Android ExpandableListView about arrays - android

I'm planning to add expandablelistview in my activity. I did some researches on the Internet but none of them fits what I want. I read also that expandablelistview has parent and child elements. What I want to do is that the parent would be the categories let's say it's fruits, then its children are Apple, Lemon, Almonds, etc. I'd like to try that by using arrays, but am not so familiar with List and Hash.. Please give me some snippets of codes to start with.. appreciate any help. Thanks.

Expandable List View is quite easy to implement. You can just easily create two arrays with items that you want to add in the list. For more details and insight into the intricacies of the Expandable ListView you can take a look at this link:
Simple Expandable ListView Example
Also, if you need to create a Custom Expandable ListView, then you can find a good tutorial for that on this link:
Custom Expandable ListView


Android Customizable Expandable List View Item

My problem is simple: I need to make a layout similar to android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1 which can fit more than one textview in the layout, as well as show the little '>' symbol that indicates that the tab is expandable.
How can this best be accomplished? My first thought was to use the layout as a background of a linear layout with two textviews in it, but I can't seem to make that work.
Vogella has a pretty good tutorial on how to achieve custom list views through Adapters.
Basically, what you do is you create a Layout with the looks you want for the list items and then you extend an adapter (ArrayAdapter for instance), see section 4. Then, in your activity, you create an instance of your Adapter implementation and populate it from an Array containing the data for the list.
Also have a look at the Developers site for how to make the list scroll smoothly with the ViewHolder pattern.
And if you feel you need more info on the expandable part maybe the hive can help.

Implement a ListView with dynamic section

Does anyone have any suggestion or Open Source project to implement a ListView like the following image? I don't even know how to call it, to do a nice search (Searching for ListView with dynamic sections I found this).
The image in question is of an Expandable List View (which is a built-in view). Expandable list views allow you to style the groups and children differently and handles expanding/contracting the groups.
Look at and for more information

Android listview populated with json string - UI Design

I would like a listview that is populated by json and which look similar to the images.
I have used a normal listview from android before but i dont like the look and feel of it.
My question.
How did they create these listviews? Are they even listviews or did they use something else?
I just want a nice scrollable list for my json content.
Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
Links to tutorials would also be great.
Kind regards
Of course listview could do that. You many define a layout xml for cell, then in the adapter's getView method, inflate cell view from the layout xml, then configure elements in the cell according to your data.

How can i add ImageViews next to items in my ListView?

I am trying to make a recipe ListView for food and I want to add imageViews next to items in my list. How can i do that? Thx.
A ListView item can have it's own custom layout.
You have to create your adapter for the ListView. When you create your adapter you can assign your custom layout.
Note: You will have to implement getView() to property set the image+text.
Here you have a sample: Lazy load of images in ListView
Following this tutorial could be a nice idea for you (mainly the second example).
But anyway, you should Google a little bit before asking such a basic question.

Android :How can i make a list of events day wise.?

I am working in android. I want to show a list of events. I can make this list using listView.
But i want to add Day just before the list of events. Means i have two arrayList
for Name of days
for name of events for a day
So please suggest me how can i implement this.? you can provide me link related this topic or give a code help.
I need like this :---
Thank you in advance.
You can either use Sectioned ListView(You have to customize ListView) or Expandable ListView(inbuilt).
Sectioned ListView examples:
Android – Sectioned Headers in ListViews ,
ListView Tips & Tricks #2: Section your ListView
Expandable ListView examples:
ExpandableListView on Android
Steps to implement ExpandableListView in android - Check the Step - 2 in this example, same way groups[] and children[][], you can implement your 2 arraylists accordingly.
You can use a SimpleAdapter and bind the Name of the days to one TextView and the event name to another TextView. Your xml layout will then just be a LinearLayout, oriented horizontally, with two TextViews in it. Here's an example.

