I develop android library for drawing chart at view, using canvas.
However, the following errors occur frequently.
D/NvOsDebugPrintf(11526): NvRmChannelSubmit: NvError_IoctlFailed with error code 12
D/NvOsDebugPrintf(11526): NvRmChannelSubmit failed (err = 196623, SyncPointValue = 94008102)
(87 times repeat)
D/OpenGLRenderer(11526): GL error from OpenGLRenderer: 0x505
E/OpenGLRenderer(11526): OpenGLRenderer is out of memory!
Solution is not found although I am groping for various causes and solution.
So, please tell me about what can become a cause which such an error generates?
And how can solve this problem.
I beg your kindness. Finally my sincere apologies for my poor English.
I have trained my model using ssd_mobilenet_v2_quantized_coco, which was also a long painstaking process of digging. Once training was successful, the model was correctly detecting images from my laptop but on my phone as soon as an object is detected, app crashes. I used TF lite Android app available at GitHub. I did some debugging on Android Studio and getting the following error log when an object gets detected and app crashes:
I/tensorflow: MultiBoxTracker: Processing 0 results from 314 I/tensorflow:
DetectorActivity: Preparing image 506 for detection in bg thread.
I/tensorflow: DetectorActivity: Running detection on image 506
I/tensorflow: MultiBoxTracker: Processing 0 results from 506
I/tensorflow: DetectorActivity: Preparing image 676 for detection in bg thread.
I/tensorflow: DetectorActivity: Running detection on image 676
E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: inference
Process: org.tensorflow.lite.demo, PID: 3122
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=80; index=-2147483648
at java.util.Vector.elementData(Vector.java:734)
at java.util.Vector.get(Vector.java:750)
at org.tensorflow.demo.TFLiteObjectDetectionAPIModel.recognizeImage(TFLiteObjectDetectionAPIModel.java:213)
at org.tensorflow.demo.DetectorActivity$3.run(DetectorActivity.java:247)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:873)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:193)
at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65)
My guess is labels located in .txt file being somehow misread. This is because of the line:
at org.tensorflow.demo.TFLiteObjectDetectionAPIModel.recognizeImage(TFLiteObjectDetectionAPIModel.java:213)
and that line corresponds to the following code:
labels.get((int) outputClasses[0][i] + labelOffset)
However, I don't know what to change in labels.txt. Possibly, I need to edit that txt as suggested here. Any other suggestions and explanation for possible causes are appreciated.
Update. I added ??? to the labels.txt and compiled/run, but I am still getting the same error as above.
P.S. I trained ssdmobilenet_V2_coco (the model without quantization) as well and it is working without crash on the app. I am guessing, perhaps, quantization is converting label indices differently and maybe resulting in outofbound error for labels.
Yes it is because the output of labels at times gets garbage value. For a quick fix you can try this:
add a condition:
if((int) outputClasses[0][i]>10)
here 10 is the number of classes for which the model was trained for. You can change it accordingly.
I'm working on a video processing app. The app has one Activity that contains a Fragment. The Fragment in turn contains a VideoSurfaceView derived from GLSurfaceView for me to show the preview of the video with effect (using OpenGL) to users. After previewing, users can start processing the video.
To process the video, I mainly apply the method described in here.
Everything works fine on most devices, but the Oppo Mirror 3 (Android 4.4). On this device, everytime I try to create an Surface using MediaCodec.createInputSurface(), it throws out java.lang.IllegalStateException with code -38.
E/OMXMaster: A component of name 'OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.aac' already exists, ignoring this one.
E/SoftAVCEncoder: internalSetParameter: StoreMetadataInBuffersParams.nPortIndex not zero!
E/OMXNodeInstance: OMX_SetParameter() failed for StoreMetaDataInBuffers: 0x80001001
E/ACodec: [OMX.google.h264.encoder] storeMetaDataInBuffers (output) failed w/ err -2147483648
E/OMXNodeInstance: createInputSurface requires COLOR_FormatSurface (AndroidOpaque) color format
E/ACodec: [OMX.google.h264.encoder] onCreateInputSurface returning error -38
E/VideoProcessing: java.lang.IllegalStateException
at android.media.MediaCodec.createInputSurface(Native Method)
at com.ltpquang.android.core.processing.codec.VideoEncoder.<init>(VideoEncoder.java:46)
at com.ltpquang.android.core.VideoProcessing.setupVideo(VideoProcessing.java:200)
at com.ltpquang.android.core.VideoProcessing.<init>(VideoProcessing.java:167)
at com.ltpquang.android.ui.activity.PreviewEditActivity.lambda$btNext$12(PreviewEditActivity.java:723)
at com.ltpquang.android.ui.activity.PreviewEditActivity.access$lambda$12(PreviewEditActivity.java)
at com.ltpquang.android.ui.activity.PreviewEditActivity$$Lambda$13.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
Playing around a little bit, I observed that:
BEFORE creating and adding the VideoSurfaceView to the layout, I can create MediaCodec encoder and obtain the input surface successfully. And I can create as many as I want if I release the previous MediaCodec before creating a new one, otherwise I can only obtain one and only one input surface regardless how many MediaCodec I have.
