Integration android and instagram - android

I need to catch the entire list of followers in Instagram and import for my app. This is possible ?

Through the instagram api, it allows a request for followers through{user-id}/followed-by. Note that authentication is required before this method will return any data.
From there, you should get a JSON response that contains all of the followers, that you can handle however you'd like within your app.


Add metadata to Facebook App invite

While sending out an App invite in my app, I am trying to find a way to add metadata to it so I can track internally who sent invites and how successful they were (Facebook only shows data from when the dialog is opened and there is no way to track specific funnels).
my code for sending the invite is:
private void openFacebookAppInvite() {
AppInviteContent content = new AppInviteContent.Builder()
Maybe this is not the answer that you had hoped for, but I think it will help to implement your requirements.
Part 1: send data directly with an AppInvite
As far as I know, it is not possible to send custom data with AppInvites created with an AppInviteContent.Builder directly. I will explain a more complex possibility in Part 3. But maybe a GameRequest is an option for you. A GameRequestDialog can be initialized with a GameRequestContent object. The method setData of the class GameRequestContent.Builder "sets optional data which can be used for tracking".
Part 2: tracking invites
Of course you can track that an user opened the AppInviteDialog (by do a simple request to your server). Sadly it is not possible to track which or how many users are invited.
But after an invited user accepts the invitation, installs and run the mobile app (or give you the permissions on a canvas, if you have a canvas app too), you are able to get all AppRequests (Invites) by do a query to /me/apprequests with the Graph API.
Also possible:
Canvas App: The POST request, your server will get after an invited user opens the canvas page, contains a parameter request_ids. This is a comma separated list of app-request-ids, which can be used in a graph query.
Mobile App: After the invited user installed and started the app in response to an AppRequest, you are able to get the app-request-ids from the intent or by the use of AppLinkData.fetchDeferredAppLinkData and appLinkData.getTargetUri().getQueryParameter("request_ids"). See the section "Supporting incoming links" in the documentation. Now you are able to create a graph api request.
Part 3: send data with an AppInvite via an App-Link
As shown in Part 2.2., you will get a targetUrl after an invited user opens the app. This targetUrl is specified in the AppLink found under the AppLinkUrl you used for the AppInvite. With a "Dynamic App Link endpoint" it is possible to send data to the invitees.
Here an idea how to implement this:
Your server defines an endpoint with the uri-template POST:${USER}/invites/. ${USER} is the username of the sender of the invitation.
Before creating the invitation dialog, the client sends a POST request to the endpoint from step 1 and will get an UUID as a response, which references the planned invitation and the user.
the server defines a second endpoint GET:${USER}/invites/${UUID}. The response to this endpoint is a page with a defined AppLink where al:android:url is example://users/${USER}/invites/${UUID} - of course the placeholder ${USER} and ${UUID} are replaced with the correct values from step 1 and 2.
The client uses the endpoint from step 3 (${USER}/invites/${UUID}) as the app-link-url when creating the AppInviteContent.
The invited user accepts the invitation and opens the app. Now we are able to get the UUID from the targetUrl (see step 2.2 / "Supporting incoming links").

Facebook graph api to get recent feed's by other user

i want to get particular person public feeds to show in my application.but in response empty data value returning.without login into Facebook i have get the Facebook user public post.
Am getting response: Unsupported get request
That is impossible, you can only get access to the feed (public or not) of someone who authorized your App with the user_posts permission. You could use an Extended User Token that is valid for 60 days to read the feed, but in general you are not supposed to show user feeds on an external website. Better use a Page for that, with an App Token or Extended Page Token - both are valid forever.

How to implement a login feature in my android app?

