I have an activity that contains two fragments. I would like to pass data (an ArrayAdapter and an ArrayList) between the two fragments. User operations in Fragment 1 modifies both datatypes, which then need to be passed onto Fragment 2. Similarly, user operations in Fragement 2 also modify the two datatypes, which then need to be passed back to Fragment 1.
Can you please guide on the most elegant way to do it? I have been looking into parcelable and interface. Since, I do not have much experience with Java (let alone android) I was not able to discern the limitations of two approach.
I'd suggest holding a reference to your data object in each fragment (as I'm sure you are) and do something like the following:
public void onResume()
mDataObject = getFragmentManager.getFragmentByTag("Fragment1").getDataObject1();
you can run this in Frag 1 and Frag 2 and it should update the model. If you have sub objects you will need to compare them and determine if the sub-objects are different in a function something like this.
public void determineIfDifferent(DataObject mData1)
Field mData1Fields[] = mData1.getClass().getFields();
Field mData2Fields[] = mData2.getClass().getFields();
for (int i = 0; i < mData1Fields.length; i++)
if (mDataFields[i].get(mData) != null && tempFields[i].get(PS)!= null)
String mDataValue = mDataFields[i].get(mData).toString().trim();
String tempValue = tempFields[i].get(PS).toString().trim();
if (!mDataValue.equals(tempValue))
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
Logger.logStackTrace(getClass().getSimpleName(), e);
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
Logger.logStackTrace(getClass().getSimpleName(), e);
This obviously can be modified if the type is not a String - this is just what I had at hand
You can put them into Intent.putExtra() and vice versa
I have Boolean booleanCheckAvailabilityData to check availability data in my activity to create add/remove favorite. then i create
dataFavoriteMovieById = favoriteMovieViewModel.getAllFavoriteMovieById(idMovie);
to get data by id. so i make conditional statement to check avaiability data then put the result to boolean and i use the boolean later to add or remove the favorite.
if (dataFavoriteMovieById == null) {
booleanCheckAvailabilityData = false;
} else {
booleanCheckAvailabilityData = true;
In the first run, it work. my dataFavoriteMovieById is null
But, after i add or remove favorite. it always always contains data (RoomTrackingLiveData).
How can i solve this...
my code link : https://github.com/komangss/Submission-Menjadi-Android-Developer-Expert/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/dicoding/submissionmade2_1/activity/DetailMovieActivity.java
I played with your app (thanks for providing a github link) and here are my results.
Latest app version
Your latest implementation doesn't produce an NPE anymore since you use getAllFavoriteMovieById in a more consistent way. You no longer initialize a LiveData instance in FavoriteMovieRepository by yourself but delegate it to Room to do it for you. So, you won't get an NPE since Room will always create a list to return results. If there're no items, it will return an empty list. So, you can safely remove a try/catch here:
try {
favoriteMovieViewModel.getAllFavoriteMovieById(idMovie).observe(this, new Observer<List<FavoriteMovie>>() {
public void onChanged(List<FavoriteMovie> favoriteMovies) {
booleanCheckAvailabilityData = favoriteMovies.size() != 0;
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
Log.d("ini bug nya", e.getMessage());
Original app version
In addition to what #Paul Ost said about how favoriteMovieViewModel should be used properly (by listening to it, not using it directly), I will explain why you actually had an NPE.
In that version, you were running into a NullPointerException because you returned the favoriteMovieById LiveData before it was actually initialized in your GetFavoriteMovieByIdAsyncTask.
