Using Amazon Webservices in android application - android

I have read on net tutorials that cloud can be used for storing data.So i wanted to ask that whether sql server 2005 table data be stored in amazon cloud.Can anyone give me the sample code to store data from sql server in amazon and retrieve it in android application?

Amazon gives you a server instance with the operating system specified by you. you can technically, install anything on it and host that.
What you should technically do is to take an instance of your desired specification from Amazon.
Write a simple web application (I would do a java webapp. For sure you can go for the same as you already are doing Android programming.) with connectivity to your DB and that has controllers to run your SQL queries and returns the values.
Here is some example code. This uses Spring just so you know. You can use plain MVC as well if you want do it simple to start with.
#RequestMapping ( value = "runquery" , method = RequestMethod.GET )
public void runQuery()
Statement lStatement = null;
Connection lConnection = null;
ResultSet lResultSet = null;
lConnection = DBAccess.getConnection();
lStatement = lConnection.createStatement();
lResultSet = lStatement.executeQuery( "select * from table" );
while ( )
{"The result set is : "+lResultSet.toString());
catch( Exception e )
mLogger.error("Exception occurred while trying to runQuery : "+e.getMessage());
DBAccess.closeResultSet( lResultSet );
DBAccess.closeStatement( lStatement );
DBAccess.closeDBConnection( lConnection );


Dotmim.Sync null reference exception in web proxy post method

I am using Dotmim.sync framework. I am trying to sync an mssql database with my xamarin android app's sqlite database. So I implemented the web proxy to reach the database from the android app.
The proxy starts fine, but then when I call the sync from the android app the Post method gives a null reference error, but I cannot find what is null.
In the ASP.NET Core web app's Startup file:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// [Required]: To be able to handle multiple sessions
// [Required]: Get a connection string to your server data source
var connectionString = #"[my connection string]";
// [Required]: Tables list involved in the sync process
var tables = new string[] { "dbo.Album", "dbo.Artist", "dbo.Customer", "dbo.Invoice", "dbo.InvoiceItem", "dbo.Track" };
// [Required]: Add a SqlSyncProvider acting as the server hub.
services.AddSyncServer<SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider>(connectionString, tables);
The SyncController:
public class SyncController : ControllerBase
private WebServerManager manager;
public SyncController(WebServerManager man) => this.manager = man;
public async Task Post()
await manager.HandleRequestAsync(this.HttpContext);
} //----> the Null error comes
public async Task Get() => await manager.HandleRequestAsync(this.HttpContext);
In the android app the sync function that is called:
public async Task SyncDatabase(string connString, Context context)
var handler = HttpClientHandlerService.GetInsecureHandler();
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(handler);
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Host = $"localhost:44372";
var serverOrchestrator = new WebClientOrchestrator("", client: httpClient);
// Second provider is using plain sqlite provider
var clientProvider = new SqliteSyncProvider(connString);
var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverOrchestrator);
var result = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(); //---> error comes when this line is called
var output = result.ToString();
output = output.Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\t", " ").Replace("\r", " ");
Toast.MakeText(context, output, ToastLength.Long).Show();
catch (Exception e)
Toast.MakeText(context, e.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show();
Let me know what further information should I supply to solve this.
Calling from postman it gives this error: {"tn":"HttpHeaderMissingExceptiopn","m":"Header dotmim-sync-scope-name is missing."}
Server orchestrator on the client side:
On the server side:
The details of the exception:
I tried the sync with a different database and tables, and that worked, so it was clear that dotmim has some problem with the tables I was using. So after lot of thinking I tried with a different schema name instead of dbo, since the other database that worked had something else. And it turns out the sync has some problem if the schema name is dbo, something gets mixed probably when it tries to create its own new tables. So use something different from dbo for schema.

