What is the use of R.Drawable.Loader in android app while downloading image from URL - android

This might be a silly question, but i am stuck at a single place from quite some time and am not able to figure out the reason.
I am trying to download image from a URL to an android app. For this I am following this tutorial - http://www.androidhive.info/2012/07/android-loading-image-from-url-http/
The problem is that eclipse (I am doing coding in eclipse) is giving the error: Loader cannot be resolved or is not a field on the line where i have wriiten int load = R.drawable.loader
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance !

Going by the information given in the tutorial you linked to, R.drawable.loader is a place holder image used by the tutorial app to show to the user before the real image has finished downloading.
If the tutorial site allows you to download full projects, you can probably find this image in the /res/drawable(-something)/ directory. If not, you can pick any random placeholder image you like, rename it to loader. and put it in one of the res/drawable folders.


Slide-Show from storage images

So I´m new and still getting the hang of Android Studio.
What I´m trying to do is to create a "slide-show"apk in which you can add images to a specific storage folder on your device and the app will show you each image for a specific amount of time.
I´ve been trying to do this with the function: Animation list but I just found out you can´t add resources to drawable on runtime. So i´m not sure what´s the best way to tackle this... Hope someone has done something similar and is willing to help :)

How to load panoroma 360 degree image from url in my android application?

Explanation: I am new to android. I don't know how to load panorama image in my android application.I tried more it's loaded from the drawable folder. But, i want to load it from the url to my android application.
Many of people suggest me to use panoramaGl ready-mate library. i tried this libraries too but not gave the output as much i expected.
Please, help me what is the best solution to load panorama image from url and load into my android application.
Kindly refer, it may help
PanoramaImageView Library with guidance in Android App
Another option is to use Panoramagl-android library

Phonegap android black external image

I'm new to android/phonegap development. I'm trying to access external images but I only get black places where the image should be on the emulator.If I try to open the html in chrome it displays the image. I already added the domain to the white list.
Would you be so kind as to help me figure out what the problem could be?
Thank you,
Please check the case of the images names. See if the browser is also displaying the image or not
It was just an error of the emulator, when I tried on an actual device all worked fine!

Displaying downloaded image in an imageView

Hi :) I'm trying to write an android application that downloads a bunch of images and afterwads displays them in a gallery. I managed to download the images (i did download them do the data/data/project directory - not sure if that's right) but now i can't access them (i tried using the setImageURI method of the imageView to display the image after I've created an Uri instance via Uri.Builder().appendPath("data/data/project/file.jpg").build() but it was to no avail). I'm new to android developing so any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I started writing up an example, but decided that it was a waste of time since the net is littered with better examples then I could create.
At a high level, you'll need to do this:
Get 1..n File objects
Load Bitmaps from these objects using BitmapFactory
Load these decoded bitmaps into a ImageView
The typical mechanism for viewing a set of resources like this is the Adapter pattern. As I mentioned, there is a good example here which also encompasses the use of AsyncTask and some other patterns typical of Android programming which you should become familiar with. Review that and see if you have further questions.
Uri uri = Uri.parse("file:///data/data/project/file.jpg");

Android Dev.: How to populate gallery by image URL?

I'm trying to build a gallery where the images within will be pulled from the images URL from a website. i.e. Instead of doing R.drawable.xxxx.jpg, you use a url to represent the image.
Is this possible? If so, can you show me an example in code?
this might be old post, but hey this library from github might be helpful
Android Image Loader
Also, on Application class, set the option to MaxPriority for better outcome.
Hope this helps...