So, here what was happening in detail. First, once your DetailMovieActivity had been created, favoriteMovieViewModel called getAllFavoriteMovieById() as below:
favoriteMovieViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(FavoriteMovieViewModel.class);
dataFavoriteMovieById = favoriteMovieViewModel.getAllFavoriteMovieById(idMovie);
FavoriteMovieViewModel instance, in turn, delegated the call to FavoriteMovieRepository instance as below:
public LiveData<List<FavoriteMovie>> getAllFavoriteMovieById(int idMovie) {
return repository.getFavoriteMovieById(idMovie);
Finally, getFavoriteMovieById started a GetFavoriteMovieByIdAsyncTask and returned favoriteMovieById:
public LiveData<List<FavoriteMovie>> getFavoriteMovieById(int id_movie) {
new GetFavoriteMovieByIdAsyncTask(favoriteMovieDao).execute(id_movie);
return favoriteMovieById;
But that's wrong, since your favoriteMovieById was set to null by default, and so on the first run, you were always getting it.
Your AsyncTask was eventually setting a non-null value, but it was too late:
private static class GetFavoriteMovieByIdAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Integer, Void, Void> {
protected Void doInBackground(Integer... integers) {
FavoriteMovieRepository.favoriteMovieById = favoriteMovieDao.getFavoriteMovieById(integers[0]);
return null;
From what I can see in your code - getAllFavoriteMovieById works as expected. The thing is - you are using LiveData as a return type of getAllFavoriteMovieById thus it returns not the value itself but a LiveData wrapper. But if you will try to observe this LiveData object you will(presumably since I haven't seen relevant code) receive null instead of favourite value. The only correct place to assign value to your booleanCheckAvailabilityData inside this observer(depending on your DAO code of course).
favouriteMovieViewModel.getAllFavoriteMovieById().observe(this, Observer { data ->
if (data == null) {
booleanCheckAvailabilityData = false;
} else {
booleanCheckAvailabilityData = true;
Something like that(once again it depends on your DAO code and getAllFavoriteMovieById implementation)
Hope it helps.
In ROOM Try Deleting the old TABLE before inserting the new data. In that case the old data will be deleted as we are deleting the old data
regarding my code example down, what shold I do if one Locable's variables is null? In example, now if l.getZoom() returns null, I got NullPointerException.
public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int arg1) {
for(Locable l:locableArr){
You can use Parcel.writeValue for marshalling generic object with null value.
I'm using a Parcelable class that has Integer and Boolean fields as well, and those fields can be null.
I had trouble using the generic Parcel.writeValue method, particularly when I was trying to read it back out via Parcel.readValue. I kept getting a runtime exception that said it couldn't figure out the type of the parceled object.
Ultimately, I was able to solve the problem by using Parcel.writeSerializable and Parcel.readSerializable with a type cast, as both Integer and Boolean implement the Serializable interface. The read and write methods handle null values for you.
This is the solution I came up with to write strings safely:
private void writeStringToParcel(Parcel p, String s) {
p.writeByte((byte)(s != null ? 1 : 0));
private String readStringFromParcel(Parcel p) {
boolean isPresent = p.readByte() == 1;
return isPresent ? p.readString() : null;
Most serialization code that I've seen uses either flags to indicate the presence/absence of a value OR precedes the value with a count field (for example, when writing arrays) where the count field is just set to zero if the value doesn't exist at all.
Examining the source code of Android core classes reveals code like this (from Message class):
if (obj != null) {
try {
Parcelable p = (Parcelable)obj;
dest.writeParcelable(p, flags);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Can't marshal non-Parcelable objects across processes.");
} else {
or this (from Intent class):
if (mCategories != null) {
for (String category : mCategories) {
} else {
My suggestion: In your code, if there is no functional difference between "zoom == null" and "zoom == 0", then I would just declare zoom as a primitive (int instead of Integer) OR initialize it to zero in the constructor and ensure that you never set it to null (then you can be guaranteed that it will never be null and you won't have to add special code to deal with that in your serialization/deserialization methods).
