Polar Wearlink Bluetooth packet - android

i am looking at the code of a project called MyTracks:
Now I am having problems with the method isValid(byte[] buffer). I don´t understand what exactly is he checking here. We want to know if the first byte in the array is the header containing 0xFE. I don´t quite understand the following lines :
boolean goodHdr = ((buffer[0] & 0xFF) == 0xFE);
boolean goodChk = ((buffer[2] & 0xFF) == (0xFF - (buffer[1] & 0xFF)));
return goodHdr && goodChk;
any ideas?

Ewoks is correct, refer to this blog post:
"Digging into src/com/google/android/apps/mytracks/services/sensors/PolarMessageParser.java we find a helpful comment revealing that, notwithstanding Polar's ridiculous stance on giving out development info (they don't, is the summary) the Wearlink packet format is actually quite simple.
Polar Bluetooth Wearlink packet example
Hdr - Len - Chk - Seq - Status - HeartRate - RRInterval_16-bits
FE - 08 - F7 - 06 - F1 - 48 - 03 64
Hdr always = 254 (0xFE),
Chk = 255 - Len
Seq range 0 to 15
Status = Upper nibble may be battery voltage
bit 0 is Beat Detection flag."

&0xff simply converts signed byte to unsigned int for doing the comparison

First line is checking is received buffer are starting with 0xFE as it should be with this Polar Wearable.
Second line is checking if length byte is correct as well because it's value by specification is 255-value writen is size byte..
This together is super simple verification that messages are correct (more complicated implementation would include CRC or other verification methods). cheers


IOException: write failed: EINVAL (Invalid argument) on UVC FileOutputStream in Kotlin

