So I am editing a go launcher template theme and i saw there were some parts i wanted to change that wasn't included in the template. For example the little icons on top of the apps when you want to delete (kill.png kill_light.png etc.) I added this code
<AppIcon text_color="#FFFFFFFF" text_bg_color="#ff3f3f3f" delete_app="kill"
delete_app_highlight="kill_light" new_app_icon="new_install_app"
update_icon="appfunc_app_update" locker_icon="promanage_lock_icon"
close_app_icon="promanage_close_normal" close_app_light="promanage_close_light"/>
With png's with the right names in the drawable hdpi folder but they don't show up when I test it out. Am I missing something? I was able change the media management icons in the app drawer by adding this
<SwitchButtonBean button_galleryicon="appfunc_mediamanagement_switch _button_gallery"
button_gallerylighticon="appfunc_mediamanagement_s witch_button_gallery_light"
button_musicicon="appfunc_mediamanagement_switch_b utton_music"
button_musiclighticon="appfunc_mediamanagement_swi tch_button_music_light"
button_videoicon="appfunc_mediamanagement_switch_b utton_video"
button_videolighticon="appfunc_mediamanagement_swi tch_button_video_light"
button_appicon="appfunc_mediamanagement_switch_but ton_app"
button_appiconlight="appfunc_mediamanagement_switc h_button_app_light"/>
But it didn't work for the other part (the smaller versions of those same icons in the media management menu).
What am I missing?
I am new to xamarin and android dev. I have created my own app icon. On device install, the icon gets underlaid by a white circle and my icon gets smaller. I use romannurik homepage, here is a screenshot from my homescreen:
I want my icon to be like the icons marked in green. My icon gets like the ones marked in red.
My question is: how can i create an icon like the ones marked in green
SushiHangover is correct, but the better way to do it is to use adaptive icons. The easiest way to deal with Android icons is to download Android Studio. Once that is done, then create a new project. It doesn't matter what the project is.
After it loads and Gradle does it's initial build, in the left hand menu then right click on "res" and select New -> Image Asset. This will launch a new window.
At the top specify the "Icon Type" as "Launcher Icons (Adaptive and Legacy). Then specify a foreground layer and a background layer and hit next. Android studio will generate all the various icons you need for every version of android.
Last step is to transfer all the mipmap folders into your xamarin project and get them added through visual studio.
You should still specify the RoundIcon like SushiHangover mentioned, but if the app is installed on Android 8.0 or greater it will us the adaptive icon to match the look and feel of whatever phone it is installed on.
You are looking for "Round Launcher Icons" available in Android 7.1 and above.
1) You will need to create the various icons and place them in your mipmap-XXXX resource folders
2) Then you need to assign the RoundIcon property either directly in the manifest or via the ActivityAttribute:
[Activity(Label = "Scoreboard",
Icon = "#mipmap/ic_launcher",
Theme = "#style/SplashTheme",
MainLauncher = true)]
public class SplashActivity : AppCompatActivity
See the blog post for the details:
Blog post:
I would like to add a delete icon (trashcan) in my actionbar. Is it a default icon can that an app can use or should the icon be a drawable in the app itself?
You can use #android:drawable/ic_menu_delete in your menu XML. This will show the default delete icon across different versions of Android (meaning it will be different on different OS versions). If you want it to be consistent across all versions, you can also download icons from and include them in your project drawables folder.
I would very much recommend this icon pack from Google:
It includes their set of Material design icons.
Navigable here:
This repository is extremely useful, with many Google / Custom icons:
I am integrating ActionBarSherlock in my app and I want to have some menus with some items and its respective icons.
I have looked into samples and documentation, and everything seems to be clear, but when I Inflate the menu, I can see just the text because there are no icons related to each item yet.
I would like to use the icons you see when creating an android project:
But I can't find it, and I don't want to use direct reference to android.R.drawable in order to use those clipart icons, because I have read it is recommended to have the files in drawable folders.
where xx is your target platform and yyyy is mdpi, hdpi, etc.
Copy the icons you want into the appropriate resource folder in your project.
I generally use Android Asset Studio to create icons for my apps. It has all the standard clipart, and can generate the proper files for all other icons as well. site has Action Bar Icon Pack
You can use system icons by using "#android:" prefix. The icon is not copied to drawable folders, so the application size is smaller"
Example: android:icon="#android:drawable/ic_menu_preferences"
List of icons at /platforms/android-/data/res/drawable-hdpi
Note 1: If you want to copy the icons to drawable files you can also do it in eclipse by using file /new/other/Anddoid icon set/clipart button/choose button.
Note 2: the icon set could change among platforms. That is why people are suggesting to copy resources. If the applicacion is just at development state you could just link the platform icons
Are there open source versions of the standard Options, Home, Back, and Search icons that appear on every phone?
Check out this page, it offers a convenient way to browse the built-in drawables, most of which you can use just by referencing them in your layout.
See for example, the item ic_menu_home. You can probably use it in a layout like so
Although, as the author of the page mentions, you sometimes have to copy items from the SDK resources folder if the above method throws an error.
Note also that while this method isn't guaranteed to match the icon you see, it will match what the user will see for that logical name. For example, I used this technique to add the "Preferences" icon to an options menu, and the emulator had a different icon than what was shown there. When you want a "standard" icon, this is good, although if you really wanted an exact image you could copy it into your app's res folder.
On my Samsung Galaxy, application icons displayed on my Home Screen often don't match those displayed on the Applications Menu.
Firstly, I want to know if this is peculiar to Samsung/Galaxy (or some subset of Android phones), or if this is across the platform? Secondly, I'd like to know how to set this up in my Android project.
To illustrate what I'm asking, please refer to the following image:
Icons 1 and 2 are typical of a lot of third-party apps: on the Home Screen the icon transparency is honoured, but on the Applications Menu the icon is over-layed onto a button graphic. On my phone the latter is more-often-than-not a dirty-green, radial pattern.
Some apps have over-ridden this behaviour, however: icons 3 and 4 show that MapQuest has been able to specify a different base colour for the button (same radial pattern, though); and icons 5 and 6 show what appears to be a complete replacement of the button image or Application Menu icon.
Can anyone explain what I need to do to specify both forms of the icon in my project?
Thanks, in advance.
That particular effect is part of the Samsung Homescreen UI. It does something similar on the Galaxy Tablets.
icons 3 and 4 show that MapQuest has been able to specify a different base colour for the button
I don't think that they specified that I imagine that it is either luck of the draw(on Galaxy Tab there are many colors blue,green, orange, pinkish, etc...they don't appear to have any sort of pattern for which icons get which color), or it can tell that their icon is green also, and because of that it changes colors so that you don't end up with a green icon on top of a green backdrop.
and icons 5 and 6 show what appears to be a complete replacement of the button image or Application Menu icon.
I don't think they had control over that. I think it is just another one of the possible backdrops that the system uses.
Can anyone explain what I need to do to specify both forms of the icon in my project?
As far as I know you can't the backdrops are up to the 3rd part home/launcher replacement app. In this case Samsung's (but there are other home and launcher replacements on the market that could also use an effect like this if they wanted.)
Thanks, Tim - further playing around has revealed more...
As a result of refactoring my package names, I ended up with two copies of my app (with identical icons) on my Applications Menu.
As Tim suggested might happen, the second icon has a different, apparently randomly allocated, background. It would appear that the button colour is unrelated to any colour in my icon, however, as the same icon got allocated a different background.