I would like to be able to append action bar items from my fragments.
For example in Landscape mode I have a list of items, and if clicked a page of information about that item appears.
The list can be changed by clicking the dropdown in the action bar to select a category of list.
Once a list item is clicked the details fragment is populated. I then want 3 tabs to be appended into the action bar so that the user can select which page of details is shown for that item, namely: "Details (default)";"Map"; and "Features".
In my fragment I can set setHasOptionsMenu(true) and then add the new tabs using the onCreateOptionsMenu call. This however deletes my dropdown which i still want displayed.
How does one simply append ActionBar Items..?
I just call the fragment's onCreateOptionsMenu from my activity's onCreateOptionsMenu. You can add an if statement to decide to call the fragment's version or default call the fragment's onCreateOptionsMenu and put the if statement there to decide what to add. then, whenever it needs to change, just call invalidateOptionsMenu.
You will probably have to remove the setHasOptionsMenu call.
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu m)
// insert activity options
if (needFragmentOptions) {
return true;
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu m)
// insert fragment options
return true;
I am having Viewpager with 3 fragments. I want to show menu in only one of the fragments.
1st, I don't know why toolbar.inflateMenu doesn't work.
2nd, the menu works, if I have onPrepareOptionsMenu method and do
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.add_user, menu); but the menu is displayed in all the fragments.
So, according to other questions in stack overflow, I implemented the below code, but it doesn't show the menu, it enters the method but menu is not shown.
override fun onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu: Menu?): Boolean {
//getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.add_user, menu);
val menuItem = menu?.findItem(R.id.addUserMenu)
menuItem?.setVisible(tabs_viewpager.currentItem == 1)
return true
The control comes to this method and shows currentItem. But it doesn't display the menu. Menu is there with id. Can someone direct me what can I correct to get this work?
try calling setHasOptionsMenu(true); in oncreate() of the fragments where you want the menu to show (you can set it to false in the fragments where you do not want the menu to show).
also include:
public void onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// your code
in the fragments where you want to set/change the menu. this is called everytime before the menu is shown.
you can also call invalidateOptionsMenu() or supportInvalidateOptionsMenu() (if you're using the support library) to force onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu) to be called.
you may want to check out this menus tutorial
good luck
I have a Toolbar being used as an ActionBar with two items. I only want to ever display one at a time as they kind of replace each other. The problem is that when i replace a Fragment, it call onCreateOptionsMenu and will inflate the menu again, meaning that the same action button will be shown, even if the other one was previously in the ActionBar. I have to need to change anything in the ActionBar from my Fragments or when a new Fragment is displayed(with FragmentManager.FragmentTransaction.replace()). So my question is how do I not call onCreateOptionsMenu when a new fragment is displayed?
I can't use a boolean because I will still need it to reinflate on orientation change. And any advice on how to handle orentation change for my situation?
I can post code, but it seems more conceptual and I'm not sure that it would help.
I solved the problem by instead of not calling onCreateOptionsMenu, I added the items to my menu manually.
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
boolean refreshVisible;
if (refreshItem != null && refreshItem.isVisible()){//is being displayed prior to inflation
refreshVisible = true;
}else if (refreshItem == null){//it's null so the menu has never been created
refreshVisible = true;
}else {//it's not null and invisibe, other icon was being displayed
refreshVisible = false;
menu.clear();//clear menu so there are no duplicate or overlapping icons
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main, menu);//inflate menu
refreshItem = menu.findItem(R.id.refresh);
useDataItem = menu.findItem(R.id.use_data);
refreshItem.setVisible(refreshVisible);//if menu is being created for first time or item was previously visible, then display this item
useDataItem.setVisible(!refreshVisible);//display this item if not displaying other
return true;
I would fiddle with the onPrepareOptionsMenu hook. If you can detect that your menu should not be shown you should jest return false from there. Per documentation:
Prepare the Screen's standard options menu to be displayed. This is called right before the menu is shown, every time it is shown. You can use this method to efficiently enable/disable items or otherwise dynamically modify the contents.
