I want to integrate fusionchart in android native application (not phonegap).I have write code for it as below
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
WebView webview =(WebView) findViewById(R.id.web);
String summary =
"<head> "+
" <title>My First chart using FusionCharts XT - Using JavaScript</title> "+
"<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js\"></script>"+
"</head> "+
" <div id=\"chartContainer\">FusionCharts XT will load here!</div>"+
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"+
" var myChart = new FusionCharts( \"FusionCharts/Column3D.swf\",\"myChartId\", \"400\",\"300\", \"0\", \"1\" );"+
webview.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, summary, "text/html", "utf8", null);
please anybody tell me what is problem. I dont know how to give exact FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js path and no idea about Column3D.swf file.
Where can i get those files.
even this html code not working in my pc browser.
and I want to make bar chart in android application using only fusionchart !!!
You would need to download the FusionCharts XT Download Package in order to receive the necessary JavaScript and SWF files, provided in the "Charts" folder of the Download Package, that would let you render FusionCharts. You may download the evaluation package from here.
Also, please check here for the detailed process to create your first chart on the browser.
FusionCharts is expected to work perfectly on the native Android apps, provided all the other criteria mentioned here to render the JavaScript charts (Android 3.0 and above) and Flash charts are fulfilled.
FusionCharts does not have any native API to render the charts in Android apps. Hence, you would need to use some 3rd party mobile development framework like, PhoneGap, UIWebView, etc. and the API controls they provide, to achieve the same.
There is no sample for rendering FusionCharts in native Android apps, however, there is a similar implementation for iOS apps using UIWebView Control, which can be referred to with the help of this Blog post.
[NOTE: This is purely as a reference and is not directly an Android implementation.]
You can procure the SWF and JS files from FusionCharts XT pack. Trial download is available from http://www.fusioncharts.com/downloads. You will get these files from Download Pack > Charts folder.
Generally, you need to put these files in the /assets folder. These files get packed with the apk. You can access the files using the path - /assets/....
Reference: Load file from resource
Please remember that in case you are targeting Android v3+, you do not need to render Flash charts. Thus, you do not need to copy these SWF files. FusionCharts offers JavaScript (no Flash) charts, and your implementation gets simpler as detailed in the steps below:
Copy FusionCharts.js, FusionCharts.HC.js, FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js and jquery.min.js to required folder.
However, include only FusionCharts.js in your HTML code. The other JavaScript files will be loaded automatically.
Instead of passing the name of the SWF file, pass the JavaScript alias of the chart. Required modification in your code:
var myChart = new FusionCharts( \"Column3D\",\"myChartId\...
Column3D is the alias of the chart you are trying to render. No need to prefix it with a path.
DO NOT load XML using setXMLUrl. FusionCharts uses ajax to load the XML data. Local Ajax is not supported (due to the security restrictions) in most of the browsers and it may fail. Instead, load the XML using Android's resource loading mechanism (Load file from resource) and pass the data as String to the chart using setXMLData method.
MORE: A more synced way is to implement this is to wrap the chart rendering JavaScript code inside FusionCharts's ready Event Listener as shown below:
<script type=\"text/javascript\">"+
" FusionCharts.addEventListener(\"ready\", function () { \n"+
" var myChart = new FusionCharts( \"FusionCharts/Column3D.swf\",\"myChartId\", \"400\",\"300\", \"0\", \"1\" );"+
" myChart.setXMLUrl(\"Data.xml\");"+
" myChart.render(\"chartContainer\");"+
I am loading an html page from a web server into a Xamarin Forms WebView. This html page contains links to a PDF file.
In iOS, when the user clicks the link, the PDF file is downloaded and opened.
In Android, when the user clicks the link, nothing happens. Note that several PDF-Viewers are installed on the Android device.
Is there any configuration necessary for make this work in Android:
Here is the code:
if (dict.ContainsKey("url")){
string url = dict["url"];
if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(url, UriKind.Absolute)){
NotifWebView.Source = url;
} else {
var htmlSource = new HtmlWebViewSource();
htmlSource.Html = #"<html><body><h1>Fehler!</h1><p>Ungültige oder keine URL oder ungültiges HTML.</p></body></html>";
NotifWebView.Source = htmlSource;
Thanks for your help!
You can use
The WebView control can display PDF files on the iOS platform, but not on the Android and Windows Phone platforms due to lack of platform support.You need to create a custom renderer to acheve it in android platform.The process for doing this is as follows:
Create a Xamarin.Forms custom control
Consume the custom control from Xamarin.Forms.
