How to rotate map view smoothly with bearing in android - android

I am trying to rotate map view when the user changes his direction ie if user takes left and right turns it should rotate accordingly.I am rotating map view basing on current location bearing it is rotating correctly but it was jittering.Here is the code which i used for rotation
public void onGPSUpdate(Location location)
boolean check=isBetterLocation(location, tempLoc);
isBetterLocation method is copied from google docs for better location.
private void showLocation(Location loc){
I registered a location updates with time interval 0 and min distance of 10 for frequent updates.Here my problem is map view is jittering always,can any one tell me how can I smoothly rotate map view like other applications like waze maps do.Thanks...

are you trying to rotate the map in a smooth way such as by one degree at a time or just have it go from degree A to degree B on location update ?
Something like
while (oldAngle != newAngle)
// this is where you would decied to add or subtract;
newAngle ++ or -- ;
not sure if this would work exactly as the loop would run really quickly so maybe do this as a asynctask and add a pause in there to simulate a smooth rotation.
Double angle = Math.atan2((userstartPoint.getX() - userendPoint.getX()), userstartPoint.getY() - userendPoint.getY());
angle = Math.toDegrees(angle);
so basically I get the start point (new location) and then the end point (old location) and do a Math.atan2 on it as you can see. Then convert that to a degree and set it to my map rotation.
Now it does not do a smooth rotation but I don't need that. Here is where you could set up your own stepper for a smooth rotate. Unless the google maps already has one.

As the bearing values of the Location are not very exact and tend to jump a little, you should use a filter for the bearing. For example, keep the last 5 bearing-values in an array and use the average of those values as the bearing to rotate the map to. Or use the filter explained in the SensorEvent docs - it's easier to use and can be tweaked better.
This will smoothen out the rotation of the map resp. keep it more stable.
A version of the low-pass filter:
public static float exponentialSmoothing(float input, float output, float alpha) {
output = output + alpha * (input - output);
return output;
use it like so:
final static float ALPHA = 0.33; // values between 0 and 1
float bearing;
// on location/bearing changed:
bearing = exponentialSmoothing(bearing, newBearing, ALPHA);
bearing would be the value to use to actually rotate the map, newBearing would be the bearing you get from every event, and with ALPHA you can control how quickly or slowly the rotation acts to a new orientation by weighting how much of the old and the new bearing is taken into account for the result. A small value weighs the old value higher, a high value weighs the new value higher.
I hope that works out better.

To change the bearing of your map, use the Camera class. You can define a new CameraPosition with the new bearing and tell the camera to move with either GoogleMap.moveCamera or GoogleMap.animateCamera if you want a smooth movement.

I have implemented this in my app. What I basically did is that I took the last and second last LatLng of my path and calculate bearing by using
public static float getRotationAngle(LatLng secondLastLatLng, LatLng lastLatLng)
double x1 = secondLastLatLng.latitude;
double y1 = secondLastLatLng.longitude;
double x2 = lastLatLng.latitude;
double y2 = lastLatLng.longitude;
float xDiff = (float) (x2 - x1);
float yDiff = (float) (y2 - y1);
return (float) (Math.atan2(yDiff, xDiff) * 180.0 / Math.PI);
Set this angle as bearing to camera position.
Note: Sometimes (rarely) it rotates map to opposite direction. i am looking for it but if anyone got reason do reply.


