Android Service communcation - android

I'm writing an application which run a background Service which communicate with a remote server.
when the server sends me a new message, i need to update an object which is represent in the UI and then to update the UI View to represent the new state of the object (for example if the object's background propery is true - set the background of the View to green and if false set the background of the view to red).
I'm using a list view to show all an ArrayList of all those objects throw an ArrayAdapter.
I have an Application object (named app) for static reference and i have there a CurrentActivity property which store the current activity running (or null if the UI is closed).
i'm using this code to update the UI:
in my Service:
onNewMessage(boolean backgruond)
if (app.getCurrentActivity != null)
in my Activity:
onNewMessage(boolean background)
Log.d("Background", String.valueof(background));
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run()
and although the Log returns the right background state, the view isn't refreshing with the notifyDataSetChanged();
i've tried to send message to Activity throw BroadcastRecevier but it much more complicated because i have lots of messages coming from the server and i will have to register many receivers.
And besides - i don't understand why would the recevier work and this mechanism wont..
example of working method which updates the ListView:
ListViewActivity - inheritance from BaseActivity:
public void onUnFriend(FacebookUser facebookUser, boolean isYouRemovedClient)
super.onUnFriend(facebookUser, isYouRemovedClient);
BaseActivity (the super class which extends Activity):
public void onUnFriend(FacebookUser facebookUser, boolean isYouRemovedClient)
if (isYouRemovedClient)
app.showToast(facebookUser.getName() + " has removed from your friends", true);
app.showToast(facebookUser.getName() + " has removed you from friends", true);
this one works and does change the background color in the ListView.
not working example
public void onFriendRequestAccepted(FacebookUser facebookUser, boolean showDialog) {
super.onFriendRequestAccepted(facebookUser, showDialog);
public void onFriendRequestAccepted(FacebookUser facebookUser, boolean showDialog)
if (showDialog)
app.showNewEventActivity(facebookUser, EventDialogManager.EVENT_FRIEND_ACCEPTED);
no update is made... i can't really understand why..

i have there a CurrentActivity property which store the current activity running (or null if the UI is closed)
I do not recommend this practice. It relies upon you consistently and reliably updating that Application data member, and it increases the coupling between your service and your UI.
and although the Log returns the right background state, the view isn't refreshing with the notifyDataSetChanged();
It would appear that you did not change the data in the adapter. Certainly, there is no evidence in the code that you have here that you updated the data in the adapter.
BTW, neither of the code snippets you have shown here are likely to compile (first is not valid Java, second has a typo).
i have lots of messages coming from the server and i will have to register many receivers
No, you will have to register one receiver, and in onReceive(), use an if statement (or perhaps a switch, if you prefer) to distinguish one message from another.

In addition to what CommonsWare said, I assume that object in the first line of your onNewMessage is the view. setBackround accepts an int parameter, not a boolean.
Use 0xFF00FF00 for green and 0xFFFF0000 for red.
By the way, it's a very bad practice to keep static references of Context objects and it's derived classes (Application and Activity both derive from Context, and keeping a static reference of them may lead to serious memory leaks. Read more here.)
Use a BroadcastReceiver instead. They are much more simple comparing to how you described them - you only need one.


Android - What is the best practice for passing back information from an activity without onActivityResult()?

