android: Project.Properties - do not edit, your changes will be erased? - android

I seem to have an issue.
I wanted to add some additional config info into in an android project but i notice when i open it there are comments telling me not to edit it
Is it safe to edit
Would it get regenerated at some point so i would lose my changes?
Is there an alternative?
Somebody suggested looking here
which states This file contains project settings, such as the
build target. This file is integral to the project, so maintain it in
a source revision control system. To edit project properties in
Eclipse, right-click the project folder and select Properties.
but i found no reference at all about editing properties in eclipse
Any ideas?
it seems google thinks you should be able to do it

Please see this info. The file should be edited using eclipse. Select project -> properties -> Android.

You can Go on to Save the content of the as it is somewhere on your PC and go on to play with it as you Like.
If you find problem after Editing it,You can Always go on to re-place it with the Saved file and clean the project once.
It will always fix your problem.


SDK Location not found in android studio

I have just imported my eclipse project in android studio. it keeps my saying that
Error:SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
I have seen some tutorials of editing files but it didnt work. here is my file:
sdk.dir=E:\\Mod Eclipse\\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130219\\sdk
Actual directory of my folder is :
E:\Mod Eclipse\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130219\sdk
A quick note about this if trying to run a Facebook sample and this error pops up, make sure you select the build.gradle file in the root of Facebook sdk, for all the samples when 'opening an existing project'. I got this error when I tried to open the gradle for just the Scrumptious sample from the 3.22 SDK
If you are sure that you have assigned correct SDK path in project settings,
and you can see it in as well, but still getting this error then there are chances that you are missing something in you project.
I was getting the same error after looking in to my project I found settings.gradle was missing.
and then add following script to your apps build.gradle
You will not face this error any more. It worked for me may be gradle set up was the blocking issue
My problem was:
I cloned a project from github
I clicked open existing Android Studio project
I chose the path of the inner sample app instead of the containing folder.
So what you should do is:
close the project.
click open existing Android Studio project
select the parent folder instead of the sample app.
You should also change it on Project Structure.
Close the current project and you'll see pop up with dialog which will then proceed to Configure option.
Configure -> Project Defaults -> Project Structure -> SDKs on left column -> Android SDK Home Path -> give the exact path as you did on and select Valid Target.
There you go.
The simplest solution sometimes is just do the File -> Invalidate Cache / Restart.
If it does not help then go for the more complicated stuff, as suggested in other answers
You can add a with to set the sdk.dir like sdk.dir=/Users/roofe/Library/Android/sdk.
But please note below, which is very important,
add the to the uppermost path of the project. Here the uppermost have some difference with root path of a project.
For example in the below project, I just use the ijkplayer-example, but this module also used other module with different cpu architecture.
If I only add to ijkplayer-example will not work. Here will get sdk location issue for other module.
While I can add the to the ijkplayer directory, then when I try to open the ijkplayer-example project, there will auto create a for ijkplayer-example, and everything works well.
In my case, it was a fresh install with checkout from github.
Just close the checkout window.
Create a new project (not from git, just a fresh one).
exit the project.
checkout whatever you like
Its just the fastest way that I found.
So I had the same issue, and none of the answers given previously helped me. What I did was check for new API updates (in my case, I updated to API level 23) and the problem was fixed.
Sync project with Gradle files, It will modify the project's file.
In Android Studio, I just clicked on File and then Choose Project Structure or Ctrl-Alt-Shift+S. This'll clearly show you the Android SDK location and an input box where you can browse to the correct one if it is not correct.
I add just file where my project is located. In
such kind of path is there which is our Sdk path.
So just create file manually and inside this just copy the Sdk file location.
Probably file missing.
Copy a from an existing file and add it to your current project. That worked for me.
I installed the SDK again (from here for example :
& it created the directory & the packages, after installation.
Now I open android studio & everything is normal.
Everything posted so far was helpful in an overall learning capacity. However, most of the time, fixing one problem created others. What ended up working for me was completely deleting the GitHub project .zip file and any unzipped files. Then I made sure the correct .zip file was re-downloaded and unzipped. When it came time to open it in Android studio, I noticed there were 2 folders with identical project file names, one being contained in the other. The first (or upper) one is actually the .zip file. Open the other one!

Android eclipse bug?

