button on dialog that exceeds dialog border - android

Is there a way to draw a dialog with a button that looks like it exceeds the dialog's border. e.g. a Close button (X) that is half on the dialog and half way out of it. I have tried to keep an area on the dialog transparent to create the effect but the dialog still shows its border line. Is there a nice way to do it?


Highlight circle on dialog?

I have an activity where I am populating a dialog, In my dialog I have to create a transparent circle which highlight the background text. My problem is when dialog appears it makes the whole background as dim black , so my transparent circle also show with dim background. I am unable to highlight the circle without dim black background. Please suggest.

Blurring A Dialog in Android

I looked through forums and SO and find many examples on how to display a dialog with a blurred and dim background which I put in place in my app. The issue I have now is when I want to display a second dialog on top of the previous one but still keeping both on the screen. The effect I would like is to dim and blur the background a second time when the second pop-up shows up. But what it does at the moment is blurring the activity again and not blurring the dialog that is still showing in the background.
So my question would be, is it possible to blur a dialog, when opening another dialog? If yes how could I do this? (Make sure you read the question well... I know how to blur the activity, the question is how to blur the dialog already shown on screen when I open a new dialog on top of it....)
Thanks very much
you can create fullscreen dialog with custom layout which consist from
real dialog content and blurred transparent part outside which would blur and overlay all background views.

how to make Alert Dialog with transparent background color orange.Please look at the image

This image is of alert box covering full screen with transparent orange background
you'd have to create it yourself. alerts can't be style.
Just make a div that displays when it's needed to, and disapears when they click yes/no...

Not able to change alert dialog background

Ok I am going crazy over this. I am trying to change alert dialog background color from the default grey to white. I am unable to do so. I am using alert dialog with list
I have extended the parent theme.dialog style and I have tried so many combinations of attributes but I keep getting the white background not only for the list but beyond the dialf boundries (as if the width is fill parent)
When i set the color to transparent then the dialog appears nicely with the list in grey. It seems that the dialog window is transparent and it is fill parent but the list is the one with thegrey colorand thats probably why we dont see the full dialog
How can I fix this??

Android: create a dialog with transparent background, no border and shade

I want to create a dialog with transparent BG and no border.
For this I use android.R.style.Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar.
But in the dialog I have UI componenets - imageview and edittext.
I want these to create a shade over the activity page. Like the regular dialog is doing.
Any ideas how?
I think that you'll create a custom dialog, this link shows you how to do this http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/dialogs.html

