Android Soundpool Load(String path, int priority) - android

I am trying to load a sound from android.
The sound is under res/raw/myownsound.wav.
I know that I can already load the sound using:
soundPool.load(context, R.raw.myownsound, 1)
For customization purposes, I would like to load it using:
soundPool.load("res/raw/myownsound", 1)
... but I get the following error : error loading res/raw/myownsound.
I also tried the following :
soundPool.loadSound("android.resource://upg.GraphismeBase/raw/myownsound", 1)
.. but I get an error as well : error loading android.resource://upg.GraphismeBase/raw/myownsound
What is the correct way of using soundPool.load(path, priority) ?

Create a folder structure in your project
Then copy your wav file there.
// Declare globally if needed
int mySoundId;
SoundPool soundPool = new SoundPool(5, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0 );
AssetManager am = this.getAssets();
//Use in whatever method is used to load the sounds
try {
mySoundId = soundPool.load(am.openFd("sounds/data/myownsound"), 1);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
May try this (not sure its working) :
SoundPool mySoundPool = new SoundPool(4, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0);
int myAudioFile = getResId("claps", R.raw.class);
} catch (Exception e){
message = String.valueOf(e);
public static int getResId(String variableName, Class<?> c) {
Field field = null;
int resId = 0;
try {
field = c.getField(variableName);
try {
resId = field.getInt(null);
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return resId;

Simple working way of doing so with a context named mContext.
It loads the resource by name by getting the identifier id at run-time.
int sound_id = mContext.getResources().getIdentifier("myownsound", "raw",
soundPool.load(mContext, sound_id, 1);
It also works to load drawables or xml files, by replacing "raw" by "drawable" or "xml" for example.


List all files, recursively, in Android Dropbox API

How can I list all files, recursively in DropBox folder?
I tried code below but returns no result:
result = dbxClient.files().search("", "*");
And this returns files in path, not subfolders:
result = dbxClient.files().listFolder(path);
You can get a ListFolderBuilder from listFolderBuilder and use the withRecursive option to list out sub-items as well.
Be sure to check ListFolderResult.hasMore to see if you should call back to listFolderContinue to get more results though.
You can check this link, navigate to inner class 'FolderScanTask'. It contains working code for Android:
This is work in progress, here I'm just making an ArrayList for parent folders, has more logic as suggested by Greg is already there you just need to fill in that.
Code Snippet for the same:
String path = "";
DbxClientV2 dbxClient = DropboxClient.getClient(ACCESS_TOKEN);
TreeMap<String, Metadata> children = new TreeMap<String, Metadata>();
try {
try {
result = dbxClient.files()
} catch (ListFolderErrorException ex) {
List<Metadata> list = result.getEntries();
cs = new CharSequence[list.size()];
arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
while (true) {
int i = 0;
for (Metadata md : result.getEntries()) {
if (md instanceof DeletedMetadata) {
} else {
String fileOrFolder = md.getPathLower();
children.put(fileOrFolder, md);
if (!result.getHasMore()) break;
try {
result = dbxClient.files()
} catch (ListFolderContinueErrorException ex) {
} catch (DbxException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Here ArrayList is just for my use wherein I'm just making a list of only folders.
So, modify accordingly.

Android accessing drawable folder

I placed 10 images in drawable folder and I created a custom class which instances are holding an id Integer that should refer it to a image from draw folder. Now I wonder how to set those id-s at once, not one by one. Instead:
I want to do this with loop, but how?
Drawable ids as known are generated within static classes of final class R. So just use reflection to read the values of these static attributes. If you want to get the Int ids then use this code:
for(Field f : R.drawable.class.getDeclaredFields()){
if(f.getType() == int.class){
try {
int id = f.getInt(null);
// read the image from the id
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e){
Or if you want to search directly by images' names, you might be interested of the name attribute of fields like :
for(Field f : R.drawable.class.getDeclaredFields()){
if(f.getType() == int.class){
try {
String name = f.getName();
// rest of the code handling file loading
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Doesn't work as far as I think.
There is code to get a drawable by its name. For example: "image"+myNumber"
Maybe: how to access the drawable resources by name in android
Be aware that the size of the view's list should match with the one that holds the ids:
public class HolderIDs {
public List<Integer> _ids;
public HolderIDs() {
_ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(, R.drawable.two, R.ldrawable.three, R.drawable.four));
public List<Integer> getIDs() {
return _ids;
List<ImageView> views = getYourViews();
List<Integer> ids = new HolderIDs().getIDs();
for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) {
View view = views.get(i);
if (view == null) return;
int id = ids.get(i);
You can create an integer array for the resources:
int resources = [ R.drawable.image1, R.drawable.image2, ...]
And use a bucle to set the resources into your object array.

