Basically, I have an app where you click a button, it brings you to another activity where you type in something and click another button, then brings you back to the first activity and whatever you wrote in the second activity is added to the first activity's arrayList, whose values are shown in a ListView. In that listView I would like to add a button to each row. How to do that?
Here is a tutorial on what you want: Handling Button clicks in a ListView Row
(Remember vague questions receive vague answers because there are many different ways to do you want and we cannot guess which particular method you are using. Always include: what you are trying to do, what you have tried (with relevant code), and why it doesn't work (with the LogCat when applicable) in your question.)
I would like to start by saying if you can think of a better title for this problem, feel free to change it since I have no clue how to explain this in a short way.
So here is my problem:
For the application I am trying to make I have these schedules, one schedule for today, and one for upcoming days. Both of these are a listview inside a fragment.
(I used those fragments to create tabs to seperate the two.)
Each game (let's call them games because calling them activities would be confusing) on the schedule has a status, and here is where the annoying part comes. I have been asked to check if any game has been started, and if so I need to disable the buttons to start any other game than the one that is already ongoing.
EDIT: The main problem is that I cannot use findViewById on the listview item because apparently it is a null object reference
I made a little "paint"ing to give you more of a graphical representation.
So long story short, I need a way to check the status inside of every listview item inside of the listview inside of the fragment inside the activity to use said status to disable every button except for the one of the ongoing game.
Little side note: If no games have been started yet, all buttons are enabled.
I hope this made sense.
If you want some code to go with this, feel free to ask but be warned, I am making this inside a testing app so a lot of useless testing data and sloppy code.
This is where I am stuck in a more clear example:
The start buttons are enabled but should be disabled.
Scrolling further down the list, there is a started 'game' and right below it, a game with the same status as in the previous picture where the button is disabled as it should be.
This is because the "isStartable" boolean in my code goes to false after the game with status "start" has passed and the following items are disabled.
When I scroll back up, it is how it should be, the items are all disabled but I need them to be like this when the listview gets filled. Any way to refresh the data in this listview and taking the "isStartable" boolean with it?
This is what it looks like after I scroll back up.
create a model class for your listview data items. Set a boolean variable in model class like isGameStarted. Set that variable as per your result.Then in your listview adapter, put a condition as below
I'm using Recyclerview to show a list. I want to delete some items like IOS. In my listview template I have added a button to delete item which is invisible by default. In my activity I have another button attached at bottom (Not part of listview) and on tap of this button I want to make all delete buttons of listview visible.
My Question is how can I get reference to all delete buttons of listview in activity and is it the right way to do this?
Assuming you have ViewHolders set up, you already have references to all the buttons in your list. All you have to do is to make them visible for every item in the list with a simple loop.
In case you haven't implemented ViewHolders I suggest you check out the documentation and take a look at some simple tutorials on how to use them.
On a side note. If I understood correctly you're making a bottom tab for your app and since you referenced iOS I gotta say this; Remember that Android and iOS are two unique operating systems with their own ways of handling things. Check out Googles pure Android documentation.
In your question title you say RecyclerView, but in your text you say ListView. The solution is similar either way, but it's best to be perfectly clear what you're doing.
In either case, there are at least two different solutions.
First, you could use a boolean flag to determine if all the the item buttons should be showing or not. You check this flag at the time the item view is inflated or created and toggle the button accordingly. If the boolean flag is ever changed, the easiest thing to do is tell the RecyclerView/ListView that the underlying data has changed and to redraw all the views. Call notifyDatasetChanged on the adapter.
The other thing you can do at the time the item buttons should change is iterate all the visible item views, find the button, and change its visibility. With RecyclerView, you can do this, and with ListView you can do this.
i am currently creating an Android App in which I have data reading from a database. The main part though is that i am using the Spinner widget. As yous know, with an Android Spinner you can have as many options as you like within it.
What i want my Spinner to do is when i select an option, i would like to press a button (a Confirm or 'Ok' button) which will then navigate me to a page, which is related to that button.
For example, I'm doing sports events. So in one of my spinners, i wish it to have a list of events, and when i select a specific event, I want to be directed to a page that has content related to that event
Is this even possible? Or am i better off using a different widget?
You can use a ItemSelectedListener and in the onItemSelected method you can write your navigation code to move to corresponding activity. You can retreive the item details using position parameter in OnIntemSelected method.
I have some idea for my app. But I don't know how to do.
Basic, we create activity then load it, or call some another Activity from buttom...
My idea is:
We have a ListView, can add, remove item. So everytime we add a item, we add a Activity,too.
How many items in listview so activity is many,too.
Ho to do that?
Sorry you can not create Activity dynamically but you can assign already exist activity to number of items in listview.
You can also make your activity to behave differently according to different values but all is depends on your requirement and your logical implementation.
Make sure that all your Activity is listed in Manifest. Do remember.
Check this & this links mentioning the same.
I would like to implement a ListView, which I can do no problem w/ my cursor. Right now depending on which row you click on it takes you to a new activity based on the information pressed on that row (just like it should, and as expected). I would like to have a button however to delete the row, so a user can press any part of the row to launch the new activity, but if they press the button on that row, it deletes the row (or launches a delete activity/function).
If you can look # DroidRecord, they have a similar layout as I am looking to achive.
As Mariano Kamp said, adding buttons to a row will make it "untouchable", but in my experience, this problem goes away if you set these properties on the buttons:
See also How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list?
Another possible workaround - you can use an ImageView instead of the button, and set the ImageView's onClickListener (For example, when you're inflating the cell view).
ImageView is not focusable so it doesn't prevent OnListItemClick() from being dispatched, and when you click on the image only the image's listener fires.
what is your question? How to add a button to a list row?
Very simple, just as you expect it will be added to the row's layout.
Unfortunately though that will also make the whole row "untouchable". The Google developer I asked said that this is by design (as far as I remember), and that you should use TouchDelegate to cope with this. As there are no samples, not even in the android source, and only very thin documentation that didn't work for me
Anyway, it seems that not many applications use a button in the list row. I only know about mine (newsrob, see Articles List) and the Alarm clock. Maybe you could use a context menu?
Otherwise the ugly solution would be to add to call setOnClickListener() on your row view in the getView method.
It's not the answer to your question, but the long-click/tab is generally the place to pop up a context menu and put extra actions, like delete. You can read how to do it here: How do you implement context menu in a ListActivity on Android?
I would like to thank BoD for its hint on removing the focusable state to the button(s), it saved my day.
But for information, since the button is no more focusable - state_focused on < selector > xml - , its design won't display anymore to the user.
Those buttons will still get the state pressed though, but also when clicking anywhere else on the parent view (anywhere BUT another button) !
Keep that in mind, it could not be a good solution for your own case, but it does work well.
I tried this to be able to click on the buttons but it didn't work for me
so what I did was to change the activity layout to scrollview and then add a linerLayout inside of it.
after that you can add buttons to the layout and each button will be clickable.