I am creating a button class that will display a blue circle if it is not being pressed and a red circle if it is being pressed. I start by building a 4 vertex quad composed of two triangles. I generate my own bitmap and draw two circles on the bitmap next to each other, left to right. I then create a texture buffer with instead 4 uv points, I create it with 8, one that maps out the blue circle, one that maps out the red circle. I would then like to render the red circle when the button is pressed. Ideally I would like to call the
method and pass in an offset, but that is not working. Here is my method that I used to generate the bitmap, draw on the bitmap using the canvas and paint objects and then attempt to map the textures. Note that I have to generate a texture that is a power of 2 so there is some math in there that allows me to generate a bigger bitmap than I need based of the width and height variables of the button that were specified in the constructor.
public void InitializeButton(GL10 gl, int upcolor, int downcolor, String symbol)
//Our variables for creating a bitmap and texture
Canvas canvas = null;
Bitmap bitmap = null;
Paint paint = null;
//Set up the bitmap type
Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
* We now want to calculate the size of the texture. Remember it is best to be a square
* texture or at least a power of 2. The below equation below will do this. For example
* if the width of the button was say 20, we need to find the smallest power of 2 that is
* greater than 20. In this case we know it is 32. But how do we calculate that? First we
* have to find out the exponent of what 2^x = 20. Then we find the ceiling of tha number.
* In order to make that calculation we have to take the log of that, but in order to use
* the log function which is base 10, we have to switch to base 2 so that means
* we have to take the log(width)/log(2) to switch to base 2, then get the ceiling of that
* number because it would be between 4 and 5 in this case. When we take the ceiling we get
* 5 and 2^5 is 32.
* Side note, we want to double the size to make sure there is room for the up and the down
* actions.
widthTexture = (int) Math.pow(2,Math.ceil((Math.log(this.width*2)/Math.log(2))));
heightTexture = (int) Math.pow(2,Math.ceil((Math.log(this.height*2)/Math.log(2))));
* Now we will create the bitmap for the creation of the button
bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(widthTexture,heightTexture,conf);
//Now create a new canvas from that bitmap
canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
//Create a new Paint
paint = new Paint();
* Now we want to render the draw the up and down button on the texture. We are just going
* to use two different colors to represent up and down. So we will draw the up circle button
* starting at 0 0 and the down button off to the right.
canvas.drawOval(new RectF(0,0,width,height), paint);
canvas.drawText(symbol, width/2, height/2, paint);
canvas.drawText(symbol, width/2+3, height/2+3, paint);
//Draw the down color button
canvas.drawOval(new RectF(width,0,width*2,height), paint);
canvas.drawText(symbol, width+(width/2), height/2, paint);
canvas.drawText(symbol, width+(width/2)+3, height/2+3, paint);
float widthpercent = ((float)width/(float)widthTexture);
float heightpercent = ((float)height/(float)heightTexture);
* Now create two texture maps. One for the up button and one for the down button
* You can change the offset of the draw texture thing to change the animations now
float uvTextures[] = {0f, heightpercent,
widthpercent, heightpercent,
widthpercent, 0f,
0f, 0f,
widthpercent, heightpercent,
widthpercent*2, heightpercent,
widthpercent*2, 0f,
widthpercent, 0f,
* Allocate the byte buffer so it is a normal array of floats and not a java array.
* load the uvTexture values inside.
ByteBuffer tbb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(uvTextures.length*4);
textureBuffer = tbb.asFloatBuffer();
int [] textures = new int[1];
gl.glGenTextures(1, textures,0);
gl.glBindTexture(GL10.GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[0]);
textureID = textures[0];
//Don't forget to deallocate the bitmap
So eventually in the render method, I want to be able to render different coordinates on the texture map to the same vertices. So I call glTexCoordPointer and change the offset to "counter" where counter should have been 6*4 (6 vertices times 4 bytes per float) but that doesn't work, so I tried counter at 0 and incremented it and never found the magical number that will map the red button. On a side note, when I tried that, I would get very weird patterns drawn, sometimes showing 10 to 15 mini blue and red circles.