List values in strings.xml

I would need to List all the values in strings.xml (for a given locale),
basically get a dynamic list of all the strings in an application.
My purpose here is to list all strings of all apps inside my (duely rooted) phone in order to speed up translation work.
I have no problem accessing the AssetManager of other apps :
-To get the list of all apps I use :
List<PackageInfo> packs = getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(0);
-To access the package manager I use :
PackageManager manager = getPackageManager();
Resources mApk1Resources = manager.getResourcesForApplication(pname);
AssetManager a = mApk1Resources.getAssets();
But I am not quite sure where to go from here.
Obviously this is not for production purpose, just for helping my customer's translation team (you know Chinese OEMs...), so jackhammer-dirty solutions are welcome :-P (reflection, dynamic foreign context, live dex loading, dynamite etc...)
Thanks !
Edit 1 : I already know B.A.R.T it doesn't suit my need I need to do it on a live phone (not a zipped ROM) like a "live translation checker app". In particular, I don't have immediate access to the app's source codes, because I have to check a large number of phones, some being few years old. I can spend the time to root all of them if needed, but not much more.
Edit 2 : I really need something that runs on a live phone without the need of a PC. I can't modify the source code of individual apps and I can't decompile the ROM or use external tools like B.A.R.T I need an all-Java solution.
I can see that: usually the string for application label will get the first id in the resource strings. (not found an official document on this yet)
So the plan is: get the id of the label of an app, increase the id each time to get the next resource string until we get the Resources.NotFoundException
try {
List<ApplicationInfo> apps = getPackageManager()
for (ApplicationInfo appInfo : apps) {
Resources mApk1Resources = getPackageManager()
int id = appInfo.labelRes;
try {
Log.e("Test", "*******************************************");
Log.e("Test", apps.get(0).packageName);
while (true) {
"String resource: "
+ mApk1Resources.getString(id));
} catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
// Handle exception
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
// Handle exception
Seeing you said you accept "jackhammer-dirty solutions", give this a try:
In your Strings.xml, surround all your String values with a <string-array> tag, and all string tags inside change to item tags, like so (used simple find-and-replace to replace the tag names):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="hello">Hello World!</string>
<string name="app_name">YourAppNAme</string>
<string-array name="yourTitle">
<item>item1</item> //used to be <string name"blabla">....
In your xml Layout file, where you have your ListView, put:
Now, your Activity where you have your List, just call the ListView which should already be populated with the items from the Strings.xml
Don't forget to revert the changes in Strings.xml once you are done (and backup is always a good idea)!
Read more Here
Hope this helps!
Since you've rooted the phone and have access to every APK in the phone, how about just decompile them and get to the strings that way, see tutorial here:
Ok, I guess I found it. Reflection did the trick !
Root was not even needed. Crazy to know that any apps on your phone can see all the other's ressources...
public void listAllStrings(){
List<PackageInfo> packs = getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(0);
for(int i=0;i<packs.size();i++) {
PackageInfo p = packs.get(i);
String pname = p.packageName;
Resources packageResources=null;
Context packageContext=null;
packageResources = MainActivity.this.getPackageManager().getResourcesForApplication(pname);
packageContext = MainActivity.this.createPackageContext(pname, Context.CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE + Context.CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY);
catch(NameNotFoundException excep)
// the package does not exist. move on to see if another exists.
Log.e(pname, "Package not found!");
Class<?> stringClass=null;
// using reflection to get the string class inside the R class of the package
stringClass = packageContext.getClassLoader().loadClass(pname + ".R$string");
catch (ClassNotFoundException excep1)
// Less chances that class won't be there.
Log.e(pname, "R.string not found!");
//For every fields of the string class
for( Field stringID : stringClass.getFields() )
//We get the id
int id = stringID.getInt(stringClass);
//We get the string value itself
String xmlResourceLayout = packageResources.getString(id);
Log.v(pname, xmlResourceLayout);
catch (Exception excep)
Log.e(pname, "Can't access : "+stringID.getName());
Hope this can help others :-)
Edit : For some Apks, the R class is not at the root of the package, so I had to write a find-R function
String findR(Context packageContext){
try {
//First case, the R class is easy to find !
packageContext.getClassLoader().loadClass(packageContext.getPackageName() + ".R");
return packageContext.getPackageName() + ".R";
} catch (Exception e) {
//Second case, it is not at the root of the package, we will list all classes...
Log.v(packageContext.getPackageName(),"R not found... Continue searching !");
try {
final PackageManager pm = getApplicationContext().getPackageManager();
ApplicationInfo ai = pm.getApplicationInfo(packageContext.getPackageName(), 0);
DexFile dx = DexFile.loadDex(ai.sourceDir, File.createTempFile("opt", "dex",
getCacheDir()).getPath(), 0);
String pathToR=null;
// Search inside each and every class in the dex file
for(Enumeration<String> classNames = dx.entries(); classNames.hasMoreElements();) {
String className = classNames.nextElement();
//for every single class, we will see if one of the fields is called app_name
//Log.v(className, "Class detail : "+className);
if(className.contains("R$string")) pathToR=className;
if(pathToR==null) throw new ClassNotFoundException();
pathToR=pathToR.replaceAll("$string", "");
Log.v(packageContext.getPackageName(), "R FOUND ! "+packageContext.getPackageName());
return pathToR;
} catch (Exception exc) {