I'm getting errors everywhere that say: cannot be resolved or is not a field to all my R.something.
I'm guessing the R file isn't properly generated and from what I've read it's a problem in the res folder but I cant find it; I deleted the last layout I made but the problem persists.
No layout actually has any errors to be shown (they all build successfully).
Can anyone help me with this bug?
I found this happening to me with a broken layout. No need to be worry. I am trying my best to giving you the solution
Make sure that anything the R. links to is not broken. Fix all errors in your XML files. If anything in the ADKs are broken, R will not regenerate.
If you somehow hit something and created import android.R in your activity, remove it.
Run Project -> Clean. This will delete and regenerate R and BuildConfig.
Make sure Project -> Build Automatically is ticked. If not, build it manually via Menu -> Project -> Build Project .
Wait a few seconds for the errors to disappear.
If it doesn't work, delete everything inside the /gen/ folder
If it still doesn't work, try right-clicking your project -> Android Tools -> Fix Project Properties.
Check your *.properties files (in the root folder of your app folder) and make sure that the links in there are not broken.
Right-click your project > properties > Android.
Look at the Project Build Target and Library sections on the right side of the page. Your Build Target should match the target in your AndroidManifest.xml. So if it's set to target 17 in AndroidManifest, make sure that the Target Name is Android 4.2. If your Library has an X under the reference, remove and re-add the library until there's a green tick. This might happen if you've moved a few files and folders around.
What to do if R doesn't regenerate
This usually happens when you have a broken xml file.
Check errors inside your XML files, mainly within the /res/ folder
Common places are /layout/ and /values/ especially if you've changed one of them recently
Check AndroidManifest.xml, I find that often I change a string, and forget to change the string name from AndroidManifest.xml.
Check that Android SDK Build-tools is installed. Window->Android SDK Manager->Tools->Android SDK Build-tools
Make sure when you update the Android SDK Tools, you also update the Android SDK Platform-tools and Android ASK Build-tools. Build fails silently if they don't match.
If you can't find the issue, right click /gen/ -> Restore from local history... -> tick -> click Restore. This doesn't solve the problem, but it will clear out the extra errors to make the problem easier to find.
Hope it will help you. :)
One (or multiple) xml resources must be broken in your project. Check out "Problems" view in Eclipse (Window - Show view - Problems) and fix all issues there. Then rebuild your project (Project - Clean).
Sometimes, just restarting Eclipse can fix the problems.
Some steps you can try:
Right click project -> Android Tools -> Fix Project Properties
Right click project -> Refresh
Right click project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Check everything that's unchecked in 'Order and Export'
Project -> Clean...
Restart Eclipse
Might solve your problems!
EDIT: Also make sure there are no caps in your XML files.

In eclipse, unable to reference an android library project in another android project

