I facing a events details saving in android calendar from the long time. I am able to save the details in devices below android version 2.2.3 but for above it doesn't save to calendar. Here is my code:
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
Uri events = null;
Uri EVENTS_URI = Uri.parse(getCalendarUriBase(this) + "events");
ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
// event insert
long eventdate1=Date.parse(“23/07/2012”);
long eventdate2=Date.parse((“23/07/2012”);
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("calendar_id", 1);
values.put("title","Event 1");
values.put("allDay", 0);
values.put("dtstart", eventdate1); // event starts at 11 minutes from now
values.put("dtend", eventdate2); // ends 60 minutes from now
values.put("description", "Description 1");
values.put("eventLocation", "xyz");
values.put("visibility", 0);
values.put("hasAlarm", 1);
events = cr.insert(EVENTS_URI, values);
}catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
return false;
// reminder insert
Uri REMINDERS_URI = Uri.parse(getCalendarUriBase(this) + "reminders");
values = new ContentValues();
values.put( "event_id", Long.parseLong(events.getLastPathSegment()));
values.put( "method", 1 );
values.put( "minutes", 10 );
cr.insert( REMINDERS_URI, values );
private String getCalendarUriBase(Activity act) {
String calendarUriBase = null;
Uri calendars = Uri.parse("content://calendar/calendars");
Cursor managedCursor = null;
try {
managedCursor = act.managedQuery(calendars, null, null, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (managedCursor != null) {
calendarUriBase = "content://calendar/";
} else {
calendars = Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/calendars");
try {
managedCursor = act.managedQuery(calendars, null, null, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (managedCursor != null) {
calendarUriBase = "content://com.android.calendar/";
return calendarUriBase;
Where I am missing something. Please help me on it.
I had a similar problem. I think the problem is in
values.put("visibility", 0);
I think that there is no column in database with that name. It's the same with column named transparency. I found it in some tutorials on the net
I am trying to add events to a user's calendar programatically. I have followed countless guides here on StackOverflow and elsewhere, but none of them will make that damned event show up in my calendar. Here is my current code:
public void saveGamesToCalendar() {
private void showCalendarPopup() {
final ContentResolver cr;
final Cursor result;
final Uri uri;
List<String> listCals = new ArrayList<String>();
final String[] projection = new String[] {CalendarContract.Calendars._ID, CalendarContract.Calendars.ACCOUNT_NAME, CalendarContract.Calendars.CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME, CalendarContract.Calendars.NAME,};
uri = CalendarContract.Calendars.CONTENT_URI;
cr = context.getContentResolver();
result = cr.query(uri, projection, null, null, null);
if(result.getCount() > 0 && result.moveToFirst()) {
do {
} while(result.moveToNext());
CharSequence[] calendars = listCals.toArray(new CharSequence[listCals.size()]);
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
builder.setTitle("Calendar to use:");
builder.setItems(calendars, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,int itemCal) {
Log.e("SettingsActivity", "CalendarID: " + itemCal);
AlertDialog alert = builder.create();
private void loopThroughGames(int whichCalendar) {
ArrayList<Model_Game> games = memoryManager.getGames();
// for(Game e: games)
Log.e("Game", games.get(101).toString());
addGameToCalendar(games.get(101), whichCalendar);
Log.e("ID", "" + whichCalendar);
private void addGameToCalendar(Model_Game game,int whichCalendar) {
ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
try {
values.put(CalendarContract.Events.CALENDAR_ID, whichCalendar);
values.put(CalendarContract.Events.TITLE, "Hockey- " + game.getLeague() + ": " + game.getTeamH() + " vs " + game.getTeamA());
values.put(CalendarContract.Events.EVENT_LOCATION, "Twin Rinks Ice Arena- " + game.getRink() + " Rink");
values.put(CalendarContract.Events.DTSTART, "" + game.getCalendarObject().getTimeInMillis());
//values.put(CalendarContract.Events.DTEND, "" + game.getCalendarObject().getTimeInMillis() + 5400000);
values.put(CalendarContract.Events.DURATION, "" + 5400000);
values.put(CalendarContract.Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE, TimeZone.getDefault().getID());
cr.insert(CalendarContract.Events.CONTENT_URI, values);
} catch(Exception e) {
Log.e("Error", e.getMessage());
Basically what is going on is that the user presses an action bar button, which calls the saveGamesToCalendar() method, which calls the ShowCalendarPopup() method. This method shows a standard dialog with the list of the user's calendars, and when the user selects one of them, the loopThroughGames() method is called with the ID of the chosen calendar as a parameter. This method will, when everything is working, write all the user's games to the calendar, but for testing purposes it only writes one. The addGameToCalendar() method takes a game object, which holds lots of values like time, title, location, date, etc., and inserts it into the calendar using the standard way outlined in many different places on the web.