Log.e(packageContext.getPackageName(), "ERROR ! R NOT FOUND ...");
return null;
But it still doesn't work in every case. So I ended hijacking the apktools library so it could run live on a phone... (I used the jar from 1.5.2 Here is my hijacked class :
public class Decoder {
public void decode(ResTable resTable, ExtFile apkFile, File outDir)
throws AndrolibException {
Duo<ResFileDecoder, AXmlResourceParser> duo = getResFileDecoder();
ResFileDecoder fileDecoder = duo.m1;
ResAttrDecoder attrDecoder = duo.m2.getAttrDecoder();
Directory inApk, in = null, out;
try {
inApk = apkFile.getDirectory();
out = new FileDirectory(outDir);
Log.v(MainActivity.SMALL_TAG,"Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...");
fileDecoder.decodeManifest(inApk, "AndroidManifest.xml", out,
// fix package if needed
adjust_package_manifest(resTable, outDir.getAbsolutePath()
+ "/AndroidManifest.xml");
if (inApk.containsDir("res")) {
in = inApk.getDir("res");
out = out.createDir("res");
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
ExtMXSerializer xmlSerializer = getResXmlSerializer();
for (ResPackage pkg : resTable.listMainPackages()) {
//Log.v(MainActivity.SMALL_TAG,"Decoding file-resources...");
//for (ResResource res : pkg.listFiles()) {
// fileDecoder.decode(res, in, out);
Log.v(MainActivity.SMALL_TAG,"Decoding values */* XMLs...");
for (ResValuesFile valuesFile : pkg.listValuesFiles()) {
generateValuesFile(valuesFile, out, xmlSerializer);
generatePublicXml(pkg, out, xmlSerializer);
AndrolibException decodeError = duo.m2.getFirstError();
if (decodeError != null) {
throw decodeError;
public Duo<ResFileDecoder, AXmlResourceParser> getResFileDecoder() {
ResStreamDecoderContainer decoders = new ResStreamDecoderContainer();
decoders.setDecoder("raw", new ResRawStreamDecoder());
//decoders.setDecoder("9patch", new Res9patchStreamDecoder());
AXmlResourceParser axmlParser = new AXmlResourceParser();
axmlParser.setAttrDecoder(new ResAttrDecoder());
decoders.setDecoder("xml", new XmlPullStreamDecoder(axmlParser,
return new Duo<ResFileDecoder, AXmlResourceParser>(new ResFileDecoder(
decoders), axmlParser);
public static final String PROPERTY_SERIALIZER_INDENTATION = "";
public static final String PROPERTY_SERIALIZER_LINE_SEPARATOR = "";
public ExtMXSerializer getResXmlSerializer() {
ExtMXSerializer serial = new ExtMXSerializer();
" ");
serial.setProperty(PROPERTY_DEFAULT_ENCODING, "utf-8");
return serial;
public void adjust_package_manifest(ResTable resTable, String filePath)
throws AndrolibException {
// check if packages different, and that package is not equal to
// "android"
Map<String, String> packageInfo = resTable.getPackageInfo();
if ((packageInfo.get("cur_package").equalsIgnoreCase(
packageInfo.get("orig_package")) || ("android"
.equalsIgnoreCase(packageInfo.get("cur_package")) || (""
.equalsIgnoreCase(packageInfo.get("cur_package")))))) {
Log.v(MainActivity.SMALL_TAG,"Regular manifest package...");
} else {
try {
Log.v(MainActivity.SMALL_TAG,"Renamed manifest package found! Fixing...");
DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = docBuilder.parse(filePath.toString());
// Get the manifest line
Node manifest = doc.getFirstChild();
// update package attribute
NamedNodeMap attr = manifest.getAttributes();
Node nodeAttr = attr.getNamedItem("package");
mPackageRenamed = nodeAttr.getNodeValue();
// re-save manifest.
TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory
Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new File(filePath));
transformer.transform(source, result);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
} catch (TransformerException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
} catch (SAXException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
private void generatePublicXml(ResPackage pkg, Directory out,
XmlSerializer serial) throws AndrolibException {
try {
OutputStream outStream = out.getFileOutput("values/public.xml");
serial.setOutput(outStream, null);
serial.startDocument(null, null);
serial.startTag(null, "resources");
for (ResResSpec spec : pkg.listResSpecs()) {
serial.startTag(null, "public");
serial.attribute(null, "type", spec.getType().getName());
serial.attribute(null, "name", spec.getName());
serial.attribute(null, "id",
String.format("0x%08x", spec.getId().id));
serial.endTag(null, "public");
serial.endTag(null, "resources");
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException("Could not generate public.xml file",
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException("Could not generate public.xml file",
private void generateValuesFile(ResValuesFile valuesFile, Directory out,
ExtXmlSerializer serial) throws AndrolibException {
try {
OutputStream outStream = out.getFileOutput(valuesFile.getPath());
serial.setOutput((outStream), null);
serial.startDocument(null, null);
serial.startTag(null, "resources");
for (ResResource res : valuesFile.listResources()) {
if (valuesFile.isSynthesized(res)) {
((ResValuesXmlSerializable) res.getValue())
.serializeToResValuesXml(serial, res);
serial.endTag(null, "resources");
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException("Could not generate: "
+ valuesFile.getPath(), ex);
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException("Could not generate: "
+ valuesFile.getPath(), ex);
private String mPackageRenamed = null;
and here's how I use it :
String pname = p.packageName;
Context packageContext = MainActivity.this.createPackageContext(pname, Context.CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE + Context.CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY);
ApplicationInfo ai = packageContext.getApplicationInfo();
Log.v(TAG,"Analysing : "+pname+" "+ai.sourceDir);
if(new File(destination.getAbsolutePath()+"/"+pname+".strings.xml").exists()){
Log.v(TAG,"Already translated...");
ApkDecoder decoder = new ApkDecoder();
decoder.setApkFile(new File(ai.sourceDir));
File directory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+File.separator+"tempApk");
File frmwrk = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+File.separator+"framework");
new Decoder().decode(decoder.getResTable(), new ExtFile(new File(ai.sourceDir)), directory);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Lots of headaches for few Strings ;-)