Cordova Sqlite Database Error when Upgrading to 64 Bit

Due to the recent update from Google Play Store, advising that all apps must now be 64 bit Compliant to be served by the Play Store, I have attempted to update our Cordova Android application to 64 bit.
Following, Google's advice, we have determined that there is only one of our cordova plugins that is not 64 Bit Compliant. However, this is causing painful issues.
The plugin in question, was the cordova-sqlcipher-adapter. We relied on this to encrypt our SQLite databases and to serve the databases to the application. We have now removed the reliance on this plugin for the encryption aspect. Therefore, it frees us up to upgrade to 64 bit.
When attempting to upgrade this, we realised that this plugin is built upon another plugin, cordova-sqlite-storage which handles the opening databases and executing commands. Therefore, to simplify things, we removed the cordova-sqlcipher-adapter and added the cordova-sqlite-storage plugin to ensure no issues were raised from the cipher aspect.
When running the application, using the new plugin, at a 64 bit compliant version, the app errors when attempting to run queries on one of the databases.
The error returned is:
Error: a statement error callback did not return false: no such table: RNM_Setting (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT s.Value AS [Value] FROM <MYTABLE> s WHERE s.[Key] = <PARAM>
We have tried different versions but always end up with the same issue and cannot find another way to interact with SQLite databases from a Cordova Android Application.
We have confirmed that the database in question exists in the correct directory and is populated with data and the table in question. We have even pulled the database out and run the exact query on it which succeeds so it cannot be a database issue.
The code used to open the database is:
SQLiteWrapper.prototype.OpenDatabase = function () {
var self = this;
if (this.db === null && this.hasSqlite) {
this.db = window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase({ name: this.dbName, iosDatabaseLocation: 'Documents' });
this.GetSettingValue = function (settingKey, successCallback, failCallback) {
var self = this;
try {
var sql = ["SELECT ",
" s.Value AS [Value] ",
"FROM ",
" <MYTABLE> s ",
" s.[Key] = ? "];
sql = sql.join("");
var params = [settingKey];
this.sql.GetSingleItem(sql, params, this.ReadSettingFromDb, successCallback, fail);
} catch (e) {
function fail(e) {
self.CallbackError(failCallback, "GetSettingValue", e);
SQLiteWrapper.prototype.GetSingleItem = function (sql, params, rowRead, successCallback, failCallback) {
var self = this;
try {
this.db.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql(sql, params, executeSuccess, executeFail);
}, function (e) {
function executeSuccess(tx, rs) {
var item = null;
try {
if (rs.rows.length > 0) {
var row = rs.rows.item(0);
item = rowRead(row);
} catch (e) {
function executeFail(tx, e) {
} catch (e) {
function fail(e) {
self.CallbackError(failCallback, "GetSingleItem", e);
this.ReadSettingFromDb = function (row) {
return row.Value;
We are at a bit of a loss now as to how to interact with a SQLite database in a 64 Bit Compliant way. Any help to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
When you've used a cipher-driver before, you either need to de-crypt the database or start over with a new one database. There might be a table RNM_Setting, but without decryption it behaves as if it would not exist. Ever tried opening that file on a computer with "DB Browser for SQLite" ?
Besides, your reasoning concerning 64 bit does not make much sense, simply because android-database-sqlcipher-ndk.jar has an arm64-v8a/

About how to pass the ParseObject(Object) using Rest API(service) in Installation class in android?