I am getting no error messages with this code (other than the ones I send to the error log myself) so I have no idea why this code isn't working. No errors, just the games never show up in my calendar. I have the permissions set correctly in the manifest so I know that isn't the problem.
Does anyone have a solution to this annoying problem? Thanks for your help!
This is what I did and it works like a charm..
Cursor cursor = null ;
String[] projection = new String[] {
ContentResolver cr = context2.getContentResolver();
cursor = cr.query(Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/calendars"), projection, null, null, null);
if ( cursor.moveToFirst() ) {
final String[] calNames = new String[cursor.getCount()];
calIds = new int[cursor.getCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < calNames.length; i++) {
calIds[i] = cursor.getInt(0);
calNames[i] = cursor.getString(1);
try {
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
// int apiLevel = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
// if(apiLevel<14){
// values.put("visibility", 0);
// }
values.put(Events.DTSTART, stTime);
values.put(Events.DTEND, enTime);
values.put(Events.TITLE, category);
values.put(Events.DESCRIPTION, description);
values.put(Events.CALENDAR_ID, calIds[0]);
mInsert = cr.insert(CalendarContract.Events.CONTENT_URI, values);
Toast.makeText(context2, "Event added Successfully",
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(context2, "Exception: " + e.getMessage(),
protected void eventAdding() {
Calendar beginTime = Calendar.getInstance();
beginTime.set(2013, 11, 20, 8,0 );
startMillis = beginTime.getTimeInMillis();
Calendar endTime = Calendar.getInstance();
endTime.set(2013, 11, 20, 8, 50);
endMillis = endTime.getTimeInMillis();
ContentResolver cr = this.getContentResolver();
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(Events.DTSTART, startMillis);
values.put(Events.DTEND, endMillis);
values.put(Events.TITLE, "Hello");
values.put(Events.CALENDAR_ID, 1);
values.put(Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE, TimeZone.getDefault().getID());
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 7) {
uri = Uri.parse("content://calendar/events");
} else
uri = Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/events");
Uri urievent = cr.insert(uri, values);
catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
//event = Utility.readCalendarEvent(CalnderEvent.this);
This works and is much easier to understand:
long startTime = calSet.getTimeInMillis();
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT).setData(Events.CONTENT_URI)
.putExtra(CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_BEGIN_TIME, startTime)
.putExtra(CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_END_TIME, startTime + (length*3600000))
.putExtra(Events.TITLE, examName)
.putExtra(Events.EVENT_LOCATION, venue)
.putExtra(Events.HAS_ALARM, 1);
I have problem with adding events to Android Calendar.
My minimum SDK version is 7. I use Intent to add event, but problems is with various API.
I use this:
String eventUriString;
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 7)
eventUriString = "content://com.android.calendar/events";
else eventUriString = "content://calendar/events";
ContentValues eventValues = new ContentValues();
eventValues.put("calendar_id", 1);
eventValues.put("title", "title");
eventValues.put("description", desc);
eventValues.put("eventLocation", "");
long endDate = startDate + 1000 * 60 * 60;
eventValues.put("dtstart", MyClass.getDate());
eventValues.put("dtend", endDate);
eventValues.put("eventStatus", 0);
eventValues.put("visibility", 2);
eventValues.put("transparency", 0);
eventValues.put("hasAlarm", 0);
Uri eventUri = context.getContentResolver().insert(Uri.parse(eventUriString), eventValues);
long eventID = Long.parseLong(eventUri.getLastPathSegment());
to Edit some events I use:
String calendarUriBase = null;
long id = MyEvents.getID(p); //something ID from my another class
Uri calendars = Uri.parse("content://calendar/calendars");
Cursor managedCursor = null;
try {
managedCursor = managedQuery(calendars, null, null, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// eat
if (managedCursor != null) {
calendarUriBase = "content://calendar/";
} else {
calendars = Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/calendars");
try {
managedCursor = managedQuery(calendars, null, null, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// eat
if (managedCursor != null) {
calendarUriBase = "content://com.android.calendar/";
ContentValues event = new ContentValues();
event.put("title", "new Title");
Uri eventsUri = Uri.parse(calendarUriBase+"events");
Uri eventUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(eventsUri, id);
getContentResolver().update(eventUri, event, null, null);
and it work on my phone (SE X8 with Android 2.3.7) but doesn't work on SDK 14.
