android send email with an image screenshot created but not saved - android

I want to make a screenshot of the screen without saving the image, now I do this to make a screenshot:
View view = webView.getRootView();
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(view.getDrawingCache());
result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK);
And to attach the image to the email:
i.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse("file:///INFINITA-PL.png"));
I do not know how to do it without path.

The EXTRA_STREAM value has to be a Uri that can be opened by the Email process. If you don't want to save it as a file and pass that along you will need to implement a ContentProvider to make it accessible. In general this is pretty messy to do: I can echo the comments in that question (I struggled for awhile to do it without hitting the file system before giving up).
You're probably better served using a File and moving on to the rest of your app.


Android Upload Image using path or uri?

I'm having a trouble bringing the images from the gallery to my app.
The hard part is that, in some articles they use uri rather than path, but in others vice versa.
Plus, I'm not also sure... when I get Uri from the intent coming back, should I use cursor to get images data? (How to get Images from Cursor in android?) In some other references, they do it in the easy way, just with 'getPath()' method.
Do I need either of path or uri? or Only one of these?
I'm so confused now..
Always use Uri:
File file = new File(uri.getPath());
Bitmap bitmap= BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath());
and when you have bitmap simply load it in to ImageView

High resolution screen shot in Android

Is there any way to get a high resolution screen shot of a certain view in an activity.
I want to convert html content of my webview to PDF. For that I tried to take screen shot of the webview content and then converted it to PDF using itext. The resulted PDF is not in much more clarity.
My code:
protected void takeimg() {
Picture picture = mWebView.capturePicture();
Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(picture.getWidth(), picture.getHeight(),
Canvas c = new Canvas(b);
// byte[] bt = b.getNinePatchChunk();
// Bitmap b;
// View v1 = mWebView.getRootView();
// v1.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true);
// b = Bitmap.createBitmap(v1.getDrawingCache());
// v1.setDrawingCacheEnabled(false);
FileOutputStream fos = null;
try {
File root = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),
if (!root.exists()) {
String sdcardhtmlpath = root.getPath().toString() + "/"
+ "temp_1.png";
fos = new FileOutputStream(sdcardhtmlpath);
// fos = openFileOutput("samsp_1.jpg", MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE);
if (fos != null) {
b.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, fos);
// fos.write(bt);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("takeimg", e.toString());
protected void pdfimg() {
Document mydoc = new Document(PageSize.A3);
try {
File root = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),
if (!root.exists()) {
String sdcardhtmlpath = root.getPath().toString() + "/";
mydoc.setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
PdfWriter.getInstance(mydoc, new FileOutputStream(sdcardhtmlpath
+ PDFfilename));;
Image image1 = Image.getInstance(sdcardhtmlpath + "temp_1.jpg");
// mydoc.newPage();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("pdi name", e.toString());
Update: See Edit 3 for an answer to op's original question
There are two options:
Use a library to convert the HTML to PDF. This is by far the best option, since it will (probably) preserve text as vectors.
Get a high resolution render of the HTML and save it as a PNG (not PDF surely!).
For HTML to PDF, wkhtmltopdf looks like a good option, but it relies on Qt which you can't really use on Android. There are some other libraries but I doubt they do the PDF rendering very well.
For getting a high-res webview, you could try creating your own WebView and calling onMeasure(...) and onLayout(...) and pass appropriate parameters so the view is really big. Then call onDraw(myOwnCanvas) and the webview will draw itself to your canvas, which can be backed by a Bitmap using Canvas.setBitmap().
You can probably copy the state into the new WebView using something like
Orrr it may even be possible to use the same WebView, just temporarily resize it to be large, onDraw() it to your canvas, and resize it back again. That's getting very hacky though!
You might run into memory issues if you make it too big.
Edit 1
I thought of a third, exactly-what-you-want option, but it's kind of hardcore. You can create a custom Canvas, that writes to a PDF. In fact, it is almost easy, because underlying Canvas is Skia, which actually includes a PDF backend. Unfortunately you don't get access to it on Android, so you'll basically have to build your own copy of it on Android (there are instructions), and duplicate/override all the Canvas methods to point to your Skia instead of Androids. Note that there is a tempting Picture.writeToStream() method which serializes the Skia data, but unfortunately this format is not forwards or backwards compatible so if you use it your code will probably only work on a few versions of Android.
I'll update if/when I have fully working code.
Edit 2
Actually it is impossible to make your own "intercepting" Canvas. I started doing it and went through the tedious process of serializing all function calls. A few you can't do because they are hidden, but those didn't look important. But right at the end I came to serializing Path only to discover that it is write-only. That seems like a killer to me, so the only option is to interpret the result of Picture.writeToStream(). Fortunately there are only two versions of that format in use, and they are nearly identical.
Edit 3 - Really simple way to get a high resolution Bitmap of a view
Ok, it turns out just getting a high res bitmap of a view (which can be the entire app) is trivial. Here is how to get double resolution. Obviously all the bitmaps look a bit crap, but the text is rendered at full resolution:
View window = activity.getWindow().getDecorView()
Canvas bitmapCanvas = new Canvas();
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(window.getWidth()*2, window.getHeight()*2, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
bitmapCanvas.scale(2.0f, 2.0f);
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0, myOutputStream);
Works like a charm. I've now given up on getting a PDF screenshot with vector text. It's certainly possible, but very difficult. Instead I am working on getting a high-res PSD where each draw operation is a separate layer, which should be much easier.
Edit 4
Woa this is getting a bit long, but success! I've generated an .xcf (GIMP) and PDF where each layer is a different canvas drawing operation. It's not quite as fine-grained as I was expecting, but still, pretty useful!
Actually my code just outputs full-size PNGs and I used "Open as layers..." and "Autocrop layer" in GIMP to make these files, but of course you can do that in code if you like. I think I will turn this into a blog post.
Download the GIMP or Photoshop demo file (rendered at 3x resolution).
When you capture the view, just screen bound will capture ( due to control weight and android render pipeline ).
Capturing screenshot for converting to PDF is tricky way. I think two way is more reasonable solutions.
Solution #1
Write a parser ( it's simple ) to convert webview content ( that is HTML ) to iText format.
You can refer to this article for more information.
Also to write a parser you can use REGEX and provide your own methods like parseTable, parseImage, ...
Solution #2 Internet Required
Provide a URL ( or webservice ) to convert HTML to PDF using PHP or C# that has a lot of nice libraries. Next you can send download link to the Client ( Android Device ).
So you can also dynamically add some Tags, Banners, ... to the PDF from server side.
Screen Shot is nothing but picture of your device display which usually depend upon your phone absolute pixels, if your phone is 480x800 screen shot will be same and generally applicable for all scenarios.
Sure, Use this:
Bitmap bitmap;
View v1 = MyView.getRootView();
bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(v1.getDrawingCache());
Here MyView is the View you need a screenshot of.