I'm trying to retrieve String objects from Parse. I do able to get the objects back - but only inside the 'done' method. I wish to send the data i retrieve to another function\class. I tried to do this with some different public function in the same class or even to save the String in public field, but in the moment the callback is done, the data remains blank.
what can i do in order to keep the retrieved data?
this is my code:
public void done(List<ParseObject> parseObjects, com.parse.ParseException e) {
if (e == null) {
'myFieldArray' = new String[parseObjects.size()][3];
String text = "";
int index =0;
for(ParseObject po : parseObjects){
text = po.getString("Fact");
Toast.makeText(context,theFact, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
'myFieldArray'[index][0] = text;
after few tries, i realized that the Parse query probably goes inside the block twice - and ones when there are no objects returned - thats mean the array will be initialized again - and thats the reason its remains null.
the part i should have added is
if (e == null && parseObject.size()>0)
I am asking this question because, this is quiet no clear to me why my graph does not get update each time the user select to parse data for 1day or 1week or 1month basis. A similar How to update/remove/insert new series/data in Shinobi Line Chart in android?
I attempted the answer provided by a member called Kai, apparently he works for shinobicontrols.
You may also also note that I have implemented the shinobichart library inside a GraphFragment that seats in a view pager, which imports android.android.support.v4.app.Fragment;
ViewPagerAdapter class imports
import android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter;
and the fragment transaction that calls the GraphFragment class budles an array of graph data from another activity that parses the JSON graphdata. I am trying to make this question clear so that when you read my code atleast you get an idea that the problem is not the JSON data because is pulled accordingly based on 1week, 1day or 1month. The issues is that Shinobichart does remove the series and its data but does not plot new parsed data. I read shinobichart user-guide how to handle chart-life cycle but was unable to find the solution I want. I also read ChartFragment handle onPause and onResume for the developer and I wonder If the same applies to SupportChartFragment.
Here is my GraphFragment that integrates shinobichart.Hope someone can help. Thank you in advance.
public class GraphFragment extends Fragment implements OnClickListener,
private static final int CROSSHAIR_INACTIVE_COLOR = Color.argb(255, 240, 240, 240);
private static final int CROSSHAIR_ACTIVE_COLOR = Color.argb(150, 0, 0, 0);
Context context;
String label_x[];
ArrayList<DataAssetGraph> alAssetGraph = new ArrayList<DataAssetGraph>();
Button btnOneDayG, btnOneWeekG, btnOneMonthG;
String endDate;
String assetId;
ProgressDialog dialog;
ShinobiChart shinobiChart;
LineSeries series;
SupportChartFragment chartFragment;
String startDate;
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState);
View view = null;
view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_chart, null);
if (getArguments() != null) {
alAssetGraph = (ArrayList<DataAssetGraph>) getArguments()
if (alAssetGraph != null && alAssetGraph.size() > 0) {
// DrawGraph(alAssetGraph);
// Only setup the chart the first time the activity is created
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
// Log.d("Init Graph", "Retrieve"+ alAssetGraph);
chartFragment =
(SupportChartFragment) getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.chart);
shinobiChart = chartFragment.getShinobiChart();
// TODO: replace <license_key_here> with you trial license key
shinobiChart.setLicenseKey("sCVfKPnWajLtffqMjAxNTA0MThzdGVybmx5QHJpZ2h0Y2xpY2t" +
"tZWRpYS5jby56YQ==rveipQf9y4819/K4wLwWKR86Q1RIViUBTLEhBXAwh6q5zW53TgYi" +
"JcIUvc3S7DhTfH4KzUNeol9Rc5rXrzLOBnzP0TStc8n+eytCBhUFEgR21Cv7gq1dLEvOu" +
"tLENUwUtZ6Crk+Z8syIKEuyfZ8/1gtPvHIc=BQxSUisl3BaWf/7myRmmlIjRnMU2cA7q+" +
"/03ZX9wdj30RzapYANf51ee3Pi8m2rVW6aD7t6Hi4Qy5vv9xpaQYXF5T7XzsafhzS3hbBo" +
