List & Map Marker clicks - android

I've got an Activity that holds a ListFragment on the left and a SupportMapFragment on the right.
List and Map are both backed by the same data. The visual representation of the data on the Map are Markers.
I want to be able to perform a click on either a list item or a Marker and get the corresponding item in the other visual representation.
Restrictions of the framework and my data are:
The Marker class is final and the Marker's id does not have a modificator. This is why I can't use the easiest possible way.
"It's important to not hold on to objects (e.g. Marker) beyond the
view's life. Otherwise it will cause a memory leak as the view cannot
be released." (see SupportMapFragment)
Titles of Markers can occur multiple times. This is why the expensive String comparison is not a way I can go.
Does anyone have a working solution for this issue or can provide a nudge in the right direction?

If you want to be able to register to clicks on a Marker, you'll need to override the InfoWindowAdapter.
You can provide unique information to the title and snippet of a Marker and implement the interface's methods in this style:
public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) {
// do nothing here in order to obtain the original info window border.
return null;
public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
// Create your own view here. Obtain the unique information stored
// in title / snippet of the current marker.
return createdView;
Now you can set the OnInfoWindowClickListener and work with the unique information stored there.

Here's another option. The latest APIs provide an OnMarkerClickListener interface.


Would it possible to implement a button to the approach I'm taking to display information in a Google Maps marker in Android?

I'm creating a small app that will help a user find a sports club. I'm currently creating a club coordinate variable in the file like so:
public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
mMap = googleMap;
LatLng lansdowneRFC = new LatLng(53.3334103,-6.2201649);
// Adds location to the map (includes a small bit of info about the club)
mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(lansdowneRFC).title("Lansdowne RFC").snippet("Aviva Stadium, 62 Lansdowne Rd,"));
This produces the following result
I'm trying to add a button to the information box that will bring the user to another activity (The activity will be a sign up form so they can join the club). Considering the approach I'm using is it possible to implement a button or will I have to approach it in another way? I've seen ideas like a custom popup window be suggested for this type of thing but how I implement that into a google maps marker instead of a button is where I'm hitting a brick wall. Any suggestions
You can set your own implementation of InfoWindowAdapter to your GoogleMap object with a call to setInfoWindowAdapter().
And in the adapter you can override getInfoContents() to return whatever view you want.
But the down side is the view that is shown is not a live view, it's an image of the view you created, and you can handle the click on it using a OnInfoWindowClickListener that you set on the GoogleMap object with setOnInfoWindowClickListener().
But that handles the click on the whole window, not just the button.
Another option is to know where your marker is at the screen and show a popup manually above it that has nothing to do with the map, but I would not recommend that approach, with Android's different device sizes and all, that could quickly get very ugly.

How to manage Markers well using google maps api v2 on android

I'm trying to implement app in which you can add your own marker which will be given a shutdown time. To do so I need to know how to manage my markers. Let's say I have array list of users with assigned unique ID.
private ArrayList<User> userList = new ArrayList<>();
Then I will create array list of markers which will contain information like Latitude, Longitude, Title, owner's ID and deadline.
private ArrayList<MyMarker> mMarkersArray = new ArrayList<MyMarker>();
Next whenever user will activate add marker method, new marker will be pushed to my list of markers. Ideologically everything seems nice and easy, furthermore creating new object looks like this:
Marker mMarker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions() (...) );
but when it comes to managing specific markers it seems like I'm missing something. There will be some trigger method which will check the deadline of all markers (or rather first one on the 'sorted by deadline' list) and then it should remove (not hide, because I think it would be inefficient from the memory point of view). How to achieve this? I can't add some custom variable like ID to markers (so I could then find the one I'm interested in) and I'm a bit lost.
There is a way to achieve this by clearing whole map and then rendering again all markers except the inactive, but as far as I'm concerned it's very inefficient and there has to be better solution.
If you want to remove a specific marker from the map, you can just call the remove(). method.
Sample code to remove a marker from MapView and HashMap:
for (Marker marker : hm.keySet()) {
if (hm.get(marker).equals(deadline)) {
You dont need to clear the entire MapView, if you just call remove() method on specific marker.