I have a rather general question.
Assuming I have a RecyclerView in some kind of a MainActivity. The content of this RecyclerView is being updated in multiple places in other activities.
For example there could be the possibility to make new entries by starting a new Activity and saving it there.In that case I would intuitively start that activity with startActivityForResult() and receive the changes in the onActivityResult() method in the MainActivity.
But lets say deeper inside the application, there is the possibility to delete all entries. Now how do we notify the MainActivity about this change in the dataset? I thought about setting a flag of some kind and clearing it after the content has been updated in the MainActivity. But somehow using global variables does not really follow the principle of proper encapsulation, does it?
Sorry for this vague question, but I find it quite hard to properly handle information flow in Android in a elegant manner, so here we are.
How about a local broadcast? You can find the idea of broadcast in this document. You need local broadcast and it is preferred if you want to pass data within your app only.
Android apps can send or receive broadcast messages from the Android system and other Android apps, similar to the publish-subscribe design pattern. These broadcasts are sent when an event of interest occurs. For example, the Android system sends broadcasts when various system events occur, such as when the system boots up or the device starts charging. Apps can also send custom broadcasts, for example, to notify other apps of something that they might be interested in (for example, some new data has been downloaded).
You can use Handler to pass the Message in Activity and then You have to update RecyclerView. Like,
1) In Activity.
public static Handler mHandler = new Handler(new Handler.Callback() {
public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
if(msg.what == 1223){
//update RecyclerView
return false;
2) pass message When you want to update RecyclerView
Message msg = new Message();
msg.what = 1223;
You can use EventBus to handle it.
Define a class for your event
public static class MyEvent {
int event;
/* define your fields */
And prepare your subscriber in main activity
#Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)
public void onMyEvent(MyEvent myEvent) {
switch(myEvent.event) {
/* Do what you need */
Now where you need to make change, call your subscriber like this:
MyEvent myEvent = new MyEvent();
myEvent.event = 1;
You can read more about EventBus in here
If you were using RxJava2, RxAndroid. Then you could try this.
Create a Bus:
public final class RxBus {
private static final BehaviorSubject<Object> behaviorSubject = BehaviorSubject.create();
public static BehaviorSubject<Object> getSubject() {
return behaviorSubject;
In your WaitingActivity where you want to receive data(where you want not to use onActivityResult in your case)
Disposable disposable = RxBus.getSubject().
subscribeWith(new DisposableObserver<Object>() {
public void onNext(Object o) {
if (o instanceof DataObject) {
//((DataObject) o).getValue();
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onComplete() {
In your activity where you want to send data
startActivity(new Intent(CurrentActivity.class, WaitingActivity.class));
Finally don't forget to dispose your disposable to avoid memory leaks in your WaitingActivity
protected void onDestroy() {
Your data should be separate from view, in model. If some other activity changes data ideally recycler view must be updated from there. So no matter which activity does what, when you refresh data on load or resume of your recycler view you will always get correct results.

Android: What is the best way to register callbacks in multiple instances item and return onEvents to instance callback?

Nothing special, I'm using Java for Android.
I want to allow my users to create multiple instances of an object and register a callback Interface into each instance (think of an error callback).
The object has several children/sub-children/etc... Each child can return this event.
I expect 1-10 instances in entire lifetime of app.
I'm trying to avoid using a singleton/static events listener.
Possible solutions (and reasons not to use them):
1) Register a BroadcastReceiver in each parent-object instance and allow each grand child notify the event on Intent level. This should allow the main object to notify my user about the event.
The problem is the multiple instances would require multiple BroadcastReceivers which I expect to be heavy or just less than optimal.
2) Register one BroadcastReceiver and find a way to let it decide which instance of the object should be notified of an event, and actually send it to it. The problem is that I'm not sure how to notify the objects themselves.
3) Let the callback interface pass as an argument from parent to each of the children/grandchilren/etc... But this would be messy.
4) Use something like EventBus library (which I understand would be the same thing as BroadcastReceiver, only Reflection based, thus slower).
5) Anything else?
I don't know if this is the best solution for you but I think it would work if I understand your requirements correctly.
public class Listener extends Observable implements Observer {
private List<Observer> clients = new ArrayList<>();
public void addClient(Observer client){
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
for(Observer client : clients){
client.update(o, arg); // Or whatever you need to do
public class DataSource extends Observable {
private Observer observer;
public DataSource(Observer o){
observer = o;
// Notify observer of changes at appropriate time
public class Consumer implements Observer {
public Consumer(){
Listener listener = ...;
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
// Handle appropriately
DataSource is your "sub-objects", Consumer is the end client of the events, and Listener is the class in the middle. I don't know why the clients can't directly register for events with the "sub-objects" but that is what you said! This is modeled as inner classes here for simplicity but I assume you would not do that.

