I have my activity registered as Intent filter (plaintext) and have the issue with receiving multiple intents. This is my situation:
I open email client -> mark some text -> press "Share button" and choose my activity which is correctly listed (as it is registered as intent filter for such action)
My activity opens and I can clearly see that intent has correct values in its EXTRA_TEXT (marked text from email)
So far so good...but now, if I press HOME button (which closes my Activity and seems to call onStop()) -> then I open email client again -> mark some DIFFERENT text -> press "Share button", then suddenly my activity opens (I would expect the list of available activities to choose from again) and received intent contains the ORIGINAL text and not the newly marked one in its EXTRA_TEXT.
What am I missing here? How to receive new content via intent this way? Do I need to somehow invalidate previous Intent?
I have to say that using "BACK" instead of "HOME" button works correctly and new intent contains newly marked text as expected. What's the difference here?
I get my Intent this way:
intent = getIntent();
intentAction = intent.getAction();
if (intentAction.equals(Intent.ACTION_SEND) && intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT)) {
Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
Try setting your Activity launchMode to "singleTop" then implement...
protected void onNewIntent (Intent intent) {
The Intent passed in to that method should be the new one.
See the docs for onNewIntent
EDIT: For future readers - based on the comments below, it seems the documentation may be incorrect and launchMode should be "singleTask" and not "singleTop".
Hi I'm developing an application that has 2 types of user: Admin and normal user; The admin obviously has more actions than the normal user, so I need to use dynamic Shortcuts, depending on the user the Shortcuts are created.
At this point everything is already codified and working. However, at the time of assigning an Intent, even to the MainActivity I receive an error.
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.motusk.Monit", "com.motusk.Monit.activity.MainActivity"));
shortcut.add(new ShortcutInfo.Builder(this, "ub")
.setIcon(Icon.createWithResource(this, R.drawable.bg))
I also tried with:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
But, in both I get the error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.motusk.Monit/com.motusk.Monit.activity.MainActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException: intent's action must be set
In what I need help with is:
1) How to create a correct Intent to the MainActivity?
2) How to know which shortcut was pressed? (The process of depending on which shortcut was pressed to open a certain Fragment will be performed in the MainActivity, that's why I need to know which Shortcut was pressed).
As per the error message, your Intent must set an action with setAction:
You can then check the action in your Activity:
String action = getIntent() != null ? getIntent().getAction() : null;
if ("LOCATION_SHORTCUT".equals(action)) {
// Show the correct fragment
I need to launch an activity (not the main activity) of an application from an application I have made. The activity I want to launch is proprietary, hence, I cannot make any changes to its code(or manifest).
For example: I want to launch somebody's Facebook profile from my own application. A normal intent to facebook from my app would open the 'newsfeed'(which I don't want). I want to know how to access any other activity.
Thanks in advance!
The little code I have:
String PACKAGE="com.facebook.katana";
Intent launchIntent = getPackageManager()
To launch specific activity you need to use explicit intent. Or use implicit intent with action if you know what action that activity answers to.
To use explicit intent you can do the following (provided you call it from the activity):
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.package.name", "com.package.name.ActivityName"));
if(getPackageManager().resolveActivity(intent, 0) != null) {
} else {
Toast.makeText(this, "No app installed that can perform this action", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
You can also add flags to the intent, add actions and categories. As long as the intent can be resolved as viable intent by the PackageManager, it will launch the activity.
The question about facebook profile, is a different one.
Perhaps, the best way to achieve that would be to use intent with action VIEW and povide Intent.setData with uri to the profile page. That should also be checked for possibility of being resolved correctly. And then will launch the chooser of all supported activities to open it, which should include facebook application. It is then up to user to open the intent using Facebook app or launcher.
I have recently started a new Android project and I'm working off the previous developer's code. I'm relatively new to Android and I've come across something that I'm unsure of.
What is the difference between this:
Intent intent = new Intent("com.example.project.MENU");
and this:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, DisplayMenu.class);
I understand what the 2nd code snippet does, I just can't get my head around as to what the first one is doing? Is it referencing the file in the package? Thanks
The first one is an implicit intent, while the second is an explicit intent.
The first one fired an Intent for the action com.example.project.MENU. If you look inside you project AndroidManifest.xml you can see some <intent-filter> balise. This baslise register activity, service or broadcast receiver to different actions.
This mecanism can be used to allow third party app to launch some of your activities.
You can see more on this tutorial http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/AndroidIntent/article.html#intenttypes
Basically an Intent carries some information that are used by the system in order to determine which component should be called for executing the action.
These information are:
Component name: the name of the component that should be launched. (If present the Intent is Explicit)
Action: it specifies the generic action that should be executed (es. ACTION_VIEW, ACTION_SEND). It determines how the rest of the intent is strucutred.
Data: represents the URI that refers to the object that should be associated with the action. For example with the action ACTION_EDIT, the Data should contain the URI of the document that you want modify.
Category: Additional infromation (for example if you want that your app is shown in the launcher you can use CATEGORY_LAUNCHER)
Extras: keys-values pairs that carries additional information
Flags: it is like a metadata that specify how the intent should be managed by the system.
The Intent class provides a lot of different constructors.
The first one you asked for is public Intent (String action)
So, this sets the Action, and lets null all other fields.
The second one public Intent (Context packageContext, Class<?> cls) creates an intent for a specific component by its Component name. All other fields are null. This is a Explicit Intent, since you declare exactly which component should receive it.
The first one is used when you need to call Intent from System
such as Open Camera, Gallery, or Share something to other Application
for example
// this one call Camera to Capture Image
Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
// this one call gallery to let you select image
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);
and That MediaStore.something here is just a Path to the system
for example
MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE = "android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE"
Intent.ACTION_PICK = "android.intent.action.PICK"
The first type of intent is mostly used if you want to open another application from your application while the second type of intent is used to open another activity in your application.
I am puzzled over this behavior I am experiencing in an application I am developing...
Intent data is not clearing out when the user presses the back button to leave the application and then presses the recent button to re-enter the application. (Every other case, the intent data is cleared out)
I have an application with a splash screen that is used to collect data that is passed in from a URI scheme. I then setup an intent to forward the data to the main activity. The main activity has fragments and is based off the master/detail template.
The intent data is cleared out in all cases, such as pressing the home button and then going back to the application, pressing the recent apps button and then going back to the application, etc. The only case where the intent data is not cleared out is when the user presses the back button and then the recent apps button to get back into the application.
Relevant snippets of code that involve the intents:
// Splash Screen Activity
protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
// Data is done downloading, pass notice and app ids to next activity
Intent intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), ListActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("id1", id1);
intent.putExtra("id2", id2);
intent.putExtra("id3", id3);
// ListActivity retrieving intent data
Intent intent = getIntent();
if (intent != null) {
this.id1 = intent.getExtras().getString("id1");
this.id2 = intent.getExtras().getString("id2");
this.id3 = intent.getExtras().getString("id3");
// ListActivity clearing intent data
public void onPause() {
// Clear intent data
Intent intent = getIntent();
intent.putExtra("id1", "");
intent.putExtra("id2", "");
intent.putExtra("id3", "");
I want to note that I have also tried using intent.removeExtra("id1") but that too did not work.
Any idea what is going on? It is as if Android is keeping the old intent even though onPause() is always called to clear the intent data.
actually this is due to Android starting the app from the history hence the intent extras are still in there
refer to this questions Android: Starting app from 'recent applications' starts it with the last set of extras used in an intent
so adding this conditional to handle this special case fixed it for me
int flags = getActivity().getIntent().getFlags();
if ((flags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY) != 0) {
// The activity was launched from history
// remove extras here
I believe the difference here is that the Back key is actually causing your Activity to finish, where as pressing Home causes your activity to be paused, but not finished.So when your process is brought back to the front in the Home case, it is simply resuming an already existing Activity instance, whereas in the Back case, the system is instantiating a new copy of your Activity, calling onCreate(), and handing it a fresh copy of the last Intent recorded for that activity.
In onPause() you are clearing the extras in a "copy" of the Intent. You can try adding
to onPause() after you've cleared the extras (although calling removeExtra() would probably also work instead of setting extras to empty strings).
However, I would suggest that this design is flawed. You shouldn't use the Intent to keep track of state in your application. You should save some state in shared preferences because this will survive your app being killed/restarted, a reboot of the phone, or whatever.
The problem is that the new Intent is not persisted, so that If the user presses the HOME button and your app goes to the background and then Android kills your app because it is not active, when the user returns to the app, Android will create a new process for your app and it will recreate the activity using the original Intent.
Also, if you read the documentation for getIntent() it says that it returns the Intent that started the activity.
To get around the issue I was facing, I opted to use SharedPreferences as a means to pass data between activities.
I know SharedPreferences isn't typically used for this purpose, but it solved my issue and works.
I've been reading the sample code from the dev docs on Android's site, specifically this:
Which is the sole activity of the sample app. It refers to an intent in the onCreate method. I don't understand where this intent is coming from, or what it should contain if this is the only activity the app utilizes.
Log.i(TAG, "loading data from Intent");
final Intent intent = getIntent();
mUsername = intent.getStringExtra(PARAM_USERNAME);
mAuthtokenType = intent.getStringExtra(PARAM_AUTHTOKEN_TYPE);
mRequestNewAccount = mUsername == null;
mConfirmCredentials = intent.getBooleanExtra(PARAM_CONFIRM_CREDENTIALS, false);
That's the block of code working with the intent. Why would you have an intent for the only activity in the app? Is this app called in an unusual way? The Manifest does not include an intent filter for the activity... I guess I'm just a bit lost on this whole thing! If someone could set me straight that'd be great, thanks.
Why would you have an intent for the only activity in the app?
getIntent() gets you the intent that started this activity.
Is this app called in an unusual way?
I guess this activity is called programmatically from another app or activity, since it has been passed some extra data: getStringExtra() is used to extract some data from the intent that started it. putExtra.. and getExtra.. is a way to pass data between activities when they are started.
In that specific example, the intent is sent from the addAccount method in Authenticator.java. That method is called by the OS when you click the Add Account button in the Accounts & sync settings screen and choose your account type.