#Harism was correct for my situation. I hope I am still using this correctly. I was thinking the stride variable could be changed, but I had to change the position of the buffer. This worked for animating textures on 3D surfaces. I don't know if this is the "best" way to do it, but until then I'll be using this.
I want to create a rounded graph that will display a range of values from my app. The values can be classified to 3 categories: low, mid, high - that are represented by 3 colors: blue, green and red (respectively).
Above this range, I want to show the actually measured values - in a form of a "thumb" over the relevant range part:
The location of the white thumb over the range arc may change, according to the measured values.
Currently, I'm able to draw the 3-colored range by drawing 3 arcs over the same center, inside the view's onDraw method:
width = (float) getWidth();
height = (float) getHeight();
float radius;
if (width > height) {
radius = height / 3;
} else {
radius = width / 3;
center_x = width / 2;
center_y = height / 1.6f;
left = center_x - radius;
float top = center_y - radius;
right = center_x + radius;
float bottom = center_y + radius;
oval.set(left, top, right, bottom);
//blue arc
canvas.drawArc(oval, 135, 55, false, paint);
//red arc
canvas.drawArc(oval, 350, 55, false, paint);
//green arc
canvas.drawArc(oval, 190, 160, false, paint);
And this is the result arc:
My question is, how do I:
Create a smooth gradient between those 3 colors (I tried using
SweepGradient but it didn't give me the correct result).
Create the overlay white thumb as shown in the picture, so that I'll be able to control where to display it.
Animate this white thumb over my range arc.
Note: the 3-colored range is static - so another solution can be to just take the drawable and paint the white thumb over it (and animate it), so I'm open to hear such a solution as well :)
I would use masks for your first two problems.
1. Create a smooth gradient
The very first step would be drawing two rectangles with a linear gradient. The first
rectangle contains the colors blue and green while the second rectangle contains green
and red as seen in the following picture. I marked the line where both rectangles touch each other
black to clarify that they are infact two different rectangles.
This can be achieved using the following code (excerpt):
// Both color gradients
private Shader shader1 = new LinearGradient(0, 400, 0, 500, Color.rgb(59, 242, 174), Color.rgb(101, 172, 242), Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);
private Shader shader2 = new LinearGradient(0, 400, 0, 500, Color.rgb(59, 242, 174), Color.rgb(255, 31, 101), Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);
private Paint paint = new Paint();
// ...
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
float width = 800;
float height = 800;
float radius = width / 3;
// Arc Image
Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; // See other config types
Bitmap mImage = Bitmap.createBitmap(800, 800, conf); // This creates a mutable bitmap
Canvas imageCanvas = new Canvas(mImage);
// Draw both rectangles
imageCanvas.drawRect(0, 0, 400, 800, paint);
imageCanvas.drawRect(400, 0, 800, 800, paint);
// /Arc Image
// Draw the rectangle image
canvas.drawBitmap(mImage, 0, 0, null);
As your goal is having a colored arc with rounded caps, we next need to define the area of
both rectangles that should be visible to the user. This means that most of both rectangles
will be masked away and thus not visible. Instead the only thing to remain is the arc area.
The result should look like this:
In order to achieve the needed behavior we define a mask that only reveals the arc area within
the rectangles. For this we make heavy use of the setXfermode method of Paint. As argument
we use different instances of a PorterDuffXfermode.
private Paint maskPaint;
private Paint imagePaint;
// ...