Correct way to use IdlingResource in Espresso Android

I'm writing UI tests with Espresso. App cooperates tightly with server, so in many cases, I need to wait for either value to be calculated, or data is got and displayed, etc. Espresso suggests using IdlingResource for this.
My IdlingResource classes look like this (simple and clear example).
public class IRViewVisible implements IdlingResource {
private View view;
private ResourceCallback callback;
public IRViewVisible(View view) {
this.view = view;
public String getName() {
return IRViewVisible.class.getName();
public boolean isIdleNow() {
if(view.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE && callback != null) {
return true;
return false;
public void registerIdleTransitionCallback(ResourceCallback resourceCallback) {
this.callback = resourceCallback;
Please correct me if I'm wrong anywhere (as sometimes it seems to me that my IdlingResources do not work properly).
I register the idling resource in setUp() like this:
IRViewVisible ir = new IRViewVisible(View v);
Unregister it on tearDown().
I found this article (there is a section called "Register a component tied to an Activity instance") — I do not use his schema, but I checked hashcode of view that was set to IdlingResource after registering (in each method), and it's not the same view — all hashes are different.
Another question: One Test class (it's results) can't have any effect on another Test class, can it?
I'm guessing your problem stems from getName() returning the same name for all instances of IRViewVisible. This means you can only have one registered instance of it at a time - any subsequent registrations will fail (silently!).
You mention that you clear the IdlingResources at the end of each test, but if you are register multiple instances of it at once, you need to make sure each instance has a unique name. it's not clear from your question if you're registering multiple instances of IRViewVisible in a single test.
As to your final question: Yes, it is possible. Android doesn't completely shut down the Application between test runs - just the Activities. Common things which can cause problems:
Failing to clear persistent state (saved data).
Failing to clear global state - e.g. static variables/singletons
Not waiting for background threads to finish running.
As an aside, it's worth noting that you only call onTransitionToIdle() inside isIdleNow(). This works (thanks #Be_Negative for the heads up!) but it could slow down your tests a lot, since Espresso will only poll isIdleNow() every few seconds. If you call onTransitionToIdle() as soon as the view becomes visible, it should speed things up considerably.
I needed something similar to your IRViewVisible myself, here's my effort.
So the isIdleNow() method will never return true if you don't set a callback to the idlingResource?
I reckon it's better to refactor it like this:
public boolean isIdleNow() {
boolean idle = view.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE;
if(idle && callback != null) {
return idle;
Well, first of all you shouldn't need to use Espresso IdlingResource to test server calls. If you use AsyncTasks in your server calls, Espresso will be able to know when to be idle and when not. If this is not enough: try to refactor your code in this way:
IRViewVisible idlingResource = new IRViewVisible(yourView);
IdlingPolicies.setMasterPolicyTimeout(waitingTime * 2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
IdlingPolicies.setIdlingResourceTimeout(waitingTime * 2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Now we wait
// Stop and verify
// Clean up
Hope to be helpful.

Android ListView notifyDataSetChanged() from Service

I have a background service which receive messages from a server and with those message it updates inner properties of objects which are shown in a ListView.
I always uses the runOnUiThread method to run the listArrayAdapter.notifyOnDataSetChanged() command.
From some reason sometimes the ListView is refreshed and it does show me the property update and sometimes it doesn't..
For testing i've added a "refresh" Button to my ListView and when it pressed the listArrayAdapter.notifyOnDataSetChanged() is executed.
Every click on the button the view is refreshed perfectly..
I can't really understand why when trying to refresh from the service it doesn't always work but i think i maybe not always runs on the UIThread...
I'm really hopeless and will glad to get help..
My Code - extends Service
//example of a command executed when a specific message received from the server:
//app is the Application variable
public void unFriend(int userId)
} - a class that handle all application responses to server messages:
public void onUnFriend(FacebookUser facebookUser, boolean isYouRemovedClient) {
//this is the property which will effect the ListView view when calling the
//if the application is currently running in the UI (not on the background) it will run a method inside the BaseActivity
if (app.isApplicationInForeground())
if (isYouRemovedClient)
app.showToast(facebookUser.getName() + " has removed from your friends", true);
app.showToast(facebookUser.getName() + " has removed you from friends", true);
} - an Activity which set all default configuration for all Activities which extends it
//in this exemple the BaseActivity method does nothing but the method override it
public void onUnFriend(FacebookUser facebookUser)
} - extends BaseActivity and have a ListView in it which should reflect the change in the FacebookUser object property which being made in public void onUnFriend(FacebookUser facebookUser, boolean isYouRemovedClient) in ServerResponseManager.
public void onUnFriend(FacebookUser facebookUser)
private void updateView()
private Runnable updateViewRunnable()
Runnable run = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
return run;
Don't mix business logic. It looks so complicated that is hard to read.
In your service, broadcast an intent with information about update.
In Activity where ListView is, create and register BroadcastReceiver with IntentFilter for your update events.
In onReceive method of your BroadcastReceiver handle update events, for example update list.
A Service should usually independent from UI concerns. A great way to decouple services and UI related stuff is the event bus pattern. For Android, check out
In the ServerConnectionManager, you could post an event:
EventBus.getDefault().post(new UnfriendEvent(userId));
Now register your activity to the event bus, and the event will be delivered to the activity by calling the onEvent method:
public void onEventMainThread(UnfriendEvent event) {...}
Like this, you decouple your components leading to a neat and clean software design, which is very flexible to changes.
You could use a Cursor in your ListView to display your Data.
The Service writes/updates the Data in your ContentProvider. At the End of your Database Transaction you simple use:
and your ListView gets updated automaticly.
Instead use
notifyDataSetChanged on onDestroy of service.
the list view will get refreshed
You can use this tutorial for proper architecture of your code
developing an app with a background service
It shows how to receive notifications from the service and update the UI.
runOnUiThread is mostly used before AsyncTask calls are made. I think you should use a handler instead (it updates the UI and allows the thread to run). Try using the handler and see what happens