In my app I have a json api. The api contains information of various users. I want to build a login feature in my android app so that user can login. I am able to parse the api (the json entity) and getting the HTTPResponse = 200(OK).
But how do I match entered username/password with the ones stored in server? Should it be done on the server side? Or I myself have to do it? Can anyone explain how this is generally done?
Here is complete example of login feature in android app using mysql and php webservices.
For implementing login feature in your app following points are important.
1.You need to have Database at server side containing username/password table or sqlite database in your app.
2.You have to implement Web services in order to have interaction between your app and Database.
3.Parsing of the data that you will get in response and displaying it in your app.
I have explained the process in summarized way but you can get many stuffs for it on the web.
You can ask if you have any further queries. :)
You can create this login class and locally store the data in this list. WHen you login, you can check the value in the list one by one. If the username is available in the list, it navigates to another screen. Otherwise, it shows dialogue.
Login class
package com.lomza.tut.webview;
public class LogInDataClass {
String UserId,UserName,AuthToken;
Global class
package com.lomza.tut.webview;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class GlobalData {
public List<LogInDataClass> LoginListData = new ArrayList<LogInDataClass>();
You have to create a LogInDataClass object where you parse the response like this. You also have to add data to the list.
The response is your JSONObject object.
LogInDataClass LoginData = new LogInDataClass();
LoginData.UserId = response.UserId;
LoginData.UserName = response.UserName;
LoginData.AuthToken= response.AuthToken;
okk If You Have any Confusion Than Ask Me

How to access facebook public newsfeed json/xml without authentication

I was working with twitter APIs and I am able to get specific user's timeline (tweets) without making the end user to login.
How can I do this in facebook? I don't want my user to login to facebook. I just need some feeds from users/pages which are publicly shared.
Does facebook allows this? How to do it? Any links
I don't know about Android but For Facebook API, I managed to get users / pages feed (public only) using the graph for a small project I was working on, this snippet might
help you
$pageContent = file_get_contents(',name&limit=1&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN HERE');
// You can use your app token
$parsedJson = json_decode($pageContent); // decode JSON
echo $id = $parsedJson->data[0]->id; // this echos only the latest post ID
So as you see, the code above requests Facebook graph and returns only post (latest one) from the user feed (because I limited it &limit=1) that code is working for me and might works for your needs

Android Facebook app integration with GAE

I'm thinking about how to solve the next problem:
An Android App which I want to connect to facebook, and to a Server backend(Srv).
Server backend(Srv) which I want to connect to facebook.
The server will run a task that will Get all the Friends of the user(on fb), and the user Statuses(on Fb), and store them on it.
Base assumptions:
I use android as a Mobile device
Server is GAE
Entity key in GAE is the user’s FB-id
User Entity contains:
User fb_id
User verified list(FB_ID String)=> friends of the user that have the app) // maybe use HT?
User statuses list(Status text, date, url)=> whatever I can get from a Status of a user in facebook..
Main questions:
Is the Data representation thought out? can it be better?
How do I handle a situation where two users which are connected to one another add the app at the same time- how can I avoid overlapping?
Should the device Authenticate itself, also with the GAE server?
How to Authenticate GAE with FB
Android side:
User login and get access token from FB
Posting to my server(Srv) FB Token & myUserFBId // Should I use REST protocol or HTTP
Server side:
A Servlet handles the POST
Query FB ->for the user's friends ids(into friendList = arrayList<FBItem))
foreach FBItem item in friendList
//check which FB-ids are in my DB
friendEntity = getKey(item.fb_id)
if(friendEntity != null)
// friend exists
verifiedFriendsList.add(item.fb_id) //verifiedFriendsList is ArrayList<String>
Query FB ->for the user's statuses(into statuses = arrayList<StatusItem))
add new FBEntity(myUserFBId, verifiedFriendsList, statuses) to DB }
I have not done anything like this but I think you will need to
Ask user to authenticate your application to use FB- Read about OAuth Api of Facebook
Once your app is authenticated with sufficient permissions you can get users data as per your requirements .
Once you get the data you can process it.
Oauth on FB is what you are searching for..
I'll give you my 4 cents:
The questions that should lead you in developing the DS are: (A) On the
server side, How does the data persist? to a File? to a Database? (B) How much of that data is required to perform the calculations you want done, and how do plan to access it (for example, for an O(n) run, I wouldn't use a HashTable) (C) How does the persist / de-persist work? with an ORM? custom queries?
About concurrency, you'll have to explain what's bugging you. People sign in to SO simultaneously all the time.
3/4. Not an android developer, can't help.

