Differentiate between GCM and C2DM ids - android

I'm migrating my app from C2DM to GCM but the server on which i'll be sending the registration id will still be entertaining C2DM ids. So my question is what can I do from my app so that server can identify that this is GCM id. Google recommends to send a new bit along with registration id. How can I do that. Please give an exmaple.

Here's what you need to do if you're not using AppEngine.
In your server, you should already have a table that stores all the registration id (reg_id). You need to add another column to this table, say 'is_gcm_reg_id'. You would default all existing rows to '0' for this column since they are currently all C2DM reg_ids. You could also just create a new table to store the GCM reg_ids, if you like.
Then in your GCM enabled application, you just need to let your server know the reg_id is a GCM reg_id. You didn't mention how you upload the reg_id to your server (Web Service call? Simple POST request?). If using Web Service call, just create a new method that will be used exclusively by your new GCM-enabled app. If using POST request, just add another key value pair like 'gcm=true' and your server should look for this kvp.
Finally, you should have all the pieces needed to know the reg_id is of GCM, and update the 'is_gcm_reg_id' column field (or a new GCM table) accordingly.

Assuming you're using App Engine to implement GCM/C2DM.
In the deviceInfo entity for your App Engine there is already a "type" field. This is the field you will modify to either say "ac2dm" or "gcm".
An easy way to do this is to create a new registration request that simply passes "gcm" instead of "ac2dm". Take a look in your AppEngine project and locate the RegistrationInfo class. Look at the register() method. Simply replace "ac2dm" with "gcm".
// original
public void register() {
log.info("register " + this);
try {
doRegister(getDeviceRegistrationId(), "ac2dm", getDeviceId(), getAccountName());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.info("Got exception in registration: " + e + " - " + e.getMessage());
for (StackTraceElement ste : e.getStackTrace()) {
log.info("Successfully registered");
// new version
public void register() {
log.info("register " + this);
try {
doRegister(getDeviceRegistrationId(), "gcm", getDeviceId(), getAccountName());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.info("Got exception in registration: " + e + " - " + e.getMessage());
for (StackTraceElement ste : e.getStackTrace()) {
log.info("Successfully registered");
You will probably have to recompile the RPC service to get this to work.
Now, it's up to you to make sure your server checks for the "gcm" tag of the deviceInfo entity and acts accordingly. Also, read this if you haven't seen it https://developer.android.com/guide/google/gcm/c2dm.html


Implement receiver status(read or typing) in messaging app using smack - Android

I am creating an instant messaging app in android using smack library and openfire as a server but i cannot implement the feature of the person with whom the current user is talking to. i.e. like when user read the message or when he starts typing.
Is there any way of achieving this using smack or other ?
For knowing which user is current you must implement your own in your logic. You must use Roster (contact list in xmpp servers) to get contacts of current user and save them in database or somewhere. Then create an activity to show contacts in a list. Each contact has a unique jid that can be distinguished from others with it. So with click on each contact, send it's object(include jid) to chat-activity. In chat-activity you must get previous messages from database or MAM(archived messages in server) and you can send a message to current contact(set contact jid as To).
To achieving delivery of message you must use this link. you can set request of it with this code:
Message message = … //make your stanza
DeliveryReceiptRequest.addTo(message); //add delivery request to message
connection.sendStanza(message); //send message
then you can be notified of delivery with this code:
private void setDelRecListener() {
DeliveryReceiptManager d = DeliveryReceiptManager.getInstanceFor(connection);
d.addReceiptReceivedListener(new ReceiptReceivedListener() {
public void onReceiptReceived(Jid fromJid, Jid toJid, String receiptId, Stanza receipt) {
Msg msg = F.getMsgBySid(receiptId);
if (msg == null)
Boolean isUpdated = F.setMsgDelivered(msg);
Log.i("m/serv/UpdateDelivery", "for: " + receiptId + (isUpdated ? " Founded&Updated" : " NotFounded"));
if (isUpdated) {
BCTool.notifyPMDelivered(msg.id, msg.conv.frnd.getBareJid());
Keep in mind that every stanza has a sid(stanza id) and you must save each corresponding sid to message model in database when send is successful. This way you can detect which message delivery you got.
- For sending chat states like composing you can use this method:
public void sendChatState(String _jid, ChatState chatState) {
try {
Message msg = new Message();
msg.addExtension(new ChatStateExtension(chatState));
Log.e("m/service", "ChatStateSent");
} catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException | InterruptedException | XmppStringprepException e) {
Log.e("m/service", "ChatState Not Sent: " + e.getMessage());
You must set a timer to prevent send composing in next 5Sec and reset timer when a character typed.
Consider reading this: ChatStateNotifications