Pinch zoom and pan to specific screen coordinate

I want to pinch zoom around a specific coordinate on a tiled 15f x 15f 3D board. I.e. I don't want to zoom around origin. Thus I need to pan the board accordingly.
I am using a PerspectiveCamera (near=0.1f, far=100f). For a perfect fit of the screen the camera is located at approx.z=13.4 before zooming.
Now what (I think) I want to do is to:
Unproject the screen coordinates (GestureDetector.pinch method) done once for each pinch zoom:
float icx = (initialPointer1.x + initialPointer2.x) / 2;
float icy = (initialPointer1.y + initialPointer2.y) / 2;
pointToMaintain = new Vector3(icx, icy, 0f);
Now for each zoom cycle (as I adjust the mCamera.z accordingly and do mCamera.update()) I project the point back to screen coordinates:
Vector3 pointNewPos = new Vector3(pointToMaintain);
Then calculate the delta and pan accordingly:
int dX = (int) (pointNewPos.x - icx);
int dY = (int) (pointNewPos.y - icy);
pan(...); /* I.e. mCamera.translate(...) */
My problem is that the mCamera.z is initially above pointToMaintain.z and then goes below as the user moves the fingers:
cam.z ptm.z dX dY
0 13.40
1 13.32 13.30 12 134
2 13.24 13.30 12 -188
(0) is the original value of mCamera.z before zooming starts. (1) is not not valid? However (2) should be OK.
My questions are:
(1) How can I get a "valid" pointToMaintain when unprojecting the screen coordinates on the camera. I.e. a point that is not less than cam.z. (The reason I get the point to 13.30 is (I guess) because near=0.1f. But as seen above this results in (weird?) screen coordinates).
(2) Is this a good strategy for moving the tiles board closer to the coordinates the user pinched zoomed on?
To mantain focus points, I did this code:
Obs: This code relies on overloaded operators, you need to change the vectors operators by its method (addMe, subtract, etc)
void zoomAt(float changeAmmount, Vector2D focus) {
float newZoom = thisZoom + changeAmmount;
offset = focus - ((focus - offset) * newZoom / thisZoom);
thisZoom = newZoom;
focus = Current center point to mantain
offset = Distance from 0,0
thisZoom = current zoom ammount; (starts at 1)
changeAmmount = value to increase or decrease zoom
It took me 4 tries along of 3 years to make it done, and was pretty easy when you drawn it down, its just two triangles.

Android, using gps and compass to point towards coordinate

I'm trying to make an app that points you toward a position. You press a button and it stores the gps coordinates, then calculates things like distance and the angle you need to face. Then it leads you back to that remembered position by "pointing" toward it using an onscreen compass graphic.
At least, it's supposed to. After messing with the code for hours, I've come to the conclusion that there's just a logic error somewhere due to my lack of trig practice over the past few years.
The compass and GPS position are updated fairly frequently. This is the code in my main update call for the user interface that rotates the compass and displays the distance.
public void updateUI(){
double deltaX = targetLongitude - currentLongitude;
double deltaY = targetLatitude - currentLatitude;
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2));
double rotation = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(deltaX,deltaY));
rotateCompass(rotation - degreesClockwiseFromNorth);
and the code for rotateCompass:
public void rotateCompass(double degrees){
degrees -= currentRotation; //calculates necessary rotation across updates
currentRotation += degrees;
(float) degrees,
compass.getDrawable().getBounds().width() / 2,
compass.getDrawable().getBounds().height() / 2);
I'm almost certain my rotation code works because when I replace
rotateCompass(rotation - degreesClockwiseFromNorth);
rotateCompass(0 - degreesClockwiseFromNorth);
it points north right alongside a real compass regardless of the direction I'm facing. But when I use the former, it points towards a consistent point, but that point seems to be nowhere near the target point.
So I've come to the conclusion my error is either in calculating the correct angle, or expecting the gps to be too precise. I haven't tested it for distances further than what I can in my backyard, but I assume that if it was a gps accuracy issue I'd see my compass jumping all over the place rather than adamantly pointing in a wrong direction.
Thanks for reading, any suggestions or corrections are appreciated.
Your math is all screwed up because the distance between 2 degrees of longitude is not the same as 2 degrees of latitude. In fact, it isn't even a constant length for longitude- its shorted by the poles and longest at the equator. Use the Location.distanceTo functions instead.

