I have started using Andengine, and after following some tutorials I'm starting to develope for myself.
Right now I have a a BaseGameActivity where I call one splashScene(working fine) and after that my MenuScene.
If i set a simple background (just color) it loads fine (all menu text are displayed), but when i try to set a repeating sprite as background, a black screen appears (no error show in logcat)
I'm using the example code for the background
activity = BaseActivity.getSharedInstance();
RepeatingSpriteBackground mGrassBackground = new RepeatingSpriteBackground(mCamera.getWidth(), mCamera.getHeight(), activity.getTextureManager(), AssetBitmapTextureAtlasSource.create(activity.getAssets(), "images/menu/background.png"), activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager());
I placed this code in the MenuScene constructor.
Thanks in advance and sorry for my English
I just discover my problem.
The code was right the problem was in the image format, it has to be a power of two (it says that clearly in the source code comments)
Next time I will try to read carefully before asking
I'm having trouble solving this bug and hope someone can guide me. I created the share screen function in android with WebRTC (EglBase). it works perfectly fine until the user stops sharing and then shares again, the participant's screen will be a black screen, and can't see the content.
I have already check the SurfaceViewRenderer is assigned correctly. I believe the problem may be on how I implemented the init() and release() functions.
In this function, I init the screen share video
EglBase root = EglBase.create();
screenShare.init(root.getEglBaseContext(), null);
In this function, I release the screen share
Maybe I re-init the view after release() incorrectly.
I am working on vb project in visual studio 2015.I need to animate the text "Darkode" from left to right.
I tried the following code which i pulled from the internet,
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Window.Loaded">
<DoubleAnimation Duration="0:0:.8" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Left" From="1920" To="0" AccelerationRatio=".1"/>
But i didn't understand it Correctly? I need more clarification on the topic.
I had encountered a similar situation where i had to Animate my logo. After searching for hours in the internet i found a solution which was not very useful to me but given your situation (animate a text from left to right) ,it will be more useful to you.
Here is the code :
Private Sub trmText_Timer()
If lblCaption.Caption <> StrCap Then
lblCaption.Caption = Left(StrCap, Len(lblCaption.Caption) + 1)
lblCaption.Caption = ""
End If
End Sub
Here is the source for the code:http://www.setha.info/ict-visualbasic6/72-ict-vb6-0013.html
Here is the link for my qusetion :Animation of words in visual studio
Unlike the code you posted in your question which uses storyboard for animation the above code uses Timer control for animation.
In the above code StrCap contains your text darkode and
lblCaption.Caption is an empty string onto which you iterativly put you text charater by charater on each iteration.
Heres a link if you want to know more about timer control :Timer Control
Hi I'm developing a game by using andengine.I have a player in my game created with TiledSprite.Also there box2d physic engine.Here is the porblem: Player is moving ahead.But a while later there is a wall on his top and if he wanna continue to go ahead, he has to incline.Incline method just make "player.setCurrentTileIndex(12);". So player image is getting small(incline position).Till here everything is right.But playerBody isn't getting small.That's why he still can't pass the wall by inclining.How can I solve it?
You can understand the problem with photos better:
In this picture, he can't go in there:
In this picture, he can go in there but he can't:
I searched this stutation and found this: destroy the fixture and create new one. But I need this solution with code examples. I couldn't get it well.
You have to create new body for it everytime.
I'm getting a very weird error ever since I have "ported" the spritebatch code from Nokia's site. It runs well as a desktop applcation emulated by POWERVR. But on Android I only get a blank screen (in fact its black.) This happens if I just try to display a image, but it doesn't crash.
Here is where comes the weird part comes in: if i put glGeterror(); in the update function it works fine! (slowly, but displays everything fine) and geterror code returns 0. I have no idea what is going on or how to debug it, as I'm new to OpenGL but everything looks correct in the source. I spitted geterrors all around the code but without any clue. I've attached my project if you want to take a look. You will need Visual Studio + vsandroid to compile.
apparently the problem is not on the sprite batch, but in the java code. I replaced for another one that uses surface view and no longer im getting this esotheric behavior.
I see this exception sporadically raising up in my application (in the wild).
The WebView is used to display a jpg (using the zoom/scroll-capabilities of the Android version/the device instead reinventing the wheel and do all the reflection stuff).
I have no idea why this exception eventually could come up. Basically I can only think of an Android bug.
What I do (everything in GUI thread):
display a thumbnail as preview first
set getSettings().setBuiltInZoomControls(false)
when the regular picture is loaded, display that one instead
set getSettings().setBuiltInZoomControls(true)
Why setting ZoomControls on/off: The thumb should not be zoomable, as the WebView resets this on loadData as soon as the regular picture is available and displayed. Would be some bad user experience.
Example device this is happening:
HTC Desire#htc_wwe/htc_bravo/bravo/bravo:2.2/FRF91/226611:user/release-keys
I have exactly the same device/software and it never happend to me...
Any ideas?
I don't like to answer myself, but littleFluffyKitty did not (only in comment).
Solution is in How to safely turn WebView zooming on and off as needed
a) create your own WebView class
public class MyWebView extends WebView {
b) add in it's onDestroy() method:
That's it. Thanks to that, no more of those Exceptions show up.