// To be called within all constructors
private void init() {
// I encourage you to research what this does in detail for a better understanding
maskPaint = new Paint();
maskPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR));
imagePaint = new Paint();
imagePaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OVER));
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// #step1
// Mask
Bitmap mMask = Bitmap.createBitmap(800, 800, conf);
Canvas maskCanvas = new Canvas(mMask);
final RectF oval = new RectF();
center_x = 400;
center_y = 400;
oval.set(center_x - radius,
center_y - radius,
center_x + radius,
center_y + radius);
maskCanvas.drawArc(oval, 135, 270, false, paint);
// /Mask
// This is new compared to step 1
canvas.drawBitmap(mMask, 0, 0, maskPaint);
canvas.drawBitmap(mImage, 0, 0, imagePaint); // Notice the imagePaint instead of null
2. Create the overlay white thumb
This solves your first problem. The second one can be achieved using masks again, though this
time we want to achieve something different. Before, we wanted to show only a specific area (the arc)
of the background image (being the two rectangles). This time we want to do the opposite:
We define a background image (the thumb) and mask away its inner content, so that only
the stroke seems to remain. Applied to the arc image the thumb overlays the colored arc with
a transparent content area.
So the first step would be drawing the thumb. We use an arc for this with the same radius as
the background arc but different angles, resulting in a much smaller arc. But becaus the
thumb should "surround" the background arc, its stroke width has to be bigger than the
background arc.
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// #step1
// #step2
// Thumb Image
mImage = Bitmap.createBitmap(800, 800, conf);
imageCanvas = new Canvas(mImage);
final RectF oval2 = new RectF();
center_x = 400;
center_y = 400;
oval2.set(center_x - radius,
center_y - radius,
center_x + radius,
center_y + radius);
imageCanvas.drawArc(oval2, 270, 45, false, paint);
// /Thumb Image
canvas.drawBitmap(RotateBitmap(mImage, 90f), 0, 0, null);
public static Bitmap RotateBitmap(Bitmap source, float angle)
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
return Bitmap.createBitmap(source, 0, 0, source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(), matrix, true);
The result of the code is shown below.
So now that we have a thumb that is overlaying the background arc, we need to define the mask
that removes the inner part of the thumb, so that the background arc becomes visible again.
To achieve this we basically use the same parameters as before to create another arc, but
this time the stroke width has to be identical to the width used for the background arc as
this marks the area we want to remove inside the thumb.
Using the following code, the resulting image is shown in picture 4.
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// #step1
// #step2
// Thumb Image
// ...
// /Thumb Image
// Thumb Mask
mMask = Bitmap.createBitmap(800, 800, conf);
maskCanvas = new Canvas(mMask);
paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR));
final RectF oval3 = new RectF();
center_x = 400;
center_y = 400;
oval3.set(center_x - radius,
center_y - radius,
center_x + radius,
center_y + radius);
maskCanvas.drawBitmap(mImage, 0, 0, null);
maskCanvas.drawArc(oval3, 270, 45, false, paint);
// /Thumb Mask
canvas.drawBitmap(RotateBitmap(mMask, 90f), 0, 0, null); // Notice mImage changed to mMask
3. Animate the white thumb
The last part of your question would be animating the movement of the arc. I have no solid
solution for this, but maybe can guide you in a useful direction. I would try the following:
First define the thumb as a ImageView that is part of your whole arc graph. When changing
the selected values of your graph, you rotate the thumb image around the center of the background
arc. Because we want to animate the movement, just setting the rotation of the thumb image would
not be adequate. Instead we use a RotateAnimation kind of like so:
final RotateAnimation animRotate = new RotateAnimation(0.0f, -90.0f, // You have to replace these values with your calculated angles
RotateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, // This may be a tricky part. You probably have to change this to RELATIVE_TO_PARENT
0.5f, // x pivot
0.5f); // y pivot
This is far from final I guess, but it very well may aid you in your search for the needed
solution. It is very important that your pivot values have to refer to the center of your
background arc as this is the point your thumb image should rotate around.
I have tested my (full) code with API Level 16 and 22, 23, so I hope that this answer at least
gives you new ideas on how to solve your problems.
Please note that allocation operations within the onDraw method are a bad idea and should
be avoided. For simplicity I failed to follow this advise. Also the code is to be used as
a guide in the right direction and not to be simply copy & pasted, because it makes heavy
use of magic numbers and generally does not follow good coding standards.