As I was writing up this question I managed to solve it so repeat it here for the benefit of others. Here is the initial problem:
I have created a very simple library project which I want to reference in another project. I have done this previously with no problems so not really sure why it is not working this time. I have:
Flagged the library project via project properties. The file has this set : android.library=true
In my other project added reference to my library project via project properties. The file has the reference added as expected ie android.library.reference.1=K:/android_test_ws/applicationRegistrar
The green tick against the referenced library project starts off green and then changes to a red cross.
This implies that there must be something wrong / missing from the library project but I don't know what. My library project on this occasion is MUCH simpler than the previous one I created.
OK Here is the solution which I found when I was looking for the default.properies file of the referencing project (not the library) in my file system. Although the referencing project was in the same eclipse workspace as the library project, the actual files were somewhere else in the file system ie they were'nt in the same parent folder of the library project. As soon as I placed the referencing project in the same physical folder as the library project it all went fine.
I guess that this must be something to do with android using ant underneath the covers.
Edit: The project name needs match the folder name on the file system. What you are seeing in the Project Properties->Android->Library Reference is a relative file system path.
Make Sure both the projects are present in same work space.
To Do it, while importing the projects make sure "copy project into work space" check box is checked.
the same problem will occur if your library project is in different partition from your current workspace. I have the same problem just now. My git source is in C: and I just move my workspace to D: and everything start to collapse.
Simplest way to get the library paths paths correct is to use the GUI from Eclipse to add the library as shown in the following screenshot and let Eclipse take care of putting the correct relative paths in Its a common setup to have your library projects hosted at directories vastly different than your main projects that uses the library. This method will work if the "libary project" and the project using it are in the same eclipse "workspace" (they "need not" be in same parent folder):
Please ensure that the library project is marked as "Is Library" - right click on the library project - properties - Android - mark the "Is Library" checkbox - in of the library project you should have a new entry:"android.library=true. Now add it into the project you want as described in the post below.(the post with image integrated - from Nilesh Pawar).
This bug is referenced several times here 27199, 35786, 36460 & 38052
Maybe by voting for them, it will be fixed one day...
Yet another observation on the same issue.
For me the two projects where on the same parent folder, and were both local inside the workspace. Even then the issue was still happening.
The I edited the "" file and put the absolute path(with forward slashes '/' for seperator) of the library project. Saved and closed it. Then went to the project properties dialog, removed the library(which was still showing the cross icon but with abs path) and added it back as usual.
Surprisingly the issue is resolved, and the project compiles and runs.
This is really strange and must be a bug with the ADT.
I am using ADT version 20.0.2
when developer referencing the facebook or any other library project then first of all clean the project from eclipse->project->clean project.
that want allow the error of red cross in referencing screen.
For me, I just restart the eclipse and the added library works fine.
I mean first time it showing red marks after adding the library project.
Though eclipse main project and library project are in same workspace folder and no resources files are in outside of the project folder.
So, you can try with to restart your eclipse. Happy coding....
Workaround for me was to
Create a new workspace
Import Library Project in that workspace
Import The desired project in that workspace
Having both project and library project the same target Android OS version
Reference library project in my project
solved my problem
i had the same problem there when i try to change my workspace so this my solution:
import and copy all project data including library project into workspace
delete the old project reference by Right-click on the project-->Properties-->Android-->Library, and select corrupted library(so that waht i call it) and choose Remove
clean project first (to refresh ur project properties)
go to library project Properties-->Android-->Library and check the is library if it does'nt click Apply then OK
if the library project is library is already checked, first Unchecked it then Clean the library project after that do the Step 4 again
go to project that u want the library are in then Right-click on the project-->Properties-->Android-->Library, Add then choose the library project (it should be there) and click Apply then OK
if still doesn't appear clean the project once more time and that should do
Just restart your eclipse. It's solve my problem
When you have a look at the reference-path before and after, it comes from i.e. "C:/workspace/mylib" and goes to "../../mylib" when copied to the correct location, quite interesting.
What worked for me was to delete the 'library' projects (the actual projects) from my workspace (without deleting the files), and then re-importing them using the wizard (import existing android project from source code).
Thanks for posting the question.
I had exactly the same problem while integrating Facebook with my Android application. I fixed the issue by moving my development project to the same Windows drive in which library project was located. Somehow Eclipse is unable to read the library project's location properly from file if it is in a different drive.
Similar to Sufi Khan's post I also solved this issue with a reboot. My case differed in that when I first accessed Properties->Android and added the library I got a lovely green checkmark. When I closed the dialog Eclipse was still showing class-not-found type errors. When I checked the properties again I saw the red X. But Mr. Kahn's solution (delete the bad lib, restart Eclipse, add the lib again) worked fine.
I'm using the 0702 version of the ADT bundle (starts with "cluster", rhymes with "duck").
I followed the accepted answer but also had to make sure my "" file was readable.
If the file is readonly (checked into source control) eclipse will not edit it. Adding the library reference will succeed, but the change won't be persisted after hitting OK.
If closing the preferences window and reopening in again removes the library you just added, this may be your solution.
In case your library project still doesn't show up try adding library flag in your library project properties
Add android.library=true
# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems.
# To customize properties used by the Ant build system edit
# "", and override values to adapt the script to your
# project structure.
# To enable ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate your code, uncomment this (available properties: sdk.dir, user.home):
# Project target.
android.library=true disappears after project clean

