing. I see the login button again.
Then i tried to logout from the original facebook application, and when pressing the login button on my app, i see the login window but now that I used to see when logging in the emulator but the login window of the original facebook application. Like is has started this one.
the code I am using is taken from the
The Platform Status says that there's a problem with the SSO.
The SSO only works if you have the facebook application installed on the android device, and what you describe fits right into all of this.
On the emulator you don't have the facebook application, and so when your application tries to log the user in it uses the dialog it has in the sdk instead of using the SSO process that ships with the fb application.
On the device how ever you said that you do have the fb app, and so the SSO kicks in and, at least currently, there's a problem with it.
Try to uninstall the facebook application on the device or maybe just cancel the SSO, i.e.: How to disable Facebook single sign on for android - Facebook-android-sdk
You need to generate the hash key of your system and just place it by editing the existing facebook App.

Facebook single sign-on not redirecting back to my application

I have a scenario where Facebook application is installed in the device but not logged in by the user.
Now when I try to login throw my application its taking me to the Facebook applications login screen, After login its asking me to allow/block. Now Ideally It should take me back to my application but its not, It stays into the Facebook app.
Its working fine if the user is already logged in to the Facebook App.
If anyone has any idea on this issue please help...
You need to catch Authentication events in AuthListener and then return to your activity through finish.
/* AuthListener Methods */
public void onAuthFail(String error) {
Log.e(TAG, "AuthFailed: " + error);
public void onAuthSucceed() {
Log.e(TAG, "AuthSucceed");

