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Closed 10 years ago.
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If I wanted to target mobile phones (Android, Windows Phone 8, etc.) using HTML5, CSS, and Javascript client, which Visual Studio 2012 project type would I use?
I presume ASP.Net, but I do not see any further breakdown that mentions phone or javascript. Okay, I am not sure what language ASP.Net uses anyways.
Is the output language configurable in ASP.Net?
How is javascript implemented?
If not ASP.Net, which exact project type targets HTML5, CSS, and Javascript client so that I can target mobile phone development?
If you're learning ASP.NET then your best bet is to start with MVC because you can avail of the new Mobile Project Template.
This tutorial will teach you the basics of how to work with mobile features in an ASP.NET MVC 4 Web application:
ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Features
jQuery and jQuery UI libraries are also included in ASP.NET MVC 4:
New MVC4 Project Templates
I also suggest you take a look at CSS Media Queries in conjunction with Responsive Web Design (RWD):
Responsive Web Design
Last but not least, take a look at HTML5 Boilerplate project:
Getting Started Using HTML5 Boilerplate
Previous question with some good resource links:
How to convert an existing ASP.NET website to HTML 5
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Closed 8 years ago.
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have I understood this correct ? that I consider android is a native mobile applications ? please correct me if Im wrong.
Android applications can optionally be built with the SDK (or Software Developement Kit) to develope in java. To develope in Native languages such as C or C++ you would use a combination of the SDK and the NDK (Native developement Kit).
Directly from the phonegap website by using standards-based web technologies to bridge web applications and mobile devices Which in laymans terms is saying that they have a application that acts as an emulator that injects your html, css, and javascipt code into itself to have the feeling of a crossplatform application (Don't quote me).
Another solution I have heard of is XML which takes the same approach except it uses your xml code and converts it into the language of your patform (ex. iOS--> Objective-C; android--> Java) giving you the feeling of a crossplatform application. I believe the term native application, however, refers to the use of a native programming language, ex. C or C++, hence android native development kit (could be wrong).
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have developed 5 web applications(GAMES) in which i have developed in PHP and Mysql.
Now i want them to convert into Mobile Applications i.e., the 5 games can be played in android mobile
Now my doubt is can I use android WebView and load them or should I develop them from scratch in android.
Please suggest me how to develop them.
you can use WebView witch is not best solution with HTML 5 and some CSS3 app, or you can create native app from beginning by create web Service Restful or what ever working with Json object like facebook and g-mail app did.
native app is faster and better however if you don't need high quality app use webView and design your website for mobile using HTML 5 and CSS3 then simply just by upload website content to WebView congratulations you have android app as same as to IOS and Windows Phone.
there is a lot online tools helps to convert your website to android app like :
check this
i assume if you know how to use HTML5 and CSS3 you create Manual i mean with out using online tools web Design for mobile will be better and never ever tested those online tools so check them
difference between native app and web app.
check out :
I'm Sure that MoSync Will help you.
you can write Cross-platform programs with MoSync.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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is it possible to make such mobile app that will run on website and can also be installed on mobile(both android and iPhone).kindly guide me if it is possible?
Yes, this is possible. There are a few tools for that. A good option is to go with Phonegap. If you already know how to build an HTML5 web app, you can use Phonegap or the Phonegap Build service to turn it into a mobile app.
Also, Intel has a tool called XDK that allows you to build mobile-ready apps using a visual layout manager and HTML5 technology. XDK lets you move your project over to a variety of mobile devices.
Both of these technologies will port over to both Android and iOS. Be warned, though, if you have no experience developing mobile or web apps, there's a bit of a learning curve.
I recommend getting started with a good tutorial on HTML5 development (Head First HTML/CSS, Head First Javascript Programming, Head First jQuery are good books for beginners).
Bootstrap is a great system for creating a web page that works well in both mobile and PC formats.
Here are links to Intel's and PhoneGap's tools:
Intel XDK
Best of luck!
There is a platform for building native mobile apps using JavaScript/HTML/CSS but I believe it would be difficult to run those apps in the browser in the same manner.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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For Mobile App Developers
I just wanted to know about the Mobile App Development using different Platforms. Apart from Android(Java), iOS(Objective c). We can develop Mobile apps with the same code base for Android and iPhone/iPad using Appcelerator, PhoneGap, jQuery Mobile, etc...
Which one of these is good for multiple platforms(iPhone/android) app development, with Performance, with UIDesign, takes short time for development compared to native App Development ?
Check these SO links:
Developing cross platform mobile application
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript
offline HTML5 or native SDK for cross-platform app development or JQUERY mobile
Apart, the one which I would (personally) recommend is Appcelerator's Titanium
Switching to cross platform has its own pros and cons. Pros is clearly defined that its cross platform, "Write once run anywhere", but at the same time, we also loose the flexibility for the development. We have to know the drawbacks before we start with cross platform.
Edit: Heyy, also have a look at Intel XDK. This is the newest cross platform available. I found this very useful. I would say, just go for it. They say "If you can write code in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript*, you can use the Intel® XDK to build an HTML5 web app or a hybrid app for all of the major app stores." I used it for once (as i am not that good with HTML5, i've just started working with it). But its really great...
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've created a website using and C#. It's basically where students can login and view their marks/register courses/see schedules. It's connected to a SQL database which I have made in SQL server...
I want to be able to create a mobile version of this application. So what's more suitable, a mobile app or website? And which one will be easier?
I heard we use eclipse/java for making mobile apps.....
For the website, do we use a different framework, or is it the same and SQL for the database?
I would definitely recommend a mobile web application. The main advantage is that you have only to maintain one code base. Also it would be a very simple task since you could expose JSON from your website to
There are many tutorials available and you do not have to bother about updating the application on users devices since it is a hypermedia based web app.
I think you'll find a mobile website built with jQuery Mobile to be a good alternative to writing a native app.
Benefits Include:
Consistent UI across platforms
Smart, responsive scaling for larger
devices (tablets, pc)
Touch friendly default styles
I've put together a jQuery Mobile Site Template on the Visual Studio Extension Gallery that you might find interesting for porting your existing .Net C# site.
I'm not familiar with, but it seems like it'd be best to create a fluid, responsive front end for the web app on its existing framework. One web interface that scales neatly for a variety of devices, rather than authoring an API and various mobile apps for different platforms.
Great introduction to responsive (front-end) web design:
Here is a great Google I/O 2011 session that I enjoyed watching on the topic of Native vs. Web approach. Link has the slides + videos. Enjoy and best of luck.