Error 200 (job canceled) when streaming data from Android to BigQuery

I've been trying to build some functionality into my app too allow user-generated data (EEG recordings) to be sent to a central BigQuery database.
I've never done any networking code in Java before, so I shied away from doing the POST or REST-based strategies recommended here. The BigQuery Java client library seemed to be exactly what I needed, though I was completely confused why it wouldn't officially support Android.
Still, I came across this example Android app (from Google no less) that promised to do exactly what I wanted with the BigQuery Client library. I incorporated it into my app as follows:
// .... in an AsyncTask
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
String CSV_CONTENT = params[0];
try {
AssetManager am = MainApplication.getInstance().getAssets();
InputStream isCredentialsFile = am.open(CREDENTIALS_FILE);
BigQuery bigquery = BigQueryOptions.builder()
.projectId( PROJECT_ID )
TableId tableId = TableId.of(DATASET,TABLE);
Table table = bigquery.getTable(tableId);
int num = 0;
Log.d("Main", "Sending CSV: ");
WriteChannelConfiguration configuration = WriteChannelConfiguration.builder(tableId)
try (WriteChannel channel = bigquery.writer(configuration)) {
num = channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(CSV_CONTENT.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("Main", e.toString());
Log.d("Main", "Loading " + Integer.toString(num) + " bytes into table " + tableId);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("Main", "Exception: " + e.toString());
return "Done";
This runs without any errors and fires off an API call that is detected by Google Cloud Storage. However, it returns error 200 (job was cancelled) every time. I don't understand how this could be since I'm not doing anything in the code to cancel the request and I don't see how the async task I put the call in could be cancelled.
Was this just a bad example app I copied and a bad usage of the BigQuery Client? If so, what's the best way to send data to BigQuery from Android?

Offline message not retrive from smack api 4.1.6 from xmpp MongooseIM server

I am facing the issue to retrieve offline message in android apps using smack api from XMPP Mongoose server. As per the code flow Try to retrive offline message when user become login in xmpp mongoose server before sending available presence to mongoose server.
Tried with two different way to retrieve offline message still not able to find working solution for the same. Both method which i tried those all things are explain below with detail.
Below Api we are using for the xmpp connection and all other extension :
// Smack (XMPP Client Library)
compile 'org.igniterealtime.smack:smack-android:4.1.6'

compile 'org.igniterealtime.smack:smack-tcp:4.1.6'
compile 'org.igniterealtime.smack:smack-im:4.1.6'
compile 'org.igniterealtime.smack:smack-android-extensions:4.1.6'
Tried retrive offline message Using offlineMessageManager
Below is code which I tried to retrieve offline message after login and before send available presence to server
try {
Boolean isFelxibleRetrievalSupport = offlineMessageManager.supportsFlexibleRetrieval();
Iterator i = (Iterator) offlineMessageManager.getMessages();
while (i.hasNext())
 Message msg = i.next();
 System.out.println("Got text [" + msg.getBody() + "] from [" + msg.getFrom() + "]");
} catch (XMPPException e)
 System.out.println("Error Offline Message.");
catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e)
 System.out.println("Error Offline Message. No connection");
catch (SmackException.NoResponseException e)
 System.out.println("Error Offline Message. No Reponse");
Issue case 1:
Below is exception detail which generate when above code execute
I got Exception when execute below line of code.
Iterator i = (Iterator) offlineMessageManager.getMessages();
Below is exception description which Generate when above line execute
org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException$XMPPErrorException: XMPPError: service-unavailable - cancel
Issue Case 2:
If checking is Flexible offline message supported from android code using smack from xmmp mongoose server so i got false value. Below is code which i used for testing.
Boolean isFelxibleRetrievalSupport = offlineMessageManager.supportsFlexibleRetrieval();
Issue Case 3:
When I try to retrieve supported features using below method using smack code like below.
ServiceDiscoveryManager manager = ServiceDiscoveryManager
List AllFetures = manager.getFeatures();
Below is features list which i retrived:
jabber:iq:privacy, urn:xmpp:ping,
urn:xmpp:receipts, urn:xmpp:time,
Tried to retreive offline message Using package listener from XMPP MongooseIM
below is code which i tried using package listener from smack api 4.1.6.
private static final StanzaFilter MESSAGE_PACKET_FILTER= new OrFilter(StanzaTypeFilter.MESSAGE);
configuration = XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration.builder()
// Create Connection object of xmpp connection with configured detail
connection = new XMPPTCPConnection(configuration);
connection.addAsyncStanzaListener(new StanzaListener() {
public void processPacket(Stanza packet) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException {
Log.d("CheckPacket", "OfflineMEssage");
Message message = (Message) packet;
if (message != null) {
if (message.getBody() != null) {
Log.i("XMPPClient", "Got text [" + message.getBody()
+ "] from [" + message.getFrom() + "]");
connection.login(user, password);
Thanks In Advance, Please anybody help me for best working solution for my critical issue.
The issue is in trying to fetch offline messages before
sending the initial presence. XEP-0160 states:
When the recipient next sends non-negative available presence to the server, the server delivers the message to the resource that has sent that presence. [...]
MongooseIM works with accordance to this recommendation.
You already pointed out what is signaled by isFlexibleRetrievalSupport - the server does not support flexible offline message retrieval.
I know I am writing this too late, but if someone like me who is hunting for same query as in "how to save and get archive messages in android app" can refer this answer :
Note :
this is implemented in the lastest version
Requrirements :
lastest openfire as of now 4.1.4
install Archives plugin in openfire
MamManager mamManager = MamManager.getInstanceFor(connection);
boolean isSupported = mamManager.isSupportedByServer();
if (isSupported) {
MamManager.MamQueryResult mamQueryResult = mamManager.queryArchive(500);
List<Forwarded> forwardedMessages = mamQueryResult.forwardedMessages;
Forwarded d = forwardedMessages.get(0);
Please Refer : Documention for MamManager Class