"kp36BoJZg8IrceBj742nQajYyV7trx5GIw9jy/V6r0bvctKYwTim7Kzq+YPWGMtqtQoU=" +
"PFJTQUtleVZhbHVlPjxNb2R1bHVzPnh6YlRrc2dYWWJvQUh5VGR6dkNzQXUrUVAxQnM5b2" +
"dwMFBsNWlSKzNVMDg5M1N4b2hCZlJ5RHdEeE9vdDNlMD08L01vZHVsdXM+PEV4cG9uZW50Pk" +
// Create the series
// Add this Activity as a listener for any crosshair changes
} else {
return view;
private void initView(View view)
public void onClick(View v) {
switch (v.getId()) {
case R.id.btnOneDayG:
System.out.println("Btn Date 1 day: %tc"+startDate);
case R.id.btnOneWeekG:
System.out.println("Btn Date 1 week: %tc"+startDate);
case R.id.btnOneMonthG:
System.out.println("Btn Date 1 Month: %tc"+startDate);
private void createLineSeries(ArrayList<DataAssetGraph> alGraph) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// remove Series
while (shinobiChart.getSeries().size() > 0) {
// remove Axis
while (shinobiChart.getAllXAxes().size() > 0) {
while (shinobiChart.getAllYAxes().size() > 0) {
// Create the X-axis, showing ticks daily with a custom format and
// clipping the tick at the far right
DateTimeAxis xAxis = new DateTimeAxis();
// xAxis.setTitle("Date/Time");
// Create the Y-axis, clipping the tick at the top
NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
// yAxis.setTitle("Temperature");
// Declare length of graph array
int length=alGraph.size();
LineSeries series = new LineSeries();
DataAdapter<Date, Double> data = new SimpleDataAdapter<Date, Double>();
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
String dateString=alGraph.get(i).x_cord;
double y_cord= alGraph.get(i).y_cord;
Date x_cord=convertToDate(dateString);
data.add(new DataPoint<Date, Double>(x_cord, y_cord));
// reload and redraw the graph
shinobiChart.addSeries(series, xAxis, yAxis);
System.out.println("Add Series");
// Style the chart and the crosshair
// shinobiChart.getStyle().setPlotAreaBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK);
// Remember to redraw the chart to make the changes visible
private Date convertToDate(String dateString)
Date convertedDate= new Date();
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
convertedDate = dateFormat.parse(dateString);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return null;
return convertedDate;
private void getGraphHistory(String start_date)
System.out.println("Get graph History: %tc"+ start_date);
dialog= new ProgressDialog(getActivity());
dialog.setMessage("Retrieving graph...");
new LoadAssetGraphTask(getActivity(),assetId, start_date,endDate)
protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<DataAssetGraph> result)
if(result!=null && result.size()>0)
System.out.println("onPostExecute Called");
public void onCrosshairActivationStateChanged(ShinobiChart chart) {
// Set the plot area background color depending on the crosshair's
// activation state
if (chart.getCrosshair().isActive()) {
else {
// Remember to redraw the chart to make the color change visible
I appreciate that it is some time since you have asked this. As it is unanswered, I will try to provide an answer, also in case other people ask similar questions.
Can you please post the rest of your code as it is difficult to get the full picture of what your code is doing? For example your layout files, Activity file and your LoadAssetGraphTask file.
In the meantime, I have created a simple application which has one main activity which contains a ViewPager. I have extended SupportChartFragment and I hold 3 charts in the ViewPager. I have 3 buttons in my Activity, which load 3, 6 and 12 months of data to the chart.
I have kept my data quite simple for the purposes of this exercise, I simply hard code it.
I was successful in being able to dynamically re-load my data upon clicking the buttons.
You can see my app on GitHub here:
I can make several observations about your code:
To reload your chart you do not necessarily need to remove your axes and the Series. Having said that, every time you add a data point to your DataAdapter, a full draw of the chart is invoked which may hamper performance. As such you may like to detach your DataAdapter from your Series, update your data and then re-attach it.
