I have an android application I am developing in Java.
I need it to load a text file so it can read what is in the text file and get values from it.
However, everything I have read so far has been directing me to use resources and package it up with the application.
However this means if I want to change the text file, I have to reinstall the application, which is not what I want.
I need to end up with the .apk file and the .txt file in the same folder on my android phone so I can change the .txt file and the app reads in the text file in its directory.
Can anyone help?
No, you do not want to end up with the .apk and the .txt file in the same folder.
You want to end up with the .txt in some place that's always the same and that you know about.
You can deploy the initial .txt via the ressources (aka: package it and copy it to the sd for example) and later download a new version (or copy something to the device via usb).
Then inside your app check if the file exists and open it with standard Java. There's plenty of source around for that.
I want to host an HTML file on server and once user is registered on the app, i want to get this file downloaded and saved into assets folder of the app on the local device and once i have this file into assets folder, i will display it into a WebView and user should be able to see the contents of that file every time user opens it.
And whenever i update the file on server, i want to display a popup for user to accept it, and once user have accepted it, i want to replace the old HTML file from assets folder with the new one.
And from now onwards, the new file will be downloaded on the local system and every time user wants to access the file, he should be able to access the new one.
I'm not sure if that's possible at all, but would certainly be interested in hearing from anyone that knows anything about such things.
Since I cannot write any files to assets or any raw dir, where it will
be written?
openFileOutput() writes to internal storage.
What will the location of that file be? Where will it be located in
the Android file system ?
The apk is read only and the assets/ folder is not modifiable at
runtime, which sounds like something you may be seeking.
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I'm currently developing an app in Android Studio for Android TV on a mac. Ultimately I want to load local image files as card images in a VerticalGridFragment where a card id and an image filename have matching numbers. For the sake of prototyping, right now I'm just trying to set up best practices (as a complete novice) with a single 1.jpg file that will appear on every card.
I'm using the included Android TV emulator and assume I shouldn't attempt to use access or make use of any OSX file system. So my two questions are:
While I'm prototyping and trying to get 1.jpg to be the image for
each card, where should I place this file in a manner that I can
access using a file path string for internal storage, such as /root/1.jpg
which I can later change to /root/$.jpg where $ is a dynamic id
associated with each card. This needs to satisfy both the emulator
being able to access the file, a device being able to access the file when the app is finished, and me being able to place files there
from my host os while prototyping.
A follow-on question. When the app is finished I obviously won't be
relying on manually placing image files. Will the solution to the
above also provide a straightforward means of saving images to this
directory on a device?
Ok, I think I've got my head around this now:
Inside Android Studio, there's a Monitor utility in which there's a File Explorer. Using this, you can browse, and save to the directory structure that the emulator's using.
Most importantly, there is a standard assigned directory for apps to save and open from on internal storage. It can be found in the file browser at /data/data/com.applicationname/files/
From any app, it can be referenced for saving to or opening from using getFilesDir(), which answers question 2.
My game is fed by parameters from a text file.
When I run the game in Unity, I can set the file path to my desktop or whatever and that works perfectly.
The problem is that when I run the game on an android device, I have to set the file path to some local folder in the device, a folder which I'll have access to.
How can I do that?
I want the file to be part of the .apk file.
I'm sure there's a way for doing that, yet could not find some relevant information on the internet.
I had a similar problem as your, I had to load some Translation Text Files in my game.
You can save the text file in the Resources folder. Then load it at runtime with Resources.Load("folderInsideResourcesFolder\textFile"). The Resources folder will be packaged in the APK.
You can find more info here: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/LoadingResourcesatRuntime.html
What I'm trying to do is put a file in the app (Like in assets or resource).
But I need to load it by its path "I don't want to use the assets manager .. etc", this is because I'm using a lib need the file name (Not stream).
Note1: I know I can save the file to SD card then use it, but I'm trying to find a way without doing this (Load it directly).
Note2: I tried "file:///android_assets" but it didn't work.
You cannot access asset files via File API because it stays in your APK, which is in fact just ZIP file. Files in asset folder are accessed through native asset API where it is handled as ZIP stream. You can see Asset.cpp and its method createFromCompressedFile.
I have a short question about writing to a file in android. I am writing a game where I use a xml file to save some data about the level stats. Now I have seen that if I save this xml file in AssetManager it is not possible to change it (only permissions to read files).
Now because I can only modify files which are in the filesystem of android (using openFileInput and openFileOutput to work with it) I wonder where I have to save my (already existing) xml file in my eclipse project so that I can use openFileInput to load it and change it via code.
Do I have to make a new folder? E.g. project_path/files/myxml.xml.
Is it even possible to load a file which was created (outside the AssetManager folder) before installing the .apk to target?
If it is possible does anybody have some example code?
I hope you understand my question.
There is no such place. Installation of android apps does not include an automatic step that would copy your content from apk to the internal folder (and your application does not reside in the folder either).
You will have to create your XML file in code, possibly checking for its existence before each access (or using some other marker).