I am sagar, i am trying to implement the Parse Push-Notification in android using REST API (Service), and i am almost got success in implement the Push-Notification in Xamarin-Android using REST API. But i got stuck with one part in sending the Data into REST service. I trying to pass the ParseObject in service, but the in parse table there is a need of Object,(). I have tried to pass the ParseObject as below:
It convert ParseObject into array and array is not accepted in table and ,i got failed to save it in table. because there i a need of object.
I need solution or suggestion from developer guys. Yours help will be appreciated. I am trying the below code to achieve the result.
public static void RegisterPush(string regristrationId)
if (regristrationId != null) {
string appID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
string restID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
string masterID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
try {
var client = new RestClient ("");
var request = new RestRequest ("1/installations", RestSharp.Method.POST);
request.AddHeader ("Accept", "application/json");
request.AddHeader ("X-Parse-Application-Id", appID);
request.AddHeader ("X-Parse-REST-API-Key", restID);
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential (appID, masterID);
request.Parameters.Clear ();
Console.Error.WriteLine ("ParseUser.CurrentUser-->"+ (ParseObject) ParseUser.CurrentUser);
string strJSONContent = "{\"user\" :"+ JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ParseUser.CurrentUser)+",\"owner\":\"" + ParseUser.CurrentUser.ObjectId + "\",\"deviceType\":\"android\",\"GCMSenderId\":\"1234567890\",\"appName\":\"abcdefgh\",\"pushType\":\"gcm\",\"deviceToken\":\"" + regristrationId + "\"}";
Console.Error.WriteLine("json string-->"+ strJSONContent);
request.AddParameter ("application/json", strJSONContent, ParameterType.RequestBody);
client.ExecuteAsync (request, response => {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("response for android parse installation-->" + response.Content);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine (ex.Message);
Output:{"user" :[{"Key":"dealOffered","Value":4},{"Key":"dealRequested","Value":5},{"Key":"displayName","Value":"Cook"},{"Key":"email","Value":""},{"Key":"firstName","Value":"Lorenzo"},{"Key":"lastName","Value":"Cook"},{"Key":"mobileNumber","Value":9999999999.0},{"Key":"picture","Value":{"IsDirty":false,"Name":"tfss-afd25c29-6679-4843-842c-fe01f7fcf976-profile.jpg","MimeType":"image/jpeg","Url":""}},{"Key":"provider","Value":"password"},{"Key":"userType","Value":"Merchant"},{"Key":"username","Value":""},{"Key":"zipCode","Value":2342343}],"owner":"3cF1vHUXkW","deviceType":"android","GCMSenderId":"1234567890123","appName":"Sailfish","pushType":"gcm","deviceToken":"APA91bE3bsTIInQcoloOBE4kdLVVHVTRVtNyA1A788hYSC15wAVu8mUg-lwk7ZPk370rngrK7J6OoLmiM9HRr1CGPaBo6LCNrSUL7erBku4vepaFFkQzgqS6BcAemp"}
Error:{"code":111,"error":"invalid type for key user, expected *_User, but got array"}
I found the solution in , parse xamarin docs, in one query , the way is simple, but i little bit hard to found out.
The issue is with the data passing in json format in REST, to pass any pointer using REST API, use as below.
The solution is as below:
It looks like your column user is set up wrong. It should show as a Pointer<_User> not Pointer
If you load this class in your Data Browser, is the "user" key defined as a string, or a Pointer <_User>
This error seems to indicate that this is a string column, which is why the Parse.User object is not being accepted as a valid value. You might have tried setting a string on this key before, which in turn type-locked the "user" key as a string column.
Found it on the examples given on this page -
Have you check your REST API connection while passing ParseObject?
Because your error says:
Error:{"code":111,"error":"invalid type for key user, expected *_User, but got array"}
Here "code":111This error code comes when server refuse for connection

What does Device Id mean Azure Push Notifications in Xamarin Android? How to get it?