I would change a bit of the way you draw your view, by looking on the original design, instead of drawing 3 caps I would draw just 1 line, that way the SweepGradient will work.
This migth be a bit tricky, you have 2 options:
create a Path with 4 arcs
draw 2 arcs- one is the big white (filled with white so you still want to use Paint.Style.STROKE) and another on top of that make it fill transparent, you can achieve it with PorterDuff xfermode, it probably take you couple of tries until you get that without clearing the green circle too.
I imagine you want to animate thumb position, so just use simple Animation that invalidate the view and draw the thumb view position accordingly.
Hopes this helps
Create a gradient than follow a path is not so simple.
So I can suggest you to use some libraries than already did it.
Include the library:
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.paroca72:sc-gauges:3.0.7'
Create the gauge in XML:
android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" />
Your code:
ScArcGauge gauge = this.findViewById(R.id.gauge);
int lineWidth = 50;
ScCopier baseLine = gauge.getBase();
ScCopier progressLine = gauge.getProgress();
Your result:
You can find something more complex on this site:
I have been battling with trying to draw a bitmap and then highlighting a region on it with a rectangle. Originally, I was drawing a bitmap with alpha black in paint to make image darker and then on top drawing original bitmap in a region creating effect of highlight. I discovered that largest slowdown was because of alpha in Paint. So I have reworked the code and ended up with following in my draw thread:
private synchronized void drawSquare(int xStart, int yStart, int xEnd, int yEnd) {
Canvas c = holder.lockCanvas();
if(c != null) {
// Draw the background picture on top with some changed alpha channel to blend
Paint paint = new Paint();
if(bg != null && cWidth > 0 && cHeight > 0) {
c.clipRect(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE);
c.drawBitmap(bg, gTransform, blackSqr); // Draw derker background
c.clipRect(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, Region.Op.REPLACE);
c.drawBitmap(bg, gTransform, paint); ///draw original in selection
c.clipRect(0, 0, cWidth, cHeight,Region.Op.REPLACE);
Matrix RTcorner = new Matrix();
RTcorner.postTranslate(xEnd + 13, yStart - 13);
Matrix RBcorner = new Matrix();
RBcorner.postTranslate(xEnd + 13, yEnd + 13);
Matrix LBcorner = new Matrix();
LBcorner.postTranslate(xStart - 13, yEnd + 13);
// Draw the fancy bounding box
c.drawRect(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, linePaintB);
// Draw corners for the fancy box
c.drawBitmap(corner, xStart - 13, yStart - 13, new Paint());
c.drawBitmap(corner, RBcorner, new Paint());
c.drawBitmap(corner, LBcorner, new Paint());
c.drawBitmap(corner, RTcorner, new Paint());
So this clips out my selection area, I draw with paint that has this code to make it darker.
blackSqr.setColorFilter(new LightingColorFilter(Color.rgb(100,100,100),0));
And in the area inside the clip I draw my original bitmap. It works. But I am not happy with response time. After profiling Bitmap is what takes the longest. I have scaled the bitmap to the size of the screen already so it's drawing 300x800-ish image. The biggest resource hog seems to be the Lighting effect. Because when I turn it off I get decent response time.
So I was wondering if I have missed anything to improve how quickly bitmap is drawn, maybe caching? Or am I just stuck with this because I want darker image and actually should rethink the "highlighting/selection" altogether? Why is is so expensive to draw a bitmap with alpha colour in 2D image?
if I understand what you want, you want a rectangle (with rounded corners) to highlight a part from another image.
if it is that, then I would use an image with the square wit draw9patch and use it as a floating view over the image view
RelativeLaoyut (Image container)
+- ImageView (your actual image)
+- view (it has the square as a background, and you only have to move it to the area you want to highlight)
I'm sorry, I'm not good explaining myself.