After I added some .png files into my Project Workspace drawable folder I refreshed my drawable folders in Eclipse and the newly added files showed up. But when I tried to access those resources using R.drawable.xyzimage, xyzimage although in the folder could not be resolved.
So I did a Project Clean and guess what after this clean is totally gone and all my classes accessing resources using is showing all sorts of error and Eclipse won't let me run the code anymore.
I have backup of my source code but I want to explore if can be regenerated and how?
Thanks for all the help.
Try Project->Clean in Eclipse. In my limited experience if is not being automatically created then there is an error somewhere in your xml. Triple check everything.
You have to build the project to be able to use the newly added resources.
Cleaning a project removes all auto-generated files. Building the project it should automatically create them. When you Clean a project, there's an option to start a build immediately after clean up.
Here's a few things you can try (did the same procedure after manually deleting the "gen" directory.
After you have deleted the gen directory, go to Project > Clean ...
You should have errors indicating that R cannot be resolved to a variable. Right click on your project from the Package Explorer and select Build Project. Be sure Build Automatically option is turned off (uncheck in Project > Build Automatically).
Errors regarding R should have now disappeared. Now, perform a Project Clean once again. All errors should be gone.
Let me know if this works for you.
Here is what the problem was. I added those new png images to the project and android has rules as to what characters are allowed in the names of these images. Once I changed the uppercase letters in the image name, it was back on track again and Build Automatically generated the file and all errors were gone. Eclipse console is the place where I found all the errors related to my resources.
Thanks Guys....I tried your solutions but my error was something specific which was due to my image naming convention so this is the way I fixed it.
I would agree this is usually a XML problem but moreover that it is something within your res folder that is the problem and may be highlighted with a red cross after the clean attempt.
I have just had this problem and it was because I had created my own folder called 'data' within res folder. After the clean it had a little red cross against it. I removed this folder and R built again.
Several things you should check in your project:
Check the Problems tab in your Eclipse IDE. Are you sure that you did not introduced building problems while making changes with drawables? To check that you need to check xml source of affected layout and see if something is marked red.
In File explorer go to the directory where your Android project is. Check that you have file (.classpath, .project and AndroidManifest.xml should be there). If is missing it may be easily replaced by correct version.
Which is the Android version you are working with? If that is 1.5 or lower be sure that in the res directory you have directory named drawable, not drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi and drawable-ldpi. Last three are valid for version 1.6 and higher.
Right click on your project in Package explorer in Eclipse. You will get a number of options. Go to Android Tools-> Fix Project Properties so see if that helps.
I had an invalid jpg in my res/drawable folder. I removed the jpg and it worked.
I had this problem on my Mac too and I think it could be good to know for all Mac users how I managed to solve this error.
I had a .DSStore file automatically imported to my project inside the res directory and when I removed it and rebuilt the project all went well.
Everytime you clean the project and it rebuilds, it imports
so, delete this import and remove all errors from xml files. It will work.
This happens to me if I move my project to a new location. I have found that the answers above didn't fix my problem, but that creating a new project and importing the source did.
This may be simple but check to make sure you don't use
import android.R;
If you add an external resource file with capital letters for example
"Hello.png or WelcomeSound.mp3 etc etc" like if you add upper case letters and clean your project you'd surely loose your file. So if you already lost it, either rename the file externally and then clean your project or else right click on the project Refractor->Rename and then rename your file with all letters in lower casing. Next, delete the 'gen' folder in the project explorer and now right click and "Build Project". If Build Project option is grayed out, go to Project-> Deselect "Build Automatically" option.
Kshitij Thube
Check at the Console View If there in message Error, It will Help you to find out the source of the probleme.
I had i similar probleme and i find out that the probleme was from the pic name even if the name respect the Syntax so I change it to img1 and it worked fine.
Try editing one line of code in your project, then build the project once more.
Another thing: never try to run an application with the texteditor opened with a xml file. That will create a wierd run configuration that can only be fixed by project clean-up and sometimes can make the xml file to vanish (happened to me twice already).
All my R.* files stopped working after I did a Project->clean in Eclipse. The issue was that I backed up a XML file attached to one of my activities in the layout directory. This causes errors in every activity of my project.
After deleting the file I still had R errors in one of my Activities and it only was resolved after I tried importing different files and then deleting them. I actually made no change to the previous imports but for some reason deleting them all and re-pasting them fixed it.
I have got the same problem after lots of cleaning and building project again and again. I found that on console there is this error:
res/drawable-hdpi/Blue Blank.png: Invalid file name: must contain only [a-z0-9_.]
and this is not appearing as an error in xml. I changed the name and save the file, clean project and build. Now it's working. My suggestion check your res folder and name of files you use in it and name only [a-z0-9_.].
Delete related tag in xml, save xml, clean project, build project. Now again put that resource in xml and save!
Check your file in drawable folder ensure that all are resource file (image) remove unwanted file Like thumb.db. Remove those all files and check again
Make sure your png files have lowercase names. That is what kept throwing mine out, because I capitalized the first letter, or I used an unallowed non alpha numeric in the naming. Check that before destroying any of your code.
just check your image folder (usually created res > drawable files) and be sure dont use capital letters on .png files, every type must be in small letters then you can find again your under the gen file folder
i removed 'import android.R;' then commented out the offending lines, then did a build, ok
then i removed the comment and it fixed it
I had the same problem when I cleaned my project. I got crazy to solve it, I searched and searched but solved it in my way.
First of all, delete all needless files in your /res folder. I had some notes in it, I took them to another project that I don't work on it and build the project manually. It worked! Try this I'm sure it will help.
Good developing!
Was there an XML file with the naming convention of "somthing.out.xml" generated? If so you should delete this file (an unwanted file of this name can cause major problems for your somthing.somthing.R file import).
In some versions of eclipse (I know eclipse javaEE does this for sure), running the project while viewing an XML file will create a file called filename.out.xml in your res->layout folder. You must delete this generated file if this has occurred otherwise you wont be able to get the java.R file to import.
Try Project -> check Build Automatically
If you are using 64-bit Ubuntu, try to install the 32-bit libraries (ia32-libs)
$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
it worked for me
This exact same thing happened to me. coincidentally I needed to update my adk that day, so i did so and after restarting eclipse it worked again. My recommendation would be to build the project and restart eclipse. It is not due to any error in your code.
I read and tried many of the above after simply doing a clean on one project. Eclipse would not build anything afterwards.
Fortunately I had last-nights backup of the workspace and my source is copied in from VS 2010.
No more cleaning!
Delete your project from workspace witout source deleting and then import it into workspace.
RightClick on your Project -> Delete /Don't select "Delete project content on disk (cannot be undone)"/ -> Ok
File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> Brouse -> /Look for your workspace(!) folder/ -> Ok -> /your cleaned project will be automatically checked/ -> Finish
I had the dreaded missing R problem yesterday with Eclipse Juno after a routine clean. StackExchange is full of suggestions and extensive googling revealed only the usual suspects (XML naming conventions problems, etc) none of which seemed to apply directly, although it is certainly possible I missed something.
The best summary comprehensive list of possible causes and fixes was here:
One useful tip there was to try to create and run a simple "Hello World" in my workspace. If that does not run, the setup is corrupted. My Hello World was just as full of errors as my custom app.
The solution that worked for me (perhaps great overkill but nothing else worked) was to completely uninstall Android SDK and delete Eclipse (Juno), download Eclipse for Developers (Kepler) and reinstall Android ADT plugin and ADK and recreated my AVDs using the latest "compile with" version in options.
So far so good, although I am recreating the app from scratch. I will be more cautious about using clean from here on.
I have same problem occur just now I renamed invalid png file like *demo.1.png as demo.png * and its work.
Proven successful method, check the file (AndroidManifest.xml) and delete all comments in it, and make sure there are no errors in this file, I tried and did work with me.