Draw circles of constant size on screen in Google Maps API v2

I'm working on an Android Application using Gooogle Maps API v2. I have markers on my map, and I'd like to circle one of them. I managed to do that easily, by using the Circle and Circle Options classes. But I'd also like my circle to keep the same size on the screen when zooming or unzooming, just like the markers do. It means that the circle must have a constant radius in terms of pixels. Sadly, we cannot set a radius in pixels in the API v2.
I have tried several solutions, but I'm not satisfied.
In the first one, I just multiply or divide the radius :
public void onCameraChange(CameraPosition position)
if(previousZoom > position.zoom) {
mSelectionCircle.setRadius(Math.abs(position.zoom - previousZoom)*2*mSelectionCircle.getRadius());
else if(previousZoom < position.zoom) {
mSelectionCircle.setRadius(Math.abs(position.zoom - previousZoom)*mSelectionCircle.getRadius()/2);
previousZoom = position.zoom;
It seemed to work at first, but produces wrong results when zooming quickly or zooming with fingers. Moreover, the scaling is clearly visible on the screen.
My second solution uses pixel-meter conversions. The idea is to recalculate the radius in meters when zooming/unzooming, so the circle has a constant size on the screen. To do that, I get the current position of the Circle on the screen:
Point p1 = mMap.getProjection().toScreenLocation(mSelectionCircle.getCenter());
Then I create another point which is on the edge of the circle:
Point p2 = new Point(p1.x + radiusInPixels, p1.y);
int radiusInPixels = 40;
After that, I use a function which returns the distance between these two points in meters.
private double convertPixelsToMeters(Point point1, Point point2) {
double angle = Math.acos(Math.sin(point1.x) * Math.sin(point2.x)
+ Math.cos(point1.x) * Math.cos(point2.x) * Math.cos(point1.y- point2.y));
return angle * Math.PI * 6378100.0; // distance in meters
6378100 is average Earth radius. Finally, I set the new radius of the Circle :
mSelectionCircle.setRadius(convertPixelsToMeters(p1, p2));
It should work in theory but I get ridiculous radius values (10^7 m!). The conversion function may be wrong?
So is there a simpler method to do that, or if not, may you help me to understand why my second soluton doesn't work?
You probably don't really care about an exact pixel size, just that it looks the same for all zoom levels and device rotations.
Here is a fairly simple way to do this. Draw (and redraw if the zoom is changed) a circle whose radius is some percentage of the diagonal of the visible screen.
The Google Maps API v2 has a getProjection() function that will return the lat/long coordinates of the 4 corners of the visible screen. Then using the super convenient Location class, you can calculate the distance of the diagonal of what is visible on the screen, and use a percentage of that diagonal as the radius of your circle. Your circle will be the same size no matter what the zoom scale is or which way the device is rotated.
Here is the code in Java:
public Circle drawMapCircle(GoogleMap googleMap,LatLng latLng,Circle currentCircle) {
// get 2 of the visible diagonal corners of the map (could also use farRight and nearLeft)
LatLng topLeft = googleMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().farLeft;
LatLng bottomRight = googleMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().nearRight;
// use the Location class to calculate the distance between the 2 diagonal map points
float results[] = new float[4]; // probably only need 3
float diagonal = results[0];
// use 5% of the diagonal for the radius (gives a 10% circle diameter)
float radius = diagonal / 20;
Circle circle = null;
if (currentCircle != null) {
// change the radius if the circle already exists (result of a zoom change)
circle = currentCircle;
} else {
// draw a new circle
circle = googleMap.addCircle(new CircleOptions()
return circle;
Use a custom icon for Marker instead. You can create Bitmap and Canvas, draw on the latter and use it as a Marker icon:
new MarkerOptions().icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bitmap))...
My previous answer is no longer valid.
As Jean-Philippe Jodoin brought up, you can simply do that with markers and setting their anchor to 0.5/0.5. It's a way cleaner solution.
Pasting the suggested code snippet here for reference:
marker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(latlng).anchor(0.5f, 0.5f));
Old answer:
I came accross the same problem and could not find a solution, so I did it myself, I will post in the hope that it is helpful to some other people.
The "marker" approach did not work for me because I wanted circles to be centered on a specific lat/lng, and you cannot do that with a marker: if you set a circle icon for your marker, the circle edge will touch the lat/lng, but the circle will not be centered on the lat/lng.
I created a function to compute what should be the size of the circle in meters given the latitude and the camera zoom level, then added a camera listener on the map to update the size of the circle each time the camera changes zoom level. The result is a circle not changing in size (to the bare eye at least).
Here is my code:
public static double calculateCircleRadiusMeterForMapCircle(final int _targetRadiusDip, final double _circleCenterLatitude,
final float _currentMapZoom) {
//That base value seems to work for computing the meter length of a DIP
final double arbitraryValueForDip = 156000D;
final double oneDipDistance = Math.abs(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(_circleCenterLatitude))) * arbitraryValueForDip / Math.pow(2, _currentMapZoom);
return oneDipDistance * (double) _targetRadiusDip;
public void addCircleWithConstantSize(){
final GoogleMap googleMap = ...//Retrieve your GoogleMap object here
//Creating a circle for the example
final CircleOptions co = new CircleOptions(); LatLng(0,0));
final Circle circle = googleMap.addCircle(co);
//Setting a listener on the map camera to monitor when the camera changes
googleMap.setOnCameraMoveListener(new GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveListener() {
public void onCameraMove() {
//Use the function to calculate the radius
final double radius = calculateCircleRadiusMeterForMapCircle(12, co.getCenter().latitude, googleMap.getCameraPosition().zoom);
//Apply the radius to the circle
As MaciejGórski suggested, it's correct and easy way to go; but if you have a lot of markers in google map, let's say 5k markers for example, it will slow down performance dramatically. Some suggestions to show this matter are:
1) Let search Marker clustering utility of Google android map API.
2) However, Marker clustering maybe not fit completely your purpose. So you can customize it by yourself. Here is the thread discussing about this matter:
I'm sorry, I did not try it, since I found using Polyline satisfies my purpose (display a path).
Hope this help,

