Set android notifications from SQLite DB - android

I am building a reminder application where the user enters an event into an SQLite DB. The main screen lists the title of each reminder and clicking an item shows the details of it. All of this works fine.
Now I want to allow the user to set up notifications for each item, being given an option to set a reminder for 15 mins, 30 mins, or 1hr before the event is scheduled.
I have no clue how to go about this and can't find any good tutorial on it. Can anyone give me some idea as to how I might implement this?

Use the AlaramManager to fire a broadcast that will tell your app to show a notification to the user about the event.
Here is an example of using it: Alarm Manager Example

Once you get the date of the event from the database, it's as easy as any other notification, just keep in mind that you'd subtract the amount of time (the 15,30,60 minutes) to the date.
Timer timer = new Timer();
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm");
Date date = formatter.parse("11/08/2012 16:39");
timer.schedule(timerTask, date);
This will schedule the event to the event time, and I'm understanding you want a reminder before the event actually happens. To do this you can create a calendar object to modify the date in the means you need. Remember to remove the previous schedule or you will be left with two reminders (one at the time, and one as a reminder).
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -15);//Or whatever
//Then schedule it.
Both approaches are using the variable timerTask which could be something like this, involving the createNotification method call that will in fact create the pending notification.
TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask(){
public void run(){
createNotification(title, text, tickerText, millisec);
There is a potential issue with this thou. If the application is closed, I believe the timer dies with it, so depending on the nature of your application you may want to use the AlarmManager as others have suggested.

You'll use the AlarmManager to set the action to be triggered on the specific date/time. (there're A LOT of tutorials on how to use the AlarmManager)
The alarm manager event always triggers a PendingIntent. From this intent you can either make a broadcast or start a service. (you'll have to create a broadcast receiver or a service)
Then on the broadcast receiver or service you build up and show the notification.
I suggest the broadcast receiver route, it's cleaner and more seamless.
you might also to have a broadcast receiver for onBoot events to re-schedule the events on the alarm manager case the user reboots the device.


Android: which kind of Broadcast/Receiver combination should I use?

In my app, I want to kick off an timer that triggers an action every x minutes, regardless if the user is currently in the app or not. I have been reading around and am not sure which combo of Broadcast and Receiver types I should use - any guidance would be helpful.
Example of user actions:
User hits a button, sets initial timer (alarm)
Timer is reached, trigger an action and set the timer again
Repeat until it has run for x minutes
when the user hits button set alarm as
AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager)getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
am.setRepeating (AlarmManager.Type,
long triggeringtime,
long interval,
PendingIntent operation);
here triggeringtime is how to time it shud take to take an action
and interval how to much time it would take to do the same.
here operation is the Intent which you need to execute like it may be an activity or Service you can Define it as
operation = PendingIntent.getActivity( context, 0, intent or service, 0);
2 and 3 step will be continuously run thats what the alarm manager does.
This alarm continues repeating until explicitly removed with
I am a beginner Sry if i wrong. Hope it helps!
Android JobScheduler
You can find a lot of tutorial online.

How to set alarm thrice in everyday in android?

I need to set Alarm on 9.00 AM, 11 AM and 1PM in everyday.
Simple solution is to use three different pending Intent but Is it any other way to implement same with one pending Intent?
Thanks in Advance!
Thanks, Got solution
Only need to change request code in same Intent. It will not cancel previous alarm. Click Here for solution
If you have a limited number of alarms that at any time need to be scheduled, maybe use one PendingIntent for each alarm can be fine.
However if you have a potentially unlimited (or maybe just a lot) number of alarms to be scheduled, I think that a better approch can be to provide a scheduler that can act over the scheduling information. For example, if you need to create something like a calendar where you can set one or more Event for each day, you should consider this approch.
You can take a look at the Alarm section of tha Android Calendar project
As you can see there is a class named AlarmScheduler in which you have a method
void scheduleNextAlarm(Context context, AlarmManagerInterface alarmManager,
int batchSize, long currentMillis)
That determines the next alarm that need to be scheduled.
In the specific implementation you can see that the method calls another method:
that operates over a content provider (Calendar provider) and gets the upcoming events.
Each time you trigger a new Alarm you can reschedule a new one, looking in the content provider (or wherever you store your scheduling information), or you can applay different scheduling policiy. For example if an user create a new remider for an Event on the calendar you need to reschedule the alarms (for example you could decide to schedule all the alarms for today, or just the next alarm).
In my applications I usually use the following code (inside the onReceive() of the BroadcastReceiver that is triggered when the alarm fires):
private void restartScheduler(Context context){
Intent t = new Intent("it.gvillani.socialapp.alerts.SCHEDULE_REQUEST");
And then of course I have a BroadcastReceiver that waits for that action and try to reschedule the alarms:
public class SchedulerReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context c, Intent intent) {
if (intent.getAction().equals("it.gvillani.socialapp.alerts.SCHEDULE_REQUEST")) {
private void startScheduler(Context c) {