Problem importing Android project archives into Eclipse

My apologies if this is a stupid newbie question...
I'm using Eclipse (Helios release) and have the Android SDK all configured as per the recommendations. I can create and run new projects without any problem but I can't import archived project code samples (found on the web etc.) using Import > Existing Projects Into Workspace.
Importing a zip creates a project but it doesn't create it as an Android project and the console displays the error: "Project has no file! Edit the project properties to set one."
I've tried going into the project Properties but as soon as I click on 'Android' in the properties tree a pop-up appears saying "Could Not Accept Changes: The currently displayed page contains invalid values"
But if I do this on one of my own projects I have no such error, and I'm able to change things such as the Android Platform/API level. I'm also able to archive my own projects (using export) and import them again without any problems... nut not other people's archives! Am I being really stupid?
Any help would be really appreciated!
All the baseline needs is a line like:
You can most likely copy another projects' into this project. A (not-so-)quick restart of Eclipse, a rebuilding of the workspace, and you're off to the races.
It's really lame that this is needed -- it should happen as part of the import process, I would think.
just change your file to
and restart your eclipse
it's done..
Right click on the project in navigator window, go to android tools and click on fix project properties. It might work, as it did for me ;-)
You can look at this section, it works for me:
Project has no file!
If you want to change the library of your project, do that :
- right click on the project name
- Build Path
- Configure build path
- click Android on the left, and select the library you need.
I had the same problem.
What you are trying is little difficult.Just unzip the files ,copy res and src folders
to ur existing project.The problem is the files starting with "." which have settings for their android and eclipse.
So you need to modify all that,so simply create new project or to ur existing one copy res, src and AndroidManifest.xml file.
It worked for me .
In the project right click Android Tools -> Fix Project Properties