Trying to read a text file in res/raw with scanner

I am trying to read a file with a Scanner so I can use the input of the strings to construct other objects. However my scanner is always throwing a NullPointerException when trying to create it. I have a pig.txt text file in the res/raw folder but my scanner can not seem to access it. I do not know what I am doing wrong. I have comment out other code of the method but still get an exception.
public void loadAchievements() {
try {
Scanner s = new Scanner(getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.pig));
* s = s.useDelimiter("."); Scanner StringScanner; StringScanner =
* new Scanner(; StringScanner =
* StringScanner.useDelimiter(":"); String keep =
*; String StringKeeper =;
* this.achievementBoard.add(new Achievement_Item(keep,
* StringKeeper)); StringScanner.close(); s.close();
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
I had this problem today, and I resolved somehow.
I know that old question, but I would share it if others have stuck.
public class Question {
private int numberOfQuestion;
private String[] myquestion;
public Question(InputStream file_name) {
Scanner scanner = null;
try {
scanner = new Scanner(file_name);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("Question", "Scanner :" + e);
this.numberOfQuestion = scanner.nextInt();
myquestion = new String[numberOfQuestion];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfQuestion; ++i) {
myquestion[i] = scanner.nextLine();
try {
MyScanner myScanner = new MyScanner(getResources().openRawResource( R.raw.input_question));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("Error", "input_question.txt");
openRawResource() method can only be used to open drawable, sound, and raw resources; it will fail on string and color resources. Since your pig.txt is a text file that contains a String, openRawResource() won't be able to open a new stream therefore your stream is null.