AFTER creating and adding the VideoSurfaceView to the layout, there is no chance that I can get the input surface from the MediaCodec, it thows java.lang.IllegalStateException always.
I've tried removing the VideoSurfaceView from the layout, set it to null, before creating the surface, but no luck for me.
I also tried with suggestions from here, or here, but they didn't help.
From this, it seems that my device can only get the software codec. So that I cant create the input surface.
My question is:
Why was that?
If the device's resources is limited, what can I do (release something for example) to continue the process?
If it is related to the software codec, what should I do? How can I detect and release the resource?
Is this related to GL contexts? If yes, what should I do? Should I manage the contexts my self?
I have a working android game which occasionally force closes on slow devices with the error
Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 14620 (AsyncTask #1)
Research indicated to me that this was due to delaying the execution of the UI thread, so, i bundled up the peace of code (about 200 lines of bitmap and region creation) into an AsyncTask (doInBackground method) and i now run that task from the UI thread using task.execute.
The problem is, this has in no way stopped the error. If anything the app force closes more frequently during the execution of that code despite the fact it should be running in an asyncTask.
In the interest of being thorough, the error is triggered during the execution of this part of the code (extract from the 200ish block):
Region tempRegion = new Region(PathBoundsRectangle);
Back.outerRegion.setPath(Back.outerPath, tempRegion);
Back.innerRegion.setPath(Back.innerPath, tempRegion);
Back.fastRegion.setPath(Back.speedPath, tempRegion);
Back.slowRegion.setPath(Back.slowPath, tempRegion);
Back.outerRegion.op(Back.innerRegion, Region.Op.XOR);
Matrix scaleMatrix = new Matrix();
RectF rectF = new RectF();
Back.innerPath.computeBounds(rectF, true);
scaleMatrix.setScale(1.1f, 1.1f,rectF.centerX(),rectF.centerY());
Back.outerPath.computeBounds(rectF, true);
scaleMatrix.setScale(0.9f, 0.9f,rectF.centerX(),rectF.centerY());
Back.outerSideBandRegion.setPath(Back.outerPath, tempRegion);
Back.outerSideBandRegion.op(Back.outerRegion, Region.Op.XOR);
Back.innerSideBandRegion.setPath(Back.innerPath, tempRegion);
Back.innerSideBandRegion.op(Back.innerRegion, Region.Op.XOR);
Any ideas? Is it possible the code is still running on the UI thread? Can this error be due to something else?
EDIT: It turns out the error is coming from the Region.op.XOR manipulations. Anyone see how this could cause a Fatal Error?
I have also observed this when calling Region.Op.INTERSECT on regions derived from extremely long and complex paths.
The solution that works for me is to maintain a record of all the path waypoints, and then to build a list of smaller paths onto which the Region.Op.INTERSECT operation gets executed individually.
I am seeing this logcat line when I run my app.
/dalvikvm(20160): 20160(com.test) stat: (e) 315 4699KB / (c) 0 0KB / (a) 1 5355KB / (h) 2836KB 6884KB 4047KB
My application runs ok, dont see any issue, but this red line in logcat worries me. stat(e) looks like some kind of error statistics. I am just guessing. I did some googling, but could not find anything
There is nothing to worry about, it just simple Dalvik VM waste. Anyway as a usual developer you couldn't make any affect on it.
I'm developing an Android game and I've got the garbage collection to
the point where it GC's only about once every 5 minutes or so, which I
think is acceptable, for now.
The problem is that, every once in a while, I'll see this message in
the logs:
08-29 09:58:46.410 W/copybit ( 1912): stretch_copybit::run_render fail
08-29 09:59:09.000 E/libs3c2drender( 1912): int
S3c2DRender::DoG2D(unsigned int, s3c_img*, s3c_rect*, unsigned int,
s3c_img*, s3c_rect*, int, int)::S3C_G2D_ROTATOR_18176 fail
And when this message comes up, my game seems to pause for about
100-200 milliseconds..
I'm currently using a Canvas to draw with, although if my memory is
accurate, I've seen this same error message using Open GL as well.
Here's my code to draw the image object:
cachedMatrix.postTranslate(-halfImageWidth, -halfImageHeight);
cachedMatrix.postScale(localScaleX, localScaleY);
cachedMatrix.postTranslate(localOffset.x, localOffset.y);
float degrees = (radiansToDegrees(-rotation) + 360f) % 360f;
cachedMatrix.postTranslate(screenPos.x, screenPos.y);
canvas.drawBitmap(image, cachedMatrix, null);
Frankly, I am at a loss as to how to get around this. This is happening on my Samsung Moment phone.
Has anyone else encountered this issue ? And found a workaround or
insights into why this is happening ?