For anyone that is interested, perhaps facing similar problem. This solution applies to my particular situation, but I have a separate background bitmap with darkened pixels manually set using:
for(int i = 0; i < cWidth; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < cHeight; j++){
int c = bg2.getPixel(i, j);
float mult = 0.15f;
int r = (int) (Color.red(c) * mult);
int g = (int) (Color.green(c) * mult);
int b = (int) (Color.blue(c) * mult);
bg2.setPixel(i, j, Color.rgb(r, g, b));
Then use the bg2 to draw main part and the original (not darkened) for the clip rectangle of the selection. There is a bit of overhead for creating and maintaining the second bitmap but the draw speed and response time is quick and smooth in comparison to bitmaps with alpha.
I'm working on an app that needs to apply perspective distortion correction to a photo taken with the phone's camera.
Once the photo is taken, the idea is to show it on an imageview and let the user mark the four corners of the document (a card, a sheet of paper, etc.) and then apply the correction based on those points.
This is an example of what im trying to achieve:
Any ideas on how to do this on android?
You don't have to use a library for this.
You can just as well use one of the drawBitmap functions of the Canvas class with a matrix that's initialized using the setPolyToPoly function of the Matrix class.
public static Bitmap cornerPin(Bitmap b, float[] srcPoints, float[] dstPoints) {
int w = b.getWidth(), h = b.getHeight();
Bitmap result = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Paint p = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
Canvas c = new Canvas(result);
Matrix m = new Matrix();
m.setPolyToPoly(srcPoints, 0, dstPoints, 0, 4);
c.drawBitmap(b, m, p);
return result;
(The Paint object is only needed to enable anti-aliasing.)
int w = bitmap.getWidth(), h = bitmap.getHeight();
float[] src = {
0, 0, // Coordinate of top left point
0, h, // Coordinate of bottom left point
w, h, // Coordinate of bottom right point
w, 0 // Coordinate of top right point
float[] dst = {
0, 0, // Desired coordinate of top left point
0, h, // Desired coordinate of bottom left point
w, 0.8f * h, // Desired coordinate of bottom right point
w, 0.2f * h // Desired coordinate of top right point
Bitmap transformed = cornerPin(bitmap, src, dst);
Where src are the coordinates of the source points, dst are the coordinates of the destination points. Result:
What you want to do goes under various names of art, "corner-pin" being the one commonly used in the visual effects industry. You need to proceed in two steps:
Compute the mapping from the the desired, rectified image, to the original, distorted, image
Actually warp the original image according to the mapping computed in (1).
The 4 (non-collinear, perspective-distorted) corners of the original image, and the 4 corners of the target (undistorted) image, define the mapping. This mapping is called a "homography" - read the pointed wikipedia page for details. Once the mapping is known, the warping at step (2) can be computed by interpolation: for every pixel in the target image, find the corresponding pixel in the original image. As this will typically not be at integer coordinates, you interpolate its color from the neighbors. Various interpolation schemes are used, the common ones being nearest-neighbor, bilinear and bicubic (in increasing order of smoothness in the results).
For Android, I'd recommend installing the OpenCV SDK , and then use the geometry transformation routines (getPerspectiveTransform and warpPerspective for the two steps above).