I notice you have made your Fragment implement OnClickListener. I noticed using this approach the chart was not initially updated, but in fact another chart within the ViewPager (which was currently off-screen) was updated instead. I notice that as I paged though my pages within the ViewPager, all of the contained charts were updated. At this point in time I am no expert on how the ViewPager class internally handles the creation and destruction of fragments, but this may certainly be an area to investigate further.
When I set the click listener in the Activity and 'push' the command to reload to the current fragment, it works.
You may also have an issue with your LoadAssetGraphTask, which I believe is an AsyncTask. Obviously I cannot see this code at present so I do not know what this class will be doing. Have you tried a simpler approach first, with dummy data within your Fragment (as I have) to rule out any issue with the AsyncTask?
SupportChartFragment and ChartFragment do handle life cycle call backs for you, so you do not need to override onPause or onResume. You may have issues however if you try to nest your Fragment inside another Fragment, because ChartFragment/SupportChartFragment is retained across Activity re-creation and the Android framework does not allow retained Fragments within other Fragments. If your use-case dictates this you may find using a ChartView a more suitable approach. In this case you would need to handle life cycle call backs.
If you wish to use the ChartFragment or SupportChartFragment, another approach might be to extend the class directly, rather than extend Fragment. This is the approach which I have taken in my app. With this approach you are less likely to encounter inflation issues when inflating nested fragments.
I hope that this helps. Thanks, Kai.
Disclaimer - I work for Shinobicontrols.
I was wondering what the best way is to store variables of a complex data type in Android. onSaveInstanceState() can only be used for simple data types like string, integer etc., but if I wanted so save something else, what could I do?
These are the methods I know of so far:
Save it in the database and restore it
Create a json and save the json-string in the database or shared preferences.
Use static variables (not recommended due to possible memory leaks and other unwanted behaviour)
Making it parceable
I am not satisfied with either one of the methods mentioned above, so I am looking for a different, more generic approach. For example if I wanted to save an ArrayList containing fragments, what could I do (let's not discuss why I would do that, and let's also pretend there's no such such as a fragmentmanager).
I believe if you can make a class parcelable you can store the same as below in the same OnsaveInstanceState
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
outState.putParcelable("ListViewFragment", (Parcelable) mLeftMenuFragment);
outState.putParcelable("ProductsGridFragment", (Parcelable) mProductsGridFragment);
outState.putParcelable("ProductDetailsFragment", (Parcelable) mProductDetailsFragment);
outState.putParcelable("FeaturedFragment", (Parcelable) mFeaturedFragment);
outState.putParcelable("CategoryFragment", (Parcelable) mCategoryFragment);
catch(Exception e)
mLogger.error(Logger.ERROR_CODE_API, e);
Get them back as below
if(savedInstanceState != null)
isFeaturedProduct = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("IsFeaturedProduct");
mLeftMenuFragment = (LeftMenuFragment) savedInstanceState.getParcelable("ListViewFragment");
mProductsGridFragment = (ProductListFragment) savedInstanceState.getParcelable("ProductsGridFragment");
mProductDetailsFragment = (ProductDetailsFragment) savedInstanceState.getParcelable("ProductDetailsFragment");
mFeaturedFragment = (FeaturedFragment) savedInstanceState.getParcelable("FeaturedFragment");
mCategoryFragment = (CategoryFragment) savedInstanceState.getParcelable("CategoryFragment");
// mActionBar.setTitle(savedInstanceState.getString("ActionBarTitle"));
mLeftMenuFragment = new LeftMenuFragment();
mProductsGridFragment = new ProductListFragment();
mProductDetailsFragment = new ProductDetailsFragment();
mFeaturedFragment = new FeaturedFragment();
mCategoryFragment = new CategoryFragment();
mIsFeaturedClicked = true;