Identifying Sender of Upstream GCM Message

I am using Google Cloud Messaging with XMPP in order to have both downstream and upstream messages.
Only client side I get a token by doing this on a worker thread:
InstanceID instanceID = InstanceID.getInstance(this);
try {
String token = instanceID.getToken(getString(R.string.gcm_senderID), GoogleCloudMessaging.INSTANCE_ID_SCOPE, null);
send_token(token, getString(R.string.gcm_senderID));
} catch (IOException e) {
I then send this token over to the server where it is received. I am able to send messages to the client with this token.
Then I can send an upstream message on the client side with this:
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, String>() {
protected String doInBackground(Void... params) {
String msg;
Bundle data = new Bundle();
data.putString("message", message);
try {
messenger.send(getString(R.string.gcm_senderID) + "#gcm.googleapis.com", messageId.addAndGet(1) + "", data);
} catch (IOException e) {
msg = "Sent message";
return msg;
}.execute(null, null, null);
In the upstream message sent from the client, there is a from field, that seems to be a token as well. If I send a message to this from the server side, my phone receives it as well.
What confuses me is that the token in the from field is not equal to the one generated by the InstanceID service.
The first 18 characters or so are equal, but after that they are very different. As such, is there a good way to identify what device sent what message?
I could store the token generated by the Instance ID each time in the Bundle, but I was wondering if there might be any way to make the from field of the upstream message be consistent with the generated ID.
Edit: Using the deprecated register function, I was able to get a consistent registration ID.
String token = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance().register(getString(R.string.gcm_senderID));
But is there a way to do this with InstanceID?
Calling GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(context).register(senderId) instead of getToken(senderId, "GCM") seems to resolve the issue, the XMPP server will then receive the correct token, every time, in the "from" property of the upstream message.
My device is running CyanogenMod, so the Google Play services app doesn't update automatically. Since the old register() work, this issue is likely caused by a bug in the google-play-services_lib when talking to an older version of the GMS app.
I've answered instead of comment with the vain hopes of an Google dev seeing this.

