I'm new to android programming and currently doing research on QRcode using zxing.
I used zxing to encoding a string and now have the bufferedimage returned. Now I want to show this image in the imageview, but looks like that I need to convert it into bitmap first. Can someone tell me a way to do this?
Thank you!
Bitmap bitMapImage = BitmapFactory.decodeFile("bufferedImage.jpg");
I want to load svg image in Android using Glide. In fact Glide support such job and I found a sample https://github.com/bumptech/glide/tree/v3.6.0/samples/svg/src/main/java/com/bumptech/svgsample/app. The question is that I want to directly load the image from a string which is in svg format, not from the svg file. The string is received from network or selected from sqlite. Can someone help me? I have searched a long time but it seems no one meet such requirement.
Your question is unclear. You haven't been that clear on what part you are stuck on.
If you just need to get an InputStream from a String, then you can do:
InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(svgString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
Is there any good way to use frame by frame animation AnimationDrawable using UIL library. AnimationDrawable accept only BitmpaDrawable . Is there any way to convert quickly to bitmaps my images or any maybe there is method like imageLoader.getBitmap, I haven't find anything like that.
Please help , I would be very grateful for any help .
Edit I have my images in assets folder. Maybe there any way to get bitmap from cache or something else . I need open new activity , maybe several times . I need to show animation from files , but if I use decode it takes a lot of time to decode them . Please suggest something
If your images are resources you can use this for obtain Bitmap:
Bitmap icon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(),
else, if you want donwload the image you can use this:
String name = c.getString(url);
URL urlAux = new URL(name);
ImageView prueba = (ImageView)v.findViewById(R.id.iv_prueba);
if (prueba != null) {
Bitmap bitmap =
Hope it helps you.
I have a quick question how to receive a jpg image from a web api call.
String result = webApiManager.getBarcode(dataStorageManager.currentUser.CustomerID);
This method returns a jpg image but I am unsure how to handle it and display it in an ImageView. Furthermore, what data type is a jpg image and how do I convert it into an image that I can display using an ImageView. Can someone point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this. Thanks for your time.
instead of returning the image as a jpg...why not just return the URL to the image and then use AsyncTask in processing it...
It will be easier and faster that way... just my 2cents
I know it is possible to save bitmap to png or jpg
now i want to save bitmap to .tiff,anybody can help?
Android does not have native support for saving TIFF files.
You best bet would be to get the raw byte array, and then using either a Java or NDK library (like libtiff) to save it as a TIFF.
I believe this is is a repost from here:
Convert a bitmap image to an uncompressed tif image in Java
To answer the question, the above answer suggested the following using the Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) library:
TIFFImageWriterSpi spi = new TIFFImageWriterSpi();
ImageWriter writer = spi.createWriterInstance();
ImageWriteParam param = writer.getDefaultWriteParam();
ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(new File("output.tif"));
writer.write(null, new IIOImage(bmp, null, null), param);
You always can save the Bitmap as .png and convert it to .tiff
Android hasn't support for tiff images. You should use some library for working with tiff. For example my: https://github.com/Beyka/Android-TiffBitmapFactory
Hello everyone,
If any one of you can help me this. I am using zxing to decode barCode image, but it returns com.google.zxing.NotFoundException, don't know why. The same image gets decoded via Intent provided to zxing, but not when I use it to decode from image file.
The code that I am using is below :
mMultiFormatReader = new MultiFormatReader();
BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(new RGBLuminanceSource(path)));
Result result = mMultiFormatReader.decodeWithState(bitmap);
I don't think it's exactly the same image, since you can't have it scan a file by Intent. I assume you mean that you can scan the image off your screen fine, but the image itself does not decode.
That's just life, really. Some images won't happen to decode. But you may try TRY_HARDER mode or use a different binarizer to see if that works.