I'm trying to write Android Camera stream frames to the UVC Buffer using FileOutputStream. For context: the UVC Driver is working on the device and it has a custom built kernel.
I get 24 frames per second using imageAnalyzer:
imageAnalyzer = ImageAnalysis.Builder()
imageAnalysis.setAnalyzer(cameraExecutor) { image ->
val buffer = image.planes[0].buffer
val data = buffer.toByteArray()
Then based on UVC Specifications I build the header of the frame:
val header = ByteBuffer.allocate(26)
val frameSize = image.width * image.height * ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(image.format) / 8
val EOH = 0x01
val ERR = 0x00
val STI = 0x01
val REST = 0x00
val SRC = 0x00
val PTS = (System.currentTimeMillis() - referenceTime) * 10000
val endOfFrame = 0x01
val FID = (frameId).toByte()
Add all of the above to the header
header.put(((EOH shl 7) or (ERR shl 6) or (STI shl 5) or (REST shl 4) or SRC).toByte())
Open the FileOutputStream and try to write the header and the image:
val uvcFileOutputStream = FileOutputStream("/dev/video3", true)
uvcFileOutputStream.write(header.toByteArray() + data)
Tried to tweak the header/payload but I'm still getting the same error:
java.io.IOException: write failed: EINVAL (Invalid argument)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.write(IoBridge.java:654)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.write(FileOutputStream.java:401)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.write(FileOutputStream.java:379)
What could I be doing wrong? is the header format wrong?
I don't know the answer directly, but I was curious to look and have some findings. I focused on the Kotlin part, as I don't know about UVC and because I suspect the problem to be there.
Huge assumption
Since there's no link to the specification I just found this source:
within the ZIP I looked at USB_Video_Payload_Frame_Based_1.5.pdf
Page 9, Section 2.1 Payload Header
I'm basing all my findings on this, so if I got this wrong, everything else is. It could still lead to a solution though if you validated the same things.
Finding 1: HLE is wrong
HLE is the length of the header, not the image data. You're putting the whole image size there (all the RGB byte data). Table 2-1 describes PTS and SCR bits control whether PTS and SCR are present. This means that if they're 0 in BFH then the header is shorter. This is why HLE is either 2, 6, 12.
Confirmation source + the fact that the field is 1 byte long (each row of Table 2-1 is 1 byte/8 bits) which means the header can be only up to 255 bytes long.
Finding 2: all the header is misaligned
Since your putting HLE with putInt, you're writing 4 bytes, from this point on, everything is messed up in the header, the flags depend on image size, etc.
Finding 3: SCR and PTS flag inconsistencies
Assuming I was wrong about 1 and 2. You're still setting the SRC and PTS bit to 0, but pushing a long (8 bytes).
Finding 4: wrong source
Actually, something is really off at this point, so I looked at your referenced GitHub ticket and found a better example of what your code represents:
Sadly, I was unable to match up what your header structure is, so I'm going to assume that you are implementing something very similar to what I was looking at, because all PDFs had pretty much the same header table.
Finding 5: HLE is wrong or missing
Assuming you need to start with the image size, the HLE is still wrong because it's the image format's type, not in connection with SCR and PTS flags.
Finding 6: BFH is missing fields
If you're following one of these specs, the BFH is always one byte with 8 bits. This is confirmed by how the shls are putting it together in your code and the descriptions of each flag (flag = true|false / 1/0).
Finding 7: PTS is wrong
Multiplying something that is millisecond precise by 10000 looks strange. The doc says "at most 450 microseconds", if you're trying to convert between ms and us, I think the multiplier would be just 1000. Either way it is only an int (4 bytes) large, definitely not a long.