We are using Azure Mobile Services to Push notifications to a Xamarin Android and a Xamarin iOS and a Windows Universal App. The Windows Universal App has plenty of documentation around what we need, although we haven’t had a chance to implement it yet. However, both Xamarin Android and iOS are missing all documentation around Push Notifications. If you go to and select Xamarin Android or Xamarin iOS and .NET Backend there are zero links for documentation around these APIs. After digging around a ton yesterday I found this: and both which were last updated in September of last year. The documentation was promised to be updated over 5 months ago.
When I use the Xamarin Component from Microsoft for Azure Mobile Services: I am able to get the MobileServiceClient up and running, but not the Push notifications.
The API:
Push pushManager = MobileService.GetPush();
string deviceId = "what is this???";
//Option 1:
//Option 2:
GcmRegistration googleNotificationRegistration = new GcmRegistration(deviceId);
Documentation I’m using:
GcmRegistration: I can’t find any documentation for this class
Registration (Base class for GcmRegistration):
Note: the parameter for Registration is not named deviceId it is named channelUri
Note: the parameter of RegisterNativeAsync is not named deviceId it is named channelUri
My question is simple:
What is deviceId supposed to be? And how do I get it?
All the documentation above is for Winodws Universal Apps not for Xamarin Apps on Mono.
In the writing up of this question I have found articles about "Get Started with Notification Hubs":
Xamarin iOS -
Xamarin Android -
Are these the example I should be using? They look old and the Android one mentions nothing about Azure Mobile Services. Should I not even be using the Azure Mobile Services Xamarin Component for Android?
deviceId should be just the GCMRegistrationId.
I looked into the source code of the implementations of the component DLLs and also Android SDKs.
Firstly, let's take a look to your option 1 and option 2 behind the scene. Basically both eventually do the same job of creating a GcmRegistration and passing it the internal RegistrationManager.
public Task RegisterAsync (Registration registration)
if (registration == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ("registration");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (registration.PushHandle)) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ("registration.deviceId");
return this.RegistrationManager.RegisterAsync (registration);
public Task RegisterNativeAsync (string deviceId, IEnumerable<string> tags)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (deviceId)) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ("deviceId");
GcmRegistration registration = new GcmRegistration (deviceId, tags);
return this.RegistrationManager.RegisterAsync (registration);
Then, one of the API calls that I can find involving the Registration.PushHandle (which is the deviceId you passed) is as below
public async Task<IEnumerable<Registration>> ListRegistrationsAsync (string deviceId)
MobileServiceHttpResponse mobileServiceHttpResponse = await this.client.HttpClient.RequestAsync (HttpMethod.Get, string.Format ("/push/registrations?deviceId={0}&platform={1}", new object[] {
Uri.EscapeUriString (deviceId),
Uri.EscapeUriString (Platform.Instance.PushUtility.GetPlatform ())
}), this.client.CurrentUser, null, true, null, MobileServiceFeatures.None);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<Registration>> (mobileServiceHttpResponse.Content, new JsonConverter[] {
new RegistrationConverter ()
I have then switched to Android Mobile Services SDK to look for similar code to find some hints. Sadly, it is found called pnsHandle in android but still no hints what it is.
* Registers the client for native notifications with the specified tags
* #param pnsHandle PNS specific identifier
* #param tags Tags to use in the registration
* #return The created registration
* #throws Exception
public Registration register(String pnsHandle, String... tags) throws Exception {
if (isNullOrWhiteSpace(pnsHandle)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pnsHandle");
Registration registration = PnsSpecificRegistrationFactory.getInstance().createNativeRegistration(mNotificationHubPath);
return registerInternal(registration);
Finally, I guess the below example code from should be calling the same API which now explain everything, i.e. deviceId is just the GCMRegistrationId.
public void onRegistered(Context context, final String gcmRegistrationId) {
super.onRegistered(context, gcmRegistrationId);
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
try {
ToDoActivity.mClient.getPush().register(gcmRegistrationId, null);
return null;
catch(Exception e) {
// handle error
return null;

How to send SharedObject Array data to PHP WS for DB Query (Flex)

