How can detect an application is uninstallable? - android

I'm going to uninstall an application when user click on a button. with this code:
Uri packageURI = Uri.parse("package:"
+ pkNames[position]);
Intent uninstallIntent = new Intent(
Intent.ACTION_DELETE, packageURI);
but some application don't uninstallable. like Setting or Music or ... when i am going to uninstall these applications i see : uninstall not successful.
I get my packages with this code :
Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
packages = pm.queryIntentActivities(mainIntent, 0);
How can i detect an application is uninstallable or not?

You should check if the application you are trying to uninstall is "system" by looking into ApplicationInfo.flags. System application have ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM bit set.
Here is a little piece of code:
boolean isSystem(ApplicationInfo info) {
return (info.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0;
Check documentation for ApplicationInfo class for other useful flags.


how to check installed apps android

hey can anyone explain to me this if condition , btw the code works but i dont understand the if condition
PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
List<ApplicationInfo> apps = pm.getInstalledApplications(0);
for(ApplicationInfo app : apps) {
if((app.flags & (ApplicationInfo.FLAG_UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP | ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM)) > 0) {
// It is a system app
} else {
// It is installed by the user
To get the list of installed apps on Android, the code is used as follows:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
List<ResolveInfo> appsList = context.getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(intent, 0);

How can I get OS default apps in android

I'm developing a launcher app, I need to retrieve an Android OS default Phone app, Browser app and SMS apps', application Info (Application name, Package name, Launcher icon). Following code is used to get all launchable applications.
private static List<ApplicationInfo> getInstalledApps(Context context, PackageManager pm) {
List<ApplicationInfo> installedApps = context.getPackageManager().getInstalledApplications(0);
List<ApplicationInfo> laughableInstalledApps = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i =0; i<installedApps.size(); i++){
if(pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(installedApps.get(i).packageName) != null){
return laughableInstalledApps;
After spending some time with the code, I found a way get what I wanted.
Default Dial App
Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL, null);
List<ResolveInfo> pkgAppsList = getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(mainIntent, 0);
ActivityInfo info = pkgAppsList.get(0).activityInfo;
Default SMS App
String smsPkgName = Telephony.Sms.getDefaultSmsPackage(context);
ApplicationInfo info = getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(smsPkgName, 0);
Default Browser App
Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("http://"));
ResolveInfo resolveInfo = getPackageManager().resolveActivity(browserIntent,
ActivityInfo info = resolveInfo.activityInfo;
Try with PackageManager#getPreferredActivities(java.util.List, java.util.List, java.lang.String), where the first parameter is a list of IntentFilter, which you would like to get default apps for. Then the answer is written in list passed as second parameter.
Here are some common intents for which you might try to find default apps.

How to uninstall the app from listview in android

Greeting everyone!!
I am creating an android application on it i have to make an option of uninstalling the installed application.
I have listed the installed application using the following code.
Here is my code.
packageManager = getPackageManager();
List<ApplicationInfo> list = packageManager.getInstalledApplications(PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
PACKAGENAME = getApplicationContext().getPackageName();
new LoadApplications().execute();
But i don't know how to uninstall the apps by presenting my code on OnClickListener.
Please give me some suggestion.
String packageNameOfAppToUninstall = "";
Uri packageUri = Uri.parse("package:" + packageNameOfAppToUninstall);
Intent uninstallIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE, packageUri);

Checking through intent if user has certain messaging app installed android

I am working with this code which Ragu Swaminathan helped me with on my original post found at: How to show both texting and dialer apps with a single Intent on Android?.
final List<Intent> finalIntents = new ArrayList<Intent>();
final Intent textIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
final PackageManager packageManager = getActivity().getPackageManager();
final List<ResolveInfo> listCam = packageManager.queryIntentActivities(textIntent, 0);
for (ResolveInfo res : listCam) {
final String packageName = res.activityInfo.packageName;
final Intent intent = new Intent(textIntent);
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(res.activityInfo.packageName,;
Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL);
Intent chooserIntent = Intent.createChooser(
callIntent, "Select app to share");
Intent.EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS, finalIntents.toArray(new Parcelable[]{}));
I have this code that brings up snackup separating sms and dialer apps installed on users phone and allows them to pick one to either send a message / call a person.
What I want to know is, is it possbile to add another section on this snackbar that checks if the user has whatsapp installed or another specfic app installed.
Also, being new to android, I have tried playing around with the code but ended up messing it up. another thing that I would like to do is create sections like theses;
Sms apps:
Dialer apps:
Any help is welcomed, please let me know if my question is not clear.
You can use getPackageInfo method
PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
PackageInfo pi = pm.getPackageInfo(certainAppPackageName, 0);
if (pi != null) {
//app is installed, do smth
Google play links exist package names.
For example:
where org.telegram.messenger is a package name

Remove application from other application

I try to remove application from another application in android but When I run below code I got a this error "The application was not found in the list of installed applications" how can I solve this problem furthermore try to remove application has a many package which can I use?
Uri packageURI = Uri.parse("package:com.example.anke");
Intent uninstallIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DELETE, packageURI);
try below code and see your application's package name in your device and use this package name which you want to remove application.
final Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
final List pkgAppsList = getApplicationContext().getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities( mainIntent, 0);
You can check for whether particular application is installed or not like below
private boolean isApplicationInstalled(String packagename, Context context) {
PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
try {
packageManager.getPackageInfo(packagename, PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES);
return true;
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
return false;
If you get true go for uninstall, if false then application is not installed.

