there is this R.layout class in the standard library, but if I create my own files with xml editor in R.layout directory, they'll be all added to R-file and found from the R-file? This is a bit unclear to me how these go together.
All the factory android R references are stored in a different place than yours. For example, in your java code, you'll access to your references using this:
But the factory R references are accessed through:
Same goes for xml. Your drawables should be:
And the factory references:
So, to sum up, R items are stored independently
I have a desktop application that produces resource / data files for my android app. These are XML text files that store instances of my custom data class. These objects are serialized using the Simple XML Serialization library. In my android app, I'd like to instantiate objects from this XML serialization class.
I like to add these xml files to Android Studio so they are included in the APK on device install and are placed, for example, in the private app directory "files", to which getFilesDir() is mapped. I can't find a way to do that.
If I add these xml files to the Android XML resource folder, I need to use Android's XML resource parser, and can not use the Simple XML library.
Any tips? I feel I made a wrong design choice seeing how restrictive the resource bundling is.
Thanks, Kind regards,
As per CommonsWare's comment: the solution was adding it to the raw resource folder, then you can access it using:
InputStream xmlExerciseInputStream = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.myresource);
MyClass myClass =, xmlExerciseInputStream);
I created a 2nd activity in my application. Now I need to add com.example.avenger every time I need to do something like val dialogImageView = view.findViewById<View>( as ImageView
If R itself is being recognized, but not specific resources of yours, usually that means that you have an import for somebody else's R class. For example, you might have an import of R from a library, because you are also referring to some resources from that library.
In the end, only one can be used via the R shorthand and the import. If you are using Java, pick whichever R you are more likely to use and import that one, then fully-qualify references to the other. If you are using Kotlin, you can rename imports, so you could have one as R and one as RMaterial (if, for example, the R you are colliding with is from the Material Components for Android library).
I know in Proguard you are recommended to keep the fields names of the R inner classes like ID. Because ProGuard doesn't handle the layout xml files. You will end up with broken links
But is there away to obfuscate classes like R$id by some other means, even if it involves doing it before passing it to ProGuard, via Ant.
I am asking this because if you have a button with an id btnSaveArticle, for a hacker it becomes too easy to grasp what the code around is doing by looking at the name.
Could it be possible to copy all the source code, including the resource files to another folder and use ant to run regex to change the names of the R.ids as well as changing where they appear in the layout xml files, and then somehow running generate to re-create the R classes?
Or you could create translation class eg TR then map it to the fields in the R.class
TR.btnSaveArticle =;
Where DHTXM is some meaning less word that can be used in the layout XML. But in the code you always refer to TR.btnSaveArticle, which will be obfuscated by proguard.
Are there ways to achieve this or am I wasting my time?
Just use below ,add it to you Proguard config file
-keepclassmembers class **.R$* {
public static <fields>;}
I am asking this because if you have a button with an id btnSaveArticle, for a hacker it becomes too easy to grasp what the code around is doing by looking at the name.
Using Hierarchy View, it would take them less than 30 seconds to determine the actual ID of the "Save Article" button, no matter what you name it. And I can envision even faster solutions with a bit of custom tooling.
am I wasting my time?
IMHO, yes.
With the default configuration for Android, ProGuard removes R classes entirely, unless your code performs introspection on them. In the latter case, ProGuard also preserves the fields with their original names, in order not to break the introspection.
That being said, the resource names can also be retrieved from the resource XML files, which ProGuard leaves untouched.
It is possible through Ant, as it allows you to set a different gen and res folder.
So what you do is copy from the originals to those folders and then you edit the files using regex to update to the new names.
You will need a translation class (eg D) like this to map it to the fields in the R.class, so in your code you can work with non obfuscated names.
public final class D{
public static final class id{
D.btnSaveArticle = //DHTXM;
Then you also need to create a different src folder and copy from the original folder. There you run a task to edit the D class so it becomes
D.btnSaveArticle =;
I had to create a java program which is run through ant to swap the names to obfuscated names.
If you do something similar for strings, and styles your XML in the apk would end up looking like this:
style="#style/ZOVkuu.MGTRgZ" />
It is a little time consuming to setup, but once implemented it can be used for other projects.