Interactive map android v2

I want to build an interactive Android map app. It will have different marker types and lots of of different options when clicking on them.
First approach :
I started with the notion I will use custom infowindows but figured out that a map can have only single InfoWindowAdapter, with that said, this approach has another fault. InfoWindows can't have click listeners registered to them and I need to have some clickable UI to show after marker click.
Second approach :
Marker click triggers an alertDialog which corresponds to the marker type. I'm hesitant because I'll have lots of switch case inside the OnActivityResult.
Example - dialog fragments with OnActivityResult
Any other ideas ? Am I missing something ?
I ran into similar problem some time ago and I "hacked" it as follows:
mGoogleMap.setInfoWindowAdapter(new InfoWindowAdapter() {
public View getInfoWindow(Marker pMarker) {
MarkerDescriptor descriptor = mMarkerDescriptorsMap.get(pMarker);
return descriptor.getInfoWindowView();
MarkerDescriptor should be simple interface that will be implemented for each specific marker type:
public interface MarkerDescriptor {
public View getInfoWindowView();
public OnInfoWindowClickListener getOnInfoWindowClickListener(Context pContext);
And to keep the references:
private Map<Marker, MarkerDescriptor> mMarkerDescriptorsMap = new HashMap<Marker, MarkerDescriptor>();
Basics of this idea is that GoogleMap can have only one marker selected at the time, so when user chooses another marker, we change the listeners.

Multiple InfoWindowAdatper's

I have a map in which I am creating different types of markers. I cannot assign an info window adapter to a marker (gee wouldn't that be nice), I can only assign on InfoWindowAdapter for the entire map (at least I think).
My problem is that I want to show a different type of info widow depending on what I clicked. Id the only way to set one InfoWindowAdapter that will handle creating the correct type of info window based on the marker that I am passed?
Am I missing something easy?
When you add a marker to the map, you are receiving back an ID, which uniquely identifies your marker.
You can create an instance of your InfoWindowAdapter immediately after you add the marker and put it in a map, which keeps the ID as key and your InfoWindowAdapter as value.
Marker marker = map.addMarker(options);
// Create your special infoWindowAdapter for this marker
// ...
adapterMap.put(marker.getId(), youSpecialInfoWindowAdapter);
In the one central InfoWindowAdapter, which you register at the map, you can just use the ID of the marker to get the specific InfoWindowAdapter and delegate to the methods of that.
Access to the map can e.g. be provided in the constructor of the InfoWindowAdapter (to avoid global or static variables):
class CentralInfoWindowAdapter implements InfoWindowAdapter {
Map<String, GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter> adapterMap;
public CentralInfoWindowAdapter(
Map<String, GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter> adapterMap) {
this.adapterMap = adapterMap;
public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
InfoWindowAdapter adapter = adapterMap.get(marker.getId());
return adapter.getInfoContents(marker);
public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) {
InfoWindowAdapter adapter = adapterMap.get(marker.getId());
return adapter.getInfoWindow(marker);
You can vary this principle of course. If you have only a few different InfoWindowAdapters depending on the "type" of the marker, you may put an enumeration into the map, which identifies the type of your marker and lets you decide, which kind of real InfoWindowAdapter to use inside the central InfoWindowAdapter, or you may still put instances of your special InfoWindowAdapter into the map, but use the same instance for the same type of marker.
if i am right you want to show a different window adapter on each marker?.. if yes you can add a tag on each marker then inside one of the two infowindow function either infowindow() or infocontents() checks the marker tag and add the appropriate layout.

How do I pass custom data to Google Maps v2 InfoWindowAdapter?

I am trying to take advantage of an InfoWindowAdapter to provide custom content for the InfoView. I'm pulling down a JSONArray from my web service and adding the Markers but I'm not seeing how to pass the detail to the call back via a Marker.
public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker)
In the Javascript API I was able to just set arbitrary marker info. I want to be able to pass info that can be used as conditionals for the custom content, example a marker.status string. So something other than title etc. The view will need a number of custom fields I need to pass in.
perhaps try adding your info or object to the marker as explained here:
Edit: I also made a post that continues the previous to use the InfoWindowAdapter.
Check it out here!