Need help debugging my code

I need some input about my code.
Basically, I have a method to load music from Class A
public void onListItemClick(ListView parent, View v, int position, long id){
musicIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Audio.Media.DATA);
filePath = cursor.getString(musicIndex);
fileName = new File(filePath).getName();
playMusic();//Play the selected music
public void playMusic(){
BeatDetection beatDetect = new BeatDetection();
}catch (Exception e){
That method will call the init() method in Class B
public void init() throws Exception{
energy = 0;
variance = 0;
constant = 0;
isBeat = false;
sensitivity = 0;
dBuffer = new float[sampleRate / bufferSize];
eBuffer = new float[sampleRate / bufferSize];
timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
MusicLoad msc = new MusicLoad();
totalMs = 0;
seeking = true;
decode(msc.fileName, 25, 40);
In that method, it initializes everything and call the decode() method
public void decode(String path, int startMs, int maxMs)
throws IOException, javazoom.jl.decoder.DecoderException {
File in = new File(path);
InputStream inStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(in), 8 * 1024);
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
try {
Bitstream bitstream = new Bitstream(inStream);
Decoder decoder = new Decoder();
boolean done = false;
while (! done) {
Header frameHeader = bitstream.readFrame();
if (frameHeader == null) {
done = true;
} else {
totalMs += frameHeader.ms_per_frame();
if (totalMs >= startMs) {
seeking = false;
if (! seeking) {
SampleBuffer output = (SampleBuffer) decoder.decodeFrame(frameHeader, bitstream);
if (output.getSampleFrequency() != 44100 || output.getChannelCount() != 2) {
throw new javazoom.jl.decoder.DecoderException("mono or non-44100 MP3 not supported", null);
short[] pcm = output.getBuffer();
for (short s : pcm) {
outStream.write(s & 0xff);
outStream.write((s >> 8 ) & 0xff);
if (totalMs >= (startMs + maxMs)) {
done = true;
byte[] abAudioData = outStream.toByteArray();
} catch (BitstreamException e) {
throw new IOException("Bitstream error: " + e);
} catch (DecoderException e) {
Log.w("Decoder error", e);
throw new javazoom.jl.decoder.DecoderException("Error",e);
} finally {
Don't mind reading all the code lines. If you guys notice I put debug() in the beginning to see whether the method is called or not. At this point, the debug() is properly called. However, if I put the debug() after the line File in = new File(path);, the debug() will not be called anymore. It seems like the code is stop running at that point.
The ultimate result is, I can load and play the song without any problem. However, the decode() is not called and there is no error whatsoever. I'm stuck at pointing out the problem at this point. So if there's any input please help me.
EDIT: After I tried tracing the "path" variable, it returns NULL so the error is NullPointerException. Seems like the "fileName" variable from Class A is not passed to Class B. Any suggestion?
If you are using Eclipse with ADT then it's very easy to debug your Android apps, just add a breakpoint (probably in the new File(...) line) and see what happens.
My guess here is that File in = new File(path); probably is throwing a IOException in your decode method, that exception is bubbling first to init() and then to playMusic(), where it is caught by try catch block. Your catch is empty so you are not seeing anything. Try debugging as I said or add some logging info in the catch block.
This is just something to look at, but from the doc page
"The actual file referenced by a File may or may not exist. It may also, despite the name File, be a directory or other non-regular file."
If you had the path wrong, it may be trying to create the file and you may not have the correct permission to do so. Perhaps: WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.
I know this post is old, but I just wanted to show how to get the file path to read/write files for others that come across this post as I have:
String filePath = myContext.getFilesDir().getPath().toString() + "/sysout.log";
File file = new File(filePath);
These two lines will create (open if it exists, and overwrite) a file named "sysout.log" in the folder /data/data/; myContext is just the current context. Using this technique alleviates problems with defining your own path name. Hope this helps someone.