You must return true for the menu to be displayed; if you return false it will not be shown.
You can call setHasOptionsMenu(false); inside your fragment.
This will prevent onCreateOptionsMenu() from being called when that fragment added.
I get the menu item and then i try to set the visibility but the menu item is always shown. Can anyone see where I am making a mistake?
The menu item is not null and thus is allocated so thats not it.
MenuItem done = menu.findItem(R.id.action_done);
//animate the list view
if (isListEditing) {
isListEditing = false;
} else {
isListEditing = true;
I get the menu reference here:
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu_test_results, menu);
this.menu = menu;
return true;
I was under the impression that you had to invalidate the options menu after you made an edit. But that is what was cause the edits to not go through.
According to the docs, what invalidateOptionsMenu() does is:
Declare that the options menu has changed, so should be recreated. The onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) method will be called the next time it needs to be displayed.
That means onCreateOptionsMenu will get called again, inflating your original menu layout, and thus discarding your previous changes to the menu items visibility.
The recommended approach to modify the menu content dynamically is to use onPrepareOptionsMenu. So whenever you need to update menu items, you can call invalidateOptionsMenu(), and then inside onPrepareOptionsMenu, you set the menu items visibility.
There is no need for
Take that off and it should work fine.
I want to change one of my Action Bar Menu Tab Labels depending on the state of a variable in my code. I found the following that describes how to use onPrepareMenuOptions() for this purpose, but my problem is that onPrepareMenuOptions() is being called after I change the variable that controls the label state.
How can I alter a MenuItem on the Options Menu on Android?
As specific as I can be, I have a dialogFragment that's brought up when the user selects the relevant Action Bar item. The dialog allows the user to change a parameter, and depending on value selected, I want to change the AB item label (but not the code associated with either the AB item or the dialogFragment it starts up.
Is there something I should be doing (perhaps in the dialog's onDismiss() method) to force my application to call onPrepareMenuOptions()??
In response to Nate's request, my activity has the following code:
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu (Menu menu)
getMenuInflater().inflate (R.menu.app_menu, menu);
this.abMenu = menu;
this.varTab = abMenu.findItem (R.id.menu_varTab);
// Need to be able to change this label
return super.onCreateOptionsMenu (menu);
public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu (Menu menu)
varTab.setTitle (0 == importantVariable
? ("Set Var")
: ("Set Var\n" + String.valueOf (importantVariable)) + " units");
return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu (menu);
Following good advice, I added act.invalidateOptionsMenu() to the onDismiss() method of the dialogFragment associated with this menu item, and now the onPrepareOptionsMenu() is called when it should.
On Android 2.3.x and lower, the system calls onPrepareOptionsMenu() each time the user opens the options menu (presses the Menu button).
On Android 3.0 and higher, the options menu is considered to always be open when menu items are presented in the action bar. When an event occurs and you want to perform a menu update, you must call invalidateOptionsMenu() to request that the system call onPrepareOptionsMenu().
I believe - if you are using tabs in your action bar, that something like this should work:
bar.getTabAt(0).setText("Some new Sequence");
Do you know how to rename existing menu ?
I can rename when press menu item. But I don't know how to access to menu item when press the button.
Please advice.
It would be good if you can clarify the question a little, but each time the user presses the Menu on their Android device while inside one of your activities, the onPrepareOptionsMenu method is called. The first time the menu is shown (i.e. only once), the onCreateOptionsMenu method is called.
Basically, the onPrepareOptionsMenu method is where you should make any changes such as enabling/disabling certain menu items, or changing the menu item text depending on the circumstances.
As an example:
public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Check current message count
boolean haveMessages = mMessageCount != 0;
// Set 'delete' menu item state depending on count
MenuItem deleteItem = menu.findItem(R.id.menu_delete);
deleteItem.setTitle(haveMessages ? R.string.delete : R.string.no_messages);
return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);
Use MenuItem.setTitle(). If this isn't what you needed, you have to be more specific.
The onPrepareOptionsMenu is the proper place to make changes to menuitems.