Finding 8: coding assistant?
I have a feeling after reading all this, that Copilot, ChatGPT or other generator wrote your original code. This sound confirmed by you looking for a reputable source.
Finding 9: reputable source example
If I were you I would try to find a working example of this in GitHub, using keyword search like this: https://github.com/search?q=hle+pts+sti+eoh+fid+scr+bfh&type=code the languages don't really matter since these are binary file/stream formats, so regardless of language they should be produced and read the same way.
Finding 10: bit order
Have a look at big endian / little endian byte order. If you look at Table 2-1 in the PDF I linked you can see which bit should map to which byte. You can specify the order you need easily on the buffer BEFORE writing to it, by the looks of the PDF it is header.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN). I think conventionally 0 is the lowest bit and 31 is the highest. I can't cite a source on this, I seem to remember from uni. Bit 0 should be the 2^0 component (1) and bit 7 is the 2^7 (128). Reversing it would make things much harder to compute and comprehend. So PTS [7:0] means that byte is the lowest 8 bits of the 32 bit PTS number.
If you link to your specification source, I can revise what I wrote, but likely will find very similar guesses.

BLE Heart Rate Senser Value Interpretation

I have an Android App where I get Heart Rate Measurements from a Polar H10 Device.
I'm totally lost on how to interpret the heart rate. Various links to the bluetooth.com site are resulting in 404 errors unfortunately.
The characteristics value is i.e.
[16, 59, 83, 4]
From what I understood the second byte (59) is the heart rate in BPM. But this does not seem to be decimal as the value goes up to 127 and then goes on -127, -126, -125, ... It is not hex either.
I tried (in kotlin)
All values freak out as soon as the -127 appears.
Do I have to convert the 59 to binary (59=111011) and see it in there? Please give me some insight.
### Edit (12th April 2021) ###
What I do to get those values is a BluetoothDevice.connectGatt().
Then hold the GATT.
In order to get heart rate values I look for
Service 0x180d and its
characteristic 0x2a37 and its only
descriptor 0x2902.
Then I enable notifications by setting 0x01 on the descriptor. I then get ongoing events in the GattClientCallback.onCharacteristicChanged() callback. I will add a screenshot below with all data.
From what I understood the response should be 6 bytes long instead of 4, right? What am I doing wrong?
On the picture you see the characteristic on the very top. It is linked to the service 180d and the characteristic holds the value with 4 bytes on the bottom.
See Heart Rate Value in BLE for the links to the documents. As in that answer, here's the decode:
Byte 0 - Flags: 16 (0001 0000)
Bits are numbered from LSB (0) to MSB (7).
Bit 0 - Heart Rate Value Format: 0 => UINT8 beats per minute
Bit 1-2 - Sensor Contact Status: 00 => Not supported or detected
Bit 3 - Energy Expended Status: 0 => No Present
Bit 4 - RR-Interval: 1 => One or more values are present
So the first byte is a heart rate in UInt8 format, and the next two bytes are an RR interval.
To read this in Kotlin:
characteristic.getIntValue(FORMAT_UINT8, 1)
This return a heart rate of 56 bpm.
And ignore the other two bytes unless you want the RR.
It seems I found a way by retrieving the value as follows
val hearRateDecimal = characteristic.getIntValue(BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_UINT8, 1)
2 things are important
first - the format of UINT8 (although I don't know when to use UINT8 and when UINT16. Actually I thought I need to use UINT16 as the first byte is actually 16 (see the question above)
second - the offset parameter 1
What I now get is an Integer even beyond 127 -> 127, 128, 129, 130, ...

