Difficulty in replicating Screen layout issue - android

I have a settings tab page in my application. It works perfectly for all users, except one with HTC WildFire phone.
I have implemented all good practices suggested by Android to have multiple assets for different screen sizes and screen densities.
But still for this user, when he opens Settings tab page, the tab takes most the screen with a big box and very less space left for actual settings to appear at the bottom.
I don't have a HTC Wildfire phone. Is there a way, I can create emulator that would match exactly to HTC Wildfire screen and replicate this issue ?
Expert opinions are appreciated.

Namely that device was our worst case platform. No matter what we tried, we couldn't overcome some of its quirks. I remember weird ListView separators, borders around images - and there was something else as well.
So it may be just the device. But we also did manage to adjust a lot on an emulator with the corresponding (low) resolution. Yes, you should create one.


Scale up the app on large devices (generic scale)

I have finished my app and it looks great on phones (regardless of the density). Is there a way (attribute or generic method I can call or some sort of settings) that would just make all the screen elements ( images, buttons and texts) bigger for large screens such as tablets.
I remember one of the tablets (I think TF), had an option to just scale up the whole app to fit the screen. This could be only a feature of that specific company or it could be an attribute set on the app. Perhaps I can achieve the same behavior?
PS: I know some may disagree saying that this may not look good on tablet, not the right way and that specific layouts should be provided for large screens but that's ok. I have considered that and I am ok with my approach. My app target is mainly phones but if it runs on 7 or 10 inch tablet (rarely), I want everything just bigger.
Thank you

Different Designs and Different screen sizes and Densities

I have read an much more documents on android and other blogs about how to support multiple screen sizes. And To some extent I am successful in making some good looking designs for apps. Now let me start from the start what is the problem and what I wanted to ask from you guys.
Android has now different screen sizes of different screen densities and having different resolutions. so We have to face 3 different things the size , density and the resolution.
Now Let take example of Samsung s4(xxhdpi device having 1080*1920px) , Samsung Grand (hdpi 480*800px) and both has same screen size that is 5 inch
and Samsung galaxy note 10.1 (Mdpi devices ) 10 inch screen size.
Now android says to make different drawable and put them into respective folder, its ok, let suppose its done. Now what ?
lets suppose , What if I have to set the image in left top with the marginleft of 5 dp and some other views according to them with different specific paddings and margins in dps and suppose I have set all of these in my layout according to hdpi device, which we know is not going to look good in samsung s4 xxhdpi device and tablet.
and Also as design pattern says to change design for the tablets according to your need , but on the other hand the support of making different layout has been deprecated now we have to use different values folder.
so in short what is a best way and what is clear thing for making drawables.
how should we re size our drawables to support all devices , and also if making different layout has been deprecated now what should we do to make our design look good and approximately same in all devices?
also how to judge that device is tablet and we should now start showing the multi pane design ?
please do not refer me to android developer website , I know its very helping and I learnt a lot from there , but right now I just want to discuss the technical issues and want to take advantage of some experienced developers. Thanks

Android Emulator Size Settings

I'm trying to test my app on a number of different sized screens to make sure it displays correctly. I'm finding it hard to setup the emulator to show the different sized screens. Can someone please help in providing the settings needed to show an emulator for x-large, large, medium and small sized screens please?
Any help in working with the emulators would be greatly appreciated.
When you run your AVD, there are two tabs:
1 - Android Virtual devices with devices you created.
2 - Device Definitions -> click on this one.
Now you can pick different devices with different screen sizes, densities, resolutions...basically all the important combinations you would want to test it with(and more)
Select one and click on the right side menu button -> create AVD.

Android Resource Scaling For 4.65" and 4.7" Emulator Not Correct

I have layout xml files for default, default-land, sw480dp, sw480dp-land,sw600dp, and sw600dp-land in an Android project I'm working on. All emulator's scale my resources correctly except for the 4.65" and 4.7" emulators in Eclipse, and does not scale the ad space, or my buttons correctly. These emulators seem to be pulling my default layout resources, but the scaling is wayyy off, and I am not sure why this is. I've tried adding a new folder for sw720dp, but this pulls up the 10" tablet emulator, and does not allow the 4.65 or 4.7 inch devices. Can anyone give me some clues as to what might be going wrong here? I'm done with all my functionality, and was just testing out all devices before submitting the app, and now I've hit a road block. Thanks!
Not sure what kind of info you'd need to help me out with this, code wise, so let me know what might help you, and I'll insert it!

layout elements position problem

i've created an application for galaxy S..so i'm using 3.7 inch(resolution 320x480) layout for my xml files. The app is working perfectly on the phone. When using the same app in HTC wildfire whose resolution is 240x320 the graphics are out of position. I know the reason is obvious that I'm developing app in 3.7WVGA so graphics will not be compatible for QVGA.
Is the only solution is to create different versions of app on the basis of devices?? or is there a universal solution which i can implement so that the app will run without graphical repositioning on all the devices having different screen sizes and different resolution support??
please help me...coz i dnt really know the answer....and thank you in advance
If you can get away with it, use linear layouts and position things by weight. That way the ratios will stay the same and the same general appearance will hold.

