Android Hierarchical Navigation - android

I'm trying to get an example or a starting reference on how to develop a drill down structure. The best example I can give is, how Android navigates through it's own folder structure. Here is a screenshot to illustrate my point:
Some things I would like to point out:
I will have know knowledge of how deep the structure will run
Minimum API level 10
Could someone please point me in the right direction.
Many thank in advance!!

To those you are wondering how I managed this, I basically call the same activity, just with the parent ID (which will be located within the bundle). This way I can fill the ListView with the parent ID provided and let my BaseAdapter sort out which UI to display.
I don't know if the was the best way of doing it, but it worked for me.
Kind regards,

IMO, technically there is no limit on the structure depth. But for the sake of design, good user interaction with the app as well as for codes maintenance, I suggest 3 to 5 level deep is enough. If you must go further than that perhaps you should re-design the app.
And you may also use breadcrumb to improve structure visibility.


What do you call a Android page? Activity or View or ? Genuinely need clarification

I always get this these two confused with together. I just wanted to know the difference I'm new to android development and I'm learning as I go along.
It is called Activity. But there can be Fragments within a activity. But it can be somthing else, depending on what you call a Android page to be!
And a View is the class on which all the UI components are build!
There is nothing to be confused at!
You head over to
It is the best to get started!
There are plenty of resources just to let you clear your doubts, you should try making a google search before posting a query here.

Android app with multiple MasterFlow/Activities layouts example?

I know how to change the activity, without use of Master Detail Flow Template but I need to make an app with multiple Master Detail Flow layouts.
I think that a single Master Detail Flow Layout is already a little bit complex and confuse alone, but it must be more confuse when there's necessity of multiple app screens.
Someone knows a good tutorial on this?
I have the same need, did you ever get any response or found the solution? I have a List that is a Menu, with around 10 entries and each entry requires a different activity/screenlayout.
I have found this very good tutorial: After making the needed adjustments for my app, change until 10 different layouts in the detailFragment, based on item selected in masterFragment, it works perfect for me.

Android terminology

I have created a few apps with basic features with the help of tutorials. But when I decided to explore the next level of features, I didn't know what the features were termed, and hence found it difficult to get help (features like fling, horizontal view paging, and so on). What is the indicator of the view paging called? How does one do it and with dynamic pages?
Your best bet is to go here and read.
Android Dev
Also check out commonsware books on developement. This is the best way to get started.

Android User Interface - Are tabs at the bottom the best approach?

I am creating an app that provides users information about a building that the app is being designed for. For example it will tell the user the location of the building, hotels/restaurants/cafes nearby and some other useful information.
I will be creating seperate activities to carry this out, so an activity to tell user the location and maybe contain a map, an activity listing hotels and an activity listing nearby cafes etc.
My problem is that I am not sure how to design the interface for this. I was thinking of having tabs at the botton of the screen where each tab opens the corresponding activity. Is this a good way to do it or is there a better way?
This is really a UX (user experience) decision, not a coder decision. You are probably asking this question on a wrong site.
I recommend you look around how other apps have solved a similar problem, to get ideas what is possible. Then pick a solution that you like best.
You might want to ask that at UX
Personally I think Tabs are a quite intuitive way to let the user choose between dedicated views/activities - especially if they are labelled with distinct icons
Tabs is always a clean solution.
Maybe something like a dashboard would also be nice. (Pattern 3 in my link)
This link covers some things that may be useful in further development.
Android Dev UI Development
Right now i can think of some other solutions
Use a gesture to swap to another activity
Use a pair of arrow buttons at the bottom
But your solution seems nicer

Android - first launch interactive tutorial

I'm writing a new app for android and I would like to implement also a first launch tutorial. In particular, the tutorial has to be interactive. Basically, after a user registers to the service, a minimum settings will be required.
I'd like something like today we have into Google Apps, like Sheets, Docs and so far. The exception there is that those tutorials have the aim to explain how the app works. Here I want to have something where user can input some data.
I was looking at ShowcaseView but seems to be deprecated and old in style.
So here the question is: what is the best way to implement that? ViewPager?
I also had a look to this other question, but it did not help too much.
Any advice is really appreciated.
EDIT: I have found this other nice alternative. AppIntro It seems what I was looking for. :)
There are few I found by quick searching Github:
I'm pretty sure you can find the right one for you ;)
You can do it in several ways that really depends on you and your app. Basically you can create a "Boarding" experience with ViewPager that will go thru the main screen of your app (with static images for example) where you explain the user what goes on in your app. The other way way is an interactive tutorial as the user already landed into your app - you can achieve this with something like Showcase (I'm pretty sure that there are libs on GitHub that are still maintained).
I would recommend Roman Nuriks Wizard Pager code on Github as a starting point. It's not so much a library as a sample code showing you how to do what you want.
The general approach is to use a ViewPager with some form of navigation buttons to move the user forwards and backwards through the pager Fragments.