Sending data from arduino through bluetooth serial

I’m currently trying to design a controller that would communicate through Bluetooth to an android phone (Galaxy Nexus). I’m facing a few challenges. Also, I don’t have much practical programming experience.
At the core of the controller resides an Arduino microcontroller who scans the state of 8 digital pins and six analogue pins (10 bits) and sends the data through serial, to an HC-05 Bluetooth chip.
The android phone should then read the serial information sent through Bluetooth and either transmit the packet to another phone - That will take me a while to implement as I know very little of how the internet works - or analyse and interpret it for further action to be taken
What I’m asking for are insight as to the best way to go about doing this. Now what does best mean?
We’ll I want it to be real time so when I press a button or a combination of bottoms, boom, the android phone takes action fast enough for a human not to perceive a delay.
Then I want to be able to associate the information the phone reads in the serial buffer to the corresponding button or analogue pin. In case there is an error or to avoid that they fall out of sync
Here is what I have so far. I have not tested this code yet, partly because I’m still learning how to program the android part of this project, partly because I want some feedback as to whether I’m being silly or this is actually an effective way to go about doing this:
This Program has three functions:
1) Scan 8 digital pins and compile their state in a single byte ( 8 bits)
2) Scans 6 Analogue inputs corresponding to the joysticks and triggers
3) Send this info as packets through seril --> Bluetooth
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>// import the serial software library
#define A = 2
#define B = 3
#define X = 4
#define Y = 5
#define LB = 6
#define RB = 7
#define LJ = 8
#define RJ = 9
#define RX = 10
#define TX = 11
//Pin 12 and 13 are unused for now
SoftwareSerial Bluetooth(RX,TX); //Setup software serial using the defined constants
// declare other variables
byte state = B00000000
void setup() {
//Setup code here, to run once:
//Setup all digital pin inputs
//Setup all analogue pin inputs
//setup serial bus and send validation message
Bluetooth.println("The controller has successfuly connected to the phone")
void loop() {
//Main code here, to run repeatedly:
//Loop to sum digital inputs in a byte, left shift the byte every time by 1 and add that if the pin is high
for(byte pin = 2, b = B00000001; pin < 10; pin++, b = b << 1){ if (digitalRead(pin)== HIGH) state += b; }
//Send digital state byte to serial
//Loop to read analgue pin 0 to 5 and send it to serial
for( int pin = 0, testByte = 0x8000; pin < 6 ; pin++, testByte = testByte >> 1) { Bluetooth.write(analogRead(pin)+testByte); }
//Adding some validation would be wise. How would I go about doing that?
// Could add a binary value of 1000_0000_0000_0000, 0100_0000_0000_0000, 0010_0000_0000_0000 ... so on and then use a simple AND statement at the other end to veryfy what analogue reading the info came from
// so say the value for analgue is 1023 and came from analgue pin 1 I would have 0100_0011_1111_1111 now using an bitwise && I could check it against 0100_0000_0000_0000 if the result is 0100_0000_0000_0000 then I know this is the analogu reading from pin 1
//could easily implement a test loop with a shiting bit on the android side
Is it pointless for me to be doing bit shifts like this? Ultimately, if I’m not mistaken, all data is sent as bytes ( 8 bits packets) so will the Bluetooth.write(analogRead(pin)+testByte) actually send two bytes or will it truncate the int data? how will it be broken down and how can I recuperate it on the android end?
How would you go about implementing this? Any insights or words of advice?
It's great that you are learning this! Some suggestions:
Your code will be easier to read, understand and maintain if you space it out a bit, particularly by adding newlines...
void loop() {
//Main code here, to run repeatedly:
//Loop to sum digital inputs in a byte,
//left shift the byte every time by 1 and add that if the pin is high
for( byte pin = 2, b = B00000001; pin < 10; pin++, b = b << 1) {
if (digitalRead(pin)== HIGH)
state += b;
//Send digital state byte to serial
//Loop to read analgue pin 0 to 5 and send it to serial
for( int pin = 0, testByte = 0x8000; pin < 6 ; pin++, testByte = testByte >> 1) {
Also, you can use the shift operators with values other than one. so instead of keeping a shift mask that you then add in, you just use the a simple variable. A more classic way to do what you expressing in the first looop would be something like this:
#define PIN_OFFSET 2
for ( int i=0; i < 8; i++) {
if (digitalRead( i+PIN_OFFSET)== HIGH)
state += (1 << i);
The second loop could be done similarly:
for( int pin = 0; pin < 6; pin++) {
short testByte = 0x8000 >> pin;
short result = analogRead(pin) + testByte;
Bluetooth.write( result >> 8);
Bluetooth.write( result & 0xFF);
Note that the Bluetooth.write() call sends a byte, so this code sends first the most significant byte, then the least.
Lastly, you probably want to zero your state variable at be beginning of loop() -- otherwise, once a bit is set it will never get cleared.
You may want to think about what you are sending to the phone. It will be binary data, and that can be difficult to deal with -- how do you know the start and end, and often a value will be misinterpretted as a control character messing you up big time. Consider changing it into a formatted, human readable string, with a newline at the end.
I hope that helps.
The Arduino end of this is more than fast enough to do what you want to do and you need not worry in the slightest about minimising the number of bytes you send out from the micro to the phone when you're talking about such a tiny amount of data. I'm not quite clear what you're sending to the phone; are you wanting a different value for each button so when a button is pressed it sends out something like:
Button Was Pressed, Button Number (Two bytes)
And if it's an analogue value:
Analogue Value Read, Analogue Value MSB, Analogue Value LSB (assuming the analogue value is greater than eight bits
I don't know the Arduino code you're using, but my suspicion is that this line:
Would send one byte which is the addition of the analogue value and whatever testByte is.
Would you be able to post a link to the documentation for this API?
Any delay with all this will come at the phone end. Please don't concern yourself in the slightest about trying to save a byte or two at the Arduino end! (I'm currently doing a project with a Cortex M3 sending data via a Bluetooth module to Android phones and we're shipping several k of data around. I know from this experience the difference between two and twenty bytes is not of consequence in terms of delay.)
It may be good for you to opt for ready available bluetooth terminal apps for your android handset. On Google play, few apps are:
1) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=arduino.bluetooth.terminal&hl=en
2) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sena.bterm&hl=en
(and few more are availble on Google play).This will help you to focus only on controller side development.

How to read MSISDN from sim card by SIM_IO?

