Android list of boxes - android

I wonder if there is a tutorial or example code how the effect below achieved in Android, or if someone published an adapter already for this... Basically based on the number of results returned the screen is populated with boxes, and as the finger swipes down more boxes will load on demand until the results run out.

This is a GridView. And you can use your custom Load More GridView. This is a custom ListView example of the same. You can implement your own custom GridView similar to this.

What you are looking for is a Lazy List Adapter.
There is a great implementation for it. You can check it here. All what you need next is to create the layout of your list rows, i.e the boxes.


Android List view row move vertical

I want to create List view row animation like below . I want to move row from one list view to other list view. Both list view are in same activity.
Anyone can give me idea how I can do this.
First of all because you mentioned "ListView":
In my opinion the best way to perform dynamic "lists" in android is to use to android-given class
It's easy to use like a normal ListView but like I said before it handles dynamic data.
Moreover it has some support librarys like ItemTouchHelper to drag/drop and swipe items in the list around. Its very easy to expand your RecyclerView with this upgrade. Here is a good tutorial:
I would like to give you two ideas how I would proceed to implement such a list like the example of your post:
1) (Recommended) Search on Github or similar sites for 3rd library parties that already solved this.
2) Use the RecyclerView with the ItemtouchHelper-Upgrade i mentioned above and try to expand it with two lists. When an item is onMove() set the visibility of the first list on GONE and the second on VISIBLE. Now you only have to add the data of your item to the second list and remove it from the first. Then use notifyDataSetChanged() on both lists and your done.
I dont know how difficult it will be to implement it but thats the only way I know how you can do that and how the programmers of your example could have done it.

Staggered collections in Android app

Hi I just watch the last video of Android Design in Action: Collections and I would like how do you approach the following view:
The first thing that I though was use a GridView, but how do you achieve the first item fill two items size?
The other solution that I think is use a normal ListView, but in each row return two items view. And for the first row return a single item.
What do you think about these two approach? There are a better options?
I want to inflate the collection dynamically from a Cursor or a List.
Check out the link..
in that link have Staggeredgridview example with source code try that..
Not exactly the same scenario, but you may find this post useful.-
Create gridlayout.
Let me help you my friend. Use the following library Its an implementation of StaggeredGridView that allows you to set column span on each view in the getView() method of your adapter.

Move in a ListView

In my android application, I've a ListView that is loaded with a lot of items. I would like that users could move very fast through the list. I've seen that in some applications, when a list is loaded, and the user starts scrolling, a icon appears on the right of the screen, and this icon can be used to move very fast through the list.
How can I do this?
Thank you very much!
You want android:fastScrollEnabled="true".
See Vardhan's implementation of Fast Scroll for android here.
If you want to be able to customize your Fast-scroller, like choosing
your own scroller image to appear, I recommend using this source:
Basically, your listview adapter will have to implement a
sectionindexer. This section indexer can be very stripped if you don't
want to complicate things and provide simple fastscrolling though the
entire length of the list.
The direct source for the fastscroller is here:
Place this view around your listview (nest your listview inside this
view in your xml layout file) and set android:fastScrollEnabled="true"
on your listview.
You might also want to check out a previous answer:
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer
Source : How to use fast scroll in android?

how to make listview like android market . i.e divided into two columns

I was wondering how to implement the listview like the android market.
in the right hand panel a listview is divided into the two rows. This is very useful because it saves lot of space and user can look at almost double items in the listview at a time. how can I implement this ? any suggestions?
you can use GridView instead of ListView of two columns..
1. GridView
2. GridViewExample
Sample design :
The Android Market also uses the ViewPager to scroll between the pages. Here is an example on how you could implement it.
There is another question that is related to this one.Check the folling link, it might help you:
How to display a two column ListView in Android?
Modify you *.xml file to get what you want.
Good luck!
If you want to do this using listView, then each item (row) in the list view should consist of two views. You can do this using a relative layout (or linear layout) with two items side by side.
You can also implement this using a gridview having two columns.

How to create horizontal listview which is fix the count of item when display

I want to create a horizontal listview which contain many item, one item will contain a image. When user slide listview => the count of item will be fix when it display, example display only 3 or 4 image. How can I do that? Many thanks.
I use this
to create a HorizontalList view, everything is ok but I don;t know how to make the Next and Previous button work! Any idea?
Instead of a horizontal ListView (which, as far as I know, isn't offered by the Android SDK) you can use a HorizontalScrollView. You can add the items like to any other kind of layout class.
It looks like what you are looking for is a Paginated Gallery. I have written one here.
Its still only a couple of days old but hopefully the included Activity code will get you off the ground.