How to create a videoThumbnail for remote file?

I am trying to create a video thumbnail for a file :
1- the file is located on YouTube.
2- I would start an implicit intent for Andriod OS to play this file using:
Intent intent= new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(youTubeVideoWebPath));
String youTubeVideoWebPath = "";
after searching some posts on the forum, I found it could be either:
1- VideoView and set its background with the Thumbnail that I will extract from the video Or
2- ImageView which sets its source/background with the extracted Thumbnail
when an item (whether VideoView or ImageView) is clicked, I will send the previous mentioned intent.
since I am not going to control playing the video by my application, I guess that it is better to use ImageView, right?
I would like to create a video Thumbnail for that remote file so what is the best/easiest way to do that?
For me, after doing more search on the forum, I found the following method:
Bitmap thumbAsBitmap = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(filePath, MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND);
But it always returns null, I dont know why although that I passed it:
filePath: the web path of the file mentioned above
second argument: not sure whether it should be MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND or
I can only find posts related to extracting VideoThumbnail from files saved in internal/external memory, nothing related to remote files such as my case.
Why not fetch YouTube thumbnail? It looks quite simple. Once you got video URL, like this:
you extract video ID (which in this case is dRpFF5Dm-k0) and your thumbnail is at:<VIDEOID>/default.jpg
so in this case:
Not sure if that works for any video (I just found that out to answer your question), but at least it is a good start :)

How to add image to android app?? I reached till Imageview class but could not figure out further

I am very new to Android development.
I am trying to add an image to my Android application by code. I found this, but it is showing some drag and drop way to do it.
I want to do it by coding in my onCreate method.
I managed to do this:
ImageView iv = new ImageView(this);
But could not figure out how to set the image-uri.
I tried the following:
with and without # but I think I need to pass an URI.
I tried to create an object of, but it seems it can not be instantiated.
See the uri you have tried is wrong it is located on your local file system.. Instead try to push the image on the device's sdcard with the help of DDMS of eclipse..
Suppose you have pushed it on /sdcard/your_image.jpg. then in your code set your image path as
imageView.setImageUri (Uri.parse("/sdcard/your_image.jpg"));
I m sure you will get it...
ImageView iv = (ImageView)findViewById(v);
You are trying pass Uri of image which is stored on your Computer!!!!
Copy that file on your device SD Card.
Suppose you copied it under /sdcard/home.jpg
Then use below code to display it in ImageView.

Android: Saving a Bitmap Graph to the Image Gallery Using OnClick Listener

I am a high school student looking for help saving a bitmap image creating using a modified version of the "Sensor Graph" tutorial available here:
This creates an oscilloscope graph based on external sensor activity, and I need to save the image (currently a bitmap) as a JPEG to the Android phone Image Gallery. I would like to do so using a button.
I have enabled OnClickListener in my SensorGraph class, an extension of the Activity class; however, the actual bitmap is created in the View class.
I would appreciate if someone could provide some code to help me save the bitmap.
I can also use a general "OnClick" command in the main.xml file; however, I believe that the method specified there would just refer back to the Activity class, so I still do not know how to save a bitmap created in the View class using a method in the Activity class.
Thank you very much.
Please try following code,
ImageView v1 = (ImageView)findViewById(;
Bitmap bm = v1.getDrawingCache();