Google+ Sign In cross client(android/web) authentication

i'm trying to integrate 'Log in with Google' in app that have an android and web component. Everything in the web component is working fine with the following steps:
1. Rendering the view with an anti-forgery token, client id and app name.
$state = md5(rand());
Session::set('state', $state);
$this->view->render('login', array(
'CLIENT_ID' => 'my_web_client_id',
'STATE' => $state,
'APPLICATION_NAME' => 'my_app_name'));
2. When user clicks on the Google's SignIn button, obtain the one-time code from Google's servers and send it to my server.
3. After my server receives the one-time code using https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client to authenticate the user with that code.
if ($_SESSION['state'] != $_POST['state']) { // Where state is the anti-forgery token
return 'some error';
$code = $_POST['code'];
$client = new Google_Client();
$token = json_decode($client->getAccessToken());
// Verify the token
$reqUrl = 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/tokeninfo?access_token=' . $token->access_token;
$req = new Google_Http_Request($reqUrl);
$tokenInfo = json_decode($client->getAuth()->authenticatedRequest($req)->getResponseBody());
// If there was an error in the token info, abort.
if ($tokenInfo->error) {
return 'some error';
// Make sure the token we got is for our app.
if ($tokenInfo->audience != "my_web_client_id") {
return 'some error';
// Saving user in db
// Load the app view
Now, for android client should be something similar, right? Following these tutorials:https://developers.google.com/+/mobile/android/sign-in and http://www.androidhive.info/2014/02/android-login-with-google-plus-account-1/
Executing async task in onConnected method
class CreateToken extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, String> {
protected String doInBackground(Void... voids) {
oneTimeCode = getOneTimeCode();
String email = getUserGPlusEmail();
try {
// Opens connection and sends the one-time code and email to the server with 'POST' request
googleLogin(oneTimeCode, email);
} catch (IOException e) {
return oneTimeCode;
private String getOneTimeCode() {
String scopes = "oauth2:server:client_id:" + SERVER_CLIENT_ID + ":api_scope:" + SCOPE_EMAIL;
String code = null;
try {
code = GoogleAuthUtil.getToken(
LoginActivity.this, // Context context
Plus.AccountApi.getAccountName(mGoogleApiClient), // String accountName
scopes // String scope
} catch (IOException transientEx) {
Log.e(Constants.TAG, "IOException");
// network or server error, the call is expected to succeed if you try again later.
// Don't attempt to call again immediately - the request is likely to
// fail, you'll hit quotas or back-off.
} catch (UserRecoverableAuthException e) {
Log.e(Constants.TAG, "UserRecoverableAuthException");
// Requesting an authorization code will always throw
// UserRecoverableAuthException on the first call to GoogleAuthUtil.getToken
// because the user must consent to offline access to their data. After
// consent is granted control is returned to your activity in onActivityResult
// and the second call to GoogleAuthUtil.getToken will succeed.
startActivityForResult(e.getIntent(), AUTH_CODE_REQUEST_CODE);
} catch (GoogleAuthException authEx) {
// Failure. The call is not expected to ever succeed so it should not be
// retried.
Log.e(Constants.TAG, "GoogleAuthException");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Log.e(Constants.TAG, "ONE TIME CODE: " + code);
return code;
After obtaining the code successfully, send it to my server for authentication.
And here's the code on the server:
$code = $_POST['code'];
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setClientId('my_web_client_id'); // Web component's client id
$client->setClientSecret('client_secret'); // Web component's secret
And the problem is that authentication works only once every 10-15 minutes. When trying to obtain the one-time code more than once in 10-15 minutes, i get the same code as the last one(Clearly there is something wrong. This happens only with the android client and i'm getting this error: Error fetching OAuth2 access token, message: 'invalid_grant: i'). Couldn't find anyone with the same problem here in SO. Probably i'm doing something wrong, but can't figure out what is it...Any help would be appreciated.
You shouldn't be sending the code each time. On the web this is kind of OK as when you first consent you'll get a code that gives you offline access (you'll see a refresh token in the response when you exchange it) but in future cases you wont. On Android, you get a code that gives you a refresh token every time, which means you'll need to show the consent every time, and you're likely to run into per-user limits or cache issues (as you seem to be).
The magic extra component you need is a thing called an ID token. This you can get easily on both platforms and tells you who the person is. Take a look at this blog post for more: http://www.riskcompletefailure.com/2013/11/client-server-authentication-with-id.html
The limitation with an ID token is that you can't use it to call Google APIs. All it does is give you the Google user ID, the client ID of the app being used and (if email scope is used) the email address. The nice thing is that you can get one really easily on all platforms with less user interaction, and they're cryptographically signed so most of the time you can use them without making any further network calls on the server. If you don't need to make Google API calls (because you're just using it for auth) this is the best thing to use by far - given that you're just getting the email, I would be inclined to stop here.
If you need to make Google API calls from your server though, then you should use the code - but just once. When you exchange it, you store the refresh token in a database keyed against the user ID. Then, when the user comes back you look up the refresh token and use it to generate a new access token. So the flow would be:
First time:
Android -> Server: id token
Server -> I have no refresh token!
Android -> Server: code
Other times:
Android -> Server: id token
Server - I have a code, and can make calls.
For the web, you can use the same flow or carry on sending the code each time, but you should still keep the refresh token in the database if the response contains one.