Should accessing SharedPreferences be done off the UI Thread?

With the release of Gingerbread, I have been experimenting with some of the new API's, one of them being StrictMode.
I noticed that one of the warnings is for getSharedPreferences().
This is the warning:
StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=1949 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=23 violation=2
and it's being given for a getSharedPreferences() call being made on the UI thread.
Should SharedPreferences access and changes really be made off the UI thread?
I'm glad you're already playing with it!
Some things to note: (in lazy bullet form)
if this is the worst of your problems, your app's probably in a good spot. :) Writes are generally slower than reads, though, so be sure you're using SharedPreferenced$Editor.apply() instead of commit(). apply() is new in GB and async (but always safe, careful of lifecycle transitions). You can use reflection to conditionally call apply() on GB+ and commit() on Froyo or below. I'll be doing a blogpost with sample code of how to do this.
Regarding loading, though...
once loaded, SharedPreferences are singletons and cached process-wide. so you want to get it loaded as early as possible so you have it in memory before you need it. (assuming it's small, as it should be if you're using SharedPreferences, a simple XML file...) You don't want to fault it in the future time some user clicks a button.
but whenever you call context.getSharedPreferences(...), the backing XML file is stat'd to see if it's changed, so you'll want to avoid those stats during UI events anyway. A stat should normally be fast (and often cached), but yaffs doesn't have much in the way of concurrency (and a lot of Android devices run on yaffs... Droid, Nexus One, etc.) so if you avoid disk, you avoid getting stuck behind other in-flight or pending disk operations.
so you'll probably want to load the SharedPreferences during your onCreate() and re-use the same instance, avoiding the stat.
but if you don't need your preferences anyway during onCreate(), that loading time is stalling your app's start-up unnecessarily, so it's generally better to have something like a FutureTask<SharedPreferences> subclass that kicks off a new thread to .set() the FutureTask subclasses's value. Then just lookup your FutureTask<SharedPreferences>'s member whenever you need it and .get() it. I plan to make this free behind the scenes in Honeycomb, transparently. I'll try to release some sample code which
shows best practices in this area.
Check the Android Developers blog for upcoming posts on StrictMode-related subjects in the coming week(s).
Accessing the shared preferences can take quite some time because they are read from flash storage. Do you read a lot? Maybe you could use a different format then, e.g. a SQLite database.
But don't fix everything you find using StrictMode. Or to quote the documentation:
But don't feel compelled to fix everything that StrictMode finds. In particular, many cases of disk access are often necessary during the normal activity lifecycle. Use StrictMode to find things you did by accident. Network requests on the UI thread are almost always a problem, though.
One subtlety about Brad's answer: even if you load the SharedPreferences in onCreate(), you should probably still read values on the background thread because getString() etc. block until reading the shared file preference in finishes (on a background thread):
public String getString(String key, String defValue) {
synchronized (this) {
String v = (String)mMap.get(key);
return v != null ? v : defValue;
edit() also blocks in the same way, although apply() appears to be safe on the foreground thread.
(BTW sorry to put this down here. I would have put this as a comment to Brad's answer, but I just joined and don't have enough reputation to do so.)
I know this is an old question but I want to share my approach. I had long reading times and used a combination of shared preferences and the global application class:
public class ApplicationClass extends Application {
private LocalPreference.Filter filter;
public LocalPreference.Filter getFilter() {
return filter;
public void setFilter(LocalPreference.Filter filter) {
this.filter = filter;
public class LocalPreference {