Android event that occurs on every start of new day until some end date

I am developing an application for a certain event like a count down.
In the foreground of the app I show the days, hours, minutes and seconds left till the event date/time with handler.
However, I'd like to be able to detect start of new day (when app is in background) and show a notification in the status bar like '29 days left'. I want to receive this event whenever the system date automatically changes to new day (23:59 -> 00:00) everyday until the end date of my event.
Having said all this, how can I achieve this with the AlarmManager (or any other way)?
I know how to set up broadcast receivers, I just don't know how to schedule the event to occur precisely when a new day has come.
I would consider using Joda Time, and use the withTimeAtStartOfDay method to get the next alarm.

Adding schedule to android application

I want to create a scheduler for my app. My current idea is to create a background service which starts up on boot and listens to the date and time. This triggers my application. But I'm guessing this isn't the most efficient method. I googled quite extensively and didn't come up with anything different. Is there a more efficient way than creating a service?
Making my question clearer. I'd like to make something like this.
Say I want to run the app every Monday at 10:00am how would I go about doing that? The method I concocted or something more efficient?
All you need is the system's AlarmManager in conjunction with a BroadcastReceiver which starts an IntentService.
Update: On second read, what do you mean by trigger my application? I was assuming it's non-interactive, but if it is interactive, you could bring up your Activity with the help of the BroadcastReceiver; no IntentService required then. Saves you the time monitoring either way.
Update One of the central questions you have to ask yourself is, do I want to wake up the device, such that my {app, service} is run exactly at that point in time, or is it okay to have that run immediately after the device is woken up by the user, if "another Monday 10oo am" has passed by?
Regardless of the answer to that question, you'll use the system's AlarmManager to set up a repeating alarm, either with setRepeating() or setInexactRepeating(), and with either RTC or RTC_WAKEUP. triggerAtMillis is the time delta to the next Monday 10oo am and intervalMillis is the number of milliseconds which a week has.
And that's it.
I think you need to fix the schedule of your code..
Try this code for schedule the particular functionality..
Timer mTimer = new Timer();
TimerTask mTimerTask = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
/*your code here..*/
mTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(mTimerTask, getTomorrowMorning2AM(), 1000*60*60*24);
private static java.util.Date getTomorrowMorning2AM(){
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
java.util.Date date2am = c.getTime();
return date2am;

Android: scheduling event for remainder

In order to implement a reminder, I need to set a memo like: "starting from today, show a memo, each friday, one week yes and one no"
So, I think I can determin for each memo, what is the next date I have to show it. And then pass this date to a Timer like this:
Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
//show my memo
}}, date); //
Supposing now is Mon 26/11/2012 how can I determine when occurs the first friday (according to the aforementioned memo?
I'm not sure this mechanism is enough good, if someone can suggest me another approch I would be grateful.
Timer is not a good class to use for this. You should take a look at AlarmManager and schedule your events using that.
You can use AlarmManager.set() to set a specific alarm, AlarmManager.setInexactRepeating() to set a repeating alarm that has some flexibility in terms of exactness, setRepeating() to set a precise repeating alarm.
In all cases you set up a PendingIntent that gets launched when the alarm fires, and your application should be prepared to handle that intent correctly.
Remember that you don't necessarily need to take action when that PendingIntent is fired: you can just check if the conditions are right (for example, you can add some logic as to whether the user should be notified or not at that point).
More about AlarmManager and PendingIntent:
Also, remember that you have to add a broadcast receiver to the "boot sequence completed" event so that you can reinstall your alarms after the device has been rebooted, since alarms don't persist across reboots.