I am currently developing an Android application using Flex 4.5.1 and I am having an issue when trying to pass data that I have stored in a SharedObject array to my Web Service for a Database query. the code below shows how I am storing the data in the SharedObject:
var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("app");
public var prefsArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(;
protected function prefs_btn_click(event:MouseEvent):void
prefsArray.source.push(; = [prefsArray];
var flushStatus:String = so.flush();
if (flushStatus != null) {
switch(flushStatus) {
case SharedObjectFlushStatus.PENDING:
case SharedObjectFlushStatus.FLUSHED:
protected function onFlushStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void
I have tested the SharedObject to see if the information is being entered into it correctly and all seems fine. Now I have used the code below in order to retrieve the data from the SharedObject and try and send it to the PHP web Service to run the DB query.
var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("app");
var arrCol:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(;
var str:String = new String(arrCol.toString());
protected function list_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
getPrefsByprefIdsResult.token = prefsService.getPrefsByPrefIds(;
I have tested the Webservice in Flex and have it configured to recieve an Array of Ints (int[]) and it works when i run a test operation on it with two dummy values. However when I try to use the code above to pass the Web Service the Shared Object data I get this error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert []#97e97e1 to mx.collections.ArrayCollection.
at views::**************/list_creationCompleteHandler()[C:\Users\Jack\Adobe Flash Builder 4.5\****************\src\views\*******************.mxml:25]
at views::*********************/__list_creationComplete()[C:\Users\Jack\Adobe Flash Builder 4.5\****************\src\views\***************.mxml:94]
at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at mx.core::UIComponent/set initialized()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateClient()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
at mx.core::UIComponent/validateNow()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at spark.components::ViewNavigator/commitNavigatorAction()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\mobilecomponents\src\spark\components\]
at spark.components::ViewNavigator/commitProperties()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\mobilecomponents\src\spark\components\]
at mx.core::UIComponent/validateProperties()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateProperties()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiationCallback()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
I have replaced certain filenames and locations with *'s to protect the work i am doing, but can someone please help me with this issues as I believe it has to be something simple???
ok so let me explain in more detail. This is being designed for an Android app like I said, but image what I am trying to do is to store Bookmarks persistently using the Local Shared Object.
The first chunck of code you see above is designed to create the LSO attribute for the bookmark i want to create and imagine that there can be more than one bookmark set at different times like in a web browser. The only way i could find to do this was to store these items/details in an array which I retrieve and then update before saving back to the LSO and saving.
The second piece of code related to imagine a "Bookmarks Page" with a list of all the content that I have bookmarked. Now what I wanted to happen was thta I would be able to call up the LSO attribute which held the id's of the bookmarks and then load up thier details in a list format.
I have managed to create the LSO and store the bookmark deatils in and allow them to be updated and entries added. Also I have made sure that the PHP code that I have pulls back all the database objects relating to the array of id's and this has been tested using flex. The only thing that I cant seem to do is to pass the id's to the PHP web service file. The code in the Web Service file is below if that helps:
public function getPrefsByPrefIds($PrefIds) {
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($this->connection, "SELECT * FROM $this->tablename WHERE $this-> IN(" .implode(",", $PrefIds). ")");
$rows = array();
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $row->id, $row->name, $row->desc);
while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) {
$rows[] = $row;
$row = new stdClass();
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $row->id, $row->name, $row->desc);
return $rows;
Yes I had already tried that but thanks. I have made some more progress on my own as I have been experimenting with the different types of objects that can be stored in SharedObjects. I have managed to get the solution part working with this code:
This code is designed to capture the boomark info and store it in an arrayCollection before transferring it to a bytesArray and saving
var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("app");
public var prefArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(;
protected function prefs_btn_click(event:MouseEvent):void
prefArray.source.push(; = [prefArray];
var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
bytes.writeObject(prefArray); = bytes;
var flushStatus:String = so.flush();
if (flushStatus != null) {
switch(flushStatus) {
case SharedObjectFlushStatus.PENDING:
case SharedObjectFlushStatus.FLUSHED:
protected function onFlushStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void
This next code is the designed to retrieve that information from the SahredObjects bytesArray and put it back into an Array Collection
var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("app");
var ba:ByteArray = as ByteArray;
var ac:ArrayCollection;
protected function list_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
ba.position = 0;
ac = ba.readObject() as ArrayCollection;
getPrefsByPrefIdsResult.token = prefsService.getPrefsByPrefIds(ac);
however as I have said this works in a small way only as if I store only one Bookmark (id) for an item and then go to the bookmarks list the details for that bookark are successfully retrieved, however if I save more than one Bookmark(2 or more id's) the page will not load the details, i do not get an error but I believe it is hanging because it is looking for say id's "1,2" instead of "1" and "2" but i dont know why this is or how to resolve this. I appreciate the advice I have been given but am finding it hard there is no one who can help me with this issue and I am having to do various experiemnts with the code. Can someone please help me with this I would really appreciate it :-) Thanks