public static void saveLocalPreferences(Activity activity, int maxDistance, int minAge,
int maxAge, boolean showMale, boolean showFemale) {
Filter filter = new Filter();
BabysitApplication babysitApplication = (BabysitApplication) activity.getApplication();
SecurePreferences securePreferences = new SecurePreferences(activity.getApplicationContext());
securePreferences.edit().putInt(Preference.FILER_MAX_DISTANCE.toString(), maxDistance).apply();
securePreferences.edit().putInt(Preference.FILER_MIN_AGE.toString(), minAge).apply();
securePreferences.edit().putInt(Preference.FILER_MAX_AGE.toString(), maxAge).apply();
securePreferences.edit().putBoolean(Preference.FILER_SHOW_MALE.toString(), showMale).apply();
securePreferences.edit().putBoolean(Preference.FILER_SHOW_FEMALE.toString(), showFemale).apply();
public static Filter getLocalPreferences(Activity activity) {
BabysitApplication babysitApplication = (BabysitApplication) activity.getApplication();
Filter applicationFilter = babysitApplication.getFilter();
if (applicationFilter != null) {
return applicationFilter;
} else {
Filter filter = new Filter();
SecurePreferences securePreferences = new SecurePreferences(activity.getApplicationContext());
filter.setMaxDistance(securePreferences.getInt(Preference.FILER_MAX_DISTANCE.toString(), 20));
filter.setMinAge(securePreferences.getInt(Preference.FILER_MIN_AGE.toString(), 15));
filter.setMaxAge(securePreferences.getInt(Preference.FILER_MAX_AGE.toString(), 50));
filter.setShowMale(securePreferences.getBoolean(Preference.FILER_SHOW_MALE.toString(), true));
filter.setShowFemale(securePreferences.getBoolean(Preference.FILER_SHOW_FEMALE.toString(), true));
return filter;
public static class Filter {
private int maxDistance;
private int minAge;
private int maxAge;
private boolean showMale;
private boolean showFemale;
public int getMaxDistance() {
return maxDistance;
public void setMaxDistance(int maxDistance) {
this.maxDistance = maxDistance;
public int getMinAge() {
return minAge;
public void setMinAge(int minAge) {
this.minAge = minAge;
public int getMaxAge() {
return maxAge;
public void setMaxAge(int maxAge) {
this.maxAge = maxAge;
public boolean isShowMale() {
return showMale;
public void setShowMale(boolean showMale) {
this.showMale = showMale;
public boolean isShowFemale() {
return showFemale;
public void setShowFemale(boolean showFemale) {
this.showFemale = showFemale;
MainActivity (activity that get called first in your application):
Steps explained:
The main activity calls getLocalPreferences(this) -> this will read your preferences, set the filter object in your application class and returns it.
When you call the getLocalPreferences() function again somewhere else in the application it first checks if it's not available in the application class which is a lot faster.
NOTE: ALWAYS check if an application wide variable is different from NULL, reason ->
The application object will not stay in memory forever, it will get killed. Contrary to popular belief, the app won’t be restarted from scratch. Android will create a new Application object and start the activity where the user was before to give the illusion that the application was never killed in the first place.
If I didn't check on null I would allow a nullpointer to be thrown when calling for example getMaxDistance() on the filter object (if the application object was swiped from the memory by Android)
SharedPreferences class does some reads & writes within XML files on disk, so just like any other IO operation it could be blocking. The amount of data currently stored in SharedPreferences affects the time and resource consumed by the API calls. For minimal amounts of data it's a matter of a few milliseconds (sometimes even less than a millisecond) to get/put data. But from the point of view of an expert it could be important to improve the performance by doing the API calls in background. For an asynchronous SharedPreferences I suggest checking out the Datum library.
i do not see any reason to read them from a background thread. but to write it i would. at startup time the shared preference file is loaded into memory so its fast to access, but to write things can take a bit of time so we can use apply the write async. that should be the difference between commit and apply methods of shared prefs.

