I need help with this function.
I know that the if statement recognizes my input because it affects the program elsewhere, but I'm not sure what's going on because this particular Log doesn't display anything even in adb logcat.
Other Log statements in the same class file that this function is from display just fine, and the value update does seem to be changing ("show all" blanks it for some reason but I can figure that out after I get the log to work.)
I am unsure how to search for this problem because it is very specific and I have no idea what causes it (probably something simple that I didn't think of, though.)
void command(String input)
//do stuff here
//update = whatever
if(input.equalsIgnoreCase("show all"))
Log.i(input, update);
else update=input; //just for testing, will delete later
the printAllRooms function:
public String printAllRooms() //for debug purposes
String result = "";
for (Iterator<Room> iterator = rooms.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Room current = iterator.next();
result = result + current.toString()+"\n";
Log.i("printallrooms", current.toString());
return result;
A note on using Log.
The first argument sent to Log is typically a fixed string indicating the name of the class you are in.
So at the top of your class you might define:
private static final String TAG = "MyClassName";
Then you would use TAG for your log statements in that class.
Log.i(TAG, "My input was: " + input + " Update was: " + update;
To put it mildly, your function looks quite odd. Set a breakpoint at your Log statement, run the debugger and then inspect the variable value contained in update. Most likely, printAllRooms() is not doing what you think.
If the iterator doesn't work for you, try using the For-Each loop:
for (Room r : rooms) {
result = result + r.toString()+"\n";
Log.i("printallrooms", r.toString());
I am using statements in my code in the same class that look like:
Log.i(TAG, "Writing command to initialize the FORA");
Log.i(TAG, "onDescriptorWrite signaled with status " + status);
yet the output from the first one is
Writing command to initialize the FORA
but the second one is
04-11 08:01:13.109 9030-9139/? I/com.lampreynetworks.ahd.transport.btle.b: onDescriptorWrite signaled with status 0
I would like to have the output with the package name in both cases. I thought that was determined by the TAG which in my case is
private static final String TAG = AndroidBtleHandler.class.getName();
I thought it might be because some of the statements were in a class within the class but that is not so. What do I need to do to get the full package name in the logcat output?
It's not dependent on the message itself. If you have directly following info logs with Log.i() from the same class in your Logcat, only the first one shows the class name. (I don't know why that is.) It's the same with Log.w().
If you use Log.d(), the class name is shown every time.
public class App {
public static String getTag() {
String tag = "";
final StackTraceElement[] ste = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
for (int i = 0; i < ste.length; i++) {
if (ste[i].getMethodName().equals("getTag")) {
tag = "("+ste[i + 1].getFileName() + ":" + ste[i + 1].getLineNumber()+")";
return tag;
And instead of Log.i(TAG, "Writing command to initialize the FORA"); use Log.i(App.getTag(), "Writing command to initialize the FORA")
I am trying to ignore spaces in editview between text, I am not quite sure how I can go about doing this. I know I can use trim feature to ignore spaces before and after the full text but how do I ignore space between strings if there is any;
String myTextEdited myText.getText().toString().trim();
For example, if I have / user types in this;
Allan Bob
3523 JKO
NY1 U90
I want to ingore spaces when I read this in my if statement or put it in another variable for example;
String name = "AllanBob"
For example, to ignore upper and lower cases I am doing this;
if (myText.getText().toString().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(userInput)) {
// do something
} else {
// do something
What I would like to do is add another feature in here that also ignores spaces before, between and after text e.g. instead of;
myname is Henry . (space until here)
It should read it as mynameishenry but to the user it still appears as they have written it.
Please let me know if my question was not clear, I will try explaining it better
is it possible to ignore spaces in string that I have inside my if statement. For example;
if (myText.getText().toString().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("Henry 0887")) {
// do something
} else {
// do something
but currently if the user types in henry0887, the if statement does not validate it because I added a space inside my validation text and therefoe its looking for a space in the text, is it possible to over come this, so even if I have space inside my validation it ignores it.
Did you try this:
String myString = myEditText.getText().toString();
myString = myString .replace(" ", "");
Hope it helps
if (myText.getText().toString().replace(" ", "").equalsIgnoreCase(userInput) || myText.getText().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(userInput)) {...
Try this,
if(myText.getText().toString().trim().replace(" ","").equalsIgnoreCase(userInput)) {
// do something
} else {
// do something
Hope this helps.
use replaceAll() method.
str = str.replace(" ","");
or for all space chars:
str = str.replace("\\s+","");
if (myText.getText().toString().replace("\\s+","").equalsIgnoreCase(userInput)) {
// do something
} else {
// do something
if (myText.getText().toString().replace("\\s+","").equalsIgnoreCase("Henry 0887".replace("\\s+",""))) {
// do something
} else {
// do something
So first of all sorry if this has already been asked and answered before, I couldn't find anything relating to my issue.
So I'm working on a project for college and I need to get int values from EditText widgets. I was told to use parseInt to do this however when running my program, that line of code causes the application to crash. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I'm still very new to android development, thanks for the help :)
public void Calculate (View view)
int MilesTravelled;
int FuelUsed;
int MPG;
/* the two lines below are what cause the application to crash */
MilesTravelled = Integer.parseInt(txtMilesTravelled.getText().toString());
FuelUsed = Integer.parseInt(txtFuelUsed.getText().toString());
FuelUsed = (int) (FuelUsed / 4.55);
MPG = MilesTravelled / FuelUsed;
Do you have this in the onCreate() function?
EditText txtMilesTravelled = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.YourEditText);
But I think you mixed Integer and int. They are not the same:
See this link!
First of all, don't capitalize the first letter of an variables or method names. Following the Java coding conventions, only do that for classes.
What is probably causing your app to crash is you trying to set the text of a label to an integer. The setText method for a TextView needs to take in a string.
So change:
Otherwise it might be that it's trying to parse a non-numerical string to an integer.
For exmaple, if the EditText is blank, it will cause your app to crash. To prevent that, try this:
int MilesTravelled = 0, FuelUsed = 0;
try {
MilesTravelled = Integer.parseInt(txtMilesTravelled.getText().toString());
FuelUsed = Integer.parseInt(txtFuelUsed.getText().toString());
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Error NFE!", 0).show();
This way, it will catch a NumberFormatException error (parsing a string to an integer that can't be represented as an integer, such as "hello"). If it catches the error, it will toast that an error has occurred and your integer variables will remain 0.
Or you could just test if the strings contain only digits using the following regex:
int MilesTravelled = 0, FuelUsed = 0;
if (txtMilesTravelled.getText().toString().matches("[0-9]+")) {
MilesTravelled = Integer.parseInt(txtMilesTravelled.getText().toString());
} else {
// contains characters that are not digits
if (txtFuelUsed.getText().toString().matches("[0-9]+")) {
FuelUsed = Integer.parseInt(txtFuelUsed.getText().toString());
} else {
// contains characters that are not digits
If that's not the problem, then make sure you define your variables properly.
txtMilesTravelled and txtFuelUsed should be EditText:
EditText txtMilesTravelled = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.txtMilesTravelled);
EditText txtFuelUsed = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.txtFuelUsed);
And make sure that your R.id.editText actually exists on your layout and that the IDs are the correct ones.
Last thing, make sure FuelUsed is not 0 before calculating MPG because then you are dividing by 0:
int MPG = 0;
if (FuelUsed != 0) {
MPG = MilesTravelled / FuelUsed;
I am assuming that you're entering perfect integers in the EditTexts. It might be a good idea to use the trim function txtMilesTravelled.getText().toString().trim() before using parseInt.
However, I think the major problem is here : lblMPG.setText(FuelUsed);
FuelUsed is an integral value, when you pass an integer to setText(), it looks for a string resource with that integral value. So you should be passing a String to the setText() method.
Use : lblMPG.setText(Integer.toString(FuelUsed));
I seem to be getting what seems like some extra line breaks after using this method to set the text of a TextView
message.setText(Html.fromHtml( message ));
How can I remove these? They cause my layout to get warped since it adds two extra lines to the output.
The string was saved to my sqlite database via Html.toHtml( editText.getText() ).trim();
Initial string input : hello
Log output of the message variable: <p dir="ltr">hello</p>
you can use this lines ... totally works ;)
i know your problem solved but maybe some one find this useful .
string= replceLast(string,"<p dir=\"ltr\">", "");
string=replceLast(string,"</p>", "");
}catch (Exception e) {}
and here is replaceLast ...
public String replceLast(String yourString, String frist,String second)
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(yourString);
b.replace(yourString.lastIndexOf(frist), yourString.lastIndexOf(frist)+frist.length(),second );
return b.toString();
For kotlin you can use
Looks like toHtml assumes everything should be in a <p> tag. I'd strip off the beginning and ending <p> and </p> tags before writing to the database.
This is working as below in Kotlin.
val myHtmlString = "<p>Test<\/p>"
HtmlCompat.fromHtml(myHtmlString.trim(), FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT).trim('\n')
My app has a number of numeric user input fields which need sanity checks before proceeding to the next intent.
I read viewText fields, convert them to double and then do the (numeric) tests but odd things happen and I find that while the code runs on my HTC in debug, it falls over if I publish then download the published version. My code is sumarised as;
String sFy;
double mFy=0;D
if sFy is null the .parsedouble crashes. If I use;
private double getDouble(String string){
double temp=0.0;
try {
temp = Double.parseDouble(string.trim());
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
System.out.println("getDouble, Could not parse " + nfe);
return temp;
it works, even if sFy is empty.
Can anyone tell my why, or suggest a 'correct' method?
Maybe like that :
String sFy;
double mFy=0;
sFy = txtFy.getText();
if ((sFy != ""){
Or maybe I haven't really understood your problem...
Your getDouble is returning 0.0 in case there is NumberFormatException.
Do you see debugger coming to System.out.println("getDouble, Could not parse " + nfe);