I have been working on a simple android tutorial and while browsing through the project folders I found this file in gen folder...
When I opened it seemed to me as a mess...
first R itself is a class.
it had multiple Inner classes defined within eg drawable,id,layout,etc.
and that inner classes had lots of variables declared as below which were assigned with hex values
public static final int addr=0x7f080003;
and much more
R is auto generated and acts as some pointer for other files
Questions for
what it is basically for
how it works
values are in hex
what role did it performs while the actual application is running
"Acts as some pointer to other files" is actually absolutely correct, now the question is which files it points to how it is done.
What does it contain?
R file contains IDs for all the resources in the res folder of your project and also some additional IDs that you define on your own (in the layouts, for example). The IDs are needed for the Android resource management system to retrieve the files from the APK. Each ID is basically a number which corresponds to some resource in the resource management system.
The file itself is needed so you can access or reference the resource from code by giving the ID of the resource to the resource manager. Say, if you want to set the view in the activity, you call
main in the R file contains the number which is understood by the Android resource management system as the layout file which is called main.
Why is it better than just plain file names?
It's harder to make a mistake with the generated fields. If you write the field name incorrectly, your program won't compile and you will know that there's an error immediately. If you write an incorrect string, however, the application won't fail until it is launched.
If you want to read more on this topic, you should check the Android documentation, especially the Accessing Resources part.
This holds your resource ids. So when you do something like
TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
it looks up your id here for that View, layout, etc... This way the app has an easy way to look up your ids while you can use easy to remember names. Anytime you create a resource it automatically creates an id for it and stores it here. That's why you never want to try and edit this file yourself.
One way to think about how valuable is, imagine a world without it. Its amazing how android brings the xml and java world together to help avoid coding the UI manually completely. With legacy java building UI using the java language was a pain. Invaluable.
With Android you can not only build your UI using only xml, but also see it while you build it. Invaluable.
Every element in the xml can be referenced in the java code WITHOUT writing a single line of code to parse the xml :). Just Invaluable.
Rapid development is beautifully done in android. Imagine if iPhone would have 5000 screens to fit that one piece of code, they would crumble on their XCode. Google has done a wonderful job with just Invaluable.
Can I somehow alias a generated R file from a library and a generated R file from an application?
IE: I have two projects, one being a library. I reference the library in the application.
The library creates one R file, the application creates two: com.example.mapplication.R and the R from the referenced library, com.example.mlibrary.R. However, since I want to use both frequently in the application, I want to alias both the R classes. For example, call the library R something like libR and the app R something like appR.
I tried a couple of things which are of such stupidity, I won't even fully mention them, but I did some things like private com.example.mapplication.R appR = com.example.mapplication.R (immediately realising this wasn't gonna work), and private Class<com.example.mapplication.R> appRclass = com.example.mapplication.R.class;, but that didn't give me the desired effect. I do, however, use the latter method and some reflection to make it possible to be able to get the field and inner classes like this:
Class<com.example.mapplication.R> appRclass = com.example.mapplication.R.class;
int activity_main_layoutid = Toolkit.getFromClass(appR).
I haven't fully implemented the Toolkit method, but as we all know refletion can do this kind of stuff, but at the end of the day it's just as much work as just typing com.example.mapplication.R or com.example.mlibrary.R everywhere.
So to wrap thing up: Is it possible to alias multiple R's so that I can use appR and libR to distinguish the two?
I wish we could, but according to what I know, it isn't possible, at least not yet.
I also wish we could put resources in sub folders, but even this is impossible.
What you can do is setting a unique prefix (rename each resource file) for each library, as it's done by some third party libraries (like actionBarSherlock, which uses "abs" as the prefix).
Alternatively, you can have a special trick and put the files in the src folder and reach them from there, but that's more of a workaround, since the R won't have a reference to any of the resources there.
For example, you can put an image called image.png into the src/com/company/app_name, and then create a bitmap from it using:
final InputStream fis = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/com/company/app_name/image.png");
final Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis);
By the way, if you've thought of using the assets folder, you can't do it for library projects, since it requires you to have the files in the project that uses the library project. It will work, but it misses the encapsulation idea...