In my custom view I have to draw on a base Bitmap when the user selects a flag. Suppose I have a base face bitmap and the user turns the mustache flag on. Since this custom View has to be scalable, I want to work with relative coordinates (in the range [0,1]) instead of bitmap width and height. The following doesn't work
Bitmap orig, face;
public void onDraw(Canvas c) {
public void onMustacheFlag() {
face = Bitmap.create(orig);
Canvas c = new Canvas(face);
c.scale(1f / face.getWidth(), 1f / face.getHeight());
// Draw lines, circle, rectangles with all vertices in the range [0.0f, 1.0f]
Also, this custom view forces height to be equal to width (it's a square form factor)
The parameters to Canvas.scale(float, float) serve as coefficients for x e and y coordinates in drawing routines. Passing 1f / width means multiplying values assumed in the range (0, 1) by a number less then 1, thus the result of all drawing routines end up in the top left corner and is likely not visible. Instead, if I pass width and height, the code works as intended, because the range (0, 1) is mapped to (0, width):
public void onMustacheFlag() {
face = Bitmap.create(orig);
Canvas c = new Canvas(face);
c.scale(face.getWidth(), face.getHeight()); // instead of 1 / width
// Draw lines, circle, rectangles with all vertices in the range [0.0f, 1.0f]
I have this sprite rotating algorithm (its poorly named and just used for testing). It is so close, sprites drawn with it do rotate. Everyframe I can add +5 degrees to it and see my nice little sprite rotate around. The problem is, the other stuff drawn to the canvas now flickers. If I don't do the rotation the regular drawn sprites work great. I think I am close but I just don't know what piece I am missing. Below is my two "Draw_Sprite" methods, one just draws the previously resource loaded bitmap to the canvas passed in. The other one, does some rotation the best I know how to rotate the sprite by so x many degrees..and then draw it. If I have a nice game loop that draws several objects, one type is the rotated kind. Then the non-rotated sprites flicker and yet the rotated sprite never does. Though if I draw the non-rotated sprites first, all is well, but then the Z-Ordering could be messed up (sprites on top of UI elements etc)... The method definitions:
* rotated sprite, ignore the whatever, its for ease of use and testing to have this argument list
* #param c canvas to draw on.
* #param whatever ignore
* #param rot degrees to rotate
* #return
public int Draw_Sprite(Canvas c, int whatever, int rot) {
//rotating sprite
Rect src = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);
Rect dst = new Rect(x, y, x + width, y + height);
Matrix orig = c.getMatrix();
mMatrix = orig;
orig.setTranslate(0, 0);
orig.postRotate(rot, x+width/2, y+height/2);
c.drawBitmap(images[curr_frame], src, dst, null);
c.setMatrix(mMatrix); //set it back so all things afterwards are displayed correctly.
return 1;
* draw a regular sprite to canvas c
* #param c
* #return
public int Draw_Sprite(Canvas c) {
Rect src = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);
Rect dst = new Rect(x, y, x + width, y + height);
c.drawBitmap(images[curr_frame], src, dst, null);
return 1;
And now the usage:
void onDraw(Canvas c)
canvas.drawRect( bgRect, bgPaint); //draw the background
//draw all game objects
// draw the normal items
for (GameEntity graphic : _graphics) {
graphic.toScreenCoords((int)player_x, (int)player_y);
if(graphic.getType().equals("planet")) //draw planets
graphic.Draw_Sprite(canvas); //before the rotation call draws fine
//rotate all space ships every frame so i see them spinning
//test rotation
mRot +=5;
graphic.Draw_Sprite(canvas, 0, mRot); //yes function name will be better in future. this rotates spins draws fine
thePlayer.Draw_Sprite(canvas); //FLICKERS
drawUI(canvas);//all things here flickr
So it does do it, things after a call to a rotational draw are drawn correctly. But the problem is it flickrs. Now One could say I should just do all my non rotational stuff and save that last, but the zordering would be off.... suggestions as to how to tackle this issue of zordering or the flickering?
Just for the next guy who may read this. You can do this with only a few lines of code:
canvas.rotate(rotation_angle, x + (widthofimage / 2), y + (heightofimage / 2));
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, x, y, null);
Try using canvas.save() before the rotation and canvas.restore() after manipulation is complete.
When performing manipulations on the canvas in order to change the way an object is drawn you have to remember the manipulations set how the canvas handles origins etc... So if you translate or rotate the canvas, that will be set for the lifetime of that canvas. In order to avoid this you first call save, which saves a snapshot of the canvas matrix before you manipulate it, then you run all your changes, then call restore which will restore the canvas back to the last saved point. Otherwise all your changes build up and you get unintended results.