I need to read MSISDN in android, but we must use .c to finish it.
I open a socket to send RIL_REQUEST_SIM_IO to ril. Here is the log.
D/RILC ( 106): [0004]> SIM_IO (cmd=0xB2,efid=0x6F40,path=3F007F10,1,4,30,(null),pin2=(null),aid=(null))
D/RILC ( 106): [0004]< SIM_IO {sw1=0x90,sw2=0x0,ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0891684125205260f5ffffffffff}
Did I use the right parameters (P1 = 1, P2 = 4, P3 = 30)?
And how can I get the mobile phone number by response?
Thank you!☺
What is your confusion here? You wanted to know what you told the card? All this information is in ISO 7816-4 and a few other specs, but here's the details of what you did:
You sent a read record command to the SIM (0xB2)
You asked for the Path:
3F00 -> (MF)
6F40 -> (MSISDN)
You set parameters:
P1 (record) = 1 (record 1)
P2 (reference control) = 4 (this mean use record number set in P1)
P3 (Le meaning bytes to read) = 30 (bytes)
and you got back success (SW stands for status word, you got SW1/SW2 = 0x9000 which means success) and the data (0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0891684125205260f5ffffffffff)
Checkout E.164 on parsing your MSISDN.
the data (0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0891684125205260f5ffffffffff) yes it contains MSISDN
----08 = means the Length of dial no
----91 = means MSISDN Internatioal dial No
the rest (684125205260f5) value u nid to swap it side by side of each 1 byte. example 68 swap 86, 41 swap 14...so on then u will got the MSISDNnumber.
In case it helps some1 later on:
Encoding can be found on TS 51.011. File is called EF_MSISDN. Its identifier is 6F40.
MSISDN is preceded by its length, then the TON/NPI. It is also in a BCD inverted format

Send Android h264 capture over a rtp stream

I'm writing a rtp video streamer for android that reads h264 coded data from an Android local socket and packetize it. The thing is that I did it but I keep getting black frames in the client side (Voip).
The communication goes like this: Android -> Asterisk -> Jitsi (Osx) (and reverse)
There are a few things that I haven't understood yet:
1) Android's mediarecorder gives me a raw h264 stream, How can I know when a NAL starts / ends based on that stream? It doesn't have any 0x000001 pattern but it does have a 0x0000 (which I'm assuming is a separator)
Adding more information. These are 2 (first, second) different reads of the input buffer (in order). If I got it right the first 4 bytes should be used to get the NALU length and the 5th one (index 4) is the NALU header.
I'll copy here the byte's values for future usage:
1) 0 0 12 114 101 -72 4 25 -15 -1 -121 -53 .....
length = (114&0xFF) + (12&0xFF)*256 + (0&0xFF)
length -> 3186
forbidden = 101 & 0x80
forbidden -> 0
nri = 101 & 0x60
nri -> 96
nal_unit_type = 101 & 0x1F
nal_unit_type -> 5
2) 0 0 1 -93 97 -32 32 103 -14 93 -1 ....
length = (-93&0xFF) + (1&0xFF)*256 + (0&0xFF)
length -> 419
forbidden = 97 & 0x80
forbidden -> 0
nri = 97 & 0x60
nri -> 96
nal_unit_type = 97 & 0x1F
nal_unit_type -> 1
is this correct?
2) How can I get the NALu timestamp and its length from that stream?
3) For some reason the packets are being marked (Even when I unset the marker). (In case you check the pcap file) [FIXED: I wasn't using the same SSCR for every packet]
Here's a pcap capture of the stream coming from asterisk (wich comes from Android). The Android device is an Asus Transform Prime with Android ICS.
I'm sending the packetization-mode (1) and profile-level-id (42801e) in the sdp, I've also tried sending the sprops (sps: Z0KAHpWgUHxA, psp: aM48gA==) parameter but nothing changed.
There is no "android h264 stream format". Packetization should follow RFC6184 if RTP is used as the transport protocol. The start code is not present of the RTP payload format. What is contained in an RTP packet, depends entirely on the packetization mode which specifies if NAL units may be aggregated, fragmented, etc. Read the RFC section on packetization modes for more info. Packetization mode is usually communicated via SDP.
Timestamp is part of RTP header. Length of a NAL unit again depends on packetization mode.
What do you mean by marked? Do you mean that the RTP marker bit is set? If so, this again must follow the rules laid out in the RFC.