Is anywhere universal code, which I can use to add events to Calendar Android works on every various SDK? I have no idea how it make. I must use API 7 because my manager want. Have you any ideas how do that?
In ICS a new Calendar API is introduced so your code will not work in ICS.
New Public APIs in ICS
In order to support adding events to all calendars you can change your code like this -
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) {
else {
int cal_id = getCalendar_ID();
if(cal_id != 0){
private int getCalendar_ID() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int calendar_id = 0;
String[] projection = new String[] { "_id", "name" };
String selection = "selected=1";
String path = "calendars";
Cursor calendarCursor = getCalendarCursor(projection, selection, path);
if (calendarCursor != null && calendarCursor.moveToFirst()) {
int nameColumn = calendarCursor.getColumnIndex("name");
int idColumn = calendarCursor.getColumnIndex("_id");
do {
String calName = calendarCursor.getString(nameColumn);
String calId = calendarCursor.getString(idColumn);
if (calName != null /*&& calName.contains("Test")*/) {
calendar_id = Integer.parseInt(calId);
} while (calendarCursor.moveToNext());
return calendar_id;
private void saveCalendarEventICS() {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT)
.putExtra(CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_BEGIN_TIME, frsttime)
.putExtra(CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_END_TIME, sncdtime)
.putExtra(CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_ALL_DAY , false) // just included for completeness
.putExtra(Events.TITLE, vl_hldr[0])
.putExtra(Events.DESCRIPTION, vl_hldr[2])
.putExtra(Events.EVENT_LOCATION, vl_hldr[1])
.putExtra(Events.RRULE, "FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10")
.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, "");
private void saveCalendarEvent(int calid) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//Create the event here -----------
Uri newEvent;
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 8) {
//newEvent = Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/events");
newEvent = ctx.getContentResolver().insert(Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/events"), event);
if (newEvent != null) {
long id = Long.parseLong( newEvent.getLastPathSegment() );
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put( "event_id", id );
values.put( "method", 1 );
values.put( "minutes", 15 ); // 15 minuti
getContentResolver().insert( Uri.parse( "content://com.android.calendar/reminders" ), values );
else {
newEvent = ctx.getContentResolver().insert(Uri.parse("content://calendar/events"), event);
if (newEvent != null) {
long id = Long.parseLong( newEvent.getLastPathSegment() );
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put( "event_id", id );
values.put( "method", 1 );
values.put( "minutes", 15 ); // 15 minuti
getContentResolver().insert( Uri.parse( "content://calendar/reminders" ), values );
}catch(Exception ee){}
I need to be able to create an event in the Google Calendar from my Android app. I believe there is a Calendar API but I have never used it. I'm fairly new to Android development so I've found a few examples from browsing earlier and used the following code to try to update my Android Calendar.
public static boolean updateCalendar(Context context,String cal_Id,String eventId)
Uri CALENDAR_URI = Uri.parse(CAL_URI+"events");
Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(CALENDAR_URI, null, null, null, null);
String[] s = c.getColumnNames();
if (c.moveToFirst())
while (c.moveToNext())
String _id = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("_id"));
String CalId = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("calendar_id"));
if ((_id==null) && (CalId == null))
return false;
if (_id.equals(eventId) && CalId.equals(cal_Id))
Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(CALENDAR_URI, Integer.parseInt(_id));
context.getContentResolver().update(uri, null, null, null);// need to give your data here
return true;
return true;
However when I run it the getColumnNames doesn't get called and the code jumps straight to the line context.getContentResolver().update(uri, null, null, null); and then exits.