Determine building your Android device is pointing at

I have a MapView in which I am drawing buildings on using geopoints. Currently, the app determines the closest building to you by just checking your long/lat and comparing to the buildings; but what I want to be able to do is point my device at a building and have that buildings info pop up, even if it isn't the closest building to you.
I have looked up how to accomplish this and I would be using the azimuth direction received from the ORIENTATION sensor listener. I am having trouble using that azimuth direction and determining if it is intercepting one of the buildings on the map.
Would I be using the ORIENTATION sensor and azimuth to accomplish this? How would I go about implementing this? Any help appreciated!
Figured out the solution:
I used this function(and helper function) to get the bearing from my current location to the closest buildings around me(using a set radius):
public static float calculateBearing(GeoPoint before, GeoPoint after) {
Point pBefore = location2Point(before);
Point pAfter = location2Point(after);
float res = -(float) (Math.atan2(pAfter.y - pBefore.y, pAfter.x
- pBefore.x) * 180 / Math.PI) + 90.0f;
if (res < 0)
return res + 360.0f;
return res;
public static Point location2Point(GeoPoint aLocation) {
return new Point((int) (aLocation.getLongitudeE6()),
(int) (aLocation.getLatitudeE6()));
Once you have the bearings of the buildings around you; you must then compare that to the bearing your phone is positioned at using a SensorEventListener for the TYPE_ORIENTATION sensor to find out which of the closest buildings your pointing at.

Get screen coordinates by specific location and longitude (android)

I have an application of augmented reality in which I have stored information such us metro, gas stations, places of interest, etc. with the corresponding latitude and longitude.
Now, according to the orientation of the device, I would show a marker for each site in the camera view of the device. Similar to Layar and Wikitude.
It takes three days searching without stopping and have not found anyone to explain how to solve this problem.
Since information on this topic is very sparse, and I recently solved this problem on the iPhone, I thought I would share my method for anyone that can make it work with Android (there's nothing really specific to iPhone in this answer except for the Math functions sin, cos, and fmod, which can be found in java.lang.Math). These are the steps I took:
Obtain your own lat/lon and your current compass heading (lat1, lon1 and heading). On the iPhone, CLLocation returns these in degrees, but for these calculations they MUST be in radians (i.e. multiply by PI/180)
Obtain lat/lon of Points of Interest (POI) in radians (lat2 and lon2).
Calculate the distance between lat1/lon1 and lat2/lon2 using formula found here:
Calculate angle to lat2/lon2 in relation to north. This is also described in the link above but I had a little bit of trouble getting this to work, here is C code for this:
double latDelta = (lat2 - lat1);
double lonDelta = (lon2 - lon1);
double y = sin(lonDelta) * cos(lat2);
double x = cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos(lat2)* cos(lonDelta);
double angle = atan2(y, x); //not finished here yet
double headingDeg = compass.currentHeading;
double angleDeg = angle * 180/PI;
double heading = headingDeg*PI/180;
angle = fmod(angleDeg + 360, 360) * PI/180; //normalize to 0 to 360 (instead of -180 to 180), then convert back to radians
angleDeg = angle * 180/PI;
Using standard trigonometry, I calculate x and y. Remember, these coordinates are in 3D space, so we are not finished here yet because you still have to map them to 2D:
x = sin(angle-heading) * distance;
z = cos(angle-heading) * distance; //typically, z faces into the screen, but in our 2D map, it is a y-coordinate, as if you are looking from the bottom down on the world, like Google Maps
Finally, using the projection formula, you can calculate screen x ( I didn't do y because it was not necessary for my project, but you would need to get accelerator data and figure out if the device is perpendicular to the ground). The projection formula is found here (scroll to the very bottom):
double screenX = (x * 256) / z
Now you can use this x coordinate to move an image or a marker on your screen. Remember a few points:
Everything must be in radians
The angle from you to the POI relative to North is angleBeteweenPoints - currentHeading
(For some reason I can't properly format the code on this computer, so if anyone wants to edit this answer, feel free).

