Android: how to make only one item of ListView clickable? - android

I am working on a simple to-do list app, and on the main view I have a list of tasks with a checkmark aside to each, as the image below:
Upon clicking on the checkmark I want the respective task to be removed from the list. I tried to implement this as TextViews (for the tasks) and Buttons (for the checkmark), but I would need to know the number/position of the clicked checkmark (0,1,2 or 3) to remove the correct task from my array. Can I get this some how?
I also thought about implementing the tasks/checkmarks as a ListView, but then I would need to set a onItemClickListener only on the checkmark, and not on the task text. Is this possible?
Any other ideas? Thanks.

Checkbox has a tag property which you can use to set custom data like row number. Something like this should work,
So when you click on it, do something like
int rowNum = Integer.parseInt(checkbox.getTag());

If you're using a Custom Adapter, you can add a click listener on the check on getView, so the click is only on the checkbox and not on the full item.
The only problem with this is that the scroll may not work if you try to scroll by clicking on the checkbox.


Change imageview for selected item in listview

In my layout I have a button and a listview. How can I change the imageview of item I selected when the button is clicked. So lets say, I select 5 items, and after I click the button, images for those 5 items will be changed.
So I am confused what function I should use. Right now i used button.setOnClickListener but it seems wrong because only the very first item's imageview will be changed when button clicked. Should I use listview.setItemOnClickListener? Or is there any other way I can do this?
Thanks a lot!
Add a boolean to the data object in your adapter. Say you've got ArrayAdapter<MyDataObject>. Add some kind of "selected" field in the MyDataObject, and toggle it when you "select" the row.
Override getView in the adapter (you'll need a custom Adapter, btw. I'd just extend ArrayAdapter). When you render the row, if the "selected" field is true, show the "other" image.
When you click the button, call 'notifyDataSetChanged' on the adapter. The will cause the visible rows to refresh themselves (and call getView for each).
I think that'll work.
Since you only want images to change when you click the button, you'll need to have some kind of global boolean, so the getView won't show the image until the button has been clicked.
The complication here is, you have to deal with rows that may have been scrolled out of view, which don't have active views, but logically exist. It would be really hard to explain the concept here. I'd suggest some tutorials on ListView if you're not familiar with the recycling of row views.
You can used custom baseadapter for listview and setonclicklistener in the getView() method.... see tutorial here this is hope for help
You can use button click listener as well as on itemClickListener too but to make a image view in selected state in a list, you have to call setSelected method of imageview parent layout.
Please put a comment if you don't get me.

Manipulating a group view in a ExpandableListView from the child view

I'm building an ExpandableListView in which there are groups of radio buttons.
Currently, I am able to handle the click event on each radio button and select the corresponding one and deselect the others. But there is just one more thing needed to make it perfect. That is displaying the value of the selected checkbox in the group view so the user can see what is selected without expanding it.
For that purpose, I have a TextView in the group view. Is it possible to update that TextView when a checkbox is selected in the child view?
Here is a screenshot of what I have right now:
Basically what I want to accomplish is to make it write the value of the selected checkbox instead of "Regular".
in your example, it seems perfectly reasonable to save a reference to your TextView inside a member variable when it is created. you can then easily update its value by calling setText() on it from within your checkbox's click handler.
it is neither necessary nor desirable to call notifyDataSetChanged().

ListView updating Items without being recreated

I want my ListView to work something like the following:
When I press a button (probably from context-menu), I want the user to be able to select more then one item from ListView (probably using check-boxes), but those check-boxes should not be visible before that.
So, the point is, after the user presses a button (let's say "Delete more items"), the listview, should update itself, and appear on every row of the list, a checkbox should appear (allowing me to select the items ID to pass those to server).
How can I achieve that, without having to recreate the list from zero? (how to setVisibility ON, keeping the other content of the ListView as it is, and not doing another request to server).
PS. If you guys, have another better idea, on achieving the Delete More Items, would be much appreciated!
This is just an idea, haven't tried it myself: you build in a checkbox in your listitem layout. Normally, in the getView of your adapter, you set it invisible with
When you want to show them, you set some boolean
of your adapter to true, then in the getView oyu don't hide the checkboxes.
on the adapter.
Hope it's clear what I mean.

android listview

I have created one list view.. it is having 5 items...
Now I want split the list items...
when user clickon the first listitem or focus on first item then immediately it has to show followed some text views or other things..but it has to show same list..
and agian same when he clickon or focus on the second item that first item has to be close and second item has to act some thing....
I think you need to implement the concept of "Expandable Listview", so that the clicking on one item, it will be expanded with their sub-items.
Refer the android-sdk page of Expandable ListView:
For having an example, check this site:
Pls, check the below image, do you want to perform as same ????
If you want to do the same, it is already given in the "API-Demos" at Views/Expandable Lists/1. Custom Adapter.
Enjoy !!
The problem is that you cannot use the standard ListView in your case, because in the standard ListView, the View of each row has to be one TextView.
In your case, you need it to be at least two TextViews (The standard Text, and the one that's gonna show up onClick/onFocus).
You have to create your custom ListAdapter, and override the getView() function.
Here is a code snippet that shows how to do it properly:
Custom Adapter
In the getView(), you have to inflate the XML file that describes your List Row, and return it.
In your case, I believe your XML file should contain 2 TextViews, one visible and one invisible.
Then, to handle the clicks, you can set a onItemClickListener on your ListView in your Activity class.
The best way may be to have your Activity class implementing onItemClickListener, and to use this onItemClickListener to handle those.
In the onClick() function, you just have to set the Visibility of your hidden TextView to VISIBLE.
You need to build custom rows, and handle showing more text on each row, there is no easy magicall way of doing it, but inflating your own rows, and setting a couple of attributes visibility isnt all that hard either.

Delete all list items which are checked

I have a ListActivity binding to a database with a Custom SimpleCursorAdapter.
in each of my list items I have 4 texts, image and checkbox (each one is set to focusable:false).
In the list itself I have a long button so when I press on it, I want it to delete all the
rows which thire checkboxes are 'checked'.
Now, I have tried many techniques in order to achieve a simple operation (click listeners, CheckedtextView as shown in the tutorial) but was not successful.
There is also another weird phenomenon occurring, after I #Override onListItemClick, also i dont get any calls at all while I am pressing on any of the list's rows.
Does anybody have any idea how to solve these issues? Thanks.
Are you calling super.onListItemClick(ListView, View, int, long);? if so, try write out a Log.d("ListView", "My list has been clicked"); and see if that comes out in the Logcat. If it doesn't, try extends ListActivity in your activity declaration. comment back if you want my help, I'll be ready to help as much as possible
create your own adapter with following features
-in getView() you have to set click listener for check box(it will be own listener for each check box)
-each element of adapter contains flag checked/unchecked, and you should set it by check box click listener from previous point
in activity with delete button click listener you have to get checked elements from adapter and do with them what you want
after then you should update list view for example by calling (your adapter).notifyDataSetChanged()

