Video not playing - android

I am using VideoView trying to play video. But when I use this code I have following error:
Sorry, this video cannot be played
What is wrong here?
VideoView vv = (VideoView) findViewById(;
String path = "/mnt/sdcard/Video/1345467237098.m4v"

This format is not supported, please check this url

Th format in which the video is, is not supported by Android. I suggest you convert your video to .mp4 (which is supported).
I hope this helps.


android videoview error 1, -2147483648

I am getting error while playing video from asset folder and raw folder.
MediaPlayer error (1, -2147483648)
VideoView error 1, -2147483648.
I tried from asset folder as.
private String SrcPath = "file:///android_asset/aaa.mp4"; //also tried aaaa.mp3
VideoView vv = (VideoView)findViewById(;
MediaController controller = new MediaController(this);
and for raw folder i used URI as :
Uri video = Uri.parse("android.resource://com.usecontentprovider/raw/aaa.mp4");
I got the same error message in both cases.
You can use software like avinaptic2 to get the video encoding information and make sure it matches the supported media formats in android.
A common problem I find is that videos are encoded with the wrong profiling. H.264 videos need to be encoded with Baseline level 3 or under to be played without errors or artifacts in Android.
I found the solution as I am able to play video on virtual device.
I replaced the line
Uri video = Uri.parse("android.resource://com.usecontentprovider/raw/aaa.mp4");
Uri video = Uri.parse("android.resource://com.usecontentprovider/raw/";
And its working
Using R.raw works fine but in some cases I still get the same error. Fortunately I found the solution to my problem: I had to call videoView.start() inside onPrepare().
You can check the correct answer here:
Android: 'Can't play this video'; MediaPlayer & VideoView Error 1 -38

Android SDK - Media Player Video from URL

I've tried to find a simple tutorial which explains how to load a video from a URL into the android media player but unfortunately I couldn't find any!
I have tried several things to try get it working but still no luck.
What is the best way to have a MediaPlayerActivity just load a video from a URL?
I have tried the following code as suggested:
VideoView videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(;
MediaController mediaController = new MediaController(this);
It just crashes when I go to this activity.
You can use a VideoView. Here is an example:
VideoView videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(;
//Use a media controller so that you can scroll the video contents
//and also to pause, start the video.
MediaController mediaController = new MediaController(this);
You should provide the URI (having a String url variable, where it has the url of the video) with this code Uri.parse(url). And also be sure if the url is appropriate. Also, have you provided the appropriate permissions to your app, as AkashG suggested, (since it uses the internet you will need to add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" > in your app's Manifest.xml)? Finally you should define your activity MediaPlayerActivity in in your app's Manifest.xml
End of EDIT
You can also use MediaPlayer. The Android developers site has a good tutorial here.
you can load video from url as:
VideoView videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(;
MediaController controller = new MediaController(this);
videoView.setVideoPath("url of the video");
Add internet permission in manifest file.
I think you can find useful thinks Here.. about playing video from different sources.
If your using Emulator ,
First, do not use the emulator for testing video playback. Its ability to handle video playback is very limited. Use an actual Android device.
Second, always check LogCat (adb logcat, DDMS, or DDMS perspective in Eclipse) for warnings when you run into multimedia problems. OpenCORE -- the multimedia engine used by Android -- has a tendency to log error-level conditions as warnings.
For example, your video file may not be set up for progressive download, which is required for HTTP streaming. On Linux, you can patch up MP4 videos for progressive download by installing MP4Box and running MP4Box -hint .
Hope this explanation works for you..

Android :unable to play video

I am working in android. I just used a video player. I am accessing video from my sdcard.
When i access video from myFolder then it works fine, but there are some folder which name are Japanese character. So whenever i want to access video from those folder then "Sorry, This video can not play" error is occurred.
This is my code which i am using:-
VideoView video = (VideoView) findViewById(;
MediaController controller = new MediaController(this);
controller.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 55);
and this my path in which i am facing problem to video:-
url = /sdcard/.FileStorage/History/Myfilestorage/のフダ名/H.264(avc)_mp3_1000kbps_640x480_25fps.mp4
please suggest what should i do ?
Thank you in advance.
Try by converting that Japanese name in to UTF-8 format and then try to use it.
I have resolved my problem to trace the sequence of output of each line. I have done mistake that there is no need to decode url.
So the solution is to use following line:-
in place of video.setVideoPath(URLDecoder.decode(sdCardUrl));

Media player using YouTube?

I am developing a sample application using MediaPlayer.By using the raw resources folder,the video can be played.But I want to play through URL.How can I achieve this?
My code is:
VideoView videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(;
MediaController mediaController = new MediaController(this);
// Set video link (mp4 format )
Uri video = Uri.parse("");
You need to get the correct streaming(rtsp) url rather than the link to the player page you are using. You can get this programmatically using the google data api
Once you have done that you would simply replace
with "rtsp://"
in your existing code and it should work.
Note: The quality of video, when streaming to your own videoview, can be very poor compared to how it looks when played on the youtube site or player app.
You have to rtsp links from gdata api :gdata api with this:"+ URLEncoder.encode(activity.criteria)
Element rsp = (Element)entry.getElementsByTagName("media:content").item(1);
String anotherurl=rsp.getAttribute("url");
In gdata api only we are getting this type of links : rtsp://
These are playing in VideoView.
My answer link :RTSP Links
In order to get better quality videos, I checked what these guys did. It helped me very very much!
I'm posting the link so you can checkout their project and use their code.

VideoVIew from resource

Dear All;
I am new in android app;
I try to play video from my resource , but no idea how to do it...
any help??
I think the following can help (that's the way I implement it):
VideoView vd;
vd = (VideoView) findViewById(;
Uri uri = Uri.parse("android.resource://"); vd.setVideoURI(uri);
where Test.Test is the name of my package.
Remark: You didn't ask it, but some video files do not work on emulator (you hear only
the music, but see no picture). In this case debug it on your phone.