Create the custom renderer for the control on each platform.
If you're willing to spend some money, it looks like Syncfusion has a solution for viewing and editing PDF files.
I am trying to display image,docs from base64-string for Android and IOS. I am using inapp browser plugin to display image and doc files in app.
For IOS i am able to display images using below code.But facing issue with Android and Blackberry.
window.open(urlData, "_blank", "location=no,enableviewportscale=yes");
I am passing urlData parameter as base-64 string. Android and Blackberry nothing is displaying. After searching i found this post.
Alternative: just store that whole data string in your database. Then when you render your tag you can simply dump it into the src
attribute:>" />
After inserting above code i am able to display image but how to close the image ? How to open image in popup ? So user can close the image.
First, window.open probably isn't working because all URLs have to be granted access specifically, for security. You can try to bypass it with this in your config.xml -- I don't know if it will work for data: URLs.
<access origin="*" subdomains="true"/>
<preference name="WebSecurity" value="disable"/>
If this doesn't work, how to show an image in a pop-up comes down to the design of your app. If you're using something like Ionic Framework, Bootstrap, jQueryUI, or Ratchet, they each have components for Modals or Dialogs you could potentially use. If you're not using a UI framework, you'll have to design your own pop-up div to contain the image tag, that is hidden again when you tap or dismiss it. Finding information on Google about how to do this is not very hard.
Good luck!
I am able to solve this issue in BlackBerry using below steps.
1)Remove webWorks.js from index.html
2)Replace below script inside index.html
<script src="worklight/cordova.js"></script> to <script src="../../cordova.js"></script>
3) Add below code inside js file. Need to pass urlData as Base64 string and filename.
requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 7 * 1024 * 1024, function (fs) {
var ft = new FileTransfer(),
localPath = fs.root.toURL() + fileName;
ft.download(urlData, localPath, function (entry) {
entry.file(function (file) { console.log(file.size); });
window.open(localPath, "_blank", "location=yes,closebuttoncaption=Close,enableViewportScale=yes");
}, function (e) { console.log('download error'); console.log(e); });
I am using XE7 Rad Studio to build "apps" for Android and IPhone. Focusing on Android for the moment.
According to the requirements, I need to load the HTML inside the application as a resource string.
//Loads the resource-string successfully.
However in this resource-string I need to load images, and I cant figure out how to do it. I can see in deployment that I have the images loaded into the project {Bitmap_1, Bitmap_2,Bitmap_3}.
How do I complete this line:
...'<img id="img2" class="thumbnail" src="/images/im2.bmp" alt="/images/im2.bmp"/>'...
Many thanks.
If you read the documentation for LoadFromStrings(), it says:
Displays HTML string content within the TWebBrowser component.
This method uses the following parameters:
Content: specifies the HTML string to be displayed.
BaseUrl: specifies a path that is used to resolve relative URLs within the loaded page. To clarify, consider the following scenario: this parameter is set to www.mycompany.com/departments/, and the loaded page defines a link <a href=’Sales.html’>Sales dept</a>. In the given case, clicking this link opens http:// www.mycompany.com/departments/Sales.html.
That is the exact scenario you are running into. Your HTML contains relative links to external images, but you are not providing a BaseURL, so the WebBrowser cannot resolve the correct URLs it needs to load those images.
In the Deployment Manager, set the Remote Path of your image files to either StartUp/Documents/images/ or StartUp/Library/Application Support/images/.
At app startup, Delphi will copy files beginning with StartUp to the appropriate folder on the device. Then you can do the following when calling LoadFromStrings():
// note sure which function to use for 'StartUp/Library/Application Support/',
// maybe TPath.GetLibraryPath()? This example is for '/StartUp/Documents/'...
WebBrowser1.LoadFromStrings(ResourceStrings.HTMLString, 'file://' + TPath.GetDocumentsPath);
That will allow "/images/im2.bmp" to resolve to something like file:///data/data/<application ID>/files/images/im2.bmp", etc.
How can I embed a PDF viewer for a phonegap application? I have decided to use PhoneGap + Sencha Touch to develop an application for iOS and Android.
I only have iOS phonegap experience. The solution that has worked for me is to make a plugin that pops up a native webview that uses iOS native pdf viewer. The way to get this to work is to follow the instructions on this website.
This link modifies an existing plugin, "Child browser" to use the native webview display pdf's. The original chilbrowser plugin can be found here.
To give you more of an idea of what it will be like, here is my particular javascript call that I put into my sencha application.
