Yesterday I upgraded from Lion to Mountain Lion and today my productivity went down. I cannot perform "cmd + click" on a method or variable to go its declaration because the popup shown in eclipse contains a horizontal scrollbar which overflows the last option.
Does anyone have a solution how to fix this?
UPDATE: Just to be clear- neither "When Scrolling", nor "Automatically based on mouse or trackpad" options remove the problem for me. Only "Always" does work, but its consequences to the whole system UX are not acceptable
Try doing this. In Mountain Lion, go to Preferences -> General and for Show scroll bars choose Always like so :
That should prevent the scroll bar from covering the last option and allow you to click it. Does this help ?
I just checked that this indeed works. In fact for me it's only the When Scrolling option that creates a problem. With either of the remaining settings, things are peachy :
Unfortunately, I can't post a screen shot since the cmd + click popup disappears as soon as I press the shortcut key for taking a screenshot (Cmd + Shift + 4).
Update 2
I just made this quick screen cast to show the relation between the Mountain Lion Preferences and how it effects eclipse. Take a look at it here.
If you press F3 while the cursor is on a variable or method then Eclipse will 'open declaration'. Fix the problem by removing the mouse-based workflow?
It's become so second nature that I can't even remember in which window the compile time errors were showing, but I've just updated to Studio 3.2 and I can't seem to find the Messages window or something similar to it.
I'm looking for that panel in which the compile time errors were showing up and you could click on each one and it would jump to that specific file. The only thing I can find is this thing below, on which it's very inefficient to keep expanding the tree and looking at each individual error. Also, clicking on the error items doesn't jump to the file, only if I press Return on my keyboard.
Is this really the replacement of the previous panel? It's very, very inefficient
If I click the icon on the left side of the Build panel it displays them as below, but as text ... ! There must be a better way ... isn't there ?
you can see log output in Logcat from tool windows Bar or short key(Alt + 6)
and select Error Filter also i prefer search main word in error filter.
most of time problem appear in top sentences and you can go to location by clicking on link .
Most of the times I run a Project I need to open/maximize LogCat and then minimize it.
Usually it takes a few clicks with the mouse.
Click the LogCat icon on the Debug perspective ctrl+M to maximize it and then click the minimize icon.
Wonder if there is a faster way, hope without the need to click the mouse.
Go to Window -> Preferences.
Then go to General -> Keys.
Find the entry "Show View (View: Logcat)"
Go to Binding and hit a key (such as F10).
Personally, I use two screens for developing. Main Window on the main screen and Logcat, File Explorer and Console on the second one.
Press Shift Twice
Type logcat
Press Enter
If I understand your problem correctly, you already have the LogCat view open. But, when you want to maximize it, its a pain to double click it every time.
Use Ctrl+F7 to shift between the views like "LogCat", "Console", "Editor" etc. Then when you are at particular view, just use Ctrl+M to maximize the view in full screen.
I think you will like some of the Shortcuts mentioned here:
Window -> Show View -> Other -> Android -> LogCat
I personally think Eclipse is not the best place to watch logcat (it is already as heavy as it gets by default, and you put more into it...).
So, I recommend good old command line (Linux):
$ adb logcat -v time
I have created a logcat colorizer to help distinguish the important stuff:
I am debugging my code but the Debug tools are not clickable (i.e Step in , Step out , resume etc).I might have changed the settings accidently , but I dont know where to reset it .
I am new to use Eclipse and android , Please help me
In the "Debug" perspective, there is a "Debug" view which shows the threads of the application being debugged:
There's a little menu in the top right corner, with an option "Show Debug Toolbar". Select that, et voilá:
Sometimes it helps to clean the eclipse workspace - just start eclipse with -clean and the debug buttons work again.
Window -> open perspective -> Debug. There you go.
Also it will normally open by itself when you run the project in debug mode. You do that by clicking F11 or clicking on the bug/insect icon to the left of the run (play) button in the navigation bar you provided screenshot off.
If any of the watch expressions takes too long to evaluate, those mentioned buttons will appear to be grayed out during the evaluation. In such case removing all watch expressions will help.
You may see that your breakpoints symbols are double lines instead of dots.
Run > Skip All Breakpoints
After this you will see that the breakpoints icons are back to normal and your problem is resolved.
When I flip into that alternate reality known as Debug time (the Debug Perspective of Eclipse becomes active), I want LogCat to always be there; it's not, and I have to open it manually/explicitly each time. Can I "train it" to always be there when Debug time rolls around?
In the lower left corner, there should be an icon that shows show view as a fast view when you hover over it, click it then LogCat and dock it where you want. That works on my Galileo version's Debog perspective. If that's what you're doing and it still doesn't stay, try running eclipse in as administrator.
I had the same problem. The answer , for me, was that all the items in the icon view at the bottom of the window occupy the same window. On the left side of the row of icons is one that looks like a couple of windows. Click on that and it restores the window to be fixed.
Hope this helps
When I run my Android app in Eclipse I can see the emulator on the toolbar but the window appears to be off the screen. Clicking on the icon in the toolbar makes it flash in or out from the right but I cannot see it.
I have had this problem before but I cannot remember how I resolved it.
You could try this.
(Windows 7 only)
Hover over the window icon in the task bar so that the preview appears, right click on the preview and select "move." You should then be able to move the window with the arrow keys. You may have to hold down the arrow key for what seems to be a very long time.
As dell116 said:
Hover over the window icon in the task bar so that the preview
appears, right click on the preview and select "move." You should then
be able to move the window with the arrow keys.
But as soon as you have used one of the arrow keys, then move the mouse, and... voilĂ , the window turns up in front of us, just following the mouse movements. Place the window where you want and click the mouse's left button to release it.
None of the tricks here worked for me. What I had to do was in Windows right click background (desktop) select screen resolution. From there change the resolution to a smaller resolution. The window provided me with the window bar that was cut off, simply drag like normal. After I got it where I got it where I wanted it, I just changed the resolution back.
You can also right click on taskbar->properties change Taskbar location on screen to something else, Apply, and then you can set it back this will put your windows on screen.
Another one is right clicking on the taskbar->Cascade windows - this will put every window together in cascading order which is annoying but it does guarantee all windows will go on the screen.
In Windows 10,I faced the same problem. My solution is like that;
Start Android Studio
Select the Android Studio from ALT+TAB Menu(If'nothing happens,just relax :) )
Now press ALT + Space combination
Click Maximize
Now you may use the ide :)))
I faced the exact same problem. I tried the solutions suggested by Daniel and dell116. At first it did not work as the "Move" option seems to be disabled. However, during my final attempt it worked. I found out that you can only use this method only when the OS is starting up (i.e. when it is showing the android logo).
Good news is that after doing this once, it will stay in the desired position for future runs.