I put a couple of test events in my Calendar, why is the code not picking them up?
use this to add event to calender to particular date and time
Uri event1;
long epoch;
long epoch1;
Uri EVENTS_URI = Uri.parse(getCalendarUriBase(this) + "events");
ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
epoch = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm").parse(YourStartDate+" "+YourStratTime).getTime();
epoch1 = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm").parse(YourStartDate+" "+YourEndDate).getTime();
} catch (ParseException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
values.put("calendar_id", 1);
values.put("title", "Appoitment");
values.put("allDay", 0);
values.put("dtstart",epoch); // event starts at 11 minutes from now
values.put("dtend", epoch1 ); // ends 60 minutes from now
values.put("description", "Your consulting date and time ");
values.put("visibility", 0);
values.put("hasAlarm", 1);
event1 = cr.insert(EVENTS_URI, values);
// reminder insert
Uri REMINDERS_URI = Uri.parse(getCalendarUriBase(this) + "reminders");
values = new ContentValues();
values.put( "event_id", Long.parseLong(event1.getLastPathSegment()));
values.put( "method", 1 );
values.put( "minutes", 10 );
cr.insert( REMINDERS_URI, values );
getCalendarUroBase function:
private String getCalendarUriBase(Activity act) {
String calendarUriBase = null;
Uri calendars = Uri.parse("content://calendar/calendars");
Cursor managedCursor = null;
try {
managedCursor = act.managedQuery(calendars, null, null, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (managedCursor != null) {
calendarUriBase = "content://calendar/";
} else {
calendars = Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/calendars");
try {
managedCursor = act.managedQuery(calendars, null, null, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (managedCursor != null) {
calendarUriBase = "content://com.android.calendar/";
return calendarUriBase;
Note: As per Sample Date should be in yyyy-MM-dd, time should be in hh:mm formats
I am trying to add an event to the android calendar, and I specify that the event will be added to the gmail calendar in order to sync with the Google calendar automatically.
The problem is events added programmatically don't sync with Google calendar, but if I add it manual on the phone it does sync with Google calendar. I don't know why.
This is the code that I use to add the event:
ArrayList<MyCalendar> calendars = new ArrayList<MyCalendar>();
String[] projection = new String[] { "_id", "name" };
Uri calUri = getCalendarURI(false);
Cursor managedCursor = managedQuery(calUri, projection, "selected=1",
null, null);
String calName = null;
String calId = null;
if (managedCursor.moveToFirst()) {
int nameColumn = managedCursor.getColumnIndex("name");
int idColumn = managedCursor.getColumnIndex("_id");
do {
calName = managedCursor.getString(nameColumn);
calId = managedCursor.getString(idColumn);
calendars.add(new MyCalendar(Integer.parseInt(calId), calName));
} while (managedCursor.moveToNext());
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), calName + " " + calId,
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
ContentValues event = new ContentValues();
event.put("calendar_id", 2);
event.put("title", "Test Event2");
event.put("description", "Hiii Buddy");
long startTime = cal.getTimeInMillis();
long endTime = cal.getTimeInMillis() + 60 * 60 * 1000;
event.put("dtstart", startTime);
event.put("dtend", endTime);
event.put("allDay", 0);
event.put("eventStatus", 1);// tentative 0, confirmed 1 canceled 2
event.put("visibility", 3);// default 0 confidential 1 private 2
// public 3
event.put("transparency", 0);// opaque 0 transparent 1
event.put("hasAlarm", 1); // 0 false, 1 true
Uri eventsUri = getCalendarURI(true);
Uri url = getContentResolver().insert(eventsUri, event);
So the event successfully added to calendar but it doesn't show up in the Google calendar at the web (don't sync) but if I add the event manually it does sync !!!
You can sync your event after adding it by this function,It's worked for me(in API 8 and later):
public static void syncCalendar(Context context, String calendarId) {
ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(CalendarContract.Calendars.SYNC_EVENTS, 1);
values.put(CalendarContract.Calendars.VISIBLE, 1);
Long.parseLong(calendarId)), values, null, null);
Try this code to insert an event into the android calendar as well as google calendar:
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
cal_id = String.valueOf(p1);
values.put("calendar_id", p1);
values.put("title", title1);
values.put("allDay", 0);
values.put("dtstart", settime);
values.put("dtend", cal.getTimeInMillis()+60*60*1000);
values.put("description", desc1);
values.put("visibility", 0);
values.put("transparency", 0);
values.put("hasAttendeeData", 1);
values.put("hasAlarm", 0);
event = cr.insert(EVENTS_URI, values);
dat1 = event.toString();
long id=-1;
if (event != null)
id = Long.parseLong(event.getLastPathSegment());
ContentValues values1 = new ContentValues();
values1.put("event_id", id);
values1.put("method", 1); //METHOD_ALERT
Uri reminder = Uri.parse(getCalendarUriBase(this) + "reminders");
this.getContentResolver().insert(reminder, values1);
if(s.length() > 0 || partmail.length() > 0)
This code is used to add the event sync'ed to the google calendar
ContentValues attendees = new ContentValues();
attendees.put("event_id", id);
attendees.put("attendeeEmail", partmail1);
attendees.put("attendeeRelationship", 2);//RELATIONSHIP_ATTENDEE
attendees.put("attendeeStatus", 3); //ATTENDEE_STATUS_INVITED
attendees.put("attendeeType", 1); //TYPE_REQUIRED
alarmid = (int) id;
Uri attendeesUri = null;
if (Integer.parseInt(Build.VERSION.SDK) >= 8 )
attendeesUri = Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/attendees");
else if(Integer.parseInt(Build.VERSION.SDK) < 8)
attendeesUri = Uri.parse("content://calendar/attendees");
this.getContentResolver().insert(attendeesUri, attendees);
Toast.makeText(this, "Task Scheduled Successfully", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Toast.makeText(this, "Could not create Task!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
// reminder insert
Uri REMINDERS_URI = Uri.parse(getCalendarUriBase(this) + "reminders");
values = new ContentValues();
values.put( "event_id", id);
values.put( "method", 1 );
values.put( "minutes", 0 );
cr.insert( REMINDERS_URI, values );
Get Calendar's Uri since it differs for API levels such as till 8, greater than 8 and greater than 11.
private String getCalendarUriBase(Context con) {
String calendarUriBase = null;
Uri calendars = Uri.parse("content://calendar/calendars");
Cursor managedCursor = null;
try {
managedCursor = managedQuery(calendars, null, null, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// eat
if (managedCursor != null) {
calendarUriBase = "content://calendar/";
} else {
calendars = Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/calendars");
try {
managedCursor = managedQuery(calendars, null, null, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// statement to print the stacktrace
if (managedCursor != null) {
calendarUriBase = "content://com.android.calendar/";
return calendarUriBase;
Use the google calender api provided here
The above reference is somewhat general as Android doesn’t provide an official API. So, another solution more android specific is An Android Tutorial–Programming with Calendar
which contains a working example too. Also, be careful at Permission Declaration like READ_CALENDAR , WRITE_CALENDAR
Actually I have two java classes of which one is an activity class. Now from that activity class, I want to call a function of second class which is not in an activity class. So all works fine but when I use SharedPreferences inside that function it shows me an error Unable to start activity ComponentInfo java.lang.NullPointerException. Please, anyone help.
code for first java file:
public class SplashScreen extends Activity
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
CycleManager.getSingletonObject().test();//call functions of another class
code for second java file:
public class CycleManager
private static CycleManager cycleMangrObject;
private CycleManager() {
//Compute averages using data loaded from register
public static synchronized CycleManager getSingletonObject() {
if (cycleMangrObject == null) {
cycleMangrObject = new CycleManager();
return cycleMangrObject;
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
throw new CloneNotSupportedException();
public void test()
SharedPreferences preferences1 =getSharedPreferences("myPreferences", 0);
public void setAlertOnDevice(){
//Delete data
Uri EVENTS_URI = Uri.parse(getCalendarUriBase(this) + "events");
int id = 1; // calendar entry ID
ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
EVENTS_URI= ContentUris.withAppendedId(EVENTS_URI, id);
cr.delete(EVENTS_URI, "calendar_id=1", null);
Resources res=getResources();
//set Alerts in device calendar
Date dtStartDate = CycleManager.getSingletonObject().getStartDate();
boolean bDeleteAndReturn = false;
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
if (dtStartDate.getTime() == CycleManager.getSingletonObject().getDefaultDate().getTime())
bDeleteAndReturn = true;
dtStartDate = cal.getTime();
if (CycleManager.getSingletonObject().bNextCycleAlert && iStart>0)
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, iStart);
// ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
String str=res.getString(R.string.alert_start);
String strDescription=res.getString(R.string.alert_start_msg);
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("calendar_id", 1);
values.put("title", str);
values.put("description", strDescription);
values.put("dtstart", cal.getTimeInMillis());
values.put("dtend", cal.getTimeInMillis());
cr.insert(EVENTS_URI, values);
if (CycleManager.getSingletonObject().bSafeAlert)
if (iSafe1>0)
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, iSafe1);
// ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
String str=res.getString(R.string.alert_safe);
String strDescription=res.getString(R.string.alert_safe_msg) + " " + new Integer(iUnsafe1-iSafe1-1);
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("calendar_id", 1);
values.put("title", str);
values.put("description", strDescription);
values.put("dtstart", cal.getTimeInMillis());
values.put("dtend", cal.getTimeInMillis());
cr.insert(EVENTS_URI, values);
if (iSafe2>0)
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, iSafe2);
// ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
String str=res.getString(R.string.alert_safe);
String strDescription=res.getString(R.string.alert_safe_msg) + " " + new Integer(CycleManager.getSingletonObject().iAvgCycleTime-iSafe2-1);
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("calendar_id", 1);
values.put("title", str);
values.put("description", strDescription);
values.put("dtstart", cal.getTimeInMillis());
values.put("dtend", cal.getTimeInMillis());
cr.insert(EVENTS_URI, values);
if (CycleManager.getSingletonObject().bUnsafeAlert)
if (iUnsafe1>0)
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, iUnsafe1);
// ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
String str=res.getString(R.string.alert_unsafe);
String strDescription=res.getString(R.string.alert_unsafe_msg) + " " + new Integer(iFertile-iUnsafe1-1);
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("calendar_id", 1);
values.put("title", str);
values.put("description", strDescription);
values.put("dtstart", cal.getTimeInMillis());
values.put("dtend", cal.getTimeInMillis());
cr.insert(EVENTS_URI, values);
if (iUnsafe2>0)
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, iUnsafe2);
// ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
String str=res.getString(R.string.alert_unsafe);
String strDescription=res.getString(R.string.alert_unsafe_msg) + " " + new Integer(iSafe2-iUnsafe2-1);
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("calendar_id", 1);
values.put("title", str);
values.put("description", strDescription);
values.put("dtstart", cal.getTimeInMillis());
values.put("dtend", cal.getTimeInMillis());
cr.insert(EVENTS_URI, values);
if (CycleManager.getSingletonObject().bFertileAlert && iFertile>0)
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, iFertile);
// ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
String str=res.getString(R.string.alert_fertile);
String strDescription=res.getString(R.string.alert_fertile_msg) + " " + new Integer(iUnsafe2-iFertile-1);
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("calendar_id", 1);
values.put("title", str);
values.put("description", strDescription);
values.put("dtstart", cal.getTimeInMillis());
values.put("dtend", cal.getTimeInMillis());
cr.insert(EVENTS_URI, values);
if (CycleManager.getSingletonObject().bPMSAlert)
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, iStart-7);
// ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
String str=res.getString(R.string.alert_pms);
String strDescription=res.getString(R.string.alert_pms_msg);
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("calendar_id", 1);
values.put("title", str);
values.put("description", strDescription);
values.put("dtstart", cal.getTimeInMillis());
values.put("dtend", cal.getTimeInMillis());
cr.insert(EVENTS_URI, values);
private String getCalendarUriBase(Activity act){
String calendarUriBase = null;
Uri calendars = Uri.parse("content://calendar/calendars");
Cursor managedCursor = null;
managedCursor = act.managedQuery(calendars, null, null, null, null);
catch (Exception e) {}
if (managedCursor != null)
calendarUriBase = "content://calendar/";
calendars = Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/calendars");
managedCursor = act.managedQuery(calendars, null, null, null, null);
catch (Exception e){}
if (managedCursor != null)
calendarUriBase = "content://com.android.calendar/";
return calendarUriBase;
Its not possible because the other class does't know there something called SharedPreference.. so
public void test(Context c)
SharedPreferences preferences1 =c.getSharedPreferences("myPreferences", 0);
and while calling
CycleManager.getSingletonObject().test(this);//call functions of another class
and again
c.getContentResolver().delete(EVENTS_URI, null, null);
public void test(Context c)
SharedPreferences prefs;
prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c);
No you cannot use the Activity or Android functions in an ordinary simple java class. Since you can only use java library in that Simple Java Class
One possible solution is:
Create a public static SharedPreferences object in an activity and Create an object of SplashScreen like this:
public static SharedPreferences pref = null;
public static SplashScreen sp;
In onCreate of Splash Screen do this
sp = this;
In your java Class method do this
SplashScreen.pref = SplashScreen.sp.getSharedPreferences("my pref", 0);