PhoneGap.exec("ChildBrowserCommand.showFilePage", GlobalVar.localRoot + "/" + record.get("FilePath"));
This is inside the handler for the buttonTap inside the sencha, pressing the button will then call the objective C method "showFilePage". The parameter is the filepath that the plugin will use.
Here is the Objective C part (again, you should follow the links for full instructions)
- (void) showFilePage:(NSMutableArray*)arguments withDict:(NSMutableDictionary*)options // args: url
NSLog(#"showFilePage entered: ");
if(childBrowser == NULL)
childBrowser = [[ ChildBrowserViewController alloc ] initWithScale:FALSE ];
childBrowser.delegate = self;
PhoneGapViewController* cont = (PhoneGapViewController*)[ super appViewController ];
childBrowser.supportedOrientations = cont.supportedOrientations;
[ cont presentModalViewController:childBrowser animated:YES ];
NSString *path = (NSString*) [arguments objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(#"Our argument 0 is: %#",[arguments objectAtIndex:0]);
NSLog(#"The url is: %#",path);
[childBrowser loadFileURL:path];
There's not much documentation for mixing PhoneGap and ObjC, but here is some example code that lets you embed PhoneGap with an ObjectiveC-Application. For the PDF viewer, you can either use basic ones like Apple's QuickLook or UIWebView, or more advanced ones like PSPDFKit.
For Android, you could simply search for an Intent that is capable of displaying pdf (like Adobe's official Reader for Android) or integrate a full PDF viewer yourself. There's an open source project for that, but it looks not quite complete. Or check out apv, or droidreader, which is GPLv3.
Hi just use HTML5 object tag, you can add,swf, pdf etc..
I am writing an app for which I need to embed HTML object in the Android app, I followed the tutorial given here: http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/android/android-sdk-embed-a-webview-with-the-webkit-engine/ and modified the code accordingly, following is the code, but I am getting a white screen...
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
WebView engine = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.web_engine);
String data = "<html>" +
"<body>" +
"<object width=\"450\" height=\"300\" align=\"middle\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.raaga.com/widgets/top10/widgettopten.swf?l=H&q=1\" /><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"><embed src=\"http://www.raaga.com/widgets/top10/widgettopten.swf?l=H&q=1\" width=\"450\" height=\"300\" align=\"middle\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" FlashVars=\"gig_lt=1312323434023&gig_pt=1312325057958&gig_g=2\"/> <param name=\"FlashVars\" value=\"gig_lt=1312323434023&gig_pt=1312325057958&gig_g=2\" /></object>"+
"</body>" +
engine.loadData(data, "text/html", "UTF-8");
The object that I want to embed is:
<object width="450" height="300" align="middle"><param name="movie" value="http://www.raaga.com/widgets/top10/widgettopten.swf?l=H&q=1" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><embed src="http://www.raaga.com/widgets/top10/widgettopten.swf?l=H&q=1" width="450" height="300" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" FlashVars="gig_lt=1312323434023&gig_pt=1312326303531&gig_g=2"/> <param name="FlashVars" value="gig_lt=1312323434023&gig_pt=1312326303531&gig_g=2" /></object>
Put the file in the /assets directory, you can access it with the file:///android_asset/ directory.
Instead of putting the html in code the assets folder is where you can put static data files such as HTML and its related CSS, images, and JavaScript files, etc. Then you can use WebView.loadUrl(). This has the advantage of not having to be in code with Java String escapes and cumbersome editing. You will be able to create the file(s) separately, in your favorite web project editor, then copy and paste them. If you need to edit the file at runtime you can still load the file from the assets directory and still not have to worry about Java String escapes and cumbersome editing. Then apply the edits and pass to WebView.loadData().
To help debug this problem implement WebChromeClient.onLoadResource and check out the console message tutorial.
Don't forget to use PackageManager.getPackageInfo() to check if flash is available. If its not you can give the user the option to download it from the market.
Android has no official Flash viewer, so it doesn't know what to do with an embedded SWF.
If you put other (visible) HTML in your code, you should be able to see it in the view.
If you try to access your SWF through the webbrowser, you should get a broken/missing plugin icon.
Embedding HTML files is very simple, and loading it into WebView is even simpler. Here:
Create your HTML file, and put it in your project's assets file. in my case: "proj/assets/license.html"
WebView w = new WebView(this);
// Load the asset file by URL. Note the 3 slashes "file:///".
That's it.
Did you declare the Internet permission in your Android manifest? In order to access the SWF which is on a remote server you will need that.
